988 resultados para Sun: magnetic fields


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The recent production of synthetic magnetic fields acting on electroneutral particles, such as atoms or photons, has boosted interest in the quantum Hall physics of bosons. Adding pseudospin 1/2 to the bosons greatly enriches the scenario, as it allows them to form an interacting integer quantum Hall (IQH) phase with no fermionic counterpart. Here we show that, for a small two-component Bose gas on a disk, the complete strongly correlated regime, extending from the integer phase at filling factor ν = 2 to the Halperin phase at filling factor ν = 2 / 3, is well described by composite fermionization of the bosons. Moreover we study the edge excitations of the IQH state, which, in agreement with expectations from topological field theory, are found to consist of forward-moving charge excitations and backward-moving spin excitations. Finally, we demonstrate how pair-correlation functions allow one to experimentally distinguish the IQH state from competing states, such as non-Abelian spin singlet (NASS) states.


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The possible associations between the microquasars LS 5039 and LS I +61 303 and the EGRET sources 3EG J1824-1514 and 3EG J0241+6103 suggest that microquasars could also be sources of high-energy gamma-rays. In this work, we present a detailed numerical inverse Compton (IC) model, based on a microquasar scenario, that reproduces the high-energy gamma-ray spectra and variability observed by EGRET for the mentioned sources. Our model considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet that interact through IC scattering with both the radiation and the magnetic fields.


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Context. The interaction of microquasar jets with their environment can produce non-thermal radiation as in the case of extragalactic outflows impacting on their surroundings. Significant observational evidence of jet/medium interaction in galactic microquasars has been collected in the past few years, although little theoretical work has been done regarding the resulting non-thermal emission. Aims. In this work, we investigate the non-thermal emission produced in the interaction between microquasar jets and their environment, and the physical conditions for its production. Methods. We developed an analytical model based on those successfully applied to extragalactic sources. The jet is taken to be a supersonic and mildly relativistic hydrodynamical outflow. We focus on the jet/shocked medium structure in its adiabatic phase, and assume that it grows in a self-similar way. We calculate the fluxes and spectra of the radiation produced via synchrotron, inverse Compton, and relativistic bremsstrahlung processes by electrons accelerated in strong shocks. A hydrodynamical simulation is also performed to investigate further the jet interaction with the environment and check the physical parameters used in the analytical model. Results. For reasonable values of the magnetic field, and using typical values of the external matter density, the non-thermal particles could produce significant amounts of radiation at different wavelengths, although they do not cool primarily radiatively, but by adiabatic losses. The physical conditions of the analytical jet/medium interaction model are consistent with those found in the hydrodynamical simulation. Conclusions. Microquasar jet termination regions could be detectable at radio wavelengths for current instruments sensitive to ~arcminute scales. At X-ray energies, the expected luminosities are moderate, although the emitter is more compact than the radio one. The source may be detectable by XMM-Newton or Chandra, with 1-10 arcsec of angular resolution. The radiation at gamma-ray energies may be within the detection limits of the next generation of satellite and ground-based instruments.


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This work is devoted to investigation of wave processes in new hybrid ferrite/ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have disadvanteges. And their applications are limited. Investigated structures allow to overcome disadvantages. This investigation helps to create new class of devices. Electromagnetic analysis of hybrid spin-electromagnetic waves in ferrite/ferroelectric structures were done. As a result dispersion relation was found. Numerical solution of this dispersion relation gave us follow results. These structures can be effectively tuned by external electric and magnetic field. Methods to increase tuning range were suggested. It was found that such structures have one basic disadvantage which is connected with presence of thick ferroelectric layer. To solve this problem is to use thin ferroelectric films. But this decreases tuning range. It was confirmed by experiment that this structures can be effectively tuned by electric and magnetic fields. Resonance characteristics of ferrite/ferroelectric resonator were succesfully tuned by magnetic and electric field.


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In the present work the aim was to prepare an automatic installation for studies of galvanomagnetic effects in solids and to test it by calibration measurements. As a result required automatic installation was created in this work and test measurements were performed. Created setup automatically provides measurements of the magnetoresistance of the Hall effect with an accuracy of ± 2 µV in the temperature range 2 â 300 K and steady magnetic fields up to 6 T. The test measurements of the glassy carbon samples showed that the setup is reliable, has high sensitivity and is easy to use. The results obtained in the research process are pioneer and will be separately analyzed.


