937 resultados para The cancer genome atlas
Receipt for the New Topographical Atlas of the Dominion, paid for by S.D. Woodruff, Apr. 2, 1875.
Nous montrons l’utilisation de la puce exon d’Affymetrix pour l’analyse simultanée de l’expression des gènes et de la variation d’isoformes. Nous avons utilisé les échantillons d’ARN du cerveau et des tissus de référence qui ont été antérieurement utilisés dans l’étude du consortium MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC). Nous démontrons une forte concordance de la quantification de l’expression des gènes entre trois plateformes d’expression populaires à savoir la puce exon d’Affymetrix, la puce Illumina et la puce U133A d’Affymetrix. Plus intéressant nous montrons que la majorité des discordances entre les trois plateformes résulterait des positions différentes des sondes à travers les plateformes et que les variations d’isoforme exactes ne peuvent être identifiées que par la puce exon. Nous avons détecté avec succès, entre les tissus de référence et ceux du cerveau, une centaine de cas d’évènements d’épissage alternatif. La puce exon est requise dans l’analyse de l’épissage alternatif associé aux pathologies telles que les cancers et les troubles neurologiques. Comme application de cette technologie, nous avons analysé les variations d’épissage dans la métastase du cancer de sein développé dans le model de la souris. Nous avons utilisé une gamme bien définie de trois lignées de tumeur mammaire ayant différents potentiels métastatiques. Par des analyses statistiques, nous avons répertorié 2623 transcripts présentant des variations d’expression et d’isoformes entre les types de tumeur. Une analyse du réseau de gènes montre qu’environ la moitié d’entre eux est impliquée dans plusieurs activités cellulaires, ainsi que dans nombreux cancers et désordres génétiques.
Durant la méiose, il se produit des échanges réciproques entre fragments de chromosomes homologues par recombinaison génétique. Les chromosomes parentaux ainsi modifiés donnent naissance à des gamètes uniques. En redistribuant les mutations génétiques pour générer de nouvelles combinaisons, ce processus est à l’origine de la diversité haplotypique dans la population. Dans cette thèse, je présente des résultats décrivant l’implication de la recombinaison méiotique dans les maladies chez l’humain. Premièrement, l'analyse statistique de données de génotypage de familles québécoises démontre une importante hétérogénéité individuelle et sexe-spécifique des taux de recombinaisons. Pour la première fois chez l’humain, nous avons observé que le taux de recombinaison maternel diminue avec l'âge de la mère, un phénomène potentiellement impliqué dans la régulation du taux d’aneuploïdie associé à l’âge maternel. Ensuite, grâce à l’analyse de données de séquençage d’exomes de patients atteints de leucémie et de ceux de leurs parents, nous avons découvert une localisation anormale des évènements de recombinaison chez les enfants leucémiques. Le gène PRDM9, principal déterminant de la localisation des recombinaisons chez l’humain, présente des formes alléliques rares dans ces familles. Finalement, en utilisant un large spectre de variants génétiques identifiés dans les transcriptomes d’individus Canadiens Français, nous avons étudié et comparé le fardeau génétique présent dans les régions génomiques à haut et à faible taux de recombinaison. Le fardeau génétique est substantiellement plus élevé dans les régions à faible taux de recombinaison et nous démontrons qu’au niveau individuel, ce fardeau varie selon la population humaine. Grâce à l’utilisation de données génomiques de pointe pour étudier la recombinaison dans des cohortes populationnelles et médicales, ce travail démontre de quelle façon la recombinaison peut affecter la santé des individus.
Plusieurs patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate (CaP) se verront prescrire l'hormonothérapie (HT) en raison du stade avancé ou en cas d’une récidive de la maladie, pour freiner la progression de la maladie et améliorer leur survie. Cependant, l’HT présente des effets pouvant nuire significativement à la santé du patient.
Le Cancer du Col Utérin (CCU) chez la femme est provoqué par le virus oncogénique VPH. La métastase lymphatique ganglionnaire est un facteur pronostique majeur pour l’évolution de ce cancer et sa présence influence la décision thérapeutique. En général, l’envahissement ganglionnaire est diagnostiqué par histologie, mais cette méthode est laborieuse et parfois prise en défaut pour détecter les micrométastases et les cellules cancéreuses isolées et pour donner des résultats rapides en per opératoire. L’outil moléculaire que nous désirons développer pour combler cette lacune est basé sur une analyse d’ARN des gènes du VPH exprimés par les cellules du CCU. Ceci sera fait par transcription réverse de l’ARN cellulaire couplé à une réaction quantitative en chaine par polymérase en temps réel (RT-qPCR). Cette technique devrait nous permettre une détection et une évaluation rapide des micrométastases pour aider à déterminer immédiatement un pronostic fiable et la thérapie associée. C’est un test précis, sensible et rapide pour détecter un envahissement ganglionnaire dans le CCU visant à améliorer la gestion thérapeutique. Le projet est basé sur trois objectifs. En premier lieu, valider les marqueurs moléculaires E6 et E7 de VPH16 et 18 à partir des échantillons frais et des échantillons fixés dans des blocs de paraffine. En deuxième lieu, déterminer la fiabilité et la sensibilité des marqueurs pour la détection des macrométastases, des micrométastases et les cellules tumorales isolées en utilisant la technique de RT-qPCR. En troisième lieu et parallèlement au travail présenté dans ce mémoire, il est nécessaire de constituer une base de données des patientes qui ont le virus VPH16 et 18 intégré dans leur génome, qui ont été traitées et dont nous connaissons déjà le diagnostic final afin de valider la méthode (biobanque). Nous avons réussi à extraire de l’ARNm de haute qualité à partir d’échantillons complexes, à détecter les gènes E6 et E7 de VPH16 et 18 en RT-qPCR, et à déterminer précisément la limite de détection de E6 et E7 dans les échantillons frais qui est une proportion de 0,008% de cellules cancéreuses. Dans les échantillons fixés dans la paraffine, cette limite est de 0,02% et 0,05% pour E6-E7-VPH16 et E6-E7-VPH18 respectivement. Ceci comparativement à une limite de détection histologique de 1% qui est déterminée par immunohistochimie de CK19. Enfin, notre protocole est validé pour VPH18 dans les ganglions lymphatiques du CCU.
Background: Rhizobium leguminosarum is an alpha-proteobacterial N-2-fixing symbiont of legumes that has been the subject of more than a thousand publications. Genes for the symbiotic interaction with plants are well studied, but the adaptations that allow survival and growth in the soil environment are poorly understood. We have sequenced the genome of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae strain 3841. Results: The 7.75 Mb genome comprises a circular chromosome and six circular plasmids, with 61% G+C overall. All three rRNA operons and 52 tRNA genes are on the chromosome; essential protein-encoding genes are largely chromosomal, but most functional classes occur on plasmids as well. Of the 7,263 protein-encoding genes, 2,056 had orthologs in each of three related genomes ( Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Sinorhizobium meliloti, and Mesorhizobium loti), and these genes were overrepresented in the chromosome and had above average G+C. Most supported the rRNA-based phylogeny, confirming A. tumefaciens to be the closest among these relatives, but 347 genes were incompatible with this phylogeny; these were scattered throughout the genome but were over-represented on the plasmids. An unexpectedly large number of genes were shared by all three rhizobia but were missing from A. tumefaciens. Conclusion: Overall, the genome can be considered to have two main components: a 'core', which is higher in G+C, is mostly chromosomal, is shared with related organisms, and has a consistent phylogeny; and an 'accessory' component, which is sporadic in distribution, lower in G+C, and located on the plasmids and chromosomal islands. The accessory genome has a different nucleotide composition from the core despite a long history of coexistence.
Repeat induced point mutation (RIP), a mechanism causing hypermutation of repetitive DNA sequences in fungi, has been described as a ‘genome defense’ which functions to inactivate mobile elements and inhibit their deleterious effects on genome stability. Here we address the interactions between RIP and transposable elements in the Microbotryum violaceum species complex. Ten strains of M. violaceum, most of which belong to different species of the fungus, were all found to contain intragenomic populations of copia-like retrotransposons. Intragenomic DNA sequence variation among the copia-like elements was analyzed for evidence of RIP. Among species with RIP, there was no significant correlation between the frequency of RIP-induced mutations and inferred transposition rate based on diversity. Two strains of M. violaceum, from two different plant species but belonging to the same fungal lineage, contained copia-like elements with very low diversity, as would result from a high transposition rate, and these were also unique in showing no evidence of the hypermutation patterns indicative of the RIP genome defense. In this species, evidence of RIP was also absent from a Class II helitron-like transposable element. However, unexpectedly the absolute repetitive element load was lower than in other strains.
