992 resultados para Two-domain architecture


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The trapezoidal rule, which is a special case of the Newmark family of algorithms, is one of the most widely used methods for transient hyperbolic problems. In this work, we show that this rule conserves linear and angular momenta and energy in the case of undamped linear elastodynamics problems, and an ``energy-like measure'' in the case of undamped acoustic problems. These conservation properties, thus, provide a rational basis for using this algorithm. In linear elastodynamics problems, variants of the trapezoidal rule that incorporate ``high-frequency'' dissipation are often used, since the higher frequencies, which are not approximated properly by the standard displacement-based approach, often result in unphysical behavior. Instead of modifying the trapezoidal algorithm, we propose using a hybrid finite element framework for constructing the stiffness matrix. Hybrid finite elements, which are based on a two-field variational formulation involving displacement and stresses, are known to approximate the eigenvalues much more accurately than the standard displacement-based approach, thereby either bypassing or reducing the need for high-frequency dissipation. We show this by means of several examples, where we compare the numerical solutions obtained using the displacement-based and hybrid approaches against analytical solutions.


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In many organisms ``Universal Stress Proteins'' CUSPS) are induced in response to a variety of environmental stresses. Here we report the structures of two USPs, YnaF and YdaA from Salmonella typhimurium determined at 1.8 angstrom and 2.4 angstrom resolutions, respectively. YnaF consists of a single USP domain and forms a tetrameric organization stabilized by interactions mediated through chloride ions. YdaA is a larger protein consisting of two tandem USP domains. Two protomers of YdaA associate to form a structure similar to the YnaF tetramer. YdaA showed ATPase activity and an ATP binding motif G-2X-G-9X-G(S/T/N) was found in its C-terminal domain. The residues corresponding to this motif were not conserved in YnaF although YnaF could bind ATP. However, unlike YdaA, YnaF did not hydrolyse ATP in vitro. Disruption of interactions mediated through chloride ions by selected mutations converted YnaF into an ATPase. Residues that might be important for ATP hydrolysis could be identified by comparing the active sites of native and mutant structures. Only the C-terminal domain of YdaA appears to be involved in ATP hydrolysis. The structurally similar N-terminal domain was found to bind a zinc ion near the segment equivalent to the phosphate binding loop of the C-terminal domain. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that YdaA might bind a ligand of approximate molecular weight 800 daltons. Structural comparisons suggest that the ligand, probably related to an intermediate in lipid A biosynthesis, might bind at a site close to the zinc ion. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of YdaA binds zinc and might play a role in lipid metabolism. Thus, USPs appear to perform several distinct functions such as ATP hydrolysis, altering membrane properties and chloride sensing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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GAF domains are a large family of regulatory domains, and a subset are found associated with enzymes involved in cyclic nucleotide (cNMP) metabolism such as adenylyl cyclases and phosphodiesterases. CyaB2, an adenylyl cyclase from Anabaena, contains two GAF domains in tandem at the N-terminus and an adenylyl cyclase domain at the C-terminus. Cyclic AMP, but not cGMP, binding to the GAF domains of CyaB2 increases the activity of the cyclase domain leading to enhanced synthesis of cAMP. Here we show that the isolated GAFb domain of CyaB2 can bind both cAMP and cGMP, and enhanced specificity for cAMP is observed only when both the GAFa and the GAFb domains are present in tandem(GAFab domain). In silico docking and mutational analysis identified distinct residues important for interaction with either cAMP or cGMP in the GAFb domain. Structural changes associated with ligand binding to the GAF domains could not be detected by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) experiments. However, amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDXMS) experiments provided insights into the structural basis for cAMP-induced allosteric regulation of the GAF domains, and differences in the changes induced by cAMP and cGMP binding to the GAF domain. Thus, our findings could allow the development of molecules that modulate the allosteric regulation by GAF domains present in pharmacologically relevant proteins.


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Plant viruses exploit the host machinery for targeting the viral genome-movement protein complex to plasmodesmata (PD). The mechanism by which the non-structural protein m (NSm) of Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) is targeted to PD was investigated using Agrobacterium mediated transient expression of NSm and its fusion proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana. GFP:NSm formed punctuate structures that colocalized with mCherry:plasmodesmata localized protein la (PDLP la) confirming that GBNV NSm localizes to PD. Unlike in other movement proteins, the C-terminal coiled coil domain of GBNV NSm was shown to be involved in the localization of NSm to PD, as deletion of this domain resulted in the cytoplasmic localization of NSm. Treatment with Brefeldin A demonstrated the role of ER in targeting GFP NSm to PD. Furthermore, mCherry:NSm co-localized with ER-GFP (endoplasmic reticulum targeting peptide (HDEL peptide fused with GFP). Co-expression of NSm with ER-GFP showed that the ER-network was transformed into vesicles indicating that NSm interacts with ER and remodels it. Mutations in the conserved hydrophobic region of NSm (residues 130-138) did not abolish the formation of vesicles. Additionally, the conserved prolines at positions 140 and 142 were found to be essential for targeting the vesicles to the cell membrane. Further, systematic deletion of amino acid residues from N- and C-terminus demonstrated that N-terminal 203 amino acids are dispensable for the vesicle formation. On the other hand, the C-terminal coiled coil domain when expressed alone could also form vesicles. These results suggest that GBNV NSm remodels the ER network by forming vesicles via its interaction through the C-terminal coiled coil domain. Interestingly, NSm interacts with NP in vitro and coexpression of these two proteins in planta resulted in the relocalization of NP to PD and this relocalization was abolished when the N-terminal unfolded region of NSm was deleted. Thus, the NSm interacts with NP via its N-terminal unfolded region and the NSm-NP complex could in turn interact with the ER membrane via the C-terminal coiled coil domain of NSm to form vesicles that are targeted to PD and there by assist the cell to cell movement of the viral genome complex. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Large variations in human actions lead to major challenges in computer vision research. Several algorithms are designed to solve the challenges. Algorithms that stand apart, help in solving the challenge in addition to performing faster and efficient manner. In this paper, we propose a human cognition inspired projection based learning for person-independent human action recognition in the H.264/AVC compressed domain and demonstrate a PBL-McRBEN based approach to help take the machine learning algorithms to the next level. Here, we use gradient image based feature extraction process where the motion vectors and quantization parameters are extracted and these are studied temporally to form several Group of Pictures (GoP). The GoP is then considered individually for two different bench mark data sets and the results are classified using person independent human action recognition. The functional relationship is studied using Projection Based Learning algorithm of the Meta-cognitive Radial Basis Function Network (PBL-McRBFN) which has a cognitive and meta-cognitive component. The cognitive component is a radial basis function network while the Meta-Cognitive Component(MCC) employs self regulation. The McC emulates human cognition like learning to achieve better performance. Performance of the proposed approach can handle sparse information in compressed video domain and provides more accuracy than other pixel domain counterparts. Performance of the feature extraction process achieved more than 90% accuracy using the PTIL-McRBFN which catalyzes the speed of the proposed high speed action recognition algorithm. We have conducted twenty random trials to find the performance in GoP. The results are also compared with other well known classifiers in machine learning literature.


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The cytological architecture of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a meiosis-specific proteinaceous structure, is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about the biochemical properties of SC components or the mechanisms underlying their roles in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hop1, a key structural component of SC, has begun to reveal important insights into its function in interhomolog recombination. Previously, we showed that Hop1 is a structure-specific DNA-binding protein, exhibits higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction, and induces structural distortion at the core of the junction. Furthermore, Hop1 promotes DNA condensation and intra- and intermolecular synapsis between duplex DNA molecules. Here, we show that Hop1 possesses a modular domain organization, consisting of an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD). Furthermore, we found that Hop1CTD exhibits strong homotypic as well as heterotypic protein protein interactions, and its biochemical activities were similar to those of the full-length Hop1 protein. However, Hop1CTD failed to complement the meiotic recombination defects of the Delta hop1 strain, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains of Hop1 are essential for meiosis and spore formation. Altogether, our findings reveal novel insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 and help to further our understanding of its role in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination.


