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The origin of bees was marked by the change from the use of animal of vegetal protein to feed the larvae. The advantages of this change and the existence of some necrophagous species among the bees is discussed regarding to the poor digestibility of pollen.
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of increased of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) intracuff pressures on the laryngopharyngeal mucosa. Study Design: Animal model. Methods: Sixteen mixed-breed dogs were randomly allocated to two groups, G1 (intracuff volume, 30 mL; n = 8) and G2 (intracuff volume, 54 mt; n = 8), to produce, respectively, high or very high intracuff pressures. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with pentobarbital. Intracuff pressures were measured immediately after insertion and inflation of a No. 4 laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes thereafter. The dogs were euthanized, and biopsy specimens from eight predetermined areas of the laryngopharynx in contact with LMA cuff were collected for light microscopic (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination. Results: Initial LMA cuff inflation in G1 and G2 resulted in intracuff pressures of 119 mm Hg +/- 4 mm Hg and 235 mm Hg +/- 13 mm Hg, respectively. Over a 2-hour period, the intracuff pressure decreased significantly in G1 (P < .001) and G2 (P < .01), and there was a significant difference between the groups over time (P < .001). The LM study of laryngopharyngeal mucosa in both groups showed mild congestion in the subepithelial layer. There were no differences between the groups (P > .10) or among the areas sampled (P > .10). In some areas of G2, the SEM study showed epithelial desquamation that was more intense than that in GI. Conclusions: the increase in LMA intracuff pressure caused only mild alterations in the laryngopharyngeal mucosa of the dog.
Austenitic stainless steel presents phase changes caused by heat treatment and welding processes. Because it represents a problem in the design of high-homogeneity magnets, we have been studying the magnetic properties of Ti alloys for their use instead of stainless steel as structural material for superconducting magnet construction. In this work, we present the comparative study of the influence of magnetic properties of steel and Ti alloys on the magnetic-field homogeneity of a superconducting coil through numerical calculation using the measured magnetic properties. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The regionwide study of the effects of climate change in the coastal areas of Latin America and the Caribbean has been divided into four main parts in line with the comprehensive risk-assessment methodology that was developed as research progressed. The outputs of this regional study are presented in four core documents: an analysis of the factors that are driving climate change, a study on the vulnerability of coastal areas, an evaluation of the impacts of climate change and an exploration of how all these different factors can be brought together in an assessment of the risks associated with some of the impacts of climate change on the region’s coastal areas.
This work describes the atropisomeric relationships of 3-methyl-5-(3-methyl-5-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-amine (2d), which belongs to series 4-aminobipyrazole derivatives designed as anti-inflammatory agents. The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra obtained in the presence of a chiral lanthanide shift salt associated to chiral high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, X-ray diffraction, and molecular modeling tools confirmed that ortho bis-functionalized bipyrazole 2d exists as a mixture of aR,aS-atropisomers. These results provide useful information to understand the pharmacological profile of this derivative and of other 4-aminobipyrazole analogs. Chirality 24:463470, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
With the business environments no longer confined to geographical borders, the new wave of digital technologies has given organizations an enormous opportunity to bring together their distributed workforce and develop the ability to work together despite being apart (Prasad & Akhilesh, 2002). resupposing creativity to be a social process, the way that this phenomenon occurs when the configuration of the team is substantially modified will be questioned. Very little is known about the impact of interpersonal relationships in the creativity (Kurtzberg & Amabile, 2001). In order to analyse the ways in which the creative process may be developed, we ought to be taken into consideration the fact that participants are dealing with a quite an atypical situation. Firstly, in these cases socialization takes place amongst individuals belonging to a geographically dispersed workplace, where interpersonal relationships are mediated by the computer, and where trust must be developed among persons who have never met one another. Participants not only have multiple addresses and locations, but above all different nationalities, and different cultures, attitudes, thoughts, and working patterns, and languages. Therefore, the central research question of this thesis is as follows: “How does the creative process unfold in globally distributed teams?” With a qualitative approach, we used the case study of the Business Unit of Volvo 3P, an arm of Volvo Group. Throughout this research, we interviewed seven teams engaged in the development of a new product in the chassis and cab areas, for the brands Volvo and Renault Trucks, teams that were geographically distributed in Brazil, Sweden, France and India. Our research suggests that corporate values, alongside with intrinsic motivation and task which lay down the necessary foundations for the development of the creative process in GDT.
This project focuses on the acquisition of Italian and Spanish as mother tongues. Chapter 1 explores some of the main theories concerning language acquisition in order to give a general overview about this field of investigation. Chapter 2 presents the main steps of the acquisition of Italian and Spanish during childhood as described by Camaioni (2001) and Hernández Pina (1990). Chapter 3 contains an analysis carried out on several transcripts of natural conversations between children and their parents. Particular attention was paid to understand how Italian and Spanish children acquire definite and indefinite articles between 18 and 30 months of age. The goal of this paper is to understand whether Italian and Spanish children follow the same pattern of language acquisition when articles are considered, given the undoubtable similarity of these two Romance languages. The results of this study suggest that the acquisition of articles by native Italian and Spanish speakers mirrors such similarity. Yet, Spanish children seem faster at learning new uses of articles (i.e. articulated prepositions), but at first they make many more mistakes compared to Italians. This suggests that Spanish children tend to make experiments with the linguistic items they already know in order to increase their linguistic competences. On the other hand, Italians seem slower at learning new features of their mother tongue, but the number of mistakes they make is generally lower, which suggests that they rather stabilize their competences before learning new ones. The analysis also highlights the importance of imitation in the process of language acquisition: children tend to repeat what they hear from their parents to learn new features of their mother tongue. Needless to say, this paper only aims at serving as a springboard for further investigation, since language acquisition remains a fascinating and largely unsolved process.
