927 resultados para TUBE RECONSTRUCTION


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Between the cities of Domodossola and Locarno, the complex ``Centovalli Line'' tectonic zone of the Central Alps outlines deformation phases over a long period of time (probably starting similar to 30 Ma ago) and under variable P-T conditions. The last deformation phases developed gouge-bearing faults with a general E-W trend that crosscuts the roots of the Alpine Canavese zone and the Finero ultramafic body. Kinematic indicators show that the general motion was mainly dextral associated with back thrusting towards the S. The <2 mu m clay fractions of fault gouges from Centovalli Line consist mainly of illite, smectite and chlorite with varied illite-smectite, chlorite-smectite and chlorite-serpentine mixed-layers. Constrained with the illite crystallinity index, the thermal conditions induced by the tectonic activity show a gradual trend from anchizonal to diagenetic conditions. The <2 and <0.2 mu M clay fractions, and hydrothermal K-feldspar separates all provide K-Ar ages between 14.2 +/- 2.9 Ma and roughly 0 Ma, with major episodes at about 12,8, 6 and close to 0 Ma These ages set the recurrent tectonic activity and the associated fluid circulations between Upper Miocene and Recent. On the basis of the K-Ar ages and with a thermal gradient of 25-30 degrees C/km, the studied fault zones were located at a depth of 4-7 km. If they were active until now as observed in field, the exhumation was approximately 2.5-3.0 km for the last 12 Ma with a mean velocity of 0.4 mm/y. Comparison with available models on the recent Alpine evolution shows that the tectonic activity in the area relates to a continuum of the back-thrusting movements of the Canavese Line, and/or to several late-extensional phases of the Rhone-Simplon line. The Centovalli-Val Vigezzo zone therefore represents a major tectonic zone of the Central-Western Alps resulting from different interacting tectonic events. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To 'map' the current (2004) state of prenatal screening in Europe. DESIGN: (i) Survey of country policies and (ii) analysis of data from EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) population-based congenital anomaly registers. SETTING: Europe. POPULATION: Survey of prenatal screening policies in 18 countries and 1.13 million births in 12 countries in 2002-04. METHODS: (i) Questionnaire on national screening policies and termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA) laws in 2004. (ii) Analysis of data on prenatal detection and termination for Down's syndrome and neural tube defects (NTDs) using the EUROCAT database. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Existence of national prenatal screening policies, legal gestation limit for TOPFA, prenatal detection and termination rates for Down's syndrome and NTD. RESULTS: Ten of the 18 countries had a national country-wide policy for Down's syndrome screening and 14/18 for structural anomaly scanning. Sixty-eight percent of Down's syndrome cases (range 0-95%) were detected prenatally, of which 88% resulted in termination of pregnancy. Eighty-eight percent (range 25-94%) of cases of NTD were prenatally detected, of which 88% resulted in termination. Countries with a first-trimester screening policy had the highest proportion of prenatally diagnosed Down's syndrome cases. Countries with no official national Down's syndrome screening or structural anomaly scan policy had the lowest proportion of prenatally diagnosed Down's syndrome and NTD cases. Six of the 18 countries had a legal gestational age limit for TOPFA, and in two countries, termination of pregnancy was illegal at any gestation. CONCLUSIONS: There are large differences in screening policies between countries in Europe. These, as well as organisational and cultural factors, are associated with wide country variation in prenatal detection rates for Down's syndrome and NTD.


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PURPOSE: Reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) yields less satisfying results than anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with respect to laxity control. Accurate tibial tunnel placement is crucial for successful PCL reconstruction using arthroscopic tibial tunnel techniques. A discrepancy between anatomical studies of the tibial PCL insertion site and surgical recommendations for tibial tunnel placement remains. The objective of this study was to identify the optimal placement of the tibial tunnel in PCL reconstruction based on clinical studies. METHODS: In a systematic review of the literature, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Review, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were screened for articles about PCL reconstruction from January 1990 to September 2011. Clinical trials comparing at least two PCL reconstruction techniques were extracted and independently analysed by each author. Only studies comparing different tibial tunnel placements in the retrospinal area were included. RESULTS: This systematic review found no comparative clinical trial for tibial tunnel placement in PCL reconstruction. Several anatomical, radiological, and biomechanical studies have described the tibial insertion sites of the native PCL and have led to recommendations for placement of the tibial tunnel outlet in the retrospinal area. However, surgical recommendations and the results of morphological studies are often contradictory. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable anatomical landmarks for tunnel placement are lacking. Future randomized controlled trials could compare precisely defined tibial tunnel placements in PCL reconstruction, which would require an established mapping of the retrospinal area of the tibial plateau with defined anatomical and radiological landmarks.