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Wrist pulse signal contains more important information about the health status of a person and pulse signal diagnosis has been employed in oriental medicine since very long time. In this paper we have used signal processing techniques to extract information from wrist pulse signals. For this purpose we have acquired radial artery pulse signals at wrist position noninvasively for different cases of interest. The wrist pulse waveforms have been analyzed using spatial features. Results have been obtained for the case of wrist pulse signals recorded for several subjects before exercise and after exercise. It is shown that the spatial features show statistically significant changes for the two cases and hence they are effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to exercise. Support vector machine classifier is used to classify between the groups, and a high classification accuracy of 99.71% is achieved. Thus this paper demonstrates the utility of the spatial features in studying wrist pulse signals obtained under various recording conditions. The ability of the model to distinguish changes occurring under two different recording conditions can be potentially used for health care applications.


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We propose an architecture for dramatically enhancing the stress bearing and energy absorption capacities of a polymer based composite. Different weight fractions of iron oxide nano-particles (NPs) are mixed in a poly(dimethylesiloxane) (PDMS) matrix either uniformly or into several vertically aligned cylindrical pillars. These composites are compressed up to a strain of 60% at a strain rate of 0.01 s(-1) following which they are fully unloaded at the same rate. Load bearing and energy absorption capacities of the composite with uniform distribution of NPs increase by similar to 50% upon addition of 5 wt% of NPs; however, these properties monotonically decrease with further addition of NPs so much so that the load bearing capacity of the composite becomes 1/6th of PDMS upon addition of 20 wt% of NPs. On the contrary, stress at a strain of 60% and energy absorption capacity of the composites with pillar configuration monotonically increase with the weight fraction of NPs in the pillars wherein the load bearing capacity becomes 1.5 times of PDMS when the pillars consisted of 20 wt% of NPs. In situ mechanical testing of composites with pillars reveals outward bending of the pillars wherein the pillars and the PDMS in between two pillars, located along a radius, are significantly compressed. Reasoning based on effects of compressive hydrostatic stress and shape of fillers is developed to explain the observed anomalous strengthening of the composite with pillar architecture.


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The large protein L of negative-sense RNA viruses is a multifunctional protein involved in transcription and replication of genomic RNA. It also possesses enzymatic activities involved in capping and methylation of viral mRNAs. The pathway for mRNA capping followed by the L protein of the viruses in the Morbillivirus genus has not been established, although it has been speculated that these viruses may follow the unconventional capping pathway as has been shown for some viruses of Rhabdoviridae family. We had earlier shown that the large protein L of Rinderpest virus expressed as recombinant L-P complex in insect cells as well as the ribonucleoprotein complex from purified virus possesses RNA triphosphatase (RTPase) and guanylyltransferase activities, in addition to RNA dependent RNA polymerase activity. In the present work, we demonstrate that RTPase as well as nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activities are exhibited by a subdomain of the L protein in the C terminal region (a.a. 1640 1840). The RTPase activity depends absolutely on a divalent cation, either magnesium or manganese. Both the RTPase and NTPase activities of the protein show dual metal specificity. Two mutant proteins having alanine mutations in the glutamic acid residues in motif-A of the RTPase domain did not show RTPase activity, while exhibiting reduced NTPase activity suggesting overlapping active sites for the two enzymatic functions. The RTPase and NTPase activities of the L subdomain resemble those of the Vaccinia capping enzyme D1 and the baculovirus LEF4 proteins. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The survival protein SurE from Salmonella typhimurium (StSurE) is a dimeric protein that functions as a phosphatase. SurE dimers are formed by the swapping of a loop with a pair of beta-strands and a C-terminal helix between two protomers. In a previous study, the Asp230 and His234 residues were mutated to Ala to abolish a hydrogen bond that was thought to be crucial for C-terminal helix swapping. These mutations led to functionally inactive and distorted dimers in which the two protomers were related by a rotation of 167 degrees. New salt bridges involving Glu112 were observed in the dimeric interface of the H234A and D230A/H234A mutants. To explore the role of these salt bridges in the stability of the distorted structure, E112A, E112A/D230A, E112A/H234A, E112A/D230A/H234A, R179L/H180A/H234A and E112A/R179L/H180A/H234A mutants were constructed. X-ray crystal structures of the E112A, E112A/H234A and E112A/D230A mutants could be determined. The dimeric structures of the E112A and E112A/H234A mutants were similar to that of native SurE, while the E112A/D230A mutant had a residual rotation of 11 degrees between the B chains upon superposition of the A chains of the mutant and native dimers. The native dimeric structure was nearly restored in the E112A/H234A mutant, suggesting that the new salt bridge observed in the H234A and D230A/H234A mutants was indeed responsible for the stability of their distorted structures. Catalytic activity was also restored in these mutants, implying that appropriate dimeric organization is necessary for the activity of SurE.