We have performed microarray hybridization studies on 40 clinical isolates from 12 common serovars within Salmonella enterica subspecies I to identify the conserved chromosomal gene pool. We were able to separate the core invariant portion of the genome by a novel mathematical approach using a decision tree based on genes ranked by increasing variance. All genes within the core component were confirmed using available sequence and microarray information for S. enterica subspecies I strains. The majority of genes within the core component had conserved homologues in Escherichia coli K-12 strain MG1655. However, many genes present in the conserved set which were absent or highly divergent in K-12 had close homologues in pathogenic bacteria such as Shigella flexneri and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Genes within previously established virulence determinants such as SPI1 to SPI5 were conserved. In addition several genes within SPI6, all of SPI9, and three fimbrial operons (fim, bcf, and stb) were conserved within all S. enterica strains included in this study. Although many phage and insertion sequence elements were missing from the core component, approximately half the pseudogenes present in S. enterica serovar Typhi were conserved. Furthermore, approximately half the genes conserved in the core set encoded hypothetical proteins. Separation of the core and variant gene sets within S. enterica subspecies I has offered fundamental biological insight into the genetic basis of phenotypic similarity and diversity across S. enterica subspecies I and shown how the core genome of these pathogens differs from the closely related E. coli K-12 laboratory strain.
Numerous CCT domain genes are known to control flowering in plants. They belong to the CONSTANS-like (COL) and PREUDORESPONSE REGULATOR (PRR) gene families, which in addition to a CCT domain possess B-box or response-regulator domains, respectively. Ghd7 is the most recently identified COL gene to have a proven role in the control of flowering time in the Poaceae. However, as it lacks B-box domains, its inclusion within the COL gene family, technically, is incorrect. Here, we show Ghd7 belongs to a larger family of previously uncharacterized Poaceae genes which possess just a single CCT domain, termed here CCT MOTIF FAMILY (CMF) genes. We molecularly describe the CMF (and related COL and PRR) gene families in four sequenced Poaceae species, as well as in the draft genome assembly of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Genetic mapping of the ten barley CMF genes identified, as well as twelve previously unmapped HvCOL and HvPRR genes, finds the majority map to colinear positions relative to their Poaceae orthologues. Combined inter-/intra-species comparative and phylogenetic analysis of CMF, COL and PRR gene families indicates they evolved prior to the monocot/dicot divergence ~200 mya, with Poaceae CMF evolution described as the interplay between whole genome duplication in the ancestral cereal, and subsequent clade-specific mutation, deletion and duplication events. Given the proven role of CMF genes in the modulation of cereals flowering, the molecular, phylogenetic and comparative analysis of the Poaceae CMF, COL and PRR gene families presented here provides the foundation from which functional investigation can be undertaken.
The genome structure of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in a set of diverse isolates was investigated using a combination of physical and molecular approaches. Flow cytometric measurement of genome size revealed significant variation between strains, with the smallest genome representing 59% of the largest. Southern-blot profiles of a cloned fungal telomere revealed a total chromosome number varying from 9 to 12. Chromosome separations using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that these chromosomes belong to two distinct size classes: a variable number of small (< 2.5 Mb) polymorphic chromosomes and a set of unresolved chromosomes larger than 7 Mb. Two dispersed repeat elements were shown to cluster on distinct polymorphic minichromosomes. Single-copy flanking sequences from these repeat-containing clones specifically marked distinct small chromosomes. These markers were absent in some strains, indicating that part of the observed variability in genome organization may be explained by the presence or absence, in a given strain, of dispensable genomic regions and/or chromosomes.
With an increasingly aged population, many patients will present with cancer in their 80s and 90s. Although some may be very fit, frail individuals will require the input of geriatricians to aid in the assessment of co-existing morbidity, in an attempt to assess those most likely to benefit from active treatment of their cancer, and those in whom the ‘giants of geriatric medicine’ require special consideration before undergoing definitive cancer therapy. The role of the geriatrician in assessment and management of such patients, together with communication and end of life care, may be more important in ensuring a good quality of life, than the cancer therapy itself. Whilst numbers of geriatricians will not be adequate to care for all elderly patients with cancer, a variety of assessment scales will help target financial and manpower resources to those most at risk.
Factors influencing the use of chemotherapy for the initial (6 months) treatment of lung cancer in South East England were investigated. The variables explored as possibly influencing the use of chemotherapy were sex, age, the year of diagnosis, the type of lung cancer, the stage, the index of multiple deprivation and the cancer network of residence. Chi2 analysis and multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the effect of each of the variables on the use of chemotherapy. The results showed a highly significant trend in use of chemotherapy over time; the adjusted proportion of patients receiving chemotherapy increasing from 13.6% in 1994 to 29.3% in 2003. However, age, cancer network and type of lung cancer had the strongest influence on the use of chemotherapy. This finding is important when we consider that the NHS Cancer Plan aims at improving inequalities in cancer care in the UK.
Background: The differential susceptibly hypothesis suggests that certain genetic variants moderate the effects of both negative and positive environments on mental health and may therefore be important predictors of response to psychological treatments. Nevertheless, the identification of such variants has so far been limited to preselected candidate genes. In this study we extended the differential susceptibility hypothesis from a candidate gene to a genome-wide approach to test whether a polygenic score of environmental sensitivity predicted response to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in children with anxiety disorders. Methods: We identified variants associated with environmental sensitivity using a novel method in which within-pair variability in emotional problems in 1026 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs was examined as a function of the pairs’ genotype. We created a polygenic score of environmental sensitivity based on the whole-genome findings and tested the score as a moderator of parenting on emotional problems in 1,406 children and response to individual, group and brief parent-led CBT in 973 children with anxiety disorders. Results: The polygenic score significantly moderated the effects of parenting on emotional problems and the effects of treatment. Individuals with a high score responded significantly better to individual CBT than group CBT or brief parent-led CBT (remission rates: 70.9%, 55.5% and 41.6% respectively). Conclusions: Pending successful replication, our results should be considered exploratory. Nevertheless, if replicated, they suggest that individuals with the greatest environmental sensitivity may be more likely to develop emotional problems in adverse environments, but also benefit more from the most intensive types of treatment.
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
BackgroundDetection and quantification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA is integral to diagnostic and therapeutic regimens. All molecular assays target the viral 5'-noncoding region (59-NCR), and all show genotype-dependent variation of sensitivities and viral load results. Non-western HCV genotypes have been under-represented in evaluation studies. An alternative diagnostic target region within the HCV genome could facilitate a new generation of assays.Methods and FindingsIn this study we determined by de novo sequencing that the 3'-X-tail element, characterized significantly later than the rest of the genome, is highly conserved across genotypes. To prove its clinical utility as a molecular diagnostic target, a prototype qualitative and quantitative test was developed and evaluated multicentrically on a large and complete panel of 725 clinical plasma samples, covering HCV genotypes 1-6, from four continents (Germany, UK, Brazil, South Africa, Singapore). To our knowledge, this is the most diversified and comprehensive panel of clinical and genotype specimens used in HCV nucleic acid testing (NAT) validation to date. The lower limit of detection (LOD) was 18.4 IU/ml (95% confidence interval, 15.3-24.1 IU/ml), suggesting applicability in donor blood screening. The upper LOD exceeded 10(-9) IU/ml, facilitating viral load monitoring within a wide dynamic range. In 598 genotyped samples, quantified by Bayer VERSANT 3.0 branched DNA (bDNA), X-tail-based viral loads were highly concordant with bDNA for all genotypes. Correlation coefficients between bDNA and X-tail NAT, for genotypes 1-6, were: 0.92, 0.85, 0.95, 0.91, 0.95, and 0.96, respectively; X-tail-based viral loads deviated by more than 0.5 log10 from 5'-NCR-based viral loads in only 12% of samples (maximum deviation, 0.85 log10). The successful introduction of X-tail NAT in a Brazilian laboratory confirmed the practical stability and robustness of the X-tail-based protocol. The assay was implemented at low reaction costs (US$8.70 per sample), short turnover times (2.5 h for up to 96 samples), and without technical difficulties.ConclusionThis study indicates a way to fundamentally improve HCV viral load monitoring and infection screening. Our prototype assay can serve as a template for a new generation of viral load assays. Additionally, to our knowledge this study provides the first open protocol to permit industry-grade HCV detection and quantification in resource-limited settings.