954 resultados para Synaptic Vesicle Endocytosis


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The effect of angiotensin II (ANG II) or arginine vasopressin (AVP) alone or plus atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on H+-ATPase subcellular vesicle trafficking was investigated in MDCK cells following intracellular pH (pHi) acidification by exposure to20 mMNH4Cl for 2 min in a Na+-free solution containing Schering 28080, conditions under which H+-AT-Pase is the only cell mechanism for pHi recovery. Using the acridine orange fluorescent probe (5mM) and confocal microscopy, the vesicle movement was quantified by determining, for each experimental group, the mean slope of the line indicating the changes in apical/basolateral fluorescence density ratio over time during the first 5.30 min of the pHi recovery period. Under the control conditions, the mean slope was 0.079 ± 0.0033 min-1 (14) and it increased significantly with ANG II [10-12 and 10-7 M, respectively to 0.322 ± 0.038 min-1 (13) and 0.578 ± 0.061 min-1 (12)] or AVP [10-12 and 10-6 M, respectively to 0.301 ± 0.018 min-1 (12) and 0.687 ± 0.049 min-1 (11)]. However, in presence of ANP (10-6 M, decreases cytosolic free calcium), dimethyl-BAPTA/AM (5 × 10-5 M, chelates intracellular calcium) or colchicine (10-5 M, 2-h preincubation; inhibits microtubule-dependent vesicular trafficking) alone or plus ANG II or AVP the mean slopes were similar to the control values, indicating that such agents blocked the stimulatory effect of ANG II or AVP on vesicle trafficking. The results suggest that the pathway responsible for the increase in cytosolic free calcium and the microtu-bule-dependent vesicular trafficking are involved in this hormonal stimulating effect. Whether cytosolic free calcium reduction represents an important direct mechanism for ANP impairs the dose-dependent stimulatory effect of ANG II or AVP on H+-ATPase subcellular vesicle trafficking, or is a side effect of other signaling pathways which will require additional studies.


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Neuronal networks exhibit diverse types of plasticity, including the activity-dependent regulation of synaptic functions and refinement of synaptic connections. In addition, continuous generation of new neurons in the “adult” brain (adult neurogenesis) represents a powerful form of structural plasticity establishing new connections and possibly implementing pre-existing neuronal circuits (Kempermann et al, 2000; Ming and Song, 2005). Neurotrophins, a family of neuronal growth factors, are crucially involved in the modulation of activity-dependent neuronal plasticity. The first evidence for the physiological importance of this role evolved from the observations that the local administration of neurotrophins has dramatic effects on the activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connections in the visual cortex (McAllister et al, 1999; Berardi et al, 2000; Thoenen, 1995). Moreover, the local availability of critical amounts of neurotrophins appears to be relevant for the ability of hippocampal neurons to undergo long-term potentiation (LTP) of the synaptic transmission (Lu, 2004; Aicardi et al, 2004). To achieve a comprehensive understanding of the modulatory role of neurotrophins in integrated neuronal systems, informations on the mechanisms about local neurotrophins synthesis and secretion as well as ditribution of their cognate receptors are of crucial importance. In the first part of this doctoral thesis I have used electrophysiological approaches and real-time imaging tecniques to investigate additional features about the regulation of neurotrophins secretion, namely the capability of the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to undergo synaptic recycling. In cortical and hippocampal slices as well as in dissociated cell cultures, neuronal activity rapidly enhances the neuronal expression and secretion of BDNF which is subsequently taken up by neurons themselves but also by perineuronal astrocytes, through the selective activation of BDNF receptors. Moreover, internalized BDNF becomes part of the releasable source of the neurotrophin, which is promptly recruited for activity-dependent recycling. Thus, we described for the first time that neurons and astrocytes contain an endocytic compartment competent for BDNF recycling, suggesting a specialized form of bidirectional communication between neurons and glia. The mechanism of BDNF recycling is reminiscent of that for neurotransmitters and identifies BDNF as a new modulator implicated in neuro- and glio-transmission. In the second part of this doctoral thesis I addressed the role of BDNF signaling in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. I have generated a transgenic mouse model to specifically investigate the influence of BDNF signaling on the generation, differentiation, survival and connectivity of newborn neurons into the adult hippocampal network. I demonstrated that the survival of newborn neurons critically depends on the activation of the BDNF receptor TrkB. The TrkB-dependent decision regarding life or death in these newborn neurons takes place right at the transition point of their morphological and functional maturation Before newborn neurons start to die, they exhibit a drastic reduction in dendritic complexity and spine density compared to wild-type newborn neurons, indicating that this receptor is required for the connectivity of newborn neurons. Both the failure to become integrated and subsequent dying lead to impaired LTP. Finally, mice lacking a functional TrkB in the restricted population of newborn neurons show behavioral deficits, namely increased anxiety-like behavior. These data suggest that the integration and establishment of proper connections by newly generated neurons into the pre-existing network are relevant features for regulating the emotional state of the animal.


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The presented thesis describes the formation of functional neuronal networks on an underlying micropattern. Small circuits of interconnected neurons defined by the geometry of the patterned substrate could be observed and were utilised as a model system of reduced complexity for the behaviour of neuronal network formation and activity. The first set of experiments was conducted to investigate aspects of the substrate preparation. Micropatterned substrates were created by microcontact printing of physiological proteins onto polystyrene culture dishes. The substrates displayed a high contrast between the repellant background and the cell attracting pattern, such that neurons seeded onto these surfaces aligned with the stamped structure. Both the patterning process and the cell culture were optimised, yielding highly compliant low-density networks of living neuronal cells. In the second step, cellular physiology of the cells grown on these substrates was investigated by patch-clamp measurements and compared to cells cultivated under control conditions. It could be shown that the growth on a patterned substrate did not result in an impairment of cellular integrity nor that it had an impact on synapse formation or synaptic efficacy. Due to the extremely low-density cell culture that was applied, cellular connectivity through chemical synapses could be observed at the single cell level. Having established that single cells were not negatively affected by the growth on patterned substrates, aspects of network formation were investigated. The formation of physical contact between two cells was analysed through microinjection studies and related to the rate at which functional synaptic contacts formed between two neighbouring cells. Surprisingly, the rate of synapse formation between physically contacting cells was shown to be unaltered in spite of the drastic reduction of potential interaction partners on the micropattern. Additional features of network formation were investigated and found consistent with results reported by other groups: A different rate of synapse formation by excitatory and inhibitory neurons could be reproduced as well as a different rate of frequency-dependent depression at excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Furthermore, regarding simple feedback loops, a significant enrichment of reciprocal connectivity between mixed pairs of excitatory and inhibitory neurons relative to uniform pairs could be demonstrated. This phenomenon has also been described by others in unpatterned cultures [Muller, 1997] and may therefore be a feature underlying neuronal network formation in general. Based on these findings, it can be assumed that inherent features of neuronal behaviour and cellular recognition mechanisms were found in the cultured networks and appear to be undisturbed by patterned growth. At the same time, it was possible to reduce the complexity of the forming networks dramatically in a cell culture on a patterned surface. Thus, features of network architecture and synaptic connectivity could be investigated on the single cell level under highly defined conditions.


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Diese Arbeit untersucht die Funktion des Spektraplakin Proteins Short Stop (Shot) während der strukturellen Differenzierung von synaptischen Endigungen in Drosophila melanogaster. Im Allgemeinen scheinen Proteine der Spektraplakin Familie multiple Protein-Protein Interaktionen mithilfe ihrer unterschiedlichen modularen Domänen zu vermitteln. In der vorgelegten Arbeit sollten spezifische Domänen identifiziert werden, die für die Ausbildung synaptischer Endigungen notwendig sind. Hierzu wurden shot-Funktionsverlustmutationen, für die zum Teil molekulare Information über die Mutationsereignisse erhältlich sind, anhand von verschiedenen Markern für synaptische Proteine analysiert. Ferner konnten einzelne Protein Domänen von Shot in neuronalen Geweben mithilfe des Gal4/UAS-Systems exprimiert und ihre Lokalisation untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus wurden immunohistochemische Studien unter Verwendung von Antikörpern, welche spezifisch für unterschiedliche Shot Protein Domänen sind, ausgeführt. Schließlich sollte das Yeast-two-Hybrid’-System sowie genetische Studien Interaktionspartner von Shot identifizieren. Die Unterschiedlichen experimentellen Ansätze deuten darauf hin, dass die einzelnen Protein Domänen von Shot unterschiedliche Protein-Protein Interaktionen vermitteln. Der N-Terminus von Shot scheint essentiell für die Ausbildung motorneuronaler Endigungen zu sein. Außerdem konnten mehrere potentielle Interaktionspartner identifiziert werden, so dass die hier beschriebenen Ergebnisse eine Grundlage für weitere Studien zur Untersuchung der strukturellen Differenzierung synaptischer Endigungen darstellen.


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Introduction and aims of the research Nitric oxide (NO) and endocannabinoids (eCBs) are major retrograde messengers, involved in synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation, LTP, and long-term depression, LTD) in many brain areas (including hippocampus and neocortex), as well as in learning and memory processes. NO is synthesized by NO synthase (NOS) in response to increased cytosolic Ca2+ and mainly exerts its functions through soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and cGMP production. The main target of cGMP is the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Activity-dependent release of eCBs in the CNS leads to the activation of the Gαi/o-coupled cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) at both glutamatergic and inhibitory synapses. The perirhinal cortex (Prh) is a multimodal associative cortex of the temporal lobe, critically involved in visual recognition memory. LTD is proposed to be the cellular correlate underlying this form of memory. Cholinergic neurotransmission has been shown to play a critical role in both visual recognition memory and LTD in Prh. Moreover, visual recognition memory is one of the main cognitive functions impaired in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The main aim of my research was to investigate the role of NO and ECBs in synaptic plasticity in rat Prh and in visual recognition memory. Part of this research was dedicated to the study of synaptic transmission and plasticity in a murine model (Tg2576) of Alzheimer’s disease. Methods Field potential recordings. Extracellular field potential recordings were carried out in horizontal Prh slices from Sprague-Dawley or Dark Agouti juvenile (p21-35) rats. LTD was induced with a single train of 3000 pulses delivered at 5 Hz (10 min), or via bath application of carbachol (Cch; 50 μM) for 10 min. LTP was induced by theta-burst stimulation (TBS). In addition, input/output curves and 5Hz-LTD were carried out in Prh slices from 3 month-old Tg2576 mice and littermate controls. Behavioural experiments. The spontaneous novel object exploration task was performed in intra-Prh bilaterally cannulated adult Dark Agouti rats. Drugs or vehicle (saline) were directly infused into the Prh 15 min before training to verify the role of nNOS and CB1 in visual recognition memory acquisition. Object recognition memory was tested at 20 min and 24h after the end of the training phase. Results Electrophysiological experiments in Prh slices from juvenile rats showed that 5Hz-LTD is due to the activation of the NOS/sGC/PKG pathway, whereas Cch-LTD relies on NOS/sGC but not PKG activation. By contrast, NO does not appear to be involved in LTP in this preparation. Furthermore, I found that eCBs are involved in LTP induction, but not in basal synaptic transmission, 5Hz-LTD and Cch-LTD. Behavioural experiments demonstrated that the blockade of nNOS impairs rat visual recognition memory tested at 24 hours, but not at 20 min; however, the blockade of CB1 did not affect visual recognition memory acquisition tested at both time points specified. In three month-old Tg2576 mice, deficits in basal synaptic transmission and 5Hz-LTD were observed compared to littermate controls. Conclusions The results obtained in Prh slices from juvenile rats indicate that NO and CB1 play a role in the induction of LTD and LTP, respectively. These results are confirmed by the observation that nNOS, but not CB1, is involved in visual recognition memory acquisition. The preliminary results obtained in the murine model of Alzheimer’s disease indicate that deficits in synaptic transmission and plasticity occur very early in Prh; further investigations are required to characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying these deficits.


