884 resultados para Turboalbero MatLab Simulink modello dinamico mappe prestazionali turbina Allison
The authors describe a toolbox for the frequency-domain analysis and design of multivariable feedback systems, to be used with PC-Matlab, or Pro-Matlab. The principal model representations used by the toolbox are described. Its capabilities are illustrated by a worked design example, which shows the use of a Nyquist array method. Other design techniques supported by the toolbox are briefly reviewed.
Containers are structured m-files which allow `data' and `methods' to be stored persistently. Containers have a user-defined class structure, so that one can have several Containers of the same class, all structurally similar, and there is a mechanism for interaction with Containers in the style of database transactions. The use of MATLAB Containers to analyze multivariable Smith predictors is discussed.
This book presents physics-based models of bipolar power semiconductor devices and their implementation in MATLAB and Simulink. The devices are subdivided into different regions, and the operation in each region, along with the interactions at the interfaces which are analyzed using basic semiconductor physics equations that govern their behavior. The Fourier series solution is used to solve the ambipolar diffusion equation in the lightly doped drift region of the devices. In addition to the external electrical characteristics, internal physical and electrical information, such as the junction voltages and the carrier distribution in different regions of the device, can be obtained using the models. Table of Contents: Introduction to Power Semiconductor Device Modeling/Physics of Power Semiconductor Devices/Modeling of a Power Diode and IGBT/IGBT Under an Inductive Load-Switching Condition in Simulink/Parameter Extraction. © 2013 by Morgan & Claypool.
Optimization on manifolds is a rapidly developing branch of nonlinear optimization. Its focus is on problems where the smooth geometry of the search space can be leveraged to design effcient numerical algorithms. In particular, optimization on manifolds is well-suited to deal with rank and orthogonality constraints. Such structured constraints appear pervasively in machine learning applications, including low-rank matrix completion, sensor network localization, camera network registration, independent component analysis, metric learning, dimensionality reduction and so on. The Manopt toolbox, available at www.manopt.org, is a user-friendly, documented piece of software dedicated to simplify experimenting with state of the art Riemannian optimization algorithms. By dealing internally with most of the differential geometry, the package aims particularly at lowering the entrance barrier. © 2014 Nicolas Boumal.
土壤持水曲线是研究土壤水力学性质必不可少的 ,在已经建立的众多数学模型中 ,vanGenuchten模型是目前运用最广泛的模型 ,而运用该模型的关键是其 4个参数的求解。为此 ,本文对同一组东北褐土的土壤水吸力和对应的土壤含水量数据较详细地介绍了Matlab软件的非线性拟合和非线性回归函数的运用 ,得出了该土壤vanGenuchten模型的 4个参数值 ,分别建立了该土壤的vanGenuchten模型 ,并利用Mat lab强大的绘图功能对它们进行了直观比较。最后运用方差分析和残差分析对该模型的计算值与实测数据进行了分析 ,结果表明 :非线性拟合和非线性回归函数求参结果的显著水平均达到p<0 0 0 0 1,残差平方和均小于 0 0 0 0 5 ,其中非线性回归函数的求参结果较非线性拟合好。因此 ,运用Matlab软件的非线性拟合和非线性回归函数对土壤持水曲线的vanGenuchten模型进行求参是切实可行的 ,从而为土壤学工作者寻求出了一条运用数值计算方法的新途径。
Con frecuencia se presenta la oportunidad de ajustar curvas a un conjunto de datos representados por puntos. Las técnicas desarrolladas para este fin dependen, fundamentalmente, de la naturaleza de los datos involucrados. El propósito de este trabajo es introducir a los alumnos de Cálculo Numérico, en el uso de la técnica de ajuste de curvas por medio de la interpolación en la solución de problemas de ingeniería, utilizando el paquete MATLAB. Además de que se espera que los alumnos asimilen y dominen los conceptos específicos impartidos referidos a la interpolación, se pretende que comprueben lo indispensable de la utilización de una computadora para resolver este tipo de problemas. También se espera, a partir de las distintas actividades propuestas a realizar por los alumnos, que observen y reconozcan cuándo la interpolación polinomial resulta apropiada arribando así, a resultados satisfactorios. Es decir que en esta primer instancia, se espera que los alumnos hayan aprendido a valorar la confiabilidad de las respuestas y ser capaces de escoger el mejor método (o métodos) para cualquier problema que deben afrontar frecuentemente en la práctica de la ingeniería o en diferentes problemas científicos o tecnológicos. Además, como resultado del análisis y comprensión de las actividades presentadas en este trabajo, se pretende introducir a los alumnos en el uso de la técnica de ajuste de curvas por medio de la regresión, a fin de que comprendan la diferencia entre interpolación y regresión, y que el confundirlos puede llevarlos a resultados erróneos.
Mathematical modelling has become an essential tool in the design of modern catalytic systems. Emissions legislation is becoming increasingly stringent, and so mathematical models of aftertreatment systems must become more accurate in order to provide confidence that a catalyst will convert pollutants over the required range of conditions.
Automotive catalytic converter models contain several sub-models that represent processes such as mass and heat transfer, and the rates at which the reactions proceed on the surface of the precious metal. Of these sub-models, the prediction of the surface reaction rates is by far the most challenging due to the complexity of the reaction system and the large number of gas species involved. The reaction rate sub-model uses global reaction kinetics to describe the surface reaction rate of the gas species and is based on the Langmuir Hinshelwood equation further developed by Voltz et al. [1] The reactions can be modelled using the pre-exponential and activation energies of the Arrhenius equations and the inhibition terms.
The reaction kinetic parameters of aftertreatment models are found from experimental data, where a measured light-off curve is compared against a predicted curve produced by a mathematical model. The kinetic parameters are usually manually tuned to minimize the error between the measured and predicted data. This process is most commonly long, laborious and prone to misinterpretation due to the large number of parameters and the risk of multiple sets of parameters giving acceptable fits. Moreover, the number of coefficients increases greatly with the number of reactions. Therefore, with the growing number of reactions, the task of manually tuning the coefficients is becoming increasingly challenging.
In the presented work, the authors have developed and implemented a multi-objective genetic algorithm to automatically optimize reaction parameters in AxiSuite®, [2] a commercial aftertreatment model. The genetic algorithm was developed and expanded from the code presented by Michalewicz et al. [3] and was linked to AxiSuite using the Simulink add-on for Matlab.
The default kinetic values stored within the AxiSuite model were used to generate a series of light-off curves under rich conditions for a number of gas species, including CO, NO, C3H8 and C3H6. These light-off curves were used to generate an objective function.
This objective function was used to generate a measure of fit for the kinetic parameters. The multi-objective genetic algorithm was subsequently used to search between specified limits to attempt to match the objective function. In total the pre-exponential factors and activation energies of ten reactions were simultaneously optimized.
The results reported here demonstrate that, given accurate experimental data, the optimization algorithm is successful and robust in defining the correct kinetic parameters of a global kinetic model describing aftertreatment processes.