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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining ever more ground in every sphere of human life, to the point that it is now even used to pass sentences in courts. The use of AI in the field of Law is however deemed quite controversial, as it could provide more objectivity yet entail an abuse of power as well, given that bias in algorithms behind AI may cause lack of accuracy. As a product of AI, machine translation is being increasingly used in the field of Law too in order to translate laws, judgements, contracts, etc. between different languages and different legal systems. In the legal setting of Company Law, accuracy of the content and suitability of terminology play a crucial role within a translation task, as any addition or omission of content or mistranslation of terms could entail legal consequences for companies. The purpose of the present study is to first assess which neural machine translation system between DeepL and ModernMT produces a more suitable translation from Italian into German of the atto costitutivo of an Italian s.r.l. in terms of accuracy of the content and correctness of terminology, and then to assess which translation proves to be closer to a human reference translation. In order to achieve the above-mentioned aims, two human and automatic evaluations are carried out based on the MQM taxonomy and the BLEU metric. Results of both evaluations show an overall better performance delivered by ModernMT in terms of content accuracy, suitability of terminology, and closeness to a human translation. As emerged from the MQM-based evaluation, its accuracy and terminology errors account for just 8.43% (as opposed to DeepL’s 9.22%), while it obtains an overall BLEU score of 29.14 (against DeepL’s 27.02). The overall performances however show that machines still face barriers in overcoming semantic complexity, tackling polysemy, and choosing domain-specific terminology, which suggests that the discrepancy with human translation may still be remarkable.


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Four adducts of triphenylphosphine oxide with aromatic carboxylic acids have been synthesized and tested for second-order non-linear optical properties. These were with N-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (I), indole-2-carboxylic acid (2), 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (3), and thiophen-2-carboxylic acid (4). Compound (1) produced clear, colourless crystals (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) With a 9.892(1), b 14.033(1), c 15.305(1) Angstrom, Z 4) which allowed the structure to be determined by X-ray diffraction.


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We report on the cardiovascular effects of L-glutamate (L-glu) microinjection into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) as well as the mechanisms involved in their mediation. L-glu microinjection into the PVN caused dose-related pressor and tachycardiac responses in unanesthetized rats. These responses were blocked by intravenous (i.v.) pretreatment with the ganglion blocker pentolinium (PE; 5 mg/kg), suggesting sympathetic mediation. Responses to L-glu were not affected by local microinjection of the selective non-NMDA receptor antagonist NBQX (2 nmol) or by local microinjection of the selective NMDA receptor antagonist LY235959 (LY; 2 nmol). However, the tachycardiac response was changed to a bradycardiac response after treatment with LY235959, suggesting that NMDA receptors are involved in the L-glu heart rate response. Local pretreatment with LY235959 associated with systemic PE or dTyr(CH(2))(5)(Me)AVP (50 mu g/kg) respectively potentiated or blocked the response to L-glu, suggesting that L-glu responses observed after LY235959 are vasopressin mediated. The increased pressor and bradycardiac responses observed after LY + PE was blocked by subsequent i.v. treatment with the V(1)-vasopressin receptor antagonist dTyr(CH(2))(5)(Me)AVP, suggesting vasopressin mediation. The pressor and bradycardiac response to L-glu microinjection into the PVN observed in animals pretreated with LY + PE was progressively inhibited and even blocked by additional pretreatment with increasing doses of NBQX (2, 10, and 20 nmol) microinjected into the PVN, suggesting its mediation by local non-NMDA receptors. In conclusion, results suggest the existence of two glutamatergic pressor pathways in the PVN: one sympathetic pathway that is mediated by NMDA receptors and a vasopressinergic pathway that is mediated by non-NMDA receptors. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The lateral septal area (LSA) is a part of the limbic system and is involved in cardiovascular modulation. We previously reported that microinjection of noradrenaline (NA) into the LSA of unanesthetized rats caused pressor responses that are mediated by acute vasopressin release. Magnocellular neurons of the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) of the hypothalamus synthesize vasopressin. In the present work, we studied which of these nuclei is involved in the pressor pathway activated by unilateral NA injection into the LSA as well as the local neurotransmitter involved. Chemical ablation of the SON by unilateral injection of the nonspecific synapses blocker cobalt chloride (1 mM/100 nl) did not affect the pressor response evoked by NA (21 nmol/200 nl) microinjection into the LSA. However, the response to NA was blocked when cobalt chloride (1 mM/100 nl) was microinjected into the PVN, indicating that this hypothalamic nucleus is responsible for the mediation of the pressor response. There is evidence in the literature pointing to glutamate as a putative neurotransmitter activating magnocellular neurons. Pretreatment of the PVN with the selective non-N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) antagonist NBQX (2 nmol/100 nl) blocked the pressor response to NA microinjected into the LSA, whereas pretreatment with the selective NMDA antagonist LY235959 (2 nmol/100 nl) did not affect the response to NA. Our results implicate the PVN as the final structure in the pressor pathway activated by the microinjection of NA into the LSA. They also indicate that local glutamatergic synapses and non-NMDA glutamatergic receptors mediate the response in the PVN. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Microinjection of noradrenaline into the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) has been reported to cause a pressor response in unanesthetized rats, which was shown to be mediated by acute vasopressin release into the systemic circulation. In the present study we verified the involvement of magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) or supraoptic (SON) nuclei and the local neurotransmitter involved in the pressor response to noradrenaline microinjection into the BST. The PVN pretreatment with the non-selective neurotransmission blocker CoCl(2) (1 nmol/100 nL) inhibited the noradrenaline-evoked pressor response. However, responses were not affected by SON treatment with CoCl(2). Further experiments were carried out to test if glutamatergic neurotransmission in the PVN mediates the pressor response evoked by noradrenaline microinjection into the BST. Pretreatment of the PVN with the selective N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist LY235959 (2 nmol/100 nL) did not affect the noradrenaline-evoked pressor response. However, PVN pretreatment with the selective non-NMDA receptor antagonist NBQX (2 nmol/100 nL) significantly reduced the pressor response to noradrenaline microinjection into the BST. In conclusion, our results suggest that pressor responses to noradrenaline microinjection into the BST are mediated by PVN magnocellular neurons without involvement of SON neurons. They also suggest that a glutamatergic neurotransmission through non-NMDA glutamate receptors in the PVN mediates the response.


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Computer simulation was used to suggest potential selection strategies for beef cattle breeders with different mixes of clients between two potential markets. The traditional market paid on the basis of carcass weight (CWT), while a new market considered marbling grade in addition to CWT as a basis for payment. Both markets instituted discounts for CWT in excess of 340 kg and light carcasses below 300 kg. Herds were simulated for each price category on the carcass weight grid for the new market. This enabled the establishment of phenotypic relationships among the traits examined [CWT, percent intramuscular fat (IMF), carcass value in the traditional market, carcass value in the new market, and the expected proportion of progeny in elite price cells in the new market pricing grid]. The appropriateness of breeding goals was assessed on the basis of client satisfaction. Satisfaction was determined by the equitable distribution of available stock between markets combined with the assessment of the utility of the animal within the market to which it was assigned. The best goal for breeders with predominantly traditional clients was a CWT in excess of 330 kg, while that for breeders with predominantly new market clients was a CWT of between 310 and 329 kg and with a marbling grade of AAA in the Ontario carcass pricing system. For breeders who wished to satisfy both new and traditional clients, the optimal CWT was 310-329 kg and the optimal marbling grade was AA-AAA. This combination resulted in satisfaction levels of greater than 75% among clients, regardless of the distribution of the clients between the traditional and new marketplaces.


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Presents a study which described the process of translating an English standardized assessment into another language. Details of the study design; Translation of the Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS) into French using the translation/validation methodologies; Correlations between both language versions of LSS.


