999 resultados para Tunable luminescence


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It is shown for the first time that uncooled tunable DBR-laser diodes can be used as athermal WDM sources. Using novel bias current control, absolute wavelength control to within 6Å has been achieved for temperatures up to 70°C. © 2000 Optical Society of America.


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We propose an uncooled DWDM system where errors from uncontrolled laser mode-hopping are avoided by using a control protocol based on monitoring SMSR. We describe a proof-of-principle demonstration of a novel uncooled 50GHz DWDM system. © 2011 IEEE.


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Sub-picosecond tunable ultrafast lasers are important tools for many applications. Here we present an ultrafast tunable fiber laser mode-locked by a nanotube based saturable absorber. The laser outputs ∼500fs pulses over a 33 nm range at 1.5μm. This outperforms the current achievable pulse duration from tunable nanotube mode-locked lasers. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We bring together two areas of terahertz (THz) technology that have benefited from recent advancements in research, i.e., graphene, a material that has plasmonic resonances in the THz frequency, and quantum cascade lasers (QCLs), a compact electrically driven unipolar source of THz radiation. We demonstrate the use of single-layer large-area graphene to indirectly modulate a THz QCL operating at 2.0 THz. By tuning the Fermi level of the graphene via a capacitively coupled backgate voltage, the optical conductivity and, hence, the THz transmission can be varied. We show that, by changing the pulsing frequency of the backgate, the THz transmission can be altered. We also show that, by varying the pulsing frequency of the backgate from tens of Hz to a few kHz, the amplitude-modulated THz signal can be switched by 15% from a low state to a high state. © 2009-2012 IEEE.


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Y2-x Erx O3 thin films, with x varying between 0 and 0.72, have been successfully grown on crystalline silicon (c-Si) substrates by radio-frequency magnetron cosputtering of Y2 O 3 and Er2 O3 targets. As-deposited films are polycrystalline, showing the body-centered cubic structure of Y2 O3, and show only a slight lattice parameter contraction when x is increased, owing to the insertion of Er ions. All the films exhibit intense Er-related optical emission at room temperature both in the visible and infrared regions. By studying the optical properties for different excitation conditions and for different Er contents, all the mechanisms (i.e., cross relaxations, up-conversions, and energy transfers to impurities) responsible for the photoluminescence (PL) emission have been identified, and the existence of two different well-defined Er concentration regimes has been demonstrated. In the low concentration regime (x up to 0.05, Er-doped regime), the visible PL emission reaches its highest intensity, owing to the influence of up-conversions, thus giving the possibility of using Y2-x Er x O3 films as an up-converting layer in the rear of silicon solar cells. However, most of the excited Er ions populate the first two excited levels 4I11/2 and 4I13/2, and above a certain excitation flux a population inversion condition between the former and the latter is achieved, opening the route for the realization of amplifiers at 2.75 μm. Instead, in the high concentration regime (Er-compound regime), an increase in the nonradiative decay rates is observed, owing to the occurrence of cross relaxations or energy transfers to impurities. As a consequence, the PL emission at 1.54 μm becomes the most intense, thus determining possible applications for Y2-x Erx O 3 as an infrared emitting material. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we demonstrate that the structural and optical properties of Si nanoclusters (Si ncs) formed by thermal annealing of SiOx films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and magnetron sputtering are very different. In fact, at a fixed Si excess and annealing temperature, photoluminescence (PL) spectra of sputtered samples are redshifted with respect to PECVD samples, denoting a larger Si ncs size. In addition, PL intensity reaches a maximum in sputtered films at annealing temperatures much lower than those needed in PECVD films. These data are correlated with structural properties obtained by energy filtered transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. It is shown that in PECVD films only around 30% of the Si excess agglomerates in clusters while an almost complete agglomeration occurs in sputtered films. These data are explained on the basis of the different initial structural properties of the as-deposited films that become crucial for the subsequent evolution. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We have studied the structure and the room temperature luminescence of erbium silicate thin films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering. Films deposited on silicon oxide layers are characterized by good structural properties and excellent stability. The optical properties of these films are strongly improved by rapid thermal annealing processes performed in the range of temperature 800-1250 °C. In fact through the reduction of the defect density of the material, a very efficient room temperature photoluminescence at 1535 nm is obtained. We have also investigated the influence of the annealing ambient, by finding that treatments in O2 atmosphere are significantly more efficient in improving the optical properties of the material with respect to processes in N2. Upconversion effects become effective only when erbium silicate is excited with high pump powers. The evidence that all Er atoms (about 1022 cm-3) in erbium silicate films are optically active suggests interesting perspectives for optoelectronic applications of this material. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Deterministic organization of nanostructures into microscale geometries is essential for the development of materials with novel mechanical, optical, and surface properties. We demonstrate scalable fabrication of 3D corrugated carbon nanotube (CNT) microstructures, via an iterative sequence of vertically aligned CNT growth and capillary self-assembly. Vertical microbellows and tilted microcantilevers are created over large areas, and these structures can have thin walls with aspect ratios exceeding 100:1. We show these structures can be used as out-of-plane microsprings with compliance determined by the wall thickness and number of folds. © 2011 American Chemical Society.