941 resultados para T(H)17 CELLS


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P19 is a mouse-derived embryonal carcinoma cell line capable of differentiation toward ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages and could thus be differentiated into neurons. Different culture conditions were tested to optimise and increase the efficiency of neuronal differentiation since the population of P19-derived neurons was reported to be heterogeneous with respect to the morphology and neurotransmitters they synthesise. P19-derived neurons were cultured on microelectrode arrays as cell aggregates and as dissociated cells. Improved neuronal maturation was shown by the presence of microtubule associated protein 2, neurofilament and synaptophysin formation when initiation of neuronal differentiation was prolonged. High initial cell density cultures and coating of surfaces with polyethylenimine-laminin further improved neuronal maturation of differentiated P19 cells. Increased spontaneous activities of the P19-derived neurons were correspondingly recorded. Two to three hours recordings were performed between 17 and 25 days when extracellular signals were stabilised. It was found that P19-derived neurons developed network properties as partially synchronised network activities. P19-derived neurons appeared to give inhomogenous response to the 2 major neurotransmitters, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. The P19-derived neuronal networks obtained from optimised protocol in this thesis were predominantly GABAergic. The reproducible long term extracellular recordings performed showed that neurons derived from P19 embryonal carcinoma cells could be applied as a model for cell based biosensor in corporation with microelectrode arrays.


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The European Union set the ambitious target of reducing energy consumption by 20% within 2020. This goal demands a tremendous change in how we generate and consume energy and urgently calls for an aggressive policy on energy efficiency. Since 19% of the European electrical energy is used for lighting, considerable savings can be achieved with the development of novel and more efficient lighting systems. In this thesis, accomplished in the frame of the EU project CELLO, I report some selected goals we achieved attempting to develop highly efficient, flat, low cost and flexible light sources using Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (LECs), based on ionic cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes. After an extensive introduction about LECs and solid-state lighting in general, I focus on the research we carried out on cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes displaying deep-blue emission, which has turned out to be a rather challenging task. In order to demonstrate the wide versatility of this class of compounds, I also report a case in which some tailored iridium(III) complexes act as near-infrared (NIR) sources. In fact, standard NIR emitting devices are typically expensive and, also in this case, LECs could serve as low-cost alternatives in fields were NIR luminescence is crucial, such as telecommunications and bioimaging. Since LECs are based on only one active material, in the last chapter I stress the importance of an integrated approach toward the right selection of suitable emitters not only from the photophysical, but also from the point of view of material science. An iridium(III) complex, once in the device, is interacting with ionic liquids, metal cathodes, electric fields, etc. All these interactions should be taken in to account if Europe really wants to implement more efficient lighting paradigms, generating light beyond research labs.


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Die Funktion der Th 17-Zelllinie im Lungenkarzinom wurde noch nicht vollständig verstanden. In dieser Studie wurde darüber berichtet, dass die Expression der Th17-Zellmarker (RORA, RORC2, IL-17A) in den Lungen der Patienten mit Adenokarzinom erhöht ist, und diese mit dem Transkriptionsfaktor der regulatorischen T-Zellen FOXP 3 positiv korrelieren, was auf eine Beziehung dieser Zelltypen deutet. Außerdem hat man auch herausgefunden, dass IL-17A mit T-bet Trankriptionsfaktor in den Patienten entgegengesetzt korreliert. Die Blockade in einem Mausmodell für Lungen-Adenokarzinom resultierte die Reduktion von Tumorbefall in der Lunge, lokale Expansion der IFNg produzierenden CD4+ T-Effektorzellen und Reduktion der CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen. Untersuchungen in T-bet(-/-) Mäusen zeigten, dass die antikarzinogenen Wirkungen der antiIL-17A-Behandlung T-bet Transkriptionsfaktor benötigen, um sowohl die FOXP3 regulatorischen T-Zellen als auch die Th17-Zellen in vivo zu supprimieren. Dementsprechend hat man herausgefunden, dass der Th17-Pfad beim Fehlen des T-bet Transkriptionsfaktors durch Hochregulierung des IL-23 Rezeptors in CD4+ T-Zellen stimuliert wurde. Bemerkenswert, dass der IL-17 Rezeptor hauptsächlich auf den CD4+CD62Lhigh naiven T-Zellen exprimiert wird und sowohl auf den CD4+T-bet+ Th1- als auch auf den CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg -Zellen im Tumor fehlt. Dieses resultiert den Verlust der Kontrolle der IL-17 auf Th1 und Treg-Zellentwicklung. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Blockade des IL-17A eine mögliche klinische Behandlung darstellt, weil sie die IFNg produzierenden Th1 Zellen unterstützt und die CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatorischen T Zellen in Lungen Karzinom reduziert.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the regenerative potential of alternative sources of stem cells, derived from human dental pulp (hDPSCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs) and, specifically, to evaluate their capability to be committed towards osteogenic and myogenic lineages, for the eventual applicability of these stem cells to translational strategies in regenerative medicine of bone and skeletal muscle tissues. The in vitro bone production by stem cells may represent a radical breakthrough in the treatment of pathologies and traumas characterized by critical bone mass defects, with no medical or surgical solution. Human DPSCs and AFSCs were seeded and pre-differentiated on different scaffolds to test their capability to subsequently reach the osteogenic differentiation in vivo, in order to recover critical size bone defects. Fibroin scaffold resulted to be the best scaffold promoting mature bone formation and defect correction when combined to both hDPSCs and hAFSCs. This study also described a culture condition that might allow human DPSCs to be used for human cell therapy in compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMPs): the use of human serum (HS) promoted the expansion and the osteogenic differentiation of hDPSCs in vitro and, furthermore, allowed pre-differentiated hDPSCs to regenerate critical size bone defects in vivo. This thesis also showed that hDPSCs and hAFSCs can be differentiated towards the myogenic lineage in vitro, either when co-cultured with murine myoblasts and when differentiated alone after DNA demethylation treatment. Interestingly, when injected into dystrophic muscles of SCID/mdx mice - animal model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - hDPSCs and hAFSCs pre-differentiated after demethylating treatment were able to regenerate the skeletal muscle tissue and, particularly, to restore dystrophin expression. These observations suggest that human DPSCs and AFSCs might be eventually applied to translational strategies, in order to enhance the repair of injured skeletal muscles in DMD patients.


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The majority of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) still die of their disease, and novel therapeutic concepts are needed. Timely expression of the hematopoietic master regulator PU.1 is crucial for normal development of myeloid and lymphoid cells. Targeted disruption of an upstream regulatory element (URE) located several kb upstream in the PU.1 promoter decreases PU.1 expression thereby inducing AML in mice. In addition, suppression of PU.1 has been observed in specific subtypes of human AML. Here, we identified nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) to activate PU.1 expression through a novel site within the URE. We found sequence variations of this particular NF-kappaB site in 4 of 120 AML patients. These variant NF-kappaB sequences failed to mediate activation of PU.1. Moreover, the synergistic activation of PU.1 together with CEBPB through these variant sequences was also lost. Finally, AML patients with such variant sequences had suppressed PU.1 mRNA expression. This study suggests that changes of a single base pair in a distal element critically affect the regulation of the tumor suppressor gene PU.1 thereby contributing to the development of AML.