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This paper reports an investigation into the antecedents of commitment in non-Western industrial marketing relationships. The authors draw the antecedents from extant literature and posit that commitment is related to trust (integrity and reliability), communication quality, conflict, and similarity (social, ethnic, and economic). It is further argued that trust mediates the effects of communication, conflict, and similarity on commitment. As an extension, the authors examine the moderating effects of normative contracts (an implicit understanding of roles and responsibilities) on the construct interrelationships. The hypotheses are tested using data collected from approximately 150 industrial marketing relationships sampled from overseas Chinese firms. The results generally support the authors' framework; however, the mediating hypotheses are not supported. There is evidence of systematic differences in the effects of the studied antecedents on commitment and trust. Furthermore, a multigroup analysis provides evidence of significant moderating effects due to contracting mode. The study provides new insights into the theory and practice of industrial marketing. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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RESUMO: Os biomarcadores tumorais permitem identificar os doentes com maior risco de recorrência da doença, predizer a resposta tumoral à terapêutica e, finalmente, definir candidatos a novos alvos terapêuticos. Novos biomarcadores são especialmente necessários na abordagem clínica dos linfomas. Actualmente, esses tumores são diagnosticados através de uma combinação de características morfológicas, fenotípicas e moleculares, mas o prognóstico e o planeamento terapêutico estão quase exclusivamente dependentes de características clínicas. Estes factores clínicos são, na maioria dos linfomas, insuficientes numa proporção significativa dos doentes, em particular, aqueles com pior prognóstico. O linfoma folicular (LF) é, globalmente, o segundo subtipo mais comum de linfoma. É tipicamente uma doença indolente com uma sobrevida média entre os 8 e 12 anos, mas é geralmente fatal quando se transforma num linfoma agressivo de alto grau, habitualmente o linfoma difuso de grandes células B (LDGCB). Morfologicamente e funcionalmente, as células do LF recapitulam as células normais do centro germinativo na sua dependência de sobrevivência do microambiente não-tumoral, especialmente das células do sistema imunológico. Biomarcadores preditivos de transformação não existem pelo que um melhor conhecimento da biologia intrínseca de progressão do LF poderá revelar novos candidatos. Nesta tese descrevo duas abordagens distintas para a descoberta de novos biomarcadores. A primeira, o estudo da expressão global de genes ('genomics') obtidos por técnicas de alto rendimento que analisam todo o genoma humano sequenciado, permitindo identificar novas anomalias genéticas que possam representar mecanismos biológicos importantes de transformação. São descritos novos genes e alterações genómicas associados à transformação do LF, sendo especialmente relevantes as relacionadas com os eventos iniciais de transformação em LDGCB. A segunda, baseou-se em várias hipóteses centradas no microambiente do LF, rico em vários tipos de células nãomalignas. Os estudos imunoarquitectural de macrófagos, células T regulatórias e densidade de microvasos efectuado em biopsias de diagnóstico de doentes com LF tratados uniformemente correlacionaram-se significativamente, e independentemente dos critérios clínicos, com a evolução clínica e, mais importante, com o risco de transformação em LDGCB. Nesta tese, foram preferencialmente utilizadas (e optimizadas) técnicas que permitam o uso de amostras fixadas em parafina e formalina (FFPET). Estas são facilmente acessíveis a partir das biopsias de diagnóstico de rotina presentes nos arquivos de todos os departamentos de patologia, facilitando uma transição rápida dos novos marcadores para a prática clínica. Embora o FL fosse o tema principal da tese, os novos achados permitiram estender facilmente hipóteses semelhantes a outros subtipos de linfoma. Assim, são propostos e validados vários biomarcadores promissores e relacionados com o microambiente não tumoral, sobretudo dependentes das células do sistema imunológico, como contribuintes importantes para a biologia dos linfomas. Estes sugerem novas opções para a abordagem clínica destas doenças e, eventualmente, novos alvos terapêuticos.------------- ABSTRACT: Cancer biomarkers provide an opportunity to identify those patients most at risk for disease recurrence, predict which tumours will respond to different therapeutic approaches and ultimately define candidate biomarkers that may serve as targets for personalized therapy. New biomarkers are especially needed in the management of lymphoid cancers. At present, these tumours are diagnosed using a combination of morphologic, phenotypic and molecular features but prognosis and overall survival are mostly dependent on clinical characteristics. In most lymphoma types, these imprecisely assess a significant proportion of patients, in particular, those with very poor outcomes. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common lymphoma subtype worldwide. It is typically an indolent disease with current median survivals in the range of 8-12 years, but is usually fatal when it transforms into an aggressive high-grade lymphoma, characteristically Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Morphologically and functionally it recapitulates the normal cells of the germinal center with its survival dependency on non-malignant immune and immunerelated cells. Informative markers of transformation related to the intrinsic biology of FL progression are needed. Within this thesis two separate approaches to biomarker discovery were employed. The first was to study the global expression of genes (‘genomics’) obtained using high-throughput, wholegenome-wide approaches that offered the possibility for discovery of new genetic abnormalities that might represent the important biological mechanisms of transformation. Gene signatures associated with early events of transformation were found. Another approach relied on hypothesis-driven concepts focusing upon the microenvironment, rich in several non-malignant cell types. The immunoarchitectural studies of macrophages, regulatory T cells and microvessel density on diagnostic biopsies of uniformly treated FL patients significantly predicted clinical outcome and, importantly, also informed on the risk of transformation. Techniques that enabled the use of routine formalin fixed paraffin embedded diagnostic specimens from the pathology department archives were preferentially used in this thesis with the goal of fulfilling a rapid bench-to-beside” translation for these new findings. Although FL was the main subject of the thesis the new findings and hypotheses allowed easy transition into other lymphoma types. Several promising biomarkers were proposed and validated including the implication of several non-neoplastic immune cells as important contributors to lymphoma biology, opening new options for better treatment planning and eventually new therapeutic targets and candidate therapeutics.


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BACKGROUND The Bladder Cancer Index (BCI) is so far the only instrument applicable across all bladder cancer patients, independent of tumor infiltration or treatment applied. We developed a Spanish version of the BCI, and assessed its acceptability and metric properties. METHODS For the adaptation into Spanish we used the forward and back-translation method, expert panels, and cognitive debriefing patient interviews. For the assessment of metric properties we used data from 197 bladder cancer patients from a multi-center prospective study. The Spanish BCI and the SF-36 Health Survey were self-administered before and 12 months after treatment. Reliability was estimated by Cronbach's alpha. Construct validity was assessed through the multi-trait multi-method matrix. The magnitude of change was quantified by effect sizes to assess responsiveness. RESULTS Reliability coefficients ranged 0.75-0.97. The validity analysis confirmed moderate associations between the BCI function and bother subscales for urinary (r = 0.61) and bowel (r = 0.53) domains; conceptual independence among all BCI domains (r ≤ 0.3); and low correlation coefficients with the SF-36 scores, ranging 0.14-0.48. Among patients reporting global improvement at follow-up, pre-post treatment changes were statistically significant for the urinary domain and urinary bother subscale, with effect sizes of 0.38 and 0.53. CONCLUSIONS The Spanish BCI is well accepted, reliable, valid, responsive, and similar in performance compared to the original instrument. These findings support its use, both in Spanish and international studies, as a valuable and comprehensive tool for assessing quality of life across a wide range of bladder cancer patients.