Denosumab is an approved therapy for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high or increased risk for fracture. In the FREEDOM study, denosumab reduced fracture risk and increased bone mineral density (BMD). We report the spine and hip dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) BMD responses from the overall study of 7808 women and from a substudy of 441 participants in which more extensive spine and hip assessments as well as additional skeletal sites were evaluated. Significant BMD improvements were observed as early as 1mo at the lumbar spine, total hip, and trochanter (all p<0.005 vs placebo and baseline). BMD increased progressively at the lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, trochanter, 1/3 radius, and total body from baseline to months 12, 24, and 36 (all p<0.005 vs placebo and baseline). BMD gains above the least significant change of more than 3% at 36 months were observed in 90% of denosumab-treated subjects at the lumbar spine and 74% at the total hip, and gains more than 6% occurred in 77% and 38%, respectively. In conclusion, denosumab treatment resulted in significant, early, and continued BMD increases at both trabecular and cortical sites throughout the skeleton over 36mo with important gains observed in most subjects.
Ferroic materials, as notable members of smart materials, have been widely used in applications that perform sensing, actuation and control. The macroscopic property change of ferroic materials may become remarkably large during ferroic phase transition, leading to the fact that the macroscopic properties can be tuned by carefully applying a suitable external field (electric, magnetic, stress). To obtain an enhancement in physical and/or mechanical properties, different kinds of ferroic composites have been fabricated. The properties of a ferroic composite are determined not only by the properties and relative amounts of the constituent phases, but also by the microstructure of individual phase such as the phase connectivity, phase size, shape and spatial arrangement. This dissertation mainly focuses on the computational study of microstructure – property – mechanism relations in two representative ferroic composites, i.e., two-phase particulate magnetoelectric (ME) composite and polymer matrix ferroelectric composite. The former is a great example of ferroic composite exhibiting a new property and functionality that neither of the constituent phases possesses individually. The latter well represents the kind of ferroic composites having property combinations that are better than the existing materials. Phase field modeling was employed as the computing tool, and the required models for ferroic composites were developed based on existing models for monolithic materials. Extensive computational simulations were performed to investigate the microstructure-property relations and the underlying mechanism in ferroic composites. In particulate, it is found that for ME composite 0-3 connectivity (isolated magnetostrictive phase) is necessary to exhibit ME effect, and small but finite electrical conductivity of isolated magnetic phase can beneficially enhance ME effect. It is revealed that longitudinal and transverse ME coefficients of isotropic 0-3 particulate composites can be effectively tailored by controlling magnetic domain structures without resort to anisotropic two-phase microstructures. Simulations also show that the macroscopic properties of the ferroelectricpolymer composites critically depend on the ferroelectric phase connectivity while are not sensitive to the sizes and internal grain structures of the ceramic particles. Texturing is found critical to exploit the paraelectric«ferroelectric phase transition and nonlinear polarization behavior in paraelectric polycrystal and its polymer matrix composite. Additionally, a Diffuse Interface Field model was developed to simulate packing and motion in liquid phase which is promising for studying the fabrication of particulatepolymer composites.
Background Tissue microarray (TMA) technology revolutionized the investigation of potential biomarkers from paraffin-embedded tissues. However, conventional TMA construction is laborious, time-consuming and imprecise. Next-generation tissue microarrays (ngTMA) combine histological expertise with digital pathology and automated tissue microarraying. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of ngTMA for the investigation of biomarkers within the tumor microenvironment (tumor center and invasion front) of six tumor types, using CD3, CD8 and CD45RO as an example. Methods Ten cases each of malignant melanoma, lung, breast, gastric, prostate and colorectal cancers were reviewed. The most representative H&E slide was scanned and uploaded onto a digital slide management platform. Slides were viewed and seven TMA annotations of 1 mm in diameter were placed directly onto the digital slide. Different colors were used to identify the exact regions in normal tissue (n = 1), tumor center (n = 2), tumor front (n = 2), and tumor microenvironment at invasion front (n = 2) for subsequent punching. Donor blocks were loaded into an automated tissue microarrayer. Images of the donor block were superimposed with annotated digital slides. Exact annotated regions were punched out of each donor block and transferred into a TMA block. 420 tissue cores created two ngTMA blocks. H&E staining and immunohistochemistry for CD3, CD8 and CD45RO were performed. Results All 60 slides were scanned automatically (total time < 10 hours), uploaded and viewed. Annotation time was 1 hour. The 60 donor blocks were loaded into the tissue microarrayer, simultaneously. Alignment of donor block images and digital slides was possible in less than 2 minutes/case. Automated punching of tissue cores and transfer took 12 seconds/core. Total ngTMA construction time was 1.4 hours. Stains for H&E and CD3, CD8 and CD45RO highlighted the precision with which ngTMA could capture regions of tumor-stroma interaction of each cancer and the T-lymphocytic immune reaction within the tumor microenvironment. Conclusion Based on a manual selection criteria, ngTMA is able to precisely capture histological zones or cell types of interest in a precise and accurate way, aiding the pathological study of the tumor microenvironment. This approach would be advantageous for visualizing proteins, DNA, mRNA and microRNAs in specific cell types using in situ hybridization techniques.