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Abstract This doctoral thesis concerns the active galactic nucleus (AGN) most often referred to with the catalogue number OJ287. The publications in the thesis present new discoveries of the system in the context of a supermassive binary black hole model. In addition, the introduction discusses general characteristics of the OJ287 system and the physical fundamentals behind these characteristics. The place of OJ287 in the hierarchy of known types of AGN is also discussed. The introduction presents a large selection of fundamental physics required to have a basic understanding of active galactic nuclei, binary black holes, relativistic jets and accretion disks. Particularly the general relativistic nature of the orbits of close binaries of supermassive black holes is explored with some detail. Analytic estimates of some of the general relativistic effects in such a binary are presented, as well as numerical methods to calculate the effects more precisely. It is also shown how these results can be applied to the OJ287 system. The binary orbit model forms the basis for models of the recurring optical outbursts in the OJ287 system. In the introduction, two physical outburst models are presented in some detail and compared. The radiation hydrodynamics of the outbursts are discussed and optical light curve predictions are derived. The precursor outbursts studied in Paper III are also presented, and tied into the model of OJ287. To complete the discussion of the observable features of OJ287, the nature of the relativistic jets in the system, and in active galactic nuclei in general, is discussed. Basic physics of relativistic jets are presented, with additional detail added in the form of helical jet models. The results of Papers II, IV and V concerning the jet of OJ287 are presented, and their relation to other facets of the binary black hole model is discussed. As a whole, the introduction serves as a guide, though terse, for the physics and numerical methods required to successfully understand and simulate a close binary of supermassive black holes. For this purpose, the introduction necessarily combines a large number of both fundamental and specific results from broad disciplines like general relativity and radiation hydrodynamics. With the material included in the introduction, the publications of the thesis, which present new results with a much narrower focus, can be readily understood. Of the publications, Paper I presents newly discovered optical data points for OJ287, detected on archival astronomical plates from the Harvard College Observatory. These data points show the 1900 outburst of OJ287 for the first time. In addition, new data points covering the 1913 outburst allowed the determination of the start of the outburst with more precision than was possible before. These outbursts were then successfully numerically modelled with an N-body simulation of the OJ287 binary and accretion disc. In Paper II, mechanisms for the spin-up of the secondary black hole in OJ287 via interaction with the primary accretion disc and the magnetic fields in the system are discussed. Timescales for spin-up and alignment via both processes are estimated. It is found that the secondary black hole likely has a high spin. Paper III reports a new outburst of OJ287 in March 2013. The outburst was found to be rather similar to the ones reported in 1993 and 2004. All these outbursts happened just before the main outburst season, and are called precursor outbursts. In this paper, a mechanism was proposed for the precursor outbursts, where the secondary black hole collides with a gas cloud in the primary accretion disc corona. From this, estimates of brightness and timescales for the precursor were derived, as well as a prediction of the timing of the next precursor outburst. In Paper IV, observations from the 2004â2006 OJ287 observing program are used to investigate the existence of short periodicities in OJ287. The existence of a _50 day quasiperiodic component is confirmed. In addition, statistically significant 250 day and 3.5 day periods are found. Primary black hole accretion of a spiral density wave in the accretion disc is proposed as the source of the 50 day period, with numerical simulations supporting these results. Lorentz contracted jet re-emission is then proposed as the reason for the 3.5 day timescale. Paper V fits optical observations and mm and cm radio observations of OJ287 with a helical jet model. The jet is found to have a spineâsheath structure, with the sheath having a much lower Lorentz gamma factor than the spine. The sheath opening angle and Lorentz factor, as well as the helical wavelength of the jet are reported for the first time. Tiivistelmä Tässä väitÃskirjatutkimuksessa on keskitytty tutkimaan aktiivista galaksiydintä OJ287. VäitÃskirjan osana olevat tieteelliset julkaisut esittelevät OJ287-systeemistä saatuja uusia tuloksia kaksoismusta-aukkomallin kontekstissa. VäitÃskirjan johdannossa käsitellään OJ287:n yleisiä ominaisuuksia ja niitä fysikaalisia perusilmiÃitä, jotka näiden ominaisuuksien taustalla vaikuttavat. Johdanto selvittää myÃs OJ287-järjestelmän sijoittumisen aktiivisten galaksiytimien hierarkiassa. Johdannossa käydään läpi joitakin perusfysiikan tuloksia, jotka ovat tarpeen aktiivisten galaksiydinten, mustien aukkojen binäärien, relativististen suihkujen ja kertymäkiekkojen ymmärtämiseksi. Kahden toisiaan kiertävän mustan aukon keskinäisen radan suhteellisuusteoreettiset perusteet käydään läpi yksityiskohtaisemmin. Johdannossa esitetään joitakin analyyttisiä tuloksia tällaisessa binäärissä havaittavista suhteellisuusteoreettisista ilmiÃistä. MyÃs numeerisia menetelmiä näiden ilmiÃiden tarkempaan laskemiseen esitellään. Tuloksia sovelletaan OJ287-systeemiin, ja verrataan havaintoihin. OJ287:n mustien aukkojen ratamalli muodostaa pohjan systeemin toistuvien optisten purkausten malleille. Johdannossa esitellään yksityiskohtaisemmin kaksi fysikaalista purkausmallia, ