945 resultados para Ti-Ni alloys


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This study aims to evaluate the corrosion resistance of Ti-30Ta alloy when subjected to different strain rates. Samples of the alloy Ti-30Ta were obtained from the melting of pure elements in the arc furnace in inert atmosphere (argon gas). Then, the samples were subjected to a thermal treatment and to cold worked to obtain bars. After forging, the samples were machined in accordance with ASTME9-09 standard for carried out compression tests. To microstructural characterization, samples were sectioned longitudinal and transversally and embedded in resin. After, the wet sanding and polishing were performed, followed by a chemical attack, in order to study the microstructure under an optical microscope. Microhardness was measured on the samples that were subjected to microstructural characterization by using microhardness tester. Phases were evaluated by x-rays diffraction. Corrosion tests were carried out to evaluate the influence of deformation on the corrosion resistance. Results show that microstructure was not influenced by deformation


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A large number of metal alloys are used in Dentistry for the manufacture of fixed and removable dentures. In the oral cavity, these structures are exposed to a chemically aggressive medium, like saliva and mechanical efforts, like mastication. In addition, acidic solutions containing fluoride ions are also frequently used in dental treatments to prevent dental plates and decays development. In this context, it was considered important to investigate the influence that a fourth element could exert when added to the ternary alloy Ni-Cr-Mo, largely used in Brazil. Therefore, electrochemical tests were done to evaluate the resistance to corrosion of quaternary alloy 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5Ta and 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5W in NaF solution 0,08mol / L, pH = 4.7. For greater understanding the microstructure and morphology of alloys were studied, through metallographic analysis, using optics microscopy and electron microscopy scanning. For the electrochemical tests were applied techniques traditionally used in corrosion researches, such as: potential measures in open circuit (OCP) and cyclic polarization (CP). It was found that both quaternary alloys showed very similar results. Comparing these quaternary alloys with the ternary 65Ni-25Cr-10Mo, it was found that the quaternary alloys exhibit greater resistance to corrosion, in other words, less passivation current density than the ternary alloy, showing that it is advantageous to add a fourth element in the alloy


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Surface treatments have been used to modify the surface of titanium alloys. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the surface of Ti-30Ta alloy after biomimetic approach associated to antibiotic incorporation. The ingots were obtained in arc melting furnace, treated and cold-worked by swaging. The surface treatment was performed in two steps: biomimetic treatment and antibiotic incorporation. For biomimetic treatment, first an alkaline treatment (NaOH 1M at 60ºC) was performed, followed by heat treatment and immersion in SBFx5 (Simulated Body Fluid) for a period of 24 hours. In order to incorporate the antibiotic, samples were immersed in a solution formed by drugs plus SBFx5 for 48 hours. The sample surfaces were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-Ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle measurements. The release of antibiotic from coated implants was measured in phosphate buffer saline at pH 7.4 by using UV/VIS spectrometry. Results have shown changes on the surface after incorporating the drug, which is gradually co-precipitated with the Ca-P crystals, forming a uniform and rough layer on the metal surface


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With advances in health care, has been na increase of demand for material that could replace the functions of the human body parts, thus evolved biomedic prosthesis which today are responsible for the constant improvement of the quality of life. The Titanium alloys are widely used as implants due to its properties, like high mechanical resistance, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, and the addition alloying elements like Zirconium, may improve some of those properties. Such properties are related to the microstructure and consequently to the type of processing performed. The purpose of this dissertation was to characterize the experimental alloy Ti15Zr after route of processsing and heat treatment in order to extend the knowledge about this alloy. The latter has been abtained by fusion of pure metals in a arc melting furnace with an inert argon atmosphere. The material has been homogenized in a tube furnace at 950ºC for 24h and cold worked by swaging, after that, bars with 10 mm of diameter were obtained by the process of rotary forging. The samples were solubilized at 900º C for 2 hours and quenched in water. After that, 4 samples were submitted to the aging, at 400º C, 450º C, 500º C and 550º C. The microstructure and phase analysis was done by optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction (XRD), the mechanical characterization was carried out by microhardness test and finally, evaluation of corrosion resistance of the alloy by electrochemical tests. The XRD and the optical microscopy made it possible to analyze that the heat treatment influenced the phase shifting from α to α', and probably affected the alloy hardness, at the first aged sample at 500º Chas been a sudden increase in the value of hardness, probably by appearance of omega phase, unwanted phase to the medical application duo to great fragility, and finally ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the tensile strength, elongation, microhardness, microstructure and fracture pattern of various metal ceramic alloys cast under different casting conditions. Two Ni-Cr alloys, Co-Cr and Pd-Ag were used. The casting conditions were as follows: electromagnetic induction under argon atmosphere, vacuum, using blowtorch without atmosphere control. For each condition, 16 specimens, each measuring 25 mm long and 2.5 mm in diameter, were obtained. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation (EL) tests were performed using a Kratos machine. Vickers Microhardness (VM), fracture mode and microstructure were analyzed by SEM. UTS, EL and VM data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA. For UTS, alloy composition had a direct influence on casting condition of alloys (Wiron 99 and Remanium CD), with higher values shown when cast with Flame/Air (p < 0.05). The factors "alloy" and "casting condition" influenced the EL and VM results, generally presenting opposite results, i.e., alloy with high elongation value had lower hardness (Wiron 99), and casting condition with the lowest EL values had the highest VM values (blowtorch). Both factors had significant influence on the properties evaluated, and prosthetic laboratories should select the appropriate casting method for each alloy composition to obtain the desired property.


