Este estudo, que se vale ontologicamente da pós-modernidade crítica, tem por objetivo apreender como o discurso de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e Sustentabilidade de uma corporação brasileira é percebido pelos seus empregados lotados na região metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Esta apreensão se deu através do confronto entre as afirmações contidas no discurso da organização e as percepções dos empregados para cada uma destas afirmações. Foram realizadas 26 entrevistas individuais em cinco prédios distintos da corporação pesquisada, tendo sido entrevistados cinco gerentes, nove analistas, sete especialistas e cinco assistentes, nos meses de abril, maio e junho de 2012. As anotações de campo e as entrevistas foram transcritas e submetidas à análise do discurso e análise conversacional. Este estudo revelou que há grandes contradições entre o dito e o praticado pela organização, sendo o discurso de Responsabilidade Social e Corporativo em grande parte identificado como uma ferramenta instrumental de propaganda institucional.
Esta pesquisa foi realizada tendo como base a crença que, estudando os discursos de professoras e professores, entenderia os fenômenos que povoam os seus cotidianos, entendendo, também, neste universo, os profissionais, seu trabalho e profissionalidade na escola. Assim, realizei um estudo de caso, portanto, de natureza qualitativa, com recursos da Análise do Discurso, analisando os discursos de professoras dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, da Região Fronteira Noroeste, do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, acerca de trabalho, profissionalidade e escola. Das entrevistas com vinte e duas professoras, foram extraídas e analisadas, com base nos estudos teóricos, as categorias mais evidenciadas. Este esforço de compreensão visou a um entendimento deste fenômeno, interagindo o mais possível com as interlocutoras, interpretando os sentidos, as contradições e como revelam discursivamente seu trabalho e sua profissionalidade. Após as análises, reuni, novamente, o grupo de interlocutoras, para refletir sobre as interpretações produzidas. Deste modo, a pesquisa teve este caráter: contribuir no processo de reflexão sobre o trabalho da professora e sua professoralidade, no espaço-tempo da escola. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram a necessidade da reflexão e da interação na escola, com o intuito de serem ampliadas as condições para a constituição da professoralidade. Evidenciou-se também uma carência de maior reflexão sobre o ser professora e, paralelamente, a necessidade de um maior aprofundamento, por parte das interlocutoras, quanto às suas condições de trabalhadoras no que se refere ao social, às relações de gênero e ao trabalho, dimensionando uma professoralidade capaz de lhe orientar em seu cotidiano profissional. Como as entrevistadas demonstraram certa fragilidade em abordar questões relativas à sua profissionalidade e ao seu trabalho, que, em suma, são organizadores de toda a sua razão de ser como professoras, apresentei alternativas de reconstituição da profissionalidade e sua evolução para um estágio de professoralidade, no espaçotempo da escola.
Veja como o caos político está travando também a Câmara dos Deputados. Até agora não começou o processo de formação das comissões permanentes da Casa. No passado recente, como lembra a FGV/DAPP, este tipo escolha era feita logo no início do ano legislativo.
As reflexões trazidas neste documento é fruto de uma longa estada no povoado de Lençóis na Escola Chico Mendes em Una-Bahia-Brasil, visando compreender quais ações pedagógicas estão sendo utilizadas para organização do conhecimento científico e social, o qual valoriza a aprendizagem do sujeito do campo. Dessa forma, para alcançar os objetivos previstos realizou-se a pesquisa à luz da etnografia, dando flexibilidade ao trabalho, construindo os ajustes necessários durante a pesquisa no campo. Nesse contexto, para a realização das análises, optou-se pela observação participante, análise dos artefatos culturais, dos documentos oficiais, diário escolar, vídeos e registros fotográficos, além da análise do discurso construído pelos sujeitos sociais: alunos, professor e comunidade, estes assumiram grande significado para a pesquisa. Por isso, pretendeu-se com este estudo, compreender se a educação do campo favorece a materialização de prática pedagógica inovadora, permitindo a participação de todos, por meio da pedagogia da equidade, e de ações multissensorias. Os resultados permitem-nos afirmar que os atos produzidos nos diversos contextos da educação do campo desse povoado valorizam a relação desses sujeitos com a terra, a aprendizagem cultural, a sua expressividade, e a ação pedagógica conscientizada. Os referenciais aqui utilizados contribuíram significativamente para interpretar o fenômeno e sustentar as possibilidades de inovação pedagógica na escola.
