460 resultados para Tweet contextualization


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Over the time, Twitter has become a fundamental source of information for news. As a one step forward, researchers have tried to analyse if the tweets contain predictive power. In the past, in financial field, a lot of research has been done to propose a function which takes as input all the tweets for a particular stock or index s, analyse them and predict the stock or index price of s. In this work, we take an alternative approach: using the stock price and tweet information, we investigate following questions. 1. Is there any relation between the amount of tweets being generated and the stocks being exchanged? 2. Is there any relation between the sentiment of the tweets and stock prices? 3. What is the structure of the graph that describes the relationships between users?


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Studio ed analisi delle principali tecniche in ambito di Social Data Analysis. Progettazione e Realizzazione di una soluzione software implementata con linguaggio Java in ambiente Eclipse. Il software realizzato permette di integrare differenti servizi di API REST, per l'estrazione di dati sociali da Twitter, la loro memorizzazione in un database non-relazionale (realizzato con MongoDB), e la loro gestione. Inoltre permette di effettuare operazioni di classificazione di topic, e di analizzare dati complessivi sulle collection di dati estratti. Infine permette di visualizzare un albero delle "ricondivisioni", partendo da singoli tweet selezionati, ed una mappa geo-localizzata, contenente gli utenti coinvolti nella catena di ricondivisioni, e i relativi archi di "retweet".


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Negli anni la funzione dei social network è cambiata molte volte. Alle origini i social network erano uno strumento di connessione tra amici, ora sono siti internet in cui le persone mettono informazioni e quando un social network ha milioni di utenti, diventa un’incredibile sorgente di dati. Twitter è uno dei siti internet più visitati, e viene descritto come “the SMS of internet”, perchè è un social network che permette ai suoi utenti di inviare e leggere messaggi corti, di 140 caratteri, chiamati “tweets”. Con il passare del tempo Twitter `e diventato una fonte fondamentale di notizie. Il suo grande numero di utenti permette alle notizie di espandersi nella rete in modo virale. Molte persone hanno cercato di analizzare il potere dei tweet, come il contenuto positivo o negativo, mentre altri hanno cercato di capire se avessero un potere predittivo. In particolare nel mondo finanziario, sono state avviate molte ricerche per verificare l’esistenza di una effettiva correlazione tra i tweets e la fluttuazione del mercato azionario. L’effettiva presenza di tale relazione unita a un modello predittivo, potrebbe portare allo sviluppo di un modello che analizzando i tweets presenti nella rete, relativi a un titolo azionario, dia informazioni sulle future variazioni del titolo stesso. La nostra attenzione si è rivolata alla ricerca e validazione statistica di tale correlazione. Sono stati effettuati test su singole azioni, sulla base dei dati disponibili, poi estesi a tutto il dataset per vedere la tendenza generale e attribuire maggior valore al risultato. Questa ricerca è caratterizzata dal suo dataset di tweet che analizza un periodo di oltre 2 anni, uno dei periodi più lunghi mai analizzati. Si è cercato di fornire maggior valore ai risultati trovati tramite l’utilizzo di validazioni statistiche, come il “permutation test”, per validare la relazione tra tweets di un titolo con i relativi valori azionari, la rimozione di una percentuale di eventi importanti, per mostrare la dipendenza o indipendenza dei dati dagli eventi più evidenti dell’anno e il “granger causality test”, per capire la direzione di una previsione tra serie. Sono stati effettuati anche test con risultati fallimentari, dai quali si sono ricavate le direzioni per i futuri sviluppi di questa ricerca.


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I Social Network sono una fonte di informazioni di natura spontanea, non guidata, provviste di posizione spaziale e prodotte in tempo reale. Il Social Sensing si basa sull'idea che gruppi di persone possano fornire informazioni, su eventi che accadono nelle loro vicinanze, simili a quelle ottenibili da sensori. La letteratura in merito all’utilizzo dei Social Media per il rilevamento di eventi catastrofici mostra una struttura comune: acquisizione, filtraggio e classificazione dei dati. La piattaforma usata, nella maggior parte dei lavori e da noi, è Twitter. Proponiamo un sistema di rilevamento di eventi per l’Emilia Romagna, tramite l’analisi di tweet geolocalizzati. Per l’acquisizione dei dati abbiamo utilizzato le Twitter API. Abbiamo effettuato due passaggi per il filtraggio dei tweet. Primo, selezione degli account di provenienza dei tweet, se non sono personali è improbabile che siano usati per dare informazioni e non vanno tenuti in considerazione. Secondo, il contenuto dei tweet, vengono scartati se presentano termini scurrili, parole come “buon giorno” e un numero di tag, riferiti ad altri utenti, superiore a quattro. La rilevazione di un valore anomalo rispetto all'insieme delle osservazioni che stiamo considerando (outlier), è il primo indice di un evento eccezionale. Per l’analisi siamo ricorsi all’outlier detection come indice di rilevamento di un evento. Fatta questa prima analisi si controlla che ci sia un effettivo picco di tweet in una zona della regione. Durante il periodo di attività non sono accaduti eventi straordinari, abbiamo quindi simulato un avvenimento per testare l'efficacia del nostro sistema. La maggior difficoltà è che i dati geolocalizzati sono in numero molto esiguo, è quindi difficile l'identificazione dei picchi. Per migliorare il sistema si propone: il passaggio a streaming dei tweet e un aumento della velocità di filtraggio; la automatizzazione dei filtri; l'implementazione di un modulo finale che operi a livello del testo.


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"The disaster does not primarily lie in people and in the way that they perceive the circumstances, rather in the circumstances that doom people to powerlessness and apathy - circumstances which they could, however, change" (Adorno, 1966, p. 189). When Karl Marx writes to Friedrich Sorge in his letter of the 19.10.1877, regarding his critique of the opinion of his opponents Dühring & Co., that one must deal with "a whole crowd of immature students and pompous doctors who claim to give socialism a 'higher, ideal' turn, that is to say, to replace the materialistic basis (that demands serious, objective study if one wants to operate on it)… with modern mythology by means of their goddesses of justice, freedom, equality and fraternité" (Marx, 1973, p. 303; cf. Schiller, 1993, p. 199 onwards), this thus refers to fundamental problems with the concept of "justice" up until today. As the debate shows, it concerns the contextualization of the term "justice", its meaning in historically concrete as well as socio-political circumstances, and therefore a social analysis that is both representation and critique. Essentially it also concerns the question of the relationship between ideas and reality and the development of standards of historical systematic 'nature' out of social frameworks (see Frey, 1978; Theunissen, 1989).


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The present article deals exemplarily with the remarkable iconographic attestations connected with the Wadi ed-Daliye (WD) findings. The discussed bullae were attached to papyri which provide a clear dating of the hoard between 375-335 BCE. Considering style and convention the preserved motives are to be classified as Persian, Greek or Greco-Persian. A major goal of the following presentation is the contextualization of the very material; this is achieved by taking into account local parallels as well as relevant attestations of the dominant / “imperial” cultures of Persia and Greece. The correlation of motives with the (often more complex, more detailed or more contoured) examples stemming from the “source-cultures” follows a clear agenda: It is methodologically based on the approach that was employed by Silvia Schroer and Othmar Keel throughout the project „Die Ikonographie Palästinas/Israels und der Alte Orient (IPIAO). Eine Religionsgeschichte in Bildern” (2005, 23ff). The WD-findings demand a careful analysis since the influencing cultures behind the imagery are deeply rooted in the field of Greek mythology and iconography. Special attention has to be drawn to the bullae, as far as excavated, from a huge Punic temple archive of Carthago (Berges 1997 and 2002) as well as those from the archive of the satrap seat in Daskyleion in the Northwest of Asia Minor (Kaptan 2002), which are chronologically close (end 5th and 4th century BCE) to the WD-finds. Not each and every single motive and artifact of the WD-corpus comprising more than 120 items can be dealt with in detail throughout the following pages. We refer to the editio princeps by Leith (1990, 1997) respectively to the concerning chapter in Keel’s Corpus volume II (Keel 2010, 340-379). The article gives a brief history of research (2.), some basic remarks on the development of style (3.) and a selection of detail-studies (4.). A crosscheck with other relevant corpora of stamp-seals (5.) as well as a compressed synthesis (6.) are contributions in order to characterize and classify the unique iconographic assemblage. There are rather few references to the late Persian coins from Samaria (Meshorer/Qedar 1999), which have been impressed about contemporaneous with the WD-bullae (372-333 BCE), as there is an article by Patrick Wyssmann in this volume about that specific corpus. Through the perspective of the late Persian iconography, Samaria appears as a dazzling metropolis at the crossroads of Greek and Persian culture, which is far away from a strict and revolutionary religious orthodoxy


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The documentation of music cultures and the research in and on “classic” regions like India, Indonesia, and Sub-Saharan Africa still plays a central role within ethnomusicological research. However, given the increasing impact of global processes, the central guiding questions of the discipline have undergone profound changes in recent years. Approaches towards globalization are highly varied: One dominant perspective – which can be described as “skeptical” – has equated globalization with musical homogenization. This perspective is still apparent in approaches in European folk music research, which focus on the preservation of “traditional” cultures. Besides hyperglobal perspectives, which perceive the emergence of global networks (hypermedia, mass media, cultural organizations) as a positive development, one can predominantly observe the emergence of transformationalist approaches in recent decades: Global interconnectedness is viewed as a (neutrally perceived) basis for the emergence of new musical structures here. The transformation of the discipline is also apparent in the shift of the historical perspective. Comparative Musicology had already developed a global-historical perspective, which, however, became problematic due to the lack of contextualization. This might explain the subsequent distanced stance taken towards global concepts. Yet the focus on oral cultures also neglected deeper analysis of the historical dimension. At present, one can observe the emergence of a – albeit highly differentiated – change of perspective. While the Anglo-American approaches encourage the development of a specifically ethnomusicological-historical methodology, this separation between ethnomusicological and historical topics is perceived as racist in countries like South Africa. Starting out with an analysis of the concept of canonization in ethnomusicology, this article not only provides an overview of the aforementioned approaches and developments, but also discusses the integration of these processes into ethnomusicologically informed music pedagogical teaching material – within both a school and university context.


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We present and test a conceptual and methodological approach for interdisciplinary sustainability assessments of water governance systems based on what we call the sustainability wheel. The approach combines transparent identification of sustainability principles, their regional contextualization through sub-principles (indicators), and the scoring of these indicators through deliberative dialogue within an interdisciplinary team of researchers, taking into account their various qualitative and quantitative research results. The approach was applied to a sustainability assessment of a complex water governance system in the Swiss Alps. We conclude that the applied approach is advantageous for structuring complex and heterogeneous knowledge, gaining a holistic and comprehensive perspective on water sustainability, and communicating this perspective to stakeholders.


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A frequent suggestion to increase individuals' willingness to take action on climate change and to support relevant policies is to highlight its proximal consequences, that is, those that are close in space and time. But previous studies that have tested this proximizing approach have not revealed the expected positive effects on individual action and support for addressing climate change. We present three lines of psychological reasoning that provide compelling arguments as to why highlighting proximal impacts of climate change might not be as effective a way to increase individual mitigation and adaptation efforts as is often assumed. Our contextualization of the proximizing approach within established psychological research suggests that, depending on the particular theoretical perspective one takes on this issue, and on specific individual characteristics suggested by these perspectives, proximizing can bring about the intended positive effects, can have no (visible) effect or can even backfire. Thus, the effects of proximizing are much more complex than is commonly assumed. Revealing this complexity contributes to a refined theoretical understanding of the role that psychological distance plays in the context of climate change and opens up further avenues for future research and for interventions.


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Clinical text understanding (CTU) is of interest to health informatics because critical clinical information frequently represented as unconstrained text in electronic health records are extensively used by human experts to guide clinical practice, decision making, and to document delivery of care, but are largely unusable by information systems for queries and computations. Recent initiatives advocating for translational research call for generation of technologies that can integrate structured clinical data with unstructured data, provide a unified interface to all data, and contextualize clinical information for reuse in multidisciplinary and collaborative environment envisioned by CTSA program. This implies that technologies for the processing and interpretation of clinical text should be evaluated not only in terms of their validity and reliability in their intended environment, but also in light of their interoperability, and ability to support information integration and contextualization in a distributed and dynamic environment. This vision adds a new layer of information representation requirements that needs to be accounted for when conceptualizing implementation or acquisition of clinical text processing tools and technologies for multidisciplinary research. On the other hand, electronic health records frequently contain unconstrained clinical text with high variability in use of terms and documentation practices, and without commitmentto grammatical or syntactic structure of the language (e.g. Triage notes, physician and nurse notes, chief complaints, etc). This hinders performance of natural language processing technologies which typically rely heavily on the syntax of language and grammatical structure of the text. This document introduces our method to transform unconstrained clinical text found in electronic health information systems to a formal (computationally understandable) representation that is suitable for querying, integration, contextualization and reuse, and is resilient to the grammatical and syntactic irregularities of the clinical text. We present our design rationale, method, and results of evaluation in processing chief complaints and triage notes from 8 different emergency departments in Houston Texas. At the end, we will discuss significance of our contribution in enabling use of clinical text in a practical bio-surveillance setting.