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Tetraspan vesicle membrane proteins (TVPs) sind ubiquitäre Komponenten von Transportvesikeln. Bei den Säugetieren unterscheidet man drei Familien, die Physine, Gyrine und SCAMPs (secretory carrier-associated membrane proteins). Ihre Funktion ist weitgehend unbekannt, es wird jedoch vermutet, dass sie eine Rolle bei der Vesikelbildung und der Vesikelrezirkulierung spielen. In Caenorhabditis elegans existiert von jeder Familie jeweils nur ein einziges Polypeptid: für die Physine Synaptophysin (SPH-1), für die Gyrine Synaptogyrin (SNG-1) und für die SCAMPs SCAMP (SCM-1). Ziel der Arbeit war es die Verteilung der C. elegans TVPs zu untersuchen und ihre Funktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der vesikelvermittelten synaptischen Kopplung zu bestimmen. Wenn die C. elegans TVPs in humanen Epithelzellen synthetisiert werden, lokalisieren sie in zytoplasmatischen Vesikeln. In Kotransfektionsexperimenten wurde gezeigt, dass sie größtenteils in den gleichen Strukturen enthalten sind. In C. elegans synthetisierte TVP-Reporterkonstrukte können in unterschiedlichen Geweben nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ist SNG-1 fast ausschließlich in Neuronen zu finden. SPH-1 und SCM-1 hingegen weisen komplexe und teilweise überlappende Verteilungsmuster auf. Während für SPH-1 eine starke Fluoreszenz im Pharynx, auf der apikalen Seite der Darmzellen oberhalb des sog. terminal webs und in adluminalen Regionen von exkretorischen Geweben gefunden wurde, war SCM-1 stark in der Muskulatur und den Coelomozyten vertreten. Die Expression von SCM-1 in Pharynx und Darm war deutlich schwächer. Die C. elegans TVPs werden früh in der Entwicklung ab der Gastrulation (SPH-1 und SCM-1) bzw. ab der Neurulation im sog. Komma-Stadium (SNG-1) produziert. Um die Funktion der TVPs in C. elegans zu untersuchen, wurden TVP-Mutanten analysiert. Durch Kombination aller drei TVP-Gen-Mutanten wurden TVP-Dreifachmutanten generiert. Diese wiesen keinen offensichtlichen Defekt im Bewegungsmuster auf, entwickelten sich normal und bildeten ein normales Nervensystem aus. Auch auf unterschiedliche chemische und physikalische Reize in sensorischen Tests reagierten die TVP-Dreifachmutanten in gleicher Weise wie Wildtyptiere. Ebenso zeigen die TVP-Dreifachmutanten elektrophysiologisch unter normalen Bedingungen keine anormalen Reaktionsmuster. In ultrastrukturellen Untersuchungen wurde lediglich eine signifikant erhöhte Anzahl Clathrin-ummantelter Vesikel in cholinergen Synapsen gefunden. Erst unter Stressbedingungen, hervorgerufen durch den GABA-Antagonisten Pentylentetrazol (PTZ), wiesen sowohl die TVP-Dreifach- als auch die TVP-Einzelmutanten eine deutlich erhöhte Krampfbereitschaft auf. Zusammengenommen zeigen die Analysen, dass TVPs zwar für grundlegende neuronale Prozesse nicht notwendig sind, dass sie aber auf der anderen Seite vermutlich an alternativen redundanten Wegen der Neurotransmitterfreisetzung beteiligt sind.


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In my PhD work I concentrated on three elementary questions that are essential to understand the interactions between the different neuronal cell populations in the developing neocortex. The questions regarded the identity of Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells, the ubiquitous expression of glycine receptors in all major cell populations of the immature neocortex, and the role of taurine in the modulation of immature neocortical network activity.rnTo unravel whether CR cells of different ontogenetic origin have divergent functions I investigated the electrophysiological properties of YFP+ (derived from the septum and borders of the pallium) and YFP− CR cells (derived from other neocortical origins). This study demonstrated that the passive and active electrophysiological properties as well as features of GABAergic PSCs and glutamatergic currents are similar between both CR cell populations. These findings suggest that CR cells of different origins most probably support similar functions within the neuronal networks of the early postnatal cerebral cortex.rnTo elucidate whether glycine receptors are expressed in all major cell populations of the developing neocortex I analyzed the functional expression of glycine receptors on subplate (SP) cells. Activation of glycine receptors by glycine, -alanine and taurine elicited membrane responses that could be blocked by the selective glycinergic antagonist strychnine. Pharmacological experiments suggest that SP cells express functional heteromeric glycine receptors that do not contain 1 subunits. The activation of glycine receptors by glycine and taurine induced a membrane depolarization, which mediated excitatory effects. Considering the key role of SP cells in immature cortical networks and the development of thalamocortical connections, this glycinergic excitation may influence the properties of early cortical networks and the formation of cortical circuits.rnIn the third part of my project I demonstrated that tonic taurine application induced a massive increase in the frequency of PSCs. Based on their reversal potential and their pharmacological properties these taurine-induced PSCs are exclusively transmitted via GABAA receptors to the pyramidal neurons, while both GABAA and glycine receptors were implicated in the generation of the presynaptic activity. Accordingly, whole-cell and cell-attached recordings from genetically labeled interneurons revealed the expression of glycine and GABAA receptors, which mediated an excitatory action on these cells. These findings suggest that low taurine concentrations can tonically activate exclusively GABAergic networks. The activity level maintained by this GABAergic activity in the immature nervous system may contribute to network properties and can facilitate the activity dependent formation of adequate synaptic projections.rnIn summary, the results of my studies complemented the knowledge about neuronal interactions in the immature neocortex and improve our understanding of cellular processes that guide neuronal development and thus shape the brain.rn


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This thesis focuses on the interactions of nanoparticles with artificial membranes. The synthesis of the block copolymer poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(2-methyloxazoline) (PDMS-b-PMOXA) is described, as well as the formation of polymersomes in water. These polymersomes act as minimal cell models, consisting of an artificial bilayer membrane only, allowing the study of the interactions between nanoparticles and polymeric membranes. Both spherical and rod-shaped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were used in this study and they were characterized using light scattering (PCS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV/Vis spectroscopy, and polarization anisotropy measurements. The polymer grafting on the spherical cores is asymmetric (shell asphericity) but is parallel to the inherent, due to polycrystallinity, core anisotropy, resulting in a characteristic scattering of the AuNPs in PCS.rnInteractions of polymersomes and AuNPs were investigated by PCS, cryo-TEM and UV/Vis. Three possible scenarios upon mixing of polymersomes and AuNPs can be distinguished by using only PCS: (i) no interactions between particles and vesicles, (ii) attachment of the particles to the outer side of the vesicles (decoration), and (iii) uptake of particles into the vesicles. It is shown that all three scenarios are possible, solely depending on the particle’s surface functionalization. In addition, it was revealed that the AuNPs need to be attached to the inner side of the membrane instead of diffusing freely within the vesicle. The present experimental findings essentially help with the understanding of the interactions of nanoparticles with membranes and show that the process of endocytosis can be attributed to physical processes only. rn


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Before signals of the visual environment are transferred to higher brain areas via the optic nerve, they are processed and filtered in parallel pathways within the retina. In the past a plethora of functionally distinct ganglion cell types responding to certain aspects of the environment, such as direction of movement, contrast and colour have been described. Aim of this thesis was the anatomical investigation of the selectivity in retinal circuits underlying this diversity. For this purpose, mouse and macaque retinae were analysed. OFF-ganglion cells in the mouse retina received their excitatory drive unselectively from all bipolar cell types stratifying within the area of their dendritic trees. Only the input to direction-selective C6 ganglion cells and bistratified D2 ganglion cells appeared to be weighted. In primates the highly specialised midget-system forms a 1:1 connection from red- and green-sensitive cones onto midget bipolar- and ganglion cells, building the substrate for red/green colour vision. Here it was demonstrated that blue-sensitive (S-) cones also contact OFF-midget bipolars and are, thus, potential candidates to transfer blue-OFF signals to M1 intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells (ipRGCs). M1 cells received glycinergic input from A8 amacrine cells and express GABAA receptors containing subunit alpha 3. M2 cells, in contrast, received less inhibitory input.


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Die Neurotrophine aus Säugetiere BDNF und NT-3 sind von Neuronen sekretierte Wachstumsfaktoren. Ferner sind Neurotrophine in verschiedene Formen der aktivitätsabhängigen synaptische Plastizität involviert. Obwohl die Ausschüttung von Neurotrophine aus Synapsen beschrieben worden ist, sind die intrazellulären Signalkaskaden, die die synaptische Ausschüttung von Neurotrophine regulieren, bei weitem nicht verstanden. Deswegen ist die Analyse der Sekretion von Neurotrophine auf subzellulärer Ebene erforderlich, um die genaue Rolle von präsynaptische und postsynaptische NT-Sekretion in der synaptischen Plastizität aufzudecken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Kulturen von dissoziierten hippocampalen Neuronen aus Ratten mit grün fluoreszierenden Protein-markierten Konstrukten von BDNF und NT-3 transfiziert und Neurotrophine-enthaltenden Vesikeln durch die Colokalisierung mit dem cotransfizierten postsynaptischen Marker PSD-95-DsRed an glutamatergen Synapsen identifiziert. Depolarisationsinduzierte Sekretion von BDNF und NT-3 wurde per Direktaufnahme am Fluoreszenzmikroskop beobachtet. Die unvermittelte postsynaptische Depolarisation mit erhöhtem Kalium, in Gegenwart von Inhibitoren der synaptischen Transmission, erlaubte die Untersuchung der Signalwege, die am postsynaptischen Sekretionsprozess der Neurotrophinvesikel beteiligt sind. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die depolarisationsinduzierte postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine durch Calcium-Einstrom ausgelöst wird, entweder über L-Typ-spannungsabhängige Calcium-Kanäle oder über NMDA-Rezeptoren. Eine anschließende Freisetzung von Calcium aus intrazellulären Speichern über Ryanodin-Rezeptoren ist für den Sekretionsprozess erforderlich. Die postsynaptische Neurotrophinausschüttung wird durch KN-62 und KN-93 gehemmt, was auf eine unmittelbare Abhängigkeit von aktiver alpha-Calcium-Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinase II (CaMKII) hinweist. Der Inhibitor der cAMP/Proteinkinase A (PKA), Rp-cAMP-S, sowie der NO-Donor, SNP, minderten die Neurotrophinausschüttung. Hingegen blieben die Erhöhung des intrazellulären cAMP und der NO-Synthase-Inhibitor L-NMMA ohne Wirkung. Mit dem Trk-Inhibitor K252a konnte gezeigt werden, dass autokrine Neurotrophin-induzierte Neurotrophinausschüttung nicht an der synaptischen Freisetzung der Neurotrophine beiträgt und, dass BDNF seine eigene postsynaptische Sekretion nicht auslöst. Freisetzungsexperimente mit dem Fluoreszenz-Quencher Bromphenolblau konnten den Nachweis erbringen, dass asynchrone und anhaltende Fusionsporenöffnung von Neurotrophinvesikeln während der Sekretion stattfindet. Wegen der im Vergleich zum komplexen Sekretionsprozess schnellen Fusionsporenöffnung, scheint die Freisetzungsgeschwindigkeit von Neurotrophine durch ihre Diffusion aus dem Vesikel begrenzt. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Ergebnisse eine starke Abhängigkeit der aktivitätsabhängigen postsynaptischen Neurotrophinausschüttung vom Calcium-Einstrom, von der Freisetzung von Calcium aus internen Speichern, von der Aktivierung der CaMKII und einem intakten Funktion der PKA, während der Trk-Signalweg, die Aktivierung von Natrium-Kanäle und NO-Signale nicht erforderlich sind.


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We review the functional and oncologic outcomes of seminal vesicle and prostate capsule sparing cystectomy combined with ileal orthotopic bladder substitution.


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The proliferation signal inhibitors (PSIs) sirolimus (SRL) and everolimus (ERL) often induce proteinuria due to glomerular but also tubular dysfunction in transplant patients. The beneficial effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) and angiotensin II (Ang II) type 1 receptor blockers (ARB) has been reported.


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The ubiquitously expressed mammalian Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 1 (NHE1) controls cell volume and pH but is also critically involved in complex biological processes like cell adhesion, cell migration, cell proliferation, and mechanosensation. Pathways controlling NHE1 turnover at the plasma membrane, however, are currently unclear. Here, we demonstrate that NHE1 undergoes ubiquitylation at the plasma membrane by a process that is unprecedented for a mammalian ion transport protein. This process requires the adapter protein ?-arrestin-1 that interacts with both the E3 ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-1 and the NHE1 C terminus. Truncation of NHE1 C terminus to amino acid 550 abolishes binding to ?-arrestin-1 and NHE1 ubiquitylation. Overexpression of ?-arrestin-1 or of wild type but not ligase-dead Nedd4-1 increases NHE1 ubiquitylation. siRNA-mediated knock-down of Nedd4-1 or ?-arrestin-1 reduces NHE1 ubiquitylation and endocytosis leading to increased NHE1 surface levels. Fibroblasts derived from ?-arrestin-1 and Nedd4-1 knock-out mice show loss of NHE1 ubiquitylation, increased plasmalemmal NHE1 levels and greatly enhanced NHE1 transport compared with wild-type fibroblasts. These findings reveal Nedd4-1 and ?-arrestin-1 as key regulators of NHE1 ubiquitylation, endocytosis, and function. Our data suggest a broader role for ?-arrestins in the regulation of membrane ion transport proteins than currently known.