PASSEGGI,Luis Álvaro Sgadari. O discurso expositivo escrito no ensino fundamental: um enfoque cognitivista e seus desdobramentos didáticos. Revista do GELNE, Fortaleza, v.4, n.1, p. 122-124, 2002.
The Caldeirão is a site located in the city of Crato, in the south of Ceará, belonged to priest Cícero Romão Batista. There, was created a religious community led by blessed José Lourenço, who marked the life of thousands of Northeast country people in 1930s, for represent to them a space of religious conviviality, work and devotion. The Caldeirão s population was about three thousand of people, originated from states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Paraíba, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, who share the community s daily activities. The misery caused by the dryness and exploration of these country people by the landlords are indicated as the motivator elements of this migratory flux by the greater number of works published about the Caldeirão, turning the community into a primitive experience of class struggles. This present study proposes other comprehension of this migratory movement by the religious speech of salvation taken to country people by the counselor Severino Tavares. Was used as analysis camp the remaining norte-rio-grandenses that migrated to the Caldeirão, and as theoretical and methodological references the understanding model of investigation, the cultural history and the remaining memorial speech analysis. The work follows that pointing the phenomenon of Caldeirão as an campestral revolt is try to impose to this people the aspirations or wishes of others, besides of deny to them the right and the dignity of act by their believes and their own dreams.
This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the production of bicarbonates and related regional development in Brazil. It is widely believed that one of Brazil s vocations lies in the agro-energy sector. However, current national agro-energy policies, together with the experience of Petrobras (the national oil company) in rural settlements in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, show that Brazil has fallen short of effectively including the North and Northeast regions of the country, let alone small-scale rural producers (residing in rural settlements or not), in the development process and related benefits from the country s participation in the current world energy grid. The methodology entails secondary research related to the theme, such as books, official documents, websites and statistical databases from diverse sources, in addition to an analysis of statements from interviews of Petrobras representatives and other important scientific, institutional and labor union authorities, in relation to agro-energy issues and the socio-economic participation of family-based agriculture in this process. Principal findings show a correlation between agro-energy and regional development, creating the potential for numerous opportunities and challenges. Findings demonstrate the possibility of reversing/reducing historically rooted indices of hunger and poverty that continue to devastate the North and Northeast regions. At the same time, the thesis points to a potentially catastrophic increase in regional disparities, should the present historic moment not be seized upon so as to include these regions. Classic examples of non-policy at the federal level are presented as evidence of the absence of a regionally focused agroenergy policy in the current government, reinforced by the experiences of Petrobras in the Rio Grande do Norte rural settlements. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is an urgent need to create a government-sponsored enterprise (with a structure similar to Petrobras) with the purpose of implementing a truly broad and inclusive development process for the bicarbonates production sector, while remaining attentive to Brazil s opportune and critical role in the world s current agro-energy scenario.
The desire to research on this subject arisen from the experience as nursing in the indigenous health, where I observed that many professionals from all regions of Brazil chose to work within this zone. It was notorious the nurse s difficult to settle in only one place for a long length of time. Probably due to health care in indigenous zones happens from a cultural confront. This confront materialize because both sides are imbued with their own culture: in one hand the nurse professional with its scientific knownledgment on the other the indigenous with their rituals and peculiars habits. In this context nurses should delineate and negotiate the reality through symbolic representations of life, and then make questions on the new reality. In this way, this study set out with the aim of apprehends the nurse s social representations of transcultural care in indigenous health. This knownledgment is important to avoid possible conflicts, shocks, difficulties and health care incongruence within this context. The data collect was carried out on a range of non structured interview guided by a pre-elaborated questionnaire with four questions and a hand drawing related to nurse s health care in the indigenous health. This research had a sample of 17 nurses from the Indigenous Sanitary District of Manaus in the Amazon State. To interpret data we used the Discourse of the Collective Subject, which findings were presented in three chapters: characterization of participants, discussion on themes prevalent in discourse; social representation of nursing care through