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Isolated GH deficiency type II (IGHD II) is the autosomal dominant form of GHD. In the majority of the cases, this disorder is due to specific GH-1 gene mutations that lead to mRNA missplicing and subsequent loss of exon 3 sequences. When misspliced RNA is translated, it produces a toxic 17.5-kDa GH (Delta3GH) isoform that reduces the accumulation and secretion of wild-type-GH. At present, patients suffering from this type of disease are treated with daily injections of recombinant human GH in order to maintain normal growth. However, this type of replacement therapy does not prevent toxic effects of the Delta3GH mutant on the pituitary gland, which can eventually lead to other hormonal deficiencies. We developed a strategy involving Delta3GH isoform knockdown mediated by expression of a microRNA-30-adapted short hairpin RNA (shRNA) specifically targeting the Delta3GH mRNA of human (shRNAmir-Delta3). Rat pituitary tumor GC cells expressing Delta3GH upon doxycycline induction were transduced with shRNAmir-Delta3 lentiviral vectors, which significantly reduced Delta3GH protein levels and improved human wild-type-GH secretion in comparison with a shRNAmir targeting a scrambled sequence. No toxicity due to shRNAmir expression could be observed in cell proliferation assays. Confocal microscopy strongly suggested that shRNAmir-Delta3 enabled the recovery of GH granule storage and secretory capacity. These viral vectors have shown their ability to stably integrate, express shRNAmir, and rescue IGHD II phenotype in rat pituitary tumor GC cells, a methodology that opens new perspectives for the development of gene therapy to treat IGHD patients.


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CYP17A1 plays a pivotal role in the biosynthesis of androgens in the adrenals and the gonads. Although this enzyme catalyzes two different reactions on one single active site, its specific activities are regulated independently. Although the 17alpha-hydroxylase activity is rather constant and regulated by gene expression, the 17,20-lyase activity varies significantly with the amount of cofactors or by protein phosphorylation. cAMP increases CYP17A1 expression, P450c17 phosphorylation, and androgen production. However, the exact mechanism(s) and the specific regulators of CYP17A1 remain unknown. Therefore, we studied the regulation of adrenal androgen biosynthesis in human adrenal H295R cells focusing on CYP17A1. We analyzed androgen production and P450c17 activities in H295R cells grown under normal and serum-free conditions and/or after stimulation with 8-bromoadenosine-cAMP. H295R cells grown in starvation medium produced more androgens and had decreased HSD3B2 expression and activity but increased P450c17-17,20-lyase activity and serine phosphorylation. Although starvation increased serine phosphorylation of P450c17 specifically, cAMP stimulation enhanced threonine phosphorylation exclusively. Time-course experiments revealed that a short cAMP stimulation augmented threonine phosphorylation of P450c17 but did not increase 17,20-lyase activity. By contrast, long cAMP stimulation increased androgen production through increased P450c17 activities by enhancing CYP17A1 gene expression. We conclude that serum withdrawal shifts steroidogenesis of H295R cells towards androgen production, providing a suitable model for detailed studies of androgen regulation. In addition, our study shows that starvation and cAMP stimulation regulate P450c17 phosphorylation differentially and that an increase in P450c17 phosphorylation does not necessarily lead to enhanced enzyme activity and androgen production.


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The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of generating a biodegradable, stem cell-loaded osteogenic composite graft from human placenta. Initially, a scaffold from human chorion membrane was produced. Human placenta mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from either first-trimester chorionic villi or term chorion membrane were differentiated osteogenically on this scaffold. Outgrowth, adherence, and osteogenic differentiation of cells were assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC), scanning electron microscopy, protein expression, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Our results showed that a cell-free extracellular matrix scaffold can be generated from human chorion. Seeded MSCs densely adhered to that scaffold and were osteogenically differentiated. Calcium and alkaline phosphatase were detected in the cell-scaffold constructs as a proof of mineralization and findings were confirmed by IHC and RT-PCR results. This study shows for the first time that generation of an osteogenic composite graft using placental tissue is feasible. It might allow therapeutic application of autologous or allogeneic grafts in congenital skeletal defects by means of a composite graft.


