999 resultados para Trabalho feminino rural
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The Caatinga biome has a high diversity of potential and their conservation constitutes one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science. The sustainable management of the Caatinga emerges as an alternative that through the formation of systems agrossilvipastoris, enables the use of forest resources sustainably, ensuring their conservation, regeneration and recovery. In RN this technique has been developed mainly in settlements of Agrarian Reform, such as P. A. Moaci Lucena, and their impacts go beyond the environmental aspect and reverberate socially and economically on the quality of life of family farmers. Despite the efficiency of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga in the conservation of native species, many forests species of this biome faces serious problems of propagation and for this reason have become vulnerable to extinction, as is the case of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth . Thus , it is evident the need to use sustainable alternatives to overcome the difficulties of propagation of this species and enable their replacement in areas where their existence is threatened. The Plant Biotechnology is considered as a promising alternative in this sense, considering that by micropropagation enables the large-scale production of seedlings with high health genetics status. This work has the following objectives: evaluate the perception of family farmers of P. A. Moaci Lucena in relation to social, environmental and economic impacts of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga and check the conditions of germination and in vitro propagation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth that enabling the production of seedlings of this specie on a large scale. To achieve the first objective, semi-structured interviews showed that in the perception of farmers PA Moaci Lucena, the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga was responsible for generating many social, environmental and economic impacts that affected directly in the improvement in the quality of life of the families of the Settlement Project Moaci Lucena. Have to achieve the second objective, were investigated the influence of different substrates and concentrations of growth regulator BAP in the germination and shoot induction in vitro of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth. The vermiculite was presented as the most suitable substrate for germination of this species, because it provided a more rapid germination, higher growth rates and higher dry matter accumulation. Regarding micropropagation, the concentration of 17.76 μmol/L of BAP presented a more responsive in relation to multiplication rate and the number of shoots in M. caesalpiniifolia, thus constituting the most suitable concentration for the in vitro propagation of this specie
This current work s contains issues about the educative dimension of work and its organization s process and managing for it own professionals. It aims to understand how the skills and pedagogic process, in a educative praxis perspective. Are based in a new culture of work of education process an work managing by workers in Handcraft Association of Serido/ Caicó/ RN. It uses as a methodologic-theoric reference cases s study approach, selecting the procedures of part extructure interview. It was done with six embroidereses from the Handcraft Association. The research shows that the educative process of learning and knowledges construction, in the work and by the work. Those processes develop in exchange experiences net in a friendly economic environment and raise elements of a work culture personal that work there. The embroidereses learn how to embroid doing the job and this learning, a lot of times, is influenced by the life conditions, residence local and infantile work in the country area and the living to the urban area, particularly to Caicó. The knowledge relation between them is the matter fact in the embroider learning process that means a social relation based on the knowledge differences between their position in its structure involving the work division, that each handcraft maker knows every part of the embroider, type of work or machine type, step by step until the work is done. It involves decision, execution and machine movements repetition, the focus are the categories that fit in current flexible financial issue. They schedule the work at home so they have time to do other stuff. Most part of the production currently is done to obey de a certain request that aims as production target, being a homework. Another important issue is the embroider work time: time and experience that is within in the professional life and its knowledge representation of job/profession. This time is got as a acquisition process of certain a work dominion and self knowing; time added to changes that were being there practicing from the new characteristics in the furniture, clothes and towels that are in the introduction communicative and its effect. In this way this work include articulations process among skills, educative process and handcraft work organization that allowed the interpretation and finish, that are related to the case study and its developments: handcraft embroidered considered as a profession, money source not conventional where is not work available and a temporary activity while studyng, homework and flexible work
Brazil lives a time of experimentation and maturity as it pertains to managing the use of water, which comes institutionalising increasingly social participation. In Rio Grande do Norte, since 1997, the government has been developing actions accordingly, through the State Department of Water Resources, which has implemented a programme of adutoras within the State and created Water Users Associations, in the installation of dessalinizadores for places where the Adutora was not necessary or not yet arrived, so that should be managed by communities through associations of users. Since 2003, Civil Society Organisations - CSOs come through ASA - Articulation in the Semi-arid Brazilian, implementing the P1MC - Program of Training and Mobilization for Social Living with the Semi-Arid (One Million Rural Cisternas), in its third year of implementation in Rio Grande do Norte, in the spirit of working together with the semi arid. In the municipality of Serrinha / RN which incorporates the Semi-arid region, we find in the rural community of Pendêcias dos Emídios the experience of the State and Civil Society, which referred to a discussion about the environmental sustainability of these initiatives. The general objective of this work is to examine the strategies for participatory management in the use and access to water in the community of Pendêcias dos Emídios of the municipality of Serrinha / RN, to understand how those experiences can contribute to environmental sustainability. The methodology used envolvel bibliographic research in categories involving each article, the analysis of the terms of reference of each strategy as part of the documentary research, the application forms covering 40 families benefited, and interviews based on comprehensive analysis of the speech. This study is divided into 02 articles, where the first is a discussion held on collective action and environmental sustainability, and the second is held a discussion about the sustainability of the initiatives underway to access water. The results of the discussion held on 02 articles that had their empirical built from the experience of the Commonwealth of Pendências dos Emídios revealed how far will the ability of the State to promote collective action and the limitations of the perception of sustainability that permeates these initiatives in the search for democratic access to water in semi-arid
Trata-se de um trabalho epidemiológico do tipo transversal, com o objetivo de descrever as características do apoio social e identificar associações entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e categorias de suporte social, em população rural do Bairro dos Aleixos, no município de Taquarituba SP. Para medir o apoio social, utilizou-se da escala Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), traduzida para o português e validada em nosso meio. A população caracterizou-se por mulheres, predominantemente da raça branca, entre 60 a 69 anos, casadas e/ou vivendo em concubinatos, de baixa renda e residindo em domicílios multigeracionais. Escores de apoio médios elevados foram identificados, indicando situação favorável entre os idosos estudados. em termos médios, a categoria de apoio com pior escore foi interação social positiva. A análise bivariada demonstrou uma diferença significativa entre escore de apoio afetivo e de apoio emocional com número de pessoas no domicílio e maior freqüência de escores altos de interação social (3º tercil) em idosos do sexo masculino e naqueles com maior grau de escolaridade. O estudo apontou ainda que escores de apoio social menores foram mais freqüentes em mulheres, analfabetos, viúvos ou solteiros, idosos com renda entre um e dois salários mínimos.