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In this paper, we propose a H.264/AVC compressed domain human action recognition system with projection based metacognitive learning classifier (PBL-McRBFN). The features are extracted from the quantization parameters and the motion vectors of the compressed video stream for a time window and used as input to the classifier. Since compressed domain analysis is done with noisy, sparse compression parameters, it is a huge challenge to achieve performance comparable to pixel domain analysis. On the positive side, compressed domain allows rapid analysis of videos compared to pixel level analysis. The classification results are analyzed for different values of Group of Pictures (GOP) parameter, time window including full videos. The functional relationship between the features and action labels are established using PBL-McRBFN with a cognitive and meta-cognitive component. The cognitive component is a radial basis function, while the meta-cognitive component employs self-regulation to achieve better performance in subject independent action recognition task. The proposed approach is faster and shows comparable performance with respect to the state-of-the-art pixel domain counterparts. It employs partial decoding, which rules out the complexity of full decoding, and minimizes computational load and memory usage. This results in reduced hardware utilization and increased speed of classification. The results are compared with two benchmark datasets and show more than 90% accuracy using the PBL-McRBFN. The performance for various GOP parameters and group of frames are obtained with twenty random trials and compared with other well-known classifiers in machine learning literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses a novel high-speed approach for human action recognition in H.264/AVC compressed domain. The proposed algorithm utilizes cues from quantization parameters and motion vectors extracted from the compressed video sequence for feature extraction and further classification using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The ultimate goal of the proposed work is to portray a much faster algorithm than pixel domain counterparts, with comparable accuracy, utilizing only the sparse information from compressed video. Partial decoding rules out the complexity of full decoding, and minimizes computational load and memory usage, which can result in reduced hardware utilization and faster recognition results. The proposed approach can handle illumination changes, scale, and appearance variations, and is robust to outdoor as well as indoor testing scenarios. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed method on two benchmark action datasets and achieved more than 85 % accuracy. The proposed algorithm classifies actions with speed (> 2,000 fps) approximately 100 times faster than existing state-of-the-art pixel-domain algorithms.


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Blood travels throughout the body and thus its flow is modulated by changes in body condition. As a consequence, the wrist pulse signal contains important information about the status of the human body. In this work we have employed signal processing techniques to extract important information from these signals. Radial artery pulse pressure signals are acquired at wrist position noninvasively for several subjects for two cases of interest, viz. before and after exercise, and before and after lunch. Further analysis is performed by fitting a bi-modal Gaussian model to the data and extracting spatial features from the fit. The spatial features show statistically significant (p < 0.001) changes between the groups for both the cases, which indicates that they are effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to exercise or food intake. Recursive cluster elimination based support vector machine classifier is used to classify between the groups. A high classification accuracy of 99.71% is achieved for the exercise case and 99.94% is achieved for the lunch case. This paper demonstrates the utility of certain spatial features in studying wrist pulse signals obtained under various experimental conditions. The ability of the spatial features in distinguishing changing body conditions can be potentially used for various healthcare applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An optimal control problem in a two-dimensional domain with a rapidly oscillating boundary is considered. The main features of this article are on two points, namely, we consider periodic controls in the thin periodic slabs of period epsilon > 0, a small parameter, and height O(1) in the oscillatory part, and the controls are characterized using unfolding operators. We then do a homogenization analysis of the optimal control problems as epsilon -> 0 with L-2 as well as Dirichlet (gradient-type) cost functionals.


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This paper presents the instrumentation and control architecture for a laboratory based two-stage 4-bed silica gel + water adsorption system. The system consists of primarily two fluids: refrigerant (water vapour) and heat transfer fluid (water) flowing through various components. Heat input to the system is simulated using multiple heaters and ambient air is used as the heat sink. The laboratory setup incorporates a real time National Instruments (NI) controller to control several digital and analog valves, heaters, pumps and fans along with simultaneous data acquisition from various flow, pressure and temperature sensors. The paper also presents in detail the various automated and manual tasks required for successful operation of the system. Finally the system pressure and temperature dynamics are reported and its performance evaluated for various cycle times. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.