930 resultados para Third-order model


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Atualmente a maior ameaça à integridade de ecossistemas aquáticos reside nas ações antrópicas, que através de alterações na cobertura vegetal ripária, atingem todos os compartimentos dos sistemas lóticos, alterando a estrutura física, química e biológica do rio e os padrões de ligação entre ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos. A importância dos macroinvertebrados fragmentadores ainda não é bem conhecida nos trópicos. Eles podem contribuir para a decomposição de folhas em córregos, que é um processo fundamental para o fluxo de energia em rios de pequeno porte. Os processos de decomposição e produção secundária de macroinvertebrados aquáticos nos ecossistemas lóticos são intimamente relacionados com o aporte da vegetação terrestre, e podem ser sensíveis às alterações na cobertura vegetal ripária. Os objetivos desse estudo foram avaliar: (a) quais mudanças o desmatamento pode causar nos parâmetros físicos e químicos de rios; (b) os efeitos do desmatamento sobre a estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos associados às folhas, (c) nos processos ecossistêmicos, como decomposição foliar e produção secundária, e (d) a associação entre produção secundária de fragmentadores e decomposição foliar. O estudo foi realizado em 27 locais distribuídos em quatro córregos (7-8 locais por rio) de segunda-terceira ordem e que apresentavam um gradiente de desmatamento. Para estimar a taxa de decomposição, cinco pacotes de folha foram imersos em cada um dos pontos. Um pacote de folha foi retirado de cada ponto após 2, 7, 15 e 28 dias de imersão. O quinto pacote de folha foi retirado no 37 dia de imersão para as estimativas de produção secundária, biodiversidade e a diversidade funcional de insetos aquáticos. As concentrações de amônio aumentaram e a riqueza de espécies de insetos aquáticos e de EPTs (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera) dos pacotes de folhas diminuíram com o aumento do desmatamento. As taxas de decomposição diminuíram com o aumento do desmatamento. Os dados sugerem que a perda de vegetação ripária pela conversão em agropecuária teve impacto em parâmetros químicos e bióticos, tanto na estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados quanto no funcionamento do ecossistema. Concluímos que a restauração e preservação da mata ripária deve ser um foco central das estratégias de gestão de ecossistemas lóticos para assegurar que os processos ecossistêmicos e a estrutura das comunidades em bacias hidrográficas estejam agindo como provedores dos serviços ambientais esperados.


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Diante dos avanços tecnológicos, pesquisadores têm intensificado a busca por métodos de remoção de metais, que tragam bons resultados de captação a partir de efluentes contaminados, aliados a um baixo custo. A utilização de materiais biológicos como algas marinhas, fungos e bactérias vem se destacando e se tornando uma solução atrativa quando comparados com os tratamentos químicos convencionais; essa técnica é denominada biossorção. A biossorção é um processo de captação de íons metálicos de uma solução, a partir de interações entre o metal e determinados sítios ativos presentes na parede celular da biomassa. Existe também um crescente interesse pelo estudo dos elementos de terras raras (TR) por possuirem alto valor agregado, acarretado por processos caros e de alta complexidade na sua separação e purificação. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o potencial de biossorção de lantânio - um representante dos TR - pela macroalga Sargassum sp., a partir de soluções aquosas. Para isso foram realizados estudos em batelada, aplicando modelos cinéticos e de equilíbrio, e estudos em regime contínuo de biossorção dos íons de lantânio (III), além de um sistema contínuo bimetálico, no qual houve a adição do metal cério, outro TR. As determinações analíticas foram realizadas por espectrometria de emissão ótica por plasma indutivamente acoplado. Os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados nas concentrações metálicas de 10 e 100 mg.L-1 e em duas concentrações distintas de biomassa 2 e 5 g.L-1 na temperatura de 301C. Dois modelos cinéticos foram testados, pseudo-primeira ordem e segunda ordem, tendo o modelo de segunda ordem apresentado melhor ajuste dos dados, com r2 igual a 0,9697. No ensaio de equilíbrio foi construída a isoterma que apresentou um perfil crescente na captação no entanto não alcançou a remoção máxima. Os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich foram utilizados para ajustar os dados da isoterma, sendo verificado maior correlação dos dados com o modelo de Langmuir; resultando num valor de captação máxima calculado pelo modelo de 3,55 mmol.g-1. No ensaio dinâmico foram realizados dois experimentos, 1 e 2. O Experimento 1 foi realizado com três colunas interligadas e recheadas com 20g de biomassa cada, sendo bombeada uma solução aquosa de lantânio na concentração de 1,41mmol.L-1. O Experimento 2 foi constituido de uma solução contendo lantânio e cério ambos na mesma concentração anterior de 1,41 mmol.L-1, sendo bombeada somente para uma única coluna recheada com 20g de biomassa. Os resultados demonstraram que o ponto de saturação não foi atingido dentro das 8 horas em que se deu o processo, o que indica a alta afinidade da Sargassum sp. pelo lantânio e que a presença do cério associada a redução da vazão prejudicou a captação do lantânio