This is study about the Project Vazantes, as a case of stay policy on access to land upstream of the weir humid New World, in Caicó-RN. It includes social and economic aspects of vazanteiros, that in their experiences with the land, recreate structures, forms and functions. Theoretically, the work is based on the ideas miltonianas (1986, 1988, 1996, 1997) on the production and reproduction of space, as seen this system of actions that is articulated to the public policies and the achievements solidarity, to the extent that production, in vazantes there is virtually no technology investment, technical assistance and rural credit. Regarding the search procedures, we conducted interviews and questionnaires with vazanteiros applied but did photographic records and research into documentary sources Agricultural Research Company's Rio Grande do Norte S / A (EMPARN), the Union of Rural Workers of Caicó (STRC ), In newspapers and magazines, as well as other sources of information related to the object of study.Such procedures, coupled with theoretical and methodological benchmarks, helped in the understanding of the relationship that takes place in the New World Farm, in order that space produced by actors (EMPARN and vazanteiros) comprises a structure of power that involves multiple interests in extent that land and labor are appropriate mechanisms as dialetizantes
The work however presented try to make an analysis of the relation urban-agricultural in the context of the process of metropolization of Natal. On the basis of this approach searched to argue the estruturation of the Brazilian urban space and the relation with the agricultural one, evidencing an academic debate little contemplated, in view of that the space transformations guided by Brazilian industrialization had earned as endorsement a mere urban direction, fact that neglected factors more complex than they for the urban-agricultural relation in the context of the urbanization and, more recently, of the metropolization. Another important factor in the construction of the work was the contextualization of the urbanization of the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as of the metropolization of Natal, where if the significant presence of an agricultural reality made an analysis of the configuration metropolitan in the present time displaying that also remains and reproduces the metropolis, fact that conditions and justifies the treatment of the reality metropolitan for the bias of the urban-agricultural relation. The approach of this relation was directed for the agricultural nestings of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN), understood as fragments agricultural in the context of the metropolis, in view of that a tenuous correspondence of these nestings with the metropolis in the direction of its integration was observed. As methodology one used bibliographical survey in periodic and books and collected secondary data-collecting next to the IBGE and to the INCRA and still were directed a field research where interviews next to the seated ones had been carried through. In this direction, one evidenced that the metropolization also absorbs and even though it reproduces the ruralidade that if verifies in the RMN finishing for mining the idea of an urban one that it excludes the agricultural one. In the case of the RMN, we have agricultural and the urban one exactly if conforming in one space that is metropolitan
It s an application about the development of the family agriculture integrated to the market in which is detected the development of the relation of partnership between settled of agrarian reform and the capitalist enterprise. It s shown initially, a conceptual discussion about family agriculture, watching the historical contexts that characterize the expropriation and subordination of the category. This way, the family agriculture is contextual zed in the moment of the modernization of the agriculture, he rising of the social tension in the area of the restructuration of production and the globalization. Finding to understand the agrarian question in Rio Grande do Norte, it s characterized the acting of the state in promoting agrarian reform politics and redistribution of lands. This way, the research demonstrate the reality of the settled of Vale do Lírio, with the partnership of the Caliman Company S. A. in this context, it s emphasized the social geographic transformation in the settler. This way it was realized the analysis of the survey of data in a lot of public department, and the research of the area with use of application form, in 90% percent of the researched group, with interviewing with the leaders of this group and with the manager of the Company. The research demonstrates an analysis of the reality lived by this group, in the perspective the interests of the government and the capital.
