581 resultados para TERMODINÁMICA


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The propagation of a pulse in a nonlinear array of oscillators is influenced by the nature of the array and by its coupling to a thermal environment. For example, in some arrays a pulse can be speeded up while in others a pulse can be slowed down by raising the temperature. We begin by showing that an energy pulse (one dimension) or energy front (two dimensions) travels more rapidly and remains more localized over greater distances in an isolated array (microcanonical) of hard springs than in a harmonic array or in a soft-springed array. Increasing the pulse amplitude causes it to speed up in a hard chain, leaves the pulse speed unchanged in a harmonic system, and slows down the pulse in a soft chain. Connection of each site to a thermal environment (canonical) affects these results very differently in each type of array. In a hard chain the dissipative forces slow down the pulse while raising the temperature speeds it up. In a soft chain the opposite occurs: the dissipative forces actually speed up the pulse, while raising the temperature slows it down. In a harmonic chain neither dissipation nor temperature changes affect the pulse speed. These and other results are explained on the basis of the frequency vs energy relations in the various arrays


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We study the erratic displacement of spiral waves forced to move in a medium with random spatiotemporal excitability. Analytical work and numerical simulations are performed in relation to a kinematic scheme, assumed to describe the autowave dynamics for weakly excitable systems. Under such an approach, the Brownian character of this motion is proved and the corresponding dispersion coefficient is evaluated. This quantity shows a nontrivial dependence on the temporal and spatial correlation parameters of the external fluctuations. In particular, a resonantlike behavior is neatly evidenced in terms of the noise correlation time for the particular situation of spatially uniform fluctuations. Actually, this case turns out to be, to a large extent, exactly solvable, whereas a pair of dispersion mechanisms are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively to explain the results for the more general scenario of spatiotemporal disorder.


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Scroll waves in excitable media, described by the Barkley model, are studied. In the parameter region of weak excitability, negative tension of wave filaments is found. It leads to expansion of scroll rings and instability of wave filaments. A circular filament tends to stretch, bend, loop, and produce an expanding tangle that fills up the volume. The filament does not undergo fragmentation before it touches the boundaries. Statistical properties of such Winfree turbulence of scroll waves are numerically investigated.


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Breather stability and longevity in thermally relaxing nonlinear arrays depend sensitively on their interactions with other excitations. We review numerical results for the relaxation of breathers in Fermi¿Pasta¿Ulam arrays, with a specific focus on the different relaxation channels and their dependence on the interparticle interactions, dimensionality, initial condition, and system parameters


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A diffusion-limited-aggregation (DLA) model with two components (A and B species) is presented to investigate the structure of the composite deposits. The sticking probability PAB (=PBA) between the different species is introduced into the original DLA model. By using computer simulation it is shown that various patterns are produced with varying the sticking probabilities PAB (=PBA) and PAA (= PBB), where PAA (=PBB) is the sticking probability between the same species. Segregated patterns can be analyzed under the condition PAB < PAA, assumed throughout the paper. With decreasing sticking probability PAB, a clustering of the same species occurs. With sufficiently small values of both sticking probabilities PAB and PAA, the deposit becomes dense and the segregated patterns of the composite deposit show a striped structure. The effect of the concentration on the pattern morphology is also shown.


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Transient dynamics of spatial fluctuations of the director field in the pure twist Fréedericksz transition is studied. A nonlinear calculation is presented. Anomalous transient fluctuations are shown. Different stages of evolution and the domain of validity of linear theories are discussed.


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Experimental observations of self-organized behavior arising out of noise are also described, and details on the numerical algorithms needed in the computer simulation of these problems are given.


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The specific heat, cp, of two amorphous silicon (a-Si) samples has been measured by differential scanning calorimetry in the 100–900K temperature range. When the hydrogen content is reduced by thermal annealing, cp approaches the value of crystalline Si (c-Si). Within experimental accuracy, we conclude that cp of relaxed pure a-Si coincides with that of c-Si. This result is used to determine the enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy of defect-free relaxed a-Si. Finally, the contribution of structural defects on these quantities is calculated and the melting point of several states of a-Si is predicted


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An effect of drift is investigated on the segregation pattern in diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) with two components (A and B species). The sticking probability PAB (=PBA) between the different species is introduced into the DLA model with drift, where the sticking probability PAA (=PBB) between the same species equals 1. By using computer simulation it is found that the drift has an important effect on not only the morphology but also the segregation pattern. Under the drift and the small sticking probability, a characteristic pattern appears where elongated clusters of A species and of B species are periodically dispersed. The period decreases with increasing drift. The periodic structure of the deposits is characterized by an autocorrelation function. The shape of the cluster consisting of only A species (or B species) shows a vertically elongated filamentlike structure. Each cluster becomes vertically longer with decreasing sticking probability PAB. The segregation pattern is distinctly different from that with no drift and a small sticking probability PAA. The effect of the concentration on the segregation pattern is also shown.


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We analyze the dynamics of Brownian ratchets in a confined environment. The motion of the particles is described by a Fick-Jakobs kinetic equation in which the presence of boundaries is modeled by means of an entropic potential. The cases of a flashing ratchet, a two-state model, and a ratchet under the influence of a temperature gradient are analyzed in detail. We show the emergence of a strong cooperativity between the inherent rectification of the ratchet mechanism and the entropic bias of the fluctuations caused by spatial confinement. Net particle transport may take place in situations where none of those mechanisms leads to rectification when acting individually. The combined rectification mechanisms may lead to bidirectional transport and to new routes to segregation phenomena. Confined Brownian ratchets could be used to control transport in mesostructures and to engineer new and more efficient devices for transport at the nanoscale.


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La ecuación del calor fue propuesta por Fourier en 1807-en su memoria sobre la propagación del calor en los cuerpos sólidos.En ella proponía además el germen de lo que pasaria a ser la Teoría de las Series de Fourier.Tan controvertida fue esta última, que tomó quince años, hasta 1822, para que la Academia de Ciencias decidiese publicarla.


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Between late spring and early fall, the development of storms is common in Catalonia. Despite the fact that they usually produce heavy showers of short duration, they can also involve severe weather with ice pellets or hail. While the latter usually affect inland regions, and there are numerous publications on these cases; the analysis of events affecting the coast and causing damage to public and private properties is not so well developed. The aim of this study is to provide additional thermodynamic indicators that help differentiate storms with hail from storms without hail, considering cases that have affected various regions of Catalonia, mainly coastal areas. The aim is to give more information to improve prognosis and the ability to detail information in these situations. The procedure developed involved the study of several episodes of heavy rainfall and hail that hit Catalonia during the 2003-2009 period, mainly in the province of Girona, and validated the proposal during the campaign of late summer and fall of 2009, as well as 2012. For each case, several variables related to temperature, humidity and wind were analyzed at different levels of the atmosphere, while the information provided by the radio sounding in Barcelona was also taken into account. From this study, it can be concluded that the temperature difference between 500 hPa and 850 hPa, the humidity in the lower layers of the atmosphere and the LI index are good indicators for the detection of storms with associated hail.


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A model has been developed for evaluating grain size distributions in primary crystallizations where the grain growth is diffusion controlled. The body of the model is grounded in a recently presented mean-field integration of the nucleation and growth kinetic equations, modified conveniently in order to take into account a radius-dependent growth rate, as occurs in diffusion-controlled growth. The classical diffusion theory is considered, and a modification of this is proposed to take into account interference of the diffusion profiles between neighbor grains. The potentiality of the mean-field model to give detailed information on the grain size distribution and transformed volume fraction for transformations driven by nucleation and either interface- or diffusion-controlled growth processes is demonstrated. The model is evaluated for the primary crystallization of an amorphous alloy, giving an excellent agreement with experimental data. Grain size distributions are computed, and their properties are discussed.


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We show that the dipole, a system usually proposed to model relaxation phenomena, exhibits a maximum in the signal-to-noise ratio at a nonzero noise level, thus indicating the appearance of stochastic resonance. The phenomenon occurs in two different situations, i.e., when the minimum of the potential of the dipole remains fixed in time and when it switches periodically between two equilibrium points. We have also found that the signal-to-noise ratio has a maximum for a certain value of the amplitude of the oscillating field.