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En el contexto de las sociedades capitalistas contemporáneas, el urbanismo se convierte en otro dispositivo a través del cual las imágenes mediatizan la experiencia directa en primera persona. Organizados sobre la base de un régimen de la mirada, los espacios de la ciudad se presentan como fragmentos enmascarados en la imagen de una universalidad ilusoria. Situados en la ciudad de Córdoba, observamos una transformación de la cartografía urbana que ha tenido lugar por las políticas de embellecimiento estratégico. La construcción de un centro en tanto imagen hegemónica de lo deseable conlleva su contrapartida: la emergencia de una periferia como producto de la sociosegregación, y la invisibilización de estas imágenes opuestas. Contextualizar este fenómeno nos lleva entonces a preguntarnos acerca de las posibilidades de abordarlo metodológicamente desde la propuesta benjaminiana del montaje. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar acerca del proceso de construcción de aquella técnica, basándonos en el trabajo de campo realizado en el Buen Pastor, un paseo recreativo ubicado en la ciudad de Córdoba. Siguiendo este camino, proponemos un enfoque basado en el ejercicio de una mirada orientada a la captación plástica del acontecer social, para reunir aquellas imágenes recortadas de la experiencia y devolverlas a una totalidad posible.


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Este artículo analiza los alcances de la expresión "observación participante" como técnica etnográfica de recolección de datos. A través de los materiales consignados por escrito correspondientes a una investigación concreta, se ponen de relieve las distintas actividades que la antropóloga social argentina Esther Hermitte desarrolló en los Altos de Chiapas en 1960-1, y que culminaron con el descubrimiento de un sistema de gobierno sobrenatural. Estas actividades, que aparecen como complementarias y hasta periféricas de las verdaderas técnicas (entrevistas, cuestionarios, encuestas) de la investigación propiamente dicha, dan sentido a la "observación participante" como Instrumento que permite familiarizar a la investigadora con los contextos que dan sentido a cuanto ocurre en ellos, y configurar el lugar de la investigadora al modo que lo hacen los tzeltales de Pinola, sus sujetos de estudio. La observación participante, entonces, bandona el ámbito de las "técnicas" concebidas unilateralmente desde el medio académico, para constituir una expresión en que los lugareños y sus investigadores negocian los términos de su relación y, al hacerlo, producen (mutuos) comprensión y conocimiento


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Este trabajo pretende ser una aproximación al pensamiento de H. Arendt desde la perspectiva del interés de la autora por el problema del juicio. Para ello nos concentraremos en la peculiar interpretación que Arendt realizó de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar de Kant, texto del cual la filósofa se apropió para reflexionar sobre la política y no sobre la estética. A partir de dicho análisis mostraremos que tal interpretación presenta varias dificultades, que encuentran uno de sus principales puntos de origen en el inusual tránsito arendtiano de Aristóteles hacia Kant para el desarrollo de sus consideraciones políticas. En ese sentido, señalaremos las posibles razones del mencionado tránsito y trataremos de proponer una vía de conciliación a través de una contextualización apropiada del pensamiento de Aristóteles que nos permita reconectarlo con los intereses de la filosofía política de Arendt


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El artículo propone analizar la versión brindada por Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua sobre la guerra entablada entre incas y chancas. Específicamente, nos detenemos a trabajar los elementos simbólicos operados en esta famosa contienda y consideraremos algunos componentes particulares, como por ejemplo los instrumentos musicales y su función para el análisis y contextualización de dicha guerra


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En este artículo abordamos el trabajo y la habitación como dos dimensiones centrales en la reproducción de la vida, enfatizando la realimentación mutua de ambas dimensiones. Caracterizamos las estrategias desplegadas por un conjunto de familias en un asentamiento en proceso de regularización urbana y dominial de la ciudad de Resistencia, capital de la Provincia del Chaco, en el Nordeste argentino. El trabajo de campo se realizó en el marco de una investigación de tesis de Licenciatura en Relaciones Laborales (RRLL) en la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) entre fines del año 2008 y principios del año 2009 y, si bien se basa en un conjunto de entrevistas a residentes de dicho asentamiento, se han puesto en relación un conjunto de indicadores que permiten contextualizar estas visiones subjetivas. La integración a redes de intercambio en diferentes niveles ?comunitario, a través de la integración en una ong o movimiento social, a nivel de las familias y dentro de las unidades domésticas? va construyendo un capital social colectivo que les permite reproducirse socialmente. Este abordaje, tributario de las formulaciones de Bourdieu, nos ha permitido resignificar prácticas, ampliando la noción de trabajo a la de estrategias de reproducción de la vida. Nuestro interés fue describir cómo algunas familias relatan e interpretan sus propias experiencias en relación con sus estrategias de supervivencia. El artículo avanza en una tipologización de las trayectorias estudiadas