O trabalho em turnos existe desde o início da vida social dos homens, sendo utilizado em diferentes setores, como na indústria de produção de bens de consumo e de serviços. A área da saúde exige o sistema em turnos para manutenção de atividades durante 24 horas. Teve-se como objetivo identificar os sistemas de turnos em funcionários de enfermagem em um hospital universitário, avaliar a percepção sobre os prováveis efeitos do trabalho em turnos em sua saúde e vida social e o grau de participação desses funcionários na forma de organização de sua jornada. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, cujos resultados foram obtidos mediante questionário aplicado a 348 funcionários da enfermagem do Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo. Dentre os resultados, observou-se que, em sua maioria, eles tinham menos de 40 anos, eram casados, do sexo feminino, com um filho pelo menos, cumprindo uma escala de turnos alternados, com freqüência de revezamento superior a quinze dias e referindo queixas de caráter neuro-psíquico, gastrintestinal e cardiovascular. Houve ainda queixas sobre relacionamento e tempo de convivência. Na maioria das vezes, era pouca a participação do funcionário na forma de organização de sua escala de trabalho.
A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) e a tripanossomíase americana são importantes zoonoses para a saúde pública que encontram no cão o principal reservatório doméstico para o homem. O trabalho procurou estimar a prevalência de anticorpos circulantes anti-Trypanosoma cruzi e anti-Leishmania spp., em amostras de cães provenientes da zona rural do município de Botucatu, SP. Durante a campanha de vacinação antirrábica canina da zona rural do município, foram coletadas 689 amostras de soro e processadas pela técnica de imunofluorescência indireta. Os testes sorológicos revelaram a ausência de anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp. e, na pesquisa dos anticorpos anti-T. cruzi, foram detectados 3 (0,4%) cães.
O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em descrever o perfil dos acidentes de trabalho ocorridos no município de Araçatuba-SP nos anos de 2000 e 2001. Para tanto, foram analisadas as Comunicações de Acidentes de Trabalho (CATs) emitidas no referido período e as informações pertinentes transcritas em formulário específico elaborado através do programa estatístico Epi-Info versão 6.04, utilizado para tabulação e análise dos dados obtidos. Foram analisadas 772 CATs, das quais 656 correspondiam à ocorrência de acidentes típicos, 92 a acidentes de trajeto e 24 a doenças ocupacionais. A média de idade dos acidentados foi de 32,42 anos (d.p. 10,88) e o tempo médio trabalhado até o momento do acidente foi de 4,15 horas (d.p. 2,73). Quanto ao gênero, 632 acidentes (81,9%) ocorreram com trabalhadores do sexo masculino e 140 (18,1%) com trabalhadores do sexo feminino. O presente estudo revela um amplo predomínio de acidentes de trabalho classificados como típicos, além de uma maior prevalência em trabalhadores do sexo masculino.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este artigo gira em torno da possibilidade de reinterpretar dados de pesquisa do passado, à luz das Teorias da Complexidade, conectando-os a dados atuais para conseguir explicações mais compreensivas. São tomados então alguns dados de minhas pesquisas sobre o rural-urbano, a saber: dados quantitativos do Censo de Assentamentos Rurais do Estado de São Paulo sobre as expectativas dos pais em relação à escolarização de meninos e meninas (anos 90); dados qualitativos de uma pesquisa com redações escolares realizada na região de Araraquara no início dos anos 80. Construindo-se uma ponte entre as duas situações, o argumento central é o de que questão das meninas na zona rural deve ser discutida levando-se em conta a relação rural-urbano e superando-se essa dicotomia sob a ótica da história recente do país. Observa-se então que as transformações pelas quais passa a sociedade nacional se refeletem no campo e a conexão entre os dois momentos enfocados (anos 90 versus início dos anos 80) é reveladora de que os germens dessas mudanças já se anunciavam nas relações de algumas meninas que criticavam a sobrecarga do trabalho doméstico sobre os próprios ombros, principalmente sobre os de suas mães.
Queixas osteomusculares relacionadas ao trabalho relatadas por mulheres de centro de ressocialização
Considerando as queixas de origem laboral um problema de saúde pública, objetivou-se, com o presente estudo, analisar a freqüência da população que refere queixas osteomusculares e a associação de ocorrência e severidade destas às variáveis antropométricas e de trabalho. Tomou-se 146 mulheres de um centro de ressocialização feminino, que responderam a um questionário validado contendo informações sobre dados antropométricos e queixas osteomusculares relacionadas ao trabalho. O estudo da associação entre e dentro das variáveis foi feito pelo teste de Goodman. Observou-se elevada freqüência de ocorrência de queixas após início de atividade laboral (94,19%). As participantes com necessidade de afastamento apresentaram maiores valores em idade e peso. Queixa acentuada foi mais referida na coluna do tronco. Afastamento foi mais referido para as que trabalhavam há mais tempo. Concluiu-se que é alta a freqüência de queixas relacionadas ao trabalho e que há associação entre maiores valores de peso e de estatura e nível de severidade acentuado; maiores valores de idade e de peso e necessidade de afastamento; níveis acentuados de queixas e região da coluna e entre maior tempo de serviço e necessidade de afastamento.