915 resultados para Trade Policy


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La edición 2016 de Perspectivas económicas de América Latina explora los lazos cambiantes entre la región y China. A lo largo de la última década, China se ha posicionado como uno de sus socios comerciales más importantes. Esta relación está adquiriendo hoy una nueva dimensión, y ofrece a América Latina la oportunidad de construir una asociación mutuamente benéfica. En la medida en que China se transforme gradualmente de una economía basada en las exportaciones y la inversión hacia una basada en el consumo y los servicios, entre otros factores, América Latina tiene mucho que ganar participando más allá de un simple rol de proveedor de materias primas. Basados en el análisis de diferentes canales a través de los cuales el nuevo modelo de China impactará la región, incluyendo el comercio, el financiamiento y la estrategia de competencias, el informe identifica respuestas de política de largo plazo para contribuir a que América Latina fortalezca su asociación con China. El reporte destaca experiencias valiosas y mejores prácticas en estas áreas y propone estrategias para permitir a la región consolidar un crecimiento de largo plazo mientras asegura continuidad en su agenda social.


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The Latin American Economic Outlook analyses issues related to Latin America’s economic and social development. Ever since the first edition was launched at the 17th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government in November 2007 in Santiago (Chile), the report has offered a comparison of Latin American performance with that of other countries and regions in the world, sharing experiences and good practices with the region’s public officials.


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Los países centroamericanos, con excepción de Guatemala, cuentan actualmente con una ley y una autoridad de competencia. Las primeras leyes promulgadas, poco conocidas y escasamente discutidas, reflejaban las dificultades que los gobiernos encontraron para alcanzar los consensos necesarios para su aprobación. Algunas limitaciones de las leyes de competencia iniciales, que afectan también la capacidad de las agencias de competencia, han conducido a la revisión del marco legal y de la coherencia entre las políticas públicas, sin la cual se limita la efectividad de la aplicación de las leyes. Al mismo tiempo, la exigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación de Centroamérica con la Unión Europea, en el sentido de que todos los países deben contar con una política de competencia eficaz, también ha conducido a reformas legales. En este documento se exploran las transformaciones de las políticas de competencia en los países con ley de competencia en Centroamérica y se ponderan los avances alcanzados y sus persistentes limitaciones. También se aborda de manera especial el caso de Guatemala y los principales retos que enfrenta ese país en esta materia, considerando que es la única nación centroamericana que aún no cuenta con una ley ni una agencia de competencia.


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Provides elements for a reflection on methodological strategies in the face of objects of study that prove difficult to approach. Through a case study in education, seeks to show that difficulties in obtaining information and data have been overcome by using an analytical model developed. It is shown that its use allowed inferences broader and reveal hidden inconsistencies in discussions on public and private education. Intended to assist reflection on qualitative research methods for those who deal with such studies. Concludes that the current expectations of management efficiency and transfer of resources sufficient quantity and quality have not materialized with a private enterprise under public education, even if we have succeeded in building a positive image by the promoters of this action with the sectors of public opinion. Prevailing trade policy interests at the expense of the motivations declared the initiative of aid to education, and even can not be said that the initiative has resulted in a private redefined the public character of the systems affected, there is evidence that its implementation represents a unique chapter focused "education", compared to a scenario in which stand out historically mutual aid agreements of a politicaleconomic development between state and private enterprise.


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The objective of this study was to test the validity of the real exchange rate in the long run. For that five tests were performed based on equation, which relates to real exchange rate, international trade, domestic income. The main difference is that the tests when we are working with quarterly data, the parameters are significantly different from zero – i.e., the variables real exchange rate, international trade, domestic income and net exports on long term relationship – and, moreover, the signs are as expected. This implies that it is possible to increase exports with currency devaluation. Thus, based on data and tests that work we conclude that the exchange rate is an important instrument of trade policy, given that devaluations are valid even in the long term.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Once more, agriculture threatened to prevent all progress in multilateral trade rule-making at the Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference in December 2013. But this time, the “magic of Bali” worked. After the clock had been stopped mainly because of the food security file, the ministers adopted a comprehensive package of decisions and declarations mainly in respect of development issues. Five are about agriculture. Decision 38 on Public Stockholding for Food Security Purposes contains a “peace clause” which will now be shielding certain stockpile programmes from subsidy complaints in formal litigation. This article provides contextual background and analyses this decision from a legal perspective. It finds that, at best, Decision 38 provides a starting point for a WTO Work Programme for food security, for review at the Eleventh Ministerial Conference which will probably take place in 2017. At worst, it may unduly widen the limited window for government-financed competition existing under present rules in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture – yet without increasing global food security or even guaranteeing that no subsidy claims will be launched, or entertained, under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Hence, the Work Programme should find more coherence between farm support and socio-economic and trade objectives when it comes to stockpiles. This also encompasses a review of the present WTO rules applying to other forms of food reserves and to regional or “virtual” stockpiles. Another “low hanging fruit” would be a decision to exempt food aid purchases from export restrictions.


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A standard finding in the political economy of trade policy literature is that we should expect export-oriented industries to attract more assistance than import-competing industries. In reality, however, trade policy is heavily biased toward supporting import industries. This paper shows within a standard protection for sale framework, how the costliness of raising revenue via taxation makes trade subsidies less desirable and trade taxes more desirable. The model is then estimated and its predictions tested using U.S. tariff data. An empirical estimate of the costliness of revenue-raising is also obtained.


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Do openness and human capital accumulation promote economic growth? While intuition argues yes, the existing empirical evidence provides mixed support for such assertions. We examine Cobb-Douglas production function specifications for a 30-year panel of 83 countries representing all regions of the world and all income groups. We estimate and compare labor and capital elasticities of output per worker across each of several income and geographic groups, finding significant differences in production technology. Then we estimate the total factor productivity series for each classification. Using determinants of total factor productivity that include, among many others, human capital, openness, and distortion of domestic prices relative to world prices, we find significant differences in results between the overall sample and sub-samples of countries. In particular, a policy of outward orientation may or may not promote growth in specific country groups. even if geared to reducing price distortion and increasing openness. Human capital plays a smaller role in enhancing growth through total factor productivity.