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Reconstruction of defects in the craniomaxillofacial (CMF) area has mainly been based on bone grafts or metallic fixing plates and screws. Particularly in the case of large calvarial and/or craniofacial defects caused by trauma, tumours or congenital malformations, there is a need for reliable reconstruction biomaterials, because bone grafts or metallic fixing systems do not completely fulfill the criteria for the best possible reconstruction methods in these complicated cases. In this series of studies, the usability of fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) was studied as a biostable, nonmetallic alternative material for reconstructing artificially created bone defects in frontal and calvarial areas of rabbits. The experimental part of this work describes the different stages of the product development process from the first in vitro tests with resin-impregnated fibrereinforced composites to the in vivo animal studies, in which this FRC was tested as an implant material for reconstructing different size bone defects in rabbit frontal and calvarial areas. In the first in vitro study, the FRC was polymerised in contact with bone or blood in the laboratory. The polymerised FRC samples were then incubated in water, which was analysed for residual monomer content by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that this in vitro polymerisation in contact with bone and blood did not markedly increase the residual monomer leaching from the FRC. In the second in vitro study, different adhesive systems were tested in fixing the implant to bone surface. This was done to find an alternative implant fixing system to screws and pins. On the basis of this study, it was found that the surface of the calvarial bone needed both mechanical and chemical treatments before the resinimpregnated FRC could be properly fixed onto it. In three animal studies performed with rabbit frontal bone defects and critical size calvarial bone defect models, biological responses to the FRC implants were evaluated. On the basis of theseevaluations, it can be concluded that the FRC, based on E-glass (electrical glass) fibres forming a porous fibre veil enables the ingrowth of connective tissues to the inner structures of the material, as well as the bone formation and mineralization inside the fibre veil. Bone formation could be enhanced by using bioactive glass granules fixed to the FRC implants. FRC-implanted bone defects healed partly; no total healing of defects was achieved. Biological responses during the follow-up time, at a maximum of 12 weeks, to resin-impregnated composite implant seemed to depend on the polymerization time of the resin matrix of the FRC. Both of the studied resin systems used in the FRC were photopolymerised and the heat-induced postpolymerisation was used additionally.


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In this paper we study the reconstruction of a network topology from the values of its betweenness centrality, a measure of the influence of each of its nodes in the dissemination of information over the network. We consider a simple metaheuristic, simulated annealing, as the combinatorial optimization method to generate the network from the values of the betweenness centrality. We compare the performance of this technique when reconstructing different categories of networks –random, regular, small-world, scale-free and clustered–. We show that the method allows an exact reconstruction of small networks and leads to good topological approximations in the case of networks with larger orders. The method can be used to generate a quasi-optimal topology fora communication network from a list with the values of the maximum allowable traffic for each node.


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The inverse scattering problem concerning the determination of the joint time-delayDoppler-scale reflectivity density characterizing continuous target environments is addressed by recourse to the generalized frame theory. A reconstruction formula,involving the echoes of a frame of outgoing signals and its corresponding reciprocalframe, is developed. A ‘‘realistic’’ situation with respect to the transmission ofa finite number of signals is further considered. In such a case, our reconstruction formula is shown to yield the orthogonal projection of the reflectivity density onto a subspace generated by the transmitted signals.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka kohdeyrityksessä nykyhetkellä pitkältiräätälöitynä tuotetut putkilämmönvaihtimet voitaisiin standardisoida, jotta pystyttäisiin kohdistamaan resursseja oikein ja parantamaan siten yrityksen taloudellista suorituskykyä. Tutkimuksen edetessä määräävimmäksi tekijäksi työn tuloksia ajatellen nousi taloudellinen standardisointiaste, jonka perusteeksi kohdeyrityksen putkilämmönvaihtimissa valittiin standardisoitu suunnitteluohjeisto. Suunnitteluohjeiston lisäksi tuotestandardiin liitettiin ehdotus toimintapojen automatisoimisesta parametrisen valintataulukon sekä sähköisen manuaalin avulla. Työssä tuotestandardisointia tarkastellaan rationalisointi-investointina ja sen kannattavuutta on tarkasteltu investointilaskelmien sekä herkkyys analyysin avulla. Alkuarvot investointilaskelmissa perustuvat työssä yhdelle putkilämmönvaihtimelletoteutettuun tuotestandardisointitapaan, jos tätä tapaa käytettäisiin jatkossa kaikkiin kyseisen yksikön putkilämmönvaihtimiin.


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We study the impact of sampling theorems on the fidelity of sparse image reconstruction on the sphere. We discuss how a reduction in the number of samples required to represent all information content of a band-limited signal acts to improve the fidelity of sparse image reconstruction, through both the dimensionality and sparsity of signals. To demonstrate this result, we consider a simple inpainting problem on the sphere and consider images sparse in the magnitude of their gradient. We develop a framework for total variation inpainting on the sphere, including fast methods to render the inpainting problem computationally feasible at high resolution. Recently a new sampling theorem on the sphere was developed, reducing the required number of samples by a factor of two for equiangular sampling schemes. Through numerical simulations, we verify the enhanced fidelity of sparse image reconstruction due to the more efficient sampling of the sphere provided by the new sampling theorem.