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Significant progress has been made towards understanding the global stability of slowly-developing shear flows. The WKBJ theory developed by Patrick Huerre and his co-authors has proved absolutely central, with the result that both the linear and the nonlinear stability of a wide range of flows can now be understood in terms of their local absolute/convective instability properties. In many situations, the local absolute frequency possesses a single dominant saddle point in complex X-space (where X is the slow streamwise coordinate of the base flow), which then acts as a single wavemaker driving the entire global linear dynamics. In this paper we consider the more complicated case in which multiple saddles may act as the wavemaker for different values of some control parameter. We derive a frequency selection criterion in the general case, which is then validated against numerical results for the linearized third-order Ginzburg-Landau equation (which possesses two saddle points). We believe that this theory may be relevant to a number of flows, including the boundary layer on a rotating disk and the eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow. © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The bioaccumulation of phthalate acid esters (PAEs) from industrial products and their mutagenic action has been suggested to be a potential threat to human health. The effects of the most frequently identified PAE, Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), and its biodegradation, were examined by comparison of two small scale plots (SSP) of integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands. The influent DBP concentration was 9.84 mg l(-1) in the treatment plot and the control plot received no DBP. Soil enzymatic activities of dehydrogenase, catalase, protease, phosphatase, urease, cellulase, beta-glucosidase, were measured in the two SSP after DBP application for 1 month and 2 months, and 1 month after the final application. Both treatment and control had significantly higher enzyme activity in the surface soil than in the subsurface soil (P < 0.001) and greater enzyme activity in the down-flow chamber than in the up-flow chamber (P < 0.05). In the constructed wetlands, DBP enhanced the activities of dehydrogenase, catalase, protease, phosphatase and inhibited the activities of urease, cellulase and beta-glucosidase. However, urease, cellulase, beta-glucosidase activities were restored 1 month following the final DBP addition. Degradation of DBP was greater in the surface soil and was reduced in sterile soil, indicating that this process may be mediated by aerobic microorgansims. DBP degradation fitted a first-order model, and the kinetic equation showed that the rate constant was 0.50 and 0.17 d(-1), the half-life was 1.39 and 4.02 d, and the r(2) was 0.99 and 0.98, in surface and subsurface soil, respectively. These results indicate that constructed wetlands are able to biodegrade organic PA-Es such as DBP. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The third-order optical nonlinear refractive properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy have been measured using the reflection Z-scan technique at above-bandgap energy. The nonlinear refractive index and nonlinear absorption index of the InAs/GaAs quantum dots were determined for wavelengths from 740 to 777 nm. The measured results are compared with the nonlinear refractive response of several typical III-V group semiconductor materials. The corresponding mechanisms responsible for the large nonlinear response are discussed.


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Nonlinear optical properties of silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si) embedded in SiO2 films are investigated using time-resolved four-wave mixing technique with a femtosecond laser. the off-resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) is observed to be 1.3 x 10(-10) esu at 800 nm. The relaxation time of the film is fast as short as 50 fs. The off-resonant nonlinearity is predominantly electronic in origin and enhanced due to quantum confinement.


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According to the research results reported in the past decades, it is well acknowledged that face recognition is not a trivial task. With the development of electronic devices, we are gradually revealing the secret of object recognition in the primate's visual cortex. Therefore, it is time to reconsider face recognition by using biologically inspired features. In this paper, we represent face images by utilizing the C1 units, which correspond to complex cells in the visual cortex, and pool over S1 units by using a maximum operation to reserve only the maximum response of each local area of S1 units. The new representation is termed C1 Face. Because C1 Face is naturally a third-order tensor (or a three dimensional array), we propose three-way discriminative locality alignment (TWDLA), an extension of the discriminative locality alignment, which is a top-level discriminate manifold learning-based subspace learning algorithm. TWDLA has the following advantages: (1) it takes third-order tensors as input directly so the structure information can be well preserved; (2) it models the local geometry over every modality of the input tensors so the spatial relations of input tensors within a class can be preserved; (3) it maximizes the margin between a tensor and tensors from other classes over each modality so it performs well for recognition tasks and (4) it has no under sampling problem. Extensive experiments on YALE and FERET datasets show (1) the proposed C1Face representation can better represent face images than raw pixels and (2) TWDLA can duly preserve both the local geometry and the discriminative information over every modality for recognition.