infographics. The analysis revealed that the care in the indigenous health is challenging because the native people imbued in its world are perceived and processed according to the nurse s cultural lens, leading to materialize of some strangeness and adaptation difficulties, especially in the first contacts. The Social Representation on nursing practice, in many cases, is projected and contrived on the basis of scattered believes and on perception derived from common sense. The findings shows that representions are essential to mitigating the initial strangeness and help nurses to better situate themselves in the new universe. The nurse s practice in the indigenous health care should merge into each other. From the Social Representations is possible to perceive that assimilation, also comprehension on indigenous health system and its traditional knowledge are important to developing strategies to improve access and quality of care for indigenous peoples. After analysis the nurse s discourses and drawings, it is possible to represent the nurse s practice in the indigenous health as anthropophagism, since nurses should literally consuming its patients culture, digesting it and seize it as means to provide culturally congruent care. We highlight the urgent need for preparation and training of professionals to work more effectively with indigenous peoples
This dissertation has the thematic of the sexual affection of the masculine subjectivity within texts of Universo Masculino and Men‟s Health magazines as object of analysis. The central objective was to describe and interpret the theme on the masculine subjectivity in discourses about the affection of sexuality materialized in discourse practices in those magazines. The main point of the research matters how the discourse structures of texts in those magazines make it possible to comprehend the meanings produced about the masculinity nowadays. On the perspective of the thematic trajectory what consists the main aspect that concerns the leading of corpus in the research under the French discourse analysis, we have searched, in reports of those magazines, an arch-genealogy of masculinity, from a specific sexual-affection disposable of our mediate culture. The analytic trajectory enables us to conclude that the thematic trajectory about the sexual affection of the masculine subjectivity produces a semantic way that confirms hegemony and hetero-normative ideals, rather than what proposes new performances on the masculine subjectivity experiences. In its real effects, such mediate discourse practice pursues to link certain sexual affection knowledge to the male individual‟s lifestyle today, from the thematic choices, enunciation modalities and discourse strategies which are specific to the masculine media
This dissertation work is an effort to understand how the ideology and the power interferes in the signification of the speeches immersed in the context of the printed media concerning the drought in the Northeast of Brazil, weather occurrence that punishes 23 million of Brazilians, with all sort of problems. It also has specific concern about the everyday usage of the language and with the routines of the information production, without losing of sight the role of History in the formation of the identity of individuals and people. The research work is also developed in an interdisciplinary environment, applying to the formed corpus five articles from Folha de São Paulo , collected from January to July of 2005, the French Analysis method of the Speech and the theory of the polyphony of Bakhtin, in the Applied Linguistics area, accomplished with Communication beddings as the agenda-setting. The results ended to a good understanding about the ideology and power´s influence and chaining in the speeches formations as well as to comprehend peoples concept in an environment of almost-mediated interaction, bringing a media look about polyphony in the bakhtinian mold, besides showing how all these questions interferes with the half-barren the Northeast media´s vision on the subject
En plein XIXe siècle, Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta a écrit sur deux voyages faits en Europe. Quelques années plus tard, cette norte-rio-grandense a livré au public ses récits de voyage : Itinéraire d un voyage en Allemagne (1857) et Trois ans en Italie Suivis d un Voyage en Grèce (1864/1872). Malgré les particularités qui entourent chacun de ces récits, un aspect y est fortement présent : les marques autobiographiques. Notre travail a comme principal objectif enquêter comment se manifeste ce discours autobiographique. A partir de l‟Analyse du Discours, nous avons travaillé quelques positionnements sur certaines oeuvres littéraires, comme par exemple, le fait qu‟elles aient plus d‟un genre. Ce qui se passe dans les récits de voyage de Nísia Floresta est semblable, car au-délà de raconter le passage de Nísia par ces lieux, nous pouvons trouver des caractéristiques qui appartiennent à l‟écriture fragmentaire, autobiographique et épistolaire. Devant les propositions indiquées par Philippe Lejeune, nous avons pu confirmer que ces récits de Nísia font partie de l‟écriture autobiographique. Sous l‟optique de quelques théories, nous avons parcouru des points intéressants qui enveloppent ces récits et, de cette façon, nous avons voyagé avec Nísia Floresta par l‟Allemagne et ultérieurement par l‟Italie et Grèce, en connaissant ainsi, pas seulement un peu plus sur ces lieux, mais beaucoup de confidences sur cette écrivain potiguar, qui a ouvert son coeur au plublic