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A variety of seemingly unrelated processes, such as core-mantle interaction, desulfurization, and direct precipitation from a silicate melt have been proposed to explain the formation of Ru-Os-Ir alloys (here referred to as osmiridiums) found in terrestrial mantle rocks. However, no consensus has yet been reached on how these important micrometer-sized phases form. In this paper we report the results of an experimental study on the solubilities of Ru, Os and Ir in sulfide melts (or mattes) as a function of alloy composition at 1300 degrees C. Considering the low solubilities of Ru, Os, and Ir in silicate melts, coupled with their high matte/silicate-melt partition coefficients, our results indicate that these elements concentrate initially at the ppm level in a matte phase in the mantle source region. During partial melting, the extraction of sulfur into silicate melt leads to a decrease in fS(2) that triggers the exsolution of osmiridiums from the refractory matte in the residue. The newly formed osmiridiums may persist in the terrestrial mantle for periods exceeding billions of years. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To assess in vitro the bond strength of a machined surface of a Au-Ti alloy to a veneering ceramic. Method and Materials: Metal strips of the alloy Au 1.7-Ti 0.1-Ir were milled from a semiproduct fabricated by continuous casting and cold forming. For comparison, the same alloy as well as a traditional Au-Pt-Pd-In alloy were used in the as-cast state. Six samples of each group were fabricated for the crack initiation test, according to ISO 9693:1999, by preparing appropriate metal strips that were veneered with ceramic using a standard firing procedure. The crack initiation test was performed in a universal testing machine. Load at fracture was recorded. Means of bond strength were calculated for each group and the results compared by use of a 1-sided Student t test (P < .05). Fracture sites were documented by means of SEM. Results: Bond strength in the 3 groups was in the same order of magnitude. Failure mode was different for both alloys. Failure of the bonding to the Au-Ti alloy predominantly occurred at the alloy-oxide interface, no matter which fabrication process was used. On the Au-Pt-Pd-In alloy, more ceramic residues were observed. Conclusion: The machined alloy Au 1.7-Ti 0.1-Ir provides sufficient bond strength to veneering ceramics, but this has to be proven by a clinical study. (Quintessence Int 2007;38:867-872).


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Chemical analyzes show that interstitial waters from ore-bearing bottom sediments of the Atlantis II and Discovery Deeps are enriched in Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Pb, and Cd compared to sea water. Enrichment factors of these trace elements in the interstitial waters of the Atlantis II Deep relative to the sea water vary within the following ranges: for Fe from 100 to 7000, for Mn from 19047 to 32738, for Zn from 500 to 1600, for Pb from 78333 to 190000, for Cu from 107 to 654. Comparison of average weighted concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni in the bottom sediments and the interstitial waters of the Atlantis II Deep indicates common regularities and good relationship in distribution of these elements along sediment cores. Differences in concentrations and distribution of the studied trace elements in the interstitial waters of the Atlantis II and Discovery Deeps result from different chemical compositions of hydrothermal fluids entering these deeps.