In spite of its different cantonal jurisdictions and traditions, the development of religious education in Switzerland over the past decade has taken a common direction: the state has assumed a more active role in the field of religious education in public (state-run) schools. In this article, we ask the question: How do key social actors interpret these reforms and how do these interpretations relate to the social structure of religion in Switzerland, in particular with respect to the majority category of the so-called distanced Christians? Drawing on qualitative interviews with members of the schools’ teaching staff, school administrators, and church representatives, the article highlights a dominant interpretative pattern that frames the socially accepted representation of religion in public schools. Thus, rather than addressing the pedagogical dimension of religious education, we discuss the significance of this pattern for the debate on the public presence of religion in Switzerland and Europe.
This work presents the preliminary study of new carbonaceous materials (CMs) obtained from exhausted sludge, their use in the heterogeneous anaerobic process of biodecolorization of azo dyes and the comparison of their performance with one commercial active carbon. The preparation of carbonaceous materials was conducted through chemical activation and carbonization. Chemical activation was carried out through impregnation of sludge-exhausted materials with ZnCl2 and the activation by means of carbonization at different temperatures (400, 600 and 800°C). Their physicochemical and surface characteristics were also investigated. Sludge based carbonaceous (SBC) materials SBC400, SBC600 and SBC800 present values of 13.0, 111.3 and 202.0m(2)/g of surface area. Biodecolorization levels of 76% were achieved for SBC600 and 86% for SBC800 at space time (τ) of 1.0min, similar to that obtained with commercial activated carbons in the continuous anaerobic up-flow packed bed reactor (UPBR). The experimental data fit well to the first order kinetic model and equilibrium data are well represented by the Langmuir isotherm model. Carbonaceous materials show high level of biodecolorization even at very short space times. Results indicate that carbonaceous materials prepared from sludge-exhausted materials have outstanding textural properties and significant degradation capacity for treating textile effluents.
The impact of heat stress on the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus was examined in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants grown at control (25 °C; 25 °C-plants) or moderately elevated temperature (35 °C; 35 °C-plants). In both types of plants net photosynthesis (Pn) decreased with increasing leaf temperature (LT) and was more than 80% reduced at 45 °C as compared to 25 °C. In the 25 °C-plants, LTs higher than 40 °C could result in a complete suppression of Pn. Short-term acclimation to heat stress did not alter the temperature response of Pn. Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements revealed that photosynthetic electron transport (PET) started to decrease when LT increased above 35 °C and that growth at 35 °C improved the thermal stability of the thylakoid membranes. In the 25 °C-plants, but not in the 35 °C-plants, the maximum quantum yield of the photosystem II primary photochemistry, as judged by measuring the Fv/Fm ratio, decreased significantly at LTs higher than 38 °C. A post-illumination heat-induced reduction of the plastoquinone pool was observed in the 25 °C-plants, but not in the 35 °C-plants. Inhibition of Pn by heat stress correlated with a reduction of the activation state of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Western-blot analysis of Rubisco activase showed that heat stress resulted in a redistribution of activase polypeptides from the soluble to the insoluble fraction of extracts. Heat-dependent inhibition of Pn and PET could be reduced by increasing the intercellular CO2 concentration, but much more effectively so in the 35 °C-plants than in the 25 °C-plants. The 35 °C-plants recovered more efficiently from heat-dependent inhibition of Pn than the 25 °C-plants. The results show that growth at moderately high temperature hardly diminished inhibition of Pn by heat stress that originated from a reversible heat-dependent reduction of the Rubisco activation state. However, by improving the thermal stability of the thylakoid membranes it allowed the photosynthetic apparatus to preserve its functional potential at high LTs, thus minimizing the after-effects of heat stress.
The aim of this work is the theoretical study of the band alignment between the two components of a hybrid organic-inorganic solar-cell. The working organic molecules are metal tetra-sulphonated phthalocyanines (M-Pc) and the inorganic material is nano-porous ZnO growth in the 001 direction. The theoretical calculations are being made using the density functional theory (DFT) using a GGA functional with the SIESTA code, which projects electron wave functions and density onto a real space grid and uses as basis set a linear combination of numerical, finite-range localized atomic orbitals. We also used the DFT+U method included in the code that allows a semi-empirical inclusion of electronic correlations in the description of electronic spectra for systems such as zinc oxide.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed