995 resultados para UNILATERAL 6-OHDA LESION
This study analyzed the effects of the unilateral removal and dissection of the masseter muscle on the facial growth of young rats. A total of 30 one-month-old Wistar rats were used. Unilateral complete removal of the masseter muscle was performed in the removal group, and detachment followed by repositioning of the masseter muscle was performed in the dissection group, while only surgical access was performed in the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Axial radiographic projections of the skulls and lateral projections of the hemimandibles were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were made and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. In the removal group, there were contour alterations of the angular process, and a significant homolateral difference in the length of the maxilla and a significant bilateral difference in the height of the mandibular body and the length of the mandible were observed. Comparison among groups revealed significance only in the removal group. It was concluded that the experimental removal of the masseter muscle during the growing period in rats induced atrophic changes in the angular process, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and shortening of the whole mandible.
INTRODUÇÃO: a aparatologia ortodôntica dificulta a higiene bucal e pode contribuir para a formação de lesões gengivais, como os processos proliferativos gengivais não neoplásicos. Essas lesões, dependendo de alguns fatores - como o tempo de evolução, constituintes histopatológicos e condições bucais -, podem ser reversíveis, em alguns casos, por meio da orientação sobre higiene bucal e da terapia periodontal básica. Entretanto, na maioria das vezes há necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico. OBJETIVO: o propósito deste trabalho é relatar o caso de uma paciente portadora de aparatologia ortodôntica fixa que apresentou duas lesões gengivais distintas, diagnosticadas como granuloma piogênico e hiperplasia gengival inflamatória. Foram discutidas as características clínicas e histopatológicas, incidência e frequência, modalidades terapêuticas e prevenção de ambas as lesões, demonstrando a importância do encaminhamento do material colhido ao exame histopatológico, dada a possibilidade de diversas hipóteses diagnósticas. Em ambas as lesões foi realizada a exérese cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: a lesão na arcada superior, diagnosticada como granuloma piogênico, apresentou recorrência, sendo necessária terapia periodontal básicae repetiçãodoprocedimento cirúrgico. Alesão na arcada inferior foi diagnosticada como hiperplasia gengival, sendo removida cirurgicamente e acompanhada clinicamente, com prescrição de orientação da higiene bucal ao paciente
FUNDAMENTO: A doença periodontal representa risco à gestante portadora de valvopatia reumática, seja para contrair endocardite infecciosa, seja por propiciar complicações obstétricas. OBJETIVO: Estudar a frequência da doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia reumática durante a gravidez. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 140 gestantes, comparáveis quanto a idade e o nível socioeconômico, divididas em: 70 portadoras de doença valvar reumática e 70 mulheres saudáveis. Todas se submeteram a: 1) avaliação clínica odontológica que incluiu a análise dos seguintes parâmetros: 1.1) profundidade à sondagem, 1.2) distância da linha esmalte-cemento à margem gengival, 1.3) nível clínico de inserção, 1.4) índice de sangramento, 1.5) índice de placa bacteriana, e, 1.6) comprometimento de furca; e, 2) exame microbiológico nas amostras de saliva e do cone que considerou o controle positivo para as cepas das bactérias Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsithia e Aggregobacter actinomycetemcomitans. RESULTADOS: A lesão valvar mitral foi prevalente (65 casos = 92,8%) dentre as gestantes cardiopatas. A comparação entre os grupos mostrou não haver diferenças entre idade e a paridade, e embora tenham sido verificadas diferenças entre as medidas da distância da linha esmalte-cemento à margem gengival (p = 0,01) e o índice de placa (p=0,04), a frequência da doença periodontal identificada em 20 (14,3%) gestantes, não foi diferente entre os grupos (p = 0,147). O exame microbiológico mostrou uma proporção maior da bactéria P. gingivalis na saliva de gestantes saudáveis (p = 0,004). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo clínico e microbiológico periodontal durante a gravidez demonstrou igual frequência da doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia reumática quando comparada às mulheres saudáveis.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a therapeutic sealant to arrest non-cavitated proximal carious lesion progression. The study population comprised 44 adolescents who had bitewing radiographs taken for caries diagnosis. Non-cavitated lesions extending up to half of dentin thickness were included in the sample. In the experimental group (n = 33), the proximal caries-lesion surfaces were sealed with an adhesive (OptiBond Solo, Kerr) after tooth separation. The control group (n = 11) received no treatment, except for oral hygiene instructions including use of dental floss. Follow-up radiographs were taken after one year and were analyzed in comparison with baseline radiographs. In a blind study setting, visual readings were performed by two examiners, blinded to whether the examined radiograph was baseline or follow-up, and whether it concerned a test or control lesion. The efficacy of sealing treatment was evaluated by the McNemar test (0.05). About 22% of the sealed lesions showed reduction, 61% showed no change and 16% showed progression. For the control lesions, the corresponding values were 27%, 36% and 36% respectively. The number of lesions that showed reduction and no changes were merged and therefore 83.3% of the sealed lesions and 63.6% of the control lesions were considered clinically successful. No statistical significance was detected (p > 0.05). In the course of 1 year, sealing proximal caries lesions was not shown to be superior to lesion monitoring.
PURPOSE: Thermal injury causes catabolic processes as the body attempts to repair the damaged area. This study evaluated the effects of a scald injury on the morphology of muscle fibers belonging to a muscle distant from the lesion. METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats were divided into control (C) and scalded (S) groups. Group S was scalded over 45% of the body surface, standardized by body weight. Rats in both groups were euthanized at four, seven and 14 days following the injury. The middle portions of the medial gastrocnemius muscles were sectioned, stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Picrosirius, and submitted to histological analysis. RESULTS: Control group sections exhibited equidistantly distributed polygonal muscle fibers with peripheral nuclei, characteristic of normal muscle. The injured group sections did not consistently show these characteristics; many fibers in these sections exhibited a rounded contour, variable stain intensities, and greater interfiber distances. A substantially increased amount of connective tissue was also observed on the injured group sections. CONCLUSION: This experimental model found a morphological change in muscle distant from the site of thermal injury covering 45% of the body surface.
The absorption spectra of DPH at fixed concentration do not change with water content in organic solvents. It exhibits monomer bands, such as those obtained in ethanol. The absorption did not change for solutions up to 54 and 46% of water in ethanol and DMSO, respectively, for [DPH] = 5.0 × 10-6 mol L-1 at 30 °C. However, at the same experimental conditions, a gradual sharp decay of the DPH fluorescence is observed. It is proposed that water molecules below these water concentration limits act as quenchers of the excited states of DPH. Stern-Volmer quenching constants by intensities measurements are 7.4 × 10-2 (water/ethanol) and 2.6 × 10-2 L mol-1 (water/DMSO). DPH lifetime measurements in the absence and presence of water resulted in 7.1 × 10-2 L mol-1 in water/ethanol, which pointed out that the process is a dynamic quenching by water molecules. For experiments using DPH as probe, this process can affect data, leading to misunderstanding interpretation.
The [Ru3O(Ac)6(py)2(CH3OH)]+ cluster provides an effective electrocatalytic species for the oxidation of methanol under mild conditions. This complex exhibits characteristic electrochemical waves at -1.02, 0.15 and 1.18 V, associated with the Ru3III,II,II/Ru3III,III,II/Ru 3III,III,III /Ru3IV,III,III successive redox couples, respectively. Above 1.7 V, formation of two RuIV centers enhances the 2-electron oxidation of the methanol ligand yielding formaldehyde, in agreement with the theoretical evolution of the HOMO levels as a function of the oxidation states. This work illustrates an important strategy to improve the efficiency of the oxidation catalysis, by using a multicentered redox catalyst and accessing its multiple higher oxidation states.
The 4,5-diamine-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine (DADMcP) compound is an interesting multifunctional species exhibiting a rather complex tautomerism, encompassing nine tautomeric forms. Investigation of tautomerism in this compound has been carried out by means of FTIR spectroscopy, in association with ab-initio HF/SCF and DFT calculations. According to this study three tautomers are energetically favored; the thione form being the most stable one. The theoretical vibrational spectra of such tautomeric forms have been successfully simulated by means of DFT calculations, allowing the elucidation and assignment of the complex composition of the vibrational bands observed for the mixture of isomers.
São apresentadas neste artigo a distribuição da leishmaniose tegumentar (LT) e descrição das populações de flebotomíneos em Acrelândia, Acre. Os dados epidemiológicos foram obtidos a partir de fichas de notificação de casos ocorridos entre 2001 e 2004, e os dados entomológicos são provenientes de capturas com armadilhas luminosas efetuadas entre 2004 e 2005 na zona rural de Acrelândia. Ocorreram 82 novos casos de LT, com idade entre 2 e 69 anos, sendo 75,6% em homens e 83,9% na zona rural. Predominou a LT com lesões únicas (78%). A microscopia direta da lesão, intradermorreação de Montenegro e biópsia apresentaram positividade de 100%, 98% e 79,5%, respectivamente. A resposta ao tratamento farmacológico foi bem sucedida em 71,6% dos casos; a falência terapêutica foi maior em pacientes com diagnóstico exclusivamente clínico (41,2%) e nos que receberam dose diária inadequada de antimonial pentavalente (64,3%). Foram coletados 40 espécimes de flebotomíneos em propriedades rurais com casos de LT (3 gêneros, 14 espécies), sendo 3 espécies conhecidas como vetoras ou possíveis vetoras de Leishmania: Nyssomyia antunesi predominou no peridomicílio (59,1%) e em margens de matas; Nyssomyia whitmani foi freqüente no peridomicílio (15%) e a única espécie encontrada no intradomicílio, e Trichophoromyia ubiquitalis foi capturada no peridomicílio. O uso de dados epidemiológicos existentes no serviço de saúde de Acrelândia, embora com várias limitações, permitiu avaliar a eficácia do diagnóstico e o tratamento empregados no município, enquanto os dados entomológicos coletados podem orientar estudos mais amplos visando identificar os vetores e espécies circulantes na região.
Examinou-se a prevalência e fatores associados à anemia em estudo transversal com 429 crianças de 6 a 59 meses do Município de Jordão, Estado do Acre, Brasil. Modelos múltiplos de regressão de Poisson foram utilizados com seleção hierárquica das variáveis independentes. A anemia foi altamente prevalente (57,3%; IC95%: 52,5%-62,1%). Ter idade entre 6 e 23,9 meses [razão de prevalência - RP (IC95%): 1,40 (1,09-1,74)], morar na área rural [RP: 1,23 (1,04-1,44)], morar em domicílio com 5 a 14 crianças [RP: 1,23 (1,04-1,44)], ter mãe que fumou na gravidez [RP: 1,29 (1,09-1,53)], mãe anêmica [RP: 1,18 (1,00-1,39)] e apresentar déficit de altura para idade [RP: 1,19 (1,01-1,39)] foram fatores associados ao risco de anemia, e ter mãe que trabalha fora [RP: 0,78 (0,64-0,94)] foi fator de proteção. A anemia é um grave problema de saúde pública nesse município. Estratégias multissetoriais de combate à pobreza, aumento da cobertura e qualidade de serviços de assistência à saúde materno-infantil devem ser implementados.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of Nd:YAG (neodymium: yttrium-aluminum- garnet) laser unilateral posterior capsulotomy on visual acuity and patients' perception of difficulties with vision-related activities of daily life. METHODS: We conducted an interventional survey that included 48 patients between 40 and 80 years of age with uni- or bilateral pseudophakia, posterior capsule opacification, and visual acuity <0.30 (logMAR) in one eye who were seen at a Brazilian university hospital. All patients underwent posterior capsulotomy using an Nd:YAG laser. Before and after the intervention, patients were asked to complete a questionnaire that was developed in an exploratory study. RESULTS: Before posterior capsulotomy, the median visual acuity (logMAR) of the included patients was 0.52 (range 0.30-1.60). After posterior capsulotomy, the median visual acuity of the included patients improved to 0.10 (range 0.0-0.52). According to the subjects' perceptions, their ability to perform most of their daily life activities improved after the intervention (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: After patients underwent posterior capsulotomy with an Nd:YAG laser, a significant improvement in the visual acuity of the treated eye was observed. Additionally, subjects felt that they experienced less difficulty performing most of their vision-dependent activities of daily living.
O tempo de irrompimento dentário é essencial para o planejamento de medidas de prevenção da cárie oclusal. Com a ampliação do ensino fundamental de oito para nove anos de duração, um número maior de crianças entre cinco e seis anos de idade é incluído na primeira série do ensino fundamental. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi estimar as tendências do irrompimento dos primeiros molares permanentes em meninos e meninas de 5 e 6 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Em estudo longitudinal, espaços dentários de 497 crianças de 60 meses e mais de idade foram examinados quatro vezes por um dentista calibrado (kappa > 0,97) durante 18 meses. O primeiro molar permanente foi considerado irrompido quando qualquer parte de sua superfície podia ser tocada por uma sonda de ponta esférica. A idade dos participantes foi medida em meses. Intervalos para 95% de confiança dos valores de prevalência e incidência foram apurados conforme o sexo para três coortes etárias: 60,0 a 65,9; 66,0 a 71,9; 72,0 a 77,9 meses. A razão entre as taxas de incidência foi estimada por meio de análise de regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A maioria das crianças entre 66,0 e 71,9 meses e entre 72,0 e 77,9 meses tem pelo menos um molar permanente irrompido. No grupo de 66,0 a 71,9 meses, de cada três crianças pelo menos uma apresentou os quatro primeiros molares permanentes irrompidos. CONCLUSÃO. As tendências de irrompimento observadas justificam a necessidade da adoção de medidas de vigilância e de proteção específica em relação à lesão de cárie oclusal.
CONTEXT: Hepatic fibrosis occurs in response to several aggressive agents and is a predisposing factor in cirrhosis. Hepatotrophic factors were shown to stimulate liver growth and to restore the histological architecture of the liver. They also cause an improvement in liver function and accelerate the reversion of fibrosis before it progresses to cirrhosis. OBJECTIVE: To test the effects of hepatic fibrosis solution composed by amino acids, vitamins, glucose, insulin, glucagon and triiodothyronine on hepatic fibrosis in rats. METHODS: Fibrosis was induced in rats by gastric administration of dimethylnitrosamine (10 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. After liver biopsy, the rats received either hepatotrophic factors solution (40 mg/kg/day) or saline solution for 10 days by intraperitoneal injection. Blood samples and liver fragments were collected for hepatic function analysis, standard histopathology evaluation, and morphometric collagen quantification. RESULTS: Rats in the hepatotrophic factors group showed a decrease of the histopathological components of fibrosis and an increase of their hepatic mass (12.2%). There was no development of neoplasic lesions in both groups. Compared with the saline group, the hepatotrophic factors group also had a decrease of blood levels of hepatic-lesion markers (AST, ALT) and a decrease of collagen content in the portal spaces (31.6%) and perisinusoidal spaces (42.3%), as well as around the hepatic terminal vein (57.7%). Thus, hepatotrophic factors administration in the portal blood promoted a regenerative hepatic response, with an overall reduction of the volumetric density of collagen, improved hepatic function, and a general improvement in the histopathological aspects of fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggest the potential therapeutic use of this hepatotrophic factors solution to treat chronic liver diseases.
Principle Mucopolysaccharidosis is an inborn error of metabolism causing glucosaminoglycans tissue storage. Cardiovascular involvement is variable but contributes significantly towards the morbidity and mortality of the patients. Objective To characterise the echocardiographic abnormalities in children and adolescents with different types of mucopolysaccharidosis. Method Echocardiograms and medical records of 28 patients aged 2–14 years, seen from 2003 to 2005, were revised. At that time, the enzymatic replacement therapy was still not available in our institution.Results Echocardiographic alterations were detected in 26 patients (93 per cent), whereas 16 (57 per cent) had abnormal auscultation, and only 6 (21 per cent) presented with cardiovascular complaint. Mitral valve thickening with dysfunction (regurgitation, stenosis, or double lesion) was diagnosed in 60.8 per cent, left ventricular hypertrophy in 43 per cent and aortic valve thickening with regurgitation in 35.8 per cent of the patients. There was no systolic dysfunction and mild left diastolic dysfunction was shown in 21.5 per cent of the patients. Pulmonary hypertension was present in 36 per cent of the patients, causing the only two deaths recorded. There was a strong association between the accumulation of dermatan sulphate and the presence of mitral valve dysfunction (p = 0.0003), aortic valve dysfunction (p = 0.006), and pulmonary hypertension (p = 0.006). Among individuals with two or more examinations, 82 per cent had a worsening evolution. Conclusions Echocardiographic alterations in children with Mucopolysaccharidosis are frequent and have a progressive character Left valve lesions, ventricular hypertrophy, and pulmonary hypertension were the most common findings and there was an association between the accumulation of dermatan sulphate and cardiovascular involvement. Unlike in adults, pulmonary hypertension was the main cause of death, not left ventricle systolic dysfunction
Temperature-dependent electrical resistance in quasi-one-dimensional Li(0.9)Mo(6)O(17) is described by two Luttinger liquid anomalous exponents alpha, each associated with a distinct one dimensional band. The band with alpha < 1 is argued to crossover to a higher dimension below the temperature T(M'), leading to superconductivity. Disorder and magnetic fields are shown to induce the Bose metal behavior in this bulk compound.