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In this research the mechanical behaviour of pure tungsten (W) and its alloys (2 wt.% Ti–0.47 wt.% Y2O3 and 4 wt.% Ti–0.5 wt.% Y2O3) is compared. These tungsten alloys, have been obtained by powder metallurgy. The yield strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus have been studied in the temperature interval of 25 °C to 1000 °C. The results have shown that the addition of Ti substantially improves the bending strength and toughness of W, but it also dramatically increases the DBTT. On the other hand, the addition of 0.5% Y2O3, is enough to improve noticeably the oxidation behaviour at the higher temperatures. The grain size, fractography and microstructure are studied in these materials. Titanium is a good grain growth inhibitor and effective precursor of liquid phase in HIP. The simultaneous presence of Y2O3 and Ti permits to obtain materials with low pores presence


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Profiting by the increasing availability of laser sources delivering intensities above 10 9 W/cm 2 with pulse energies in the range of several Joules and pulse widths in the range of nanoseconds, laser shock processing (LSP) is being consolidating as an effective technology for the improvement of surface mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of metals and is being developed as a practical process amenable to production engineering. The main acknowledged advantage of the laser shock processing technique consists on its capability of inducing a relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly, the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Following a short description of the theoretical/computational and experimental methods developed by the authors for the predictive assessment and experimental implementation of LSP treatments, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (specifically steels and Al and Ti alloys) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented


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La presente tesis comprende un estudio de metales líquidos, Li, Pb y eutéctico Li17Pb en el ámbito de la tecnología de fusión nuclear. Uno de los problemas fundamentales en futuros reactores de fusión es la producción y extracción de tritio en la denominada envoltura regeneradora (blanket en inglés). Dicho blanket tendrá dos propósitos, la extracción del calor generado por las reacciones de fusión para su posterior conversión en energía eléctrica así como la producción de tritio para realimentar el proceso. Dicha producción se realizará mediante el “splitting” del Li con los neutrones provenientes de la fusión. Esta reacción produce tritio y helio por lo que la interacción del T y el He con el metal líquido, con los materiales estructurales así como con el He es un problema fundamental aun no bien entendido y de gran importancia para futuros diseños. Los capítulos 1 2 y 3 presentan una introducción a dichos problemas. El capítulo 1 introduce al lector en la tecnología de fusión nuclear. El segundo capítulo explica en mayor detalle el uso de metales líquidos en reactores de fusión, no solo en blankets sino también como primera pared, divertor etc, lo que se denomina en general “plasma facing materials”. Por último se ofrece una breve introducción a las técnicas de dinámica molecular clásica (CMD) y un breve resumen de los potenciales más usados. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo utilizando simulación atomística mediante potenciales semi-empíricos del tipo átomo embebido (EAM). La Tesis consta de 4 partes bien definidas. En primer lugar se verificó la idoneidad de los potenciales tipo EAM para simular las propiedades de los metales Li y Pb en fase líquida. Dicho estudio se detalla en el Capítulo 4 y en su extensión, el Apéndice 1, en el que se estudia los límites de validez de esta aproximación. Los resultados de dicho estudio han sido publicados y presentados en diversos congresos internacionales. Un resumen de la metodología seguida fue publicado como capítulo de libro en Technofusión 2011. Los resultados se presentaron en diversos congresos internacionales, entre ellos ICENES 2011, (Artículo en ICENES Proceedings) ICOPS-SOFE 2011, en una presentación oral etc. El trabajo ha sido aceptado recientemente en Journal of Nuclear Materiales (Fraile et al 2012). La segunda parte y más importante comprende el desarrollo de un potencial para el estudio de la mezcla de ambos metales. Éste es el trabajo más novedoso e importante dado que no existía en la literatura un potencial semejante. Se estudiaron dos aproximaciones distintas al problema, un potencial tipo EAM/cd y un potencial EAM/alloy. Ambos potenciales dan resultados satisfactorios para la simulación del eutéctico (y concentraciones de Li menores que el 17%). Sin embargo el sistema LiPb en todas las concentraciones es un sistema que se aparta enormemente de una solución ideal y dicho potencial no daba buenos resultados para mezclas PbLi con concentraciones de Li grandes. Este problema fue solventado mediante el desarrollo de un segundo potencial, esta vez tipo EAM/alloy (segunda parte del Capítulo 5). Dicho trabajo será enviado a Physical Review Letters o a Phys. Rev. B, y una extensión junto con un estudio detallado de las propiedades del eutéctico de acuerdo con nuestras simulaciones se enviará a continuación a Phys. Rev. B. En tercer lugar se estudió el problema de la difusividad del H en metales líquidos aprovechando distintos potenciales existentes en la literatura. El problema del H en metales líquidos es importante en metalurgia. En dicho capítulo se estudió la difusividad del H en Pd, Ni y Al con potenciales tipo EAM, y también con un potencial más sofisticado que tiene en cuenta la dependencia angular de las interacciones (ADP por sus siglas en inglés). De este modo disponemos de un estudio detallado del problema con diferentes modelos y diferentes metales. La conclusión apunta a que si se compara con los resultados experimentales (muy escasos) los resultados obtenidos mediante CMD dan valores bajos de la difusividad del H. Las razones de dicho desacuerdo entre simulación y experimentos se detallan en el Capítulo 6. Este trabajo ha sido presentado en una presentación oral en el reciente congreso internacional “Trends on Nanothecnology” TNT 2012 celebrado en Madrid. El trabajo será publicado en un futuro próximo. Por último, como se dijo anteriormente, el estudio del He, la formación de burbujas en metales líquidos, su difusión nucleación y cavitación es otro problema deseable de ser estudiado mediante técnicas atomísticas. Para ello es necesario el desarrollo de diversos potenciales, He-Li, He-Pb y un potencial ternario Pb-Li-He. Para ello se han realizado simulación ab initio de los sistemas Pb+He y Li+He. Dicho estudio pretende calcular las fuerzas entre los átomos del metal (Pb o Li) con intersticiales de He. De este modo aplicaremos el “force matching method” (FMM) para el desarrollo de dichos potenciales. En el Capítulo 7 se detallan los resultados obtenidos referidos a las posiciones más favorables de las impurezas de He dentro de redes cristalinas de Pb y Li así como el efecto de tener en cuenta el acoplo spin-orbita (SOC en inglés). El análisis de los resultados en términos de transferencia de carga y análisis de las densidades electrónicas, así como la creación de los potenciales mencionados está en progreso. En conjunto la tesis presenta un estudio de los diversos problemas relacionados con el uso de metales líquidos en reactores de fusión y representa un primer paso en la determinación de parámetros de gran importancia para el diseño de blankets y sistemas de primera pared. Con la simulación MD de dichos problemas mediante, importante, potenciales realistas, valores de difusión, solubilidad etc de especies ligeras, H (o sus isotopos) y He en metales líquidos podrá ser calculada complementando así la base de datos que presenta enormes incertidumbres.