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An asymmetric MOSFET-C band-pass filter(BPF)with on chip charge pump auto-tuning is presented.It is implemented in UMC (United Manufacturing Corporation)0.18μm CMOS process technology. The filter system with auto-tuning uses a master-slave technique for continuous tuning in which the charge pump OUtputs 2.663 V, much higher than the power supply voltage, to improve the linearity of the filter. The main filter with third order low-pass and second order high-pass properties is an asymmetric band-pass filter with bandwidth of 2.730-5.340 MHz. The in-band third order harmonic input intercept point(HP3) is 16.621 dBm,wim 50 Ω as the source impedance. The input referred noise iS about 47.455μVrms. The main filter dissipates 3.528 mW while the auto-tuning system dissipates 2.412 mW from a 1.8 V power supply. The filter with the auto-tuning system occupies 0.592 mm~2 and it can be utilized in GPS (global positioning system)and Bluetooth systems.


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A 5.2 GHz variable-gain amplifier (VGA) and a power amplifier (PA) driver are designed for WLAN IEEE 802.11a monolithic RFIC. The VGA and the PA driver are implemented in a 50 GHz 0.35 μm SiGe BiCMOS technology and occupy 1.12×1.25 mm~2 die area. The VGA with effective temperature compensation is controlled by 5 bits and has a gain range of 34 dB. The PA driver with tuned loads utilizes a differential input, single-ended output topology, and the tuned loads resonate at 5.2 GHz. The maximum overall gain of the VGA and the PA driver is 29 dB with the output third-order intercept point (OIP3) of 11 dBm. The gain drift over the temperature varying from -30 to 85℃ converges within±3 dB. The total current consumption is 45 mA under a 2.85 V power supply.


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The nonlinear optical properties of Al-doped nc-Si-SiO_2 composite films have been investigated using the time-resolved four-wave mixing technique with a femtosecond laser. The off-resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility is observed to be 1.0 × 10~(-10) esu at 800nm. The relaxation time of the optical nonlinearity in the films is as short as 60fs. The optical nonlinearity is enhanced due to the quantum confinement of electrons in Si nanocrystals embedded in the SiO_2 films. The enhanced optical nonlinearity does not originate from Al dopant because there are no Al clusters in the films.


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A third-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory and non-free-parameter difference scheme magnetohydrodynamic solver has been established to investigate the mechanisms of magnetohydrodynamics controlling separation induced by an oblique shock wave impinging on a flat plate. The effects of magnetohydrodynamic interaction-zone location on the separation point, reattachment point, separation-bubble size, and boundary-layer velocity profiles are analyzed. The results show that there exists a best location for the magnetohydrodynamic zone to be applied, where the separation point is delayed the farthest, and the separation bubble is decreased up to about 50% in size compared to the case without magnetohydrodynamic control, which demonstrated the promising of magnetohydrodynamics suppressing the separation induced by shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions.


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Based on the optimized design of the lattice for therapy synchrotron and considering the requirement of radiation therapy, the third order resonant extraction is adopted. Using the momentum-amplitude selection method, the extraction system is designed and optimized. An extraction efficiency of more than 97% and a momentum spread less than 0.11% are obtained.


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According to the operation and development of radiation therapy in the world, in order to further promote the radiation therapy of tumour in China, a design of a special synchrotron with two super-periodicity for hadron therapy is presented, including lattice, injection system, RF acceleration and slow extraction of the third order resonance. The synchrotron accelerates the proton beam to 250MeV and the carbon beam to 4000MeV/u.


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An ultrathin composite film containing both polyoxometalate anion [PMo12O40](3-) ( PMo12) and a planar binuclear phthalocyanine, bi-CoPc, has been prepared by the electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly method. UV-vis measurements revealed regular film growth with each four-layer {PMo12/bi-CoPc/PSS/PAH} adsorption. The lm structure was characterized by small-angle X-ray reflectivity measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectra, and AFM images. The nanothick film shows a third-order nonlinear optical response of chi((3)) = 4.21 x 10(-12) esu. Experimental investigations also indicate that the combination of polyoxometalate anions [PMo12O40](3-) with the phthalocyanine bi-CoPc in multilayer films can enhance the third-order NLO susceptibility and modify the third-order NLO absorption of bi-CoPc.


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随着全球生态环境的恶化,各国日益重视对水体中各种污染物的治理。利用藻类的吸收、富集和降解作用,可以去除污水中的营养物质、重金属离子和有机污染物,与其他物理、化学及工程的方法相比,该技术具有以下优点:成本低、能耗小、治理效果较好,对环境污染小,有利于资源化,有利于整体生态环境的改善,是治理水质污染的新途径。 本文利用几种大型海藻对富营养化海水进行处理,结果发现孔石莼、刚毛藻均有很强的吸收N、P的能力,吸收能力依次为褶曲刚毛藻>束生刚毛藻>孔石莼。水体中褶曲刚毛藻3 g/L含量,在3~5小时之内,可把中等以上富营养化海水中的N、P降低至一类海水水平。利用刚毛藻处理富营养化地下海水和养殖废水,进行海参和大菱鲆养殖试验,探索藻类净化水质和废水循环利用的新模式,使水体保持较低的营养盐状态,减轻养殖废水对环境的影响,实现了海水养殖业与环境的可持续发展。 刚毛藻在我国近海滩涂分布广泛,利用它来处理富营养化水体,并和水产养殖业相结合,既净化水体,使养殖废水能循环利用,满足水产养殖的需求,又改善水产业生态环境。同时,将回收藻体生产优质饲料、食品和药物等,实现藻类资源的高值利用。刚毛藻营养丰富,用其替代鼠尾藻作海参饲料,资源丰富,成本低,效果好,是一种值得加以开发利用的宝贵资源,具有广泛的应用前景。 生物吸附法是一种经济有效的移除废水中有害重金属离子的方法。由于藻类细胞壁中的多聚糖可提供吸附重金属的位点,廉价而蕴藏丰富的海藻对多种重金属表现出很强的吸附能力。所以本文通过分批实验,研究了非活体刚毛藻对水体中重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附影响因子、吸附热力学、吸附动力学及吸附机理,得到了平衡等温线及动力学数据。吸附过程的最佳pH值为5.0,吸附量随温度的升高而增加,水体中常见的Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+阳离子及Cl-、NO3-、SO42-、C2O42-等阴离子的存在对吸附的影响并不显著。EDTA存在时,吸附百分率大大降低。吸附等温线符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程。刚毛藻对重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附容量很高,25℃时,对Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的最大吸附容量分别为1.61 mmol/g、0.96 mmol/g和0.98 mmol/g,且吸附过程为吸热反应。刚毛藻对重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附过程为化学吸附,在吸附过程中藻体表面的官能团可能与金属离子发生了螯合作用。吸附动力学过程符合pseudo-二级动力学模型,在初始的30min内,吸附速率很快,随后速率逐渐降低。解吸试验表明,用EDTA可以对重金属进行回收,刚毛藻可以循环利用。实验结果表明刚毛藻是一种高效、经济实用的生物吸附材料,可用来吸附回收水体中的重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+等。 通过非活体刚毛藻对重金属Cr6+的吸附影响因子、吸附动力学、吸附机理的研究发现,刚毛藻对Cr6+具有很强的还原能力,对电镀废水中的Cr6+的还原去除提供了非常好的方法。吸附过程的最佳pH值为2~3,实际电镀废水通常在此pH范围,因此处理实际废水时,首先在原酸性条件下,对Cr6+进行还原去除,然后调废水pH至5.0,继续进行吸附,去除其他二价离子及被还原的三价Cr离子,实现了利用同一材料还原Cr6+为Cr3+,并将Cr3+和其他重金属离子同时去除。通过对机理的讨论,认为刚毛藻对Cr6+的生物吸附过程不是一个简单的“离子交换过程”,而是一个“吸附还原过程”。在海藻量足够的前提下,只要时间足够长,Cr6+可被彻底还原去除。 利用工业废弃物褐藻渣,对水体中重金属离子Cu2+、Pb2+、Cd2+及Cr6+的生物吸附特性分别进行了讨论,结果表明褐藻渣对重金属离子的吸附特性与刚毛藻一致,吸附等温线符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程,在25℃时,pH为5.0时,由Langmuir方程求出褐藻渣对Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的最大吸附容量分别为4.20 mmol/g、3.13 mmol/g和2.97 mmol/g。褐藻渣对低、高浓度的重金属Cr6+都具有很强的吸附能力,且移除效果比较彻底。实际应用结果表明,褐藻渣是一种高效、经济实用的生物吸附材料,可用来吸附回收水体中的重金属离子,具有广泛的应用前景。