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The widespread implementation of GIS-based 3D topographical models has been a great aid in the development and testing of archaeological hypotheses. In this paper, a topographical reconstruction of the ancient city of Tarraco, the Roman capital of the Tarraconensis province, is presented. This model is based on topographical data obtained through archaeological excavations, old photographic documentation, georeferenced archive maps depicting the pre-modern city topography, modern detailed topographical maps and differential GPS measurements. The addition of the Roman urban architectural features to the model offers the possibility to test hypotheses concerning the ideological background manifested in the city shape. This is accomplished mainly through the use of 3D views from the main city accesses. These techniques ultimately demonstrate the ‘theatre-shaped’ layout of the city (to quote Vitrubius) as well as its southwest oriented architecture, whose monumental character was conceived to present a striking aspect to visitors, particularly those arriving from the sea.


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Differential X-ray phase-contrast tomography (DPCT) refers to a class of promising methods for reconstructing the X-ray refractive index distribution of materials that present weak X-ray absorption contrast. The tomographic projection data in DPCT, from which an estimate of the refractive index distribution is reconstructed, correspond to one-dimensional (1D) derivatives of the two-dimensional (2D) Radon transform of the refractive index distribution. There is an important need for the development of iterative image reconstruction methods for DPCT that can yield useful images from few-view projection data, thereby mitigating the long data-acquisition times and large radiation doses associated with use of analytic reconstruction methods. In this work, we analyze the numerical and statistical properties of two classes of discrete imaging models that form the basis for iterative image reconstruction in DPCT. We also investigate the use of one of the models with a modern image reconstruction algorithm for performing few-view image reconstruction of a tissue specimen.


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OBJECTIVE: An operative technique is described as a salvage treatment for severe subglottic and supraglottic laryngeal stenosis. In addition to expansion of the laryngeal framework with an anterior cartilage graft, as used in a classical laryngotracheal reconstruction, the scar tissue obliterating the airway lumen is excised and a mucosal graft is placed to reconstruct the inner lining of the airway. The graft is harvested from buccal mucosa. METHODS: The operative technique is outlined. Three cases, 2 paediatric and one adult, with complete or near complete laryngeal stenosis are presented where this operative technique was employed. In all patients several surgeries had been performed previously which were unsuccessful. RESULTS: In all 3 patients a patent airway was achieved with decannulation of the tracheostomy in the 2 paediatric patients. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with severe subglottic or supraglottic airway stenosis where other surgeries have failed, excision of endoluminal scar tissue and placement of a buccal mucosal graft, in addition to conventional laryngotracheal reconstruction, is a promising technique. In revision cases of subglottic stenosis cricotracheal resection might not be an option because of scarring from previous surgeries. This operation is an alternative, which allows an increase in the airway lumen by excising the scar tissue then re-lining the exposed internal lumen. The buccal mucosa reduces granulation formation and re-stenosis.


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Neuronal dynamics are fundamentally constrained by the underlying structural network architecture, yet much of the details of this synaptic connectivity are still unknown even in neuronal cultures in vitro. Here we extend a previous approach based on information theory, the Generalized Transfer Entropy, to the reconstruction of connectivity of simulated neuronal networks of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We show that, due to the model-free nature of the developed measure, both kinds of connections can be reliably inferred if the average firing rate between synchronous burst events exceeds a small minimum frequency. Furthermore, we suggest, based on systematic simulations, that even lower spontaneous inter-burst rates could be raised to meet the requirements of our reconstruction algorithm by applying a weak spatially homogeneous stimulation to the entire network. By combining multiple recordings of the same in silico network before and after pharmacologically blocking inhibitory synaptic transmission, we show then how it becomes possible to infer with high confidence the excitatory or inhibitory nature of each individual neuron.


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Background: Current advances in genomics, proteomics and other areas of molecular biology make the identification and reconstruction of novel pathways an emerging area of great interest. One such class of pathways is involved in the biogenesis of Iron-Sulfur Clusters (ISC). Results: Our goal is the development of a new approach based on the use and combination of mathematical, theoretical and computational methods to identify the topology of a target network. In this approach, mathematical models play a central role for the evaluation of the alternative network structures that arise from literature data-mining, phylogenetic profiling, structural methods, and human curation. As a test case, we reconstruct the topology of the reaction and regulatory network for the mitochondrial ISC biogenesis pathway in S. cerevisiae. Predictions regarding how proteins act in ISC biogenesis are validated by comparison with published experimental results. For example, the predicted role of Arh1 and Yah1 and some of the interactions we predict for Grx5 both matches experimental evidence. A putative role for frataxin in directly regulating mitochondrial iron import is discarded from our analysis, which agrees with also published experimental results. Additionally, we propose a number of experiments for testing other predictions and further improve the identification of the network structure. Conclusion: We propose and apply an iterative in silico procedure for predictive reconstruction of the network topology of metabolic pathways. The procedure combines structural bioinformatics tools and mathematical modeling techniques that allow the reconstruction of biochemical networks. Using the Iron Sulfur cluster biogenesis in S. cerevisiae as a test case we indicate how this procedure can be used to analyze and validate the network model against experimental results. Critical evaluation of the obtained results through this procedure allows devising new wet lab experiments to confirm its predictions or provide alternative explanations for further improving the models.