895 resultados para Teaching of mathematics. Combinatorial analysis. Heuristic analysis of combinatorial problems
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Reed Smoot, chairman.
M. R. Maltbie, editor.
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Aquifers are a vital water resource whose quality characteristics must be safeguarded or, if damaged, restored. The extent and complexity of aquifer contamination is related to characteristics of the porous medium, the influence of boundary conditions, and the biological, chemical and physical processes. After the nineties, the efforts of the scientists have been increased exponentially in order to find an efficient way for estimating the hydraulic parameters of the aquifers, and thus, recover the contaminant source position and its release history. To simplify and understand the influence of these various factors on aquifer phenomena, it is common for researchers to use numerical and controlled experiments. This work presents some of these methods, applying and comparing them on data collected during laboratory, field and numerical tests. The work is structured in four parts which present the results and the conclusions of the specific objectives.
This study has concentrated on the development of an impact simulation model for use at the sub-national level. The necessity for the development of this model was demonstrated by the growth of local economic initiatives during the 1970's, and the lack of monitoring and evaluation exercise to assess their success and cost-effectiveness. The first stage of research involved the confirmation that the potential for micro-economic and spatial initiatives existed. This was done by identifying the existence of involuntary structural unemployment. The second stage examined the range of employment policy options from the macroeconomic, micro-economic and spatial perspectives, and focused on the need for evaluation of those policies. The need for spatial impact evaluation exercise in respect of other exogenous shocks, and structural changes was also recognised. The final stage involved the investigation of current techniques of evaluation and their adaptation for the purpose in hand. This led to a recognition of a gap in the armoury of techniques. The employment-dependency model has been developed to fill that gap, providing a low-budget model, capable of implementation at the small area level and generating a vast array of industrially disaggregate data, in terms of employment, employment-income, profits, value-added and gross income, related to levels of United Kingdom final demand. Thus providing scope for a variety of impact simulation exercises.
A new method for solving some hard combinatorial optimization problems is suggested, admitting a certain reformulation. Considering such a problem, several different similar problems are prepared which have the same set of solutions. They are solved on computer in parallel until one of them will be solved, and that solution is accepted. Notwithstanding the evident overhead, the whole run-time could be significantly reduced due to dispersion of velocities of combinatorial search in regarded cases. The efficiency of this approach is investigated on the concrete problem of finding short solutions of non-deterministic system of linear logical equations.
Agency problems that helped cause the banking crisis in the United States in the 1980s impacted hotel appraisals competed for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). Lower appraised values would help make more bids acceptable, helping to sell more assets quickly. The results indicate appraised hotel values were much lower than sales prices in states with a high number of bank failures.
Los dominios finos, es decir, dominios sustancialmente más pequeños en alguna o varias de sus direcciones que en el resto, aparecen en muchos campos de la ciencia. Por ejemplo, dinámica de fluídos (lubricación, conducción de fluídos en tubos delgados, dinámica de oceanos...), mecánica de sólidos (barras delgadas, placas o cáscaras) o incluso en fisiología (circulación de la sangre). Así, el amplio número de posibles aplicaciones a situaciones reales ha hecho que la investigación de modelos de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales en dominios finos se convierta en un tema muy estudiado en los últimos años. Desde un punto de vista matemático, el estudio de las soluciones de una EDP en un dominio fino es un caso particular de la cuestión general relativa a cómo la variación de los dominios afecta al comportamiento de las soluciones de la EDP. En este marco, obtener la ecuación límite del modelo considerado, comparar la solución de la ecuación límite y las soluciones del problema en el dominio fino, analizar los coeficientes de la ecuación límite y comprender cómo la geometría del dominio afecta a la ecuación límite son algunos de los objetivos que deberían ser alcanzados. De hecho, es importante señalar que este tipo de cuestiones no sólo proporcionan importantes resultados teóricos sino que son muy relevantes desde el punto de vista de las aplicaciones. Por ejemplo, ser capaz de reducir el problema original a un problema mucho más sencillo, problema límite, que refleje las principales características del problema de partida puede ser muy útil para ingenieros y físicos...
This paper studies Knowledge Discovery (KD) using Tabu Search and Hill Climbing within Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) as a hyper-heuristic method for course timetabling problems. The aim of the hyper-heuristic is to choose the best heuristic(s) for given timetabling problems according to the knowledge stored in the case base. KD in CBR is a 2-stage iterative process on both case representation and the case base. Experimental results are analysed and related research issues for future work are discussed.