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El mercado de outsourcing ha estado creciendo en los últimos años y se prevé que lo siga haciendo en los próximos, pero este crecimiento ha estado limitado por el fracaso de muchos proyectos que, en algunos casos, han llevado a las organizaciones a asumir de nuevo esos servicios (insourcing). Estos fracasos se han debido en gran parte a los problemas con los proveedores: falta de experiencia, de capacidades para asumir los proyectos, dificultad en la comunicación,… A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras disciplinas, no existe una metodología que ayude, tanto a los clientes como a los proveedores de servicios de outsourcing de TI, a gobernar y gestionar sus proyectos y conseguir los resultados buscados. En los últimos años han aparecido, al mismo tiempo que la expansión del outsourcing, algunos modelos y marcos de buenas prácticas para la gestión de los proyectos de outsourcing, pero generalmente sólo cubren algunos aspectos de la gestión. No se los puede considerar metodologías, porque no definen roles, responsabilidades ni entregables. Por lo general, son el resultado de la experiencia en la gestión de otros tipos de proyectos. Hay que considerar también que, excepto eSCM-SP, que es un modelo de buenas prácticas para mejorar la capacidad en la provisión de servicios, están todos orientados al cliente. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por un lado, demostrar la necesidad de contar con una metodología que guíe a los proveedores durante todo el ciclo de vida un proyecto de outsourcing y, por otro, proponer una metodología que contemple desde la fase inicial de la búsqueda de oportunidades de negocio, evaluación de las propuestas RFP, la decisión de hacer una oferta o no para la prestación de servicios, la participación en la due diligence, la firma del contrato, la transición y la entrega de servicios, hasta la finalización del contrato. La metodología se ha organizado en base a un ciclo de vida del outsourcing de cinco etapas, definiendo para cada una de ellas los roles que participan y las responsabilidades que deberán asumir, las actividades a realizar y los entregables que se deberán generar, y que servirán de elementos de control tanto para la gestión del proyecto como para la provisión del servicio. La validación de la metodología se ha realizado aplicándola en proyectos de provisión de servicios de TI de una mediana empresa española y comparando los resultados obtenidos con los conseguidos en proyectos anteriores. ABSTRACT The outsourcing market has been growing in recent years and it is expected to keep doing so in the coming years, but this growth has been limited by the failure of many projects that, in some cases, has led organizations to take back those services (insourcing). These failures have been due to a major degree to problems with providers: lack of experience and capacity to take on the projects, and difficulties of communication. Unlike what happens in other disciplines, there is no methodology for helping both customers and providers of outsourcing services. In recent years, some good practice frameworks have also appeared at the same time as the expansion of outsourcing. They are not methodologies because they have not defined any roles, responsibilities and deliverables. These frameworks aim to help organizations to be successful at managing and governing outsourcing projects. They are usually the result of their experience in managing other kinds of projects. In consequence, it is not appropriate to name them "methodologies" for managing outsourcing projects and much less "standards". It is also important to note that all existing good practice frameworks, except eSCM-SP, are client-oriented. The aim of this thesis is to state the need to propose a methodology that guides providers throughout the whole outsourcing life cycle and facilitates the provision of quality services and their management, and the proposal of a methodology in which the stages, activities, deliverables, roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. The proposed methodology cover all the stages of the outsourcing life cycle, from the early stage of searching for business opportunities, evaluation of the RFP proposals, the decision to bid or not to bid for the service provision, participation in the due diligence if necessary, the signing of the contract, the transition and delivery of service to the termination of the contract. For each activity, roles, responsibilities and deliverables have been defined. The validation of the methodology has been done by applying it in the provision of some outsourcing projects carried out by a Spanish IT medium company and comparing the results with those obtained in previous projects.


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The metallization stack Ti/Pd/Ag on n-type Si has been readily used in solar cells due to its low metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance, very high sheet conductance, bondability, long-term durability, and cost-effectiveness. In this study, the use of Ti/Pd/Ag metallization on n-type GaAs is examined, targeting electronic devices that need to handle high current densities and with grid-like contacts with limited surface coverage (i.e., solar cells, lasers, or light emitting diodes). Ti/Pd/Ag (50 nm/50 nm/1000 nm) metal layers were deposited on n-type GaAs by electron beam evaporation and the contact quality was assessed for different doping levels (from 1.3 × 1018 cm−3 to 1.6 × 1019 cm−3) and annealing temperatures (from 300°C to 750°C). The metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance, metal resistivity, and the morphology of the contacts were studied. The results show that samples doped in the range of 1018 cm−3 had Schottky-like I–V characteristics and only samples doped 1.6 × 1019 cm−3 exhibited ohmic behavior even before annealing. For the ohmic contacts, increasing annealing temperature causes a decrease in the specific contact resistance (ρ c,Ti/Pd/Ag ~ 5 × 10−4 Ω cm2). In regard to the metal resistivity, Ti/Pd/Ag metallization presents a very good metal conductivity for samples treated below 500°C (ρ M,Ti/Pd/Ag ~ 2.3 × 10−6 Ω cm); however, for samples treated at 750°C, metal resistivity is strongly degraded due to morphological degradation and contamination in the silver overlayer. As compared to the classic AuGe/Ni/Au metal system, the Ti/Pd/Ag system shows higher metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance and one order of magnitude lower metal resistivity.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo a aplicação do processamento por atrito linear na liga de titânio Ti-6Al-4V. Derivado da solda por atrito linear, é um processo recente desenvolvido na década de 90 para união de alumínio. Sua aplicação em outros tipos de materiais como aços e ligas de alto desempenho, em especial o titânio, tem interessado a industria. A metodologia utilizada nesta tese para avaliar o processamento por atrito linear, consistiu na execução de ensaios mecânicos de tração em condições mistas em chapas da liga de titânio Ti-6Al-4V. A máquina utilizada para o processamento das chapas foi um centro de usinagem CNC convencional, adaptado com dispositivos especiais. Além dos ensaios de tração em condições mistas, foram executadas medições de microdurezas nas regiões atingidas pelo processo, avaliação das microestruturas resultantes e medições de tensão residual para uma caracterização mais ampla do processo. As microestruturas na região processada são caracterizadas por uma estrutura totalmente transformada. As temperaturas de pico na região processada excederam a temperatura -transus durante o processamento e a transformação da fase + ocorreu durante a fase de resfriamento. A transformação da fase para resultou na formação de agulhas de fase nos contornos e pelo interior dos grãos da fase . Pequenas regiões com estrutura equiaxial de grãos ( globular) foram observados na zona de processamento. A abordagem dos resultados quantitativos foi feita de forma estatística, visando identificar os parâmetros de maior interação com os resultados observados. Foi identificado nesta tese que a rotação da ferramenta apresentou a maior influência nos resultados de tensão residual, microdureza e tensão de escoamento. Uma importante contribuição à modelagem da tensão de escoamento para materiais anisotrópicos é proposta, baseado em um critério de escoamento ortotrópico. Equações complementares baseadas nos testes mistos de tração e cisalhamento são propostas para modificar o modelo ortotrópico. O intuito deste modelo é indicar em que condições o material tem seu regime de escoamento atingido, podendo servir de base para simulações práticas de peças em condições similares.