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T-cells specific for foreign (e.g., viral) antigens can give rise to strong protective immune responses, whereas self/tumor antigen-specific T-cells are thought to be less powerful. However, synthetic T-cell vaccines composed of Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, CpG and IFA can induce high frequencies of tumor-specific CD8 T-cells in PBMC of melanoma patients. Here we analyzed the functionality of these T-cells directly ex vivo, by multiparameter flow cytometry. The production of multiple cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2) and upregulation of LAMP-1 (CD107a) by tumor (Melan-A/MART-1) specific T-cells was comparable to virus (EBV-BMLF1) specific CD8 T-cells. Furthermore, phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT5 and ERK1/2, and expression of CD3 zeta chain were similar in tumor- and virus-specific T-cells, demonstrating functional signaling pathways. Interestingly, high frequencies of functionally competent T-cells were induced irrespective of patient's age or gender. Finally, CD8 T-cell function correlated with disease-free survival. However, this result is preliminary since the study was a Phase I clinical trial. We conclude that human tumor-specific CD8 T-cells can reach functional competence in vivo, encouraging further development and Phase III trials assessing the clinical efficacy of robust vaccination strategies.


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Th17-mediated immune responses have been recently identified as novel pathogenic mechanisms in a variety of conditions; however, their importance in allograft rejection processes is still debated. In this paper, we searched for MHC or minor Ag disparate models of skin graft rejection in which Th17 immune responses might be involved. We found that T cell-derived IL-17 is critical for spontaneous rejection of minor but not major Ag-mismatched skin grafts. IL-17 neutralization was associated with a lack of neutrophil infiltration and neutrophil depletion delayed rejection, suggesting neutrophils as an effector mechanism downstream of Th17 cells. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) appeared to be involved in Th17 reactivity. We found that in vivo Treg depletion prevented IL-17 production by recipient T cells. An adoptive cotransfer of Tregs with naive monospecific antidonor T cells in lymphopenic hosts biased the immune response toward Th17. Finally, we observed that IL-6 was central for balancing Tregs and Th17 cells as demonstrated by the prevention of Th17 differentiation, the enhanced Treg/Th17 ratio, and a net impact of rejection blockade in the absence of IL-6. In conclusion, the ability of Tregs to promote the Th17/neutrophil-mediated pathway of rejection that we have described should be considered as a potential drawback of Treg-based cell therapy.


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Three distinct categories of marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs) are currently recognized, principally based on their site of occurrence. They are thought to represent unique entities, but the relationship of one subtype with another is poorly understood. We investigated 17 non-splenic MZLs (seven nodal, 10 extranodal) by gene expression profiling to distinguish between subtypes and determine their cell of origin. Our findings suggest biological inter-relatedness of these entities despite occurrence at different locations and associations with possibly different aetiologies. Furthermore, the expression profiles of non-splenic MZL were similar to memory B cells.


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Regulation of human androgen biosynthesis is poorly understood. However, detailed knowledge is needed to eventually solve disorders with androgen dysbalance. We showed that starvation growth conditions shift steroidogenesis of human adrenal NCI-H295R cells towards androgen production attributable to decreased HSD3B2 expression and activity and increased CYP17A1 phosphorylation and 17,20-lyase activity. Generally, starvation induces stress and energy deprivation that need to be counteracted to maintain proper cell functions. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a master energy sensor that regulates cellular energy balance. AMPK regulates steroidogenesis in the gonad. Therefore, we investigated whether AMPK is also a regulator of adrenal steroidogenesis. We hypothesized that starvation uses AMPK signaling to enhance androgen production in NCI-H295R cells. We found that AMPK subunits are expressed in NCI-H295 cells, normal adrenal tissue and human as well as pig ovary cells. Starvation growth conditions decreased phosphorylation, but not activity of AMPK in NCI-H295 cells. In contrast, the AMPK activator 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide (AICAR) increased AMPKα phosphorylation and increased CYP17A1-17,20 lyase activity. Compound C (an AMPK inhibitor), directly inhibited CYP17A1 activities and can therefore not be used for AMPK signaling studies in steroidogenesis. HSD3B2 activity was neither altered by AICAR nor compound C. Starvation did not affect mitochondrial respiratory chain function in NCI-H295R cells suggesting that there is no indirect energy effect on AMPK through this avenue. In summary, starvation-mediated increase of androgen production in NCI-H295 cells does not seem to be mediated by AMPK signaling. But AMPK activation can enhance androgen production through a specific increase in CYP17A1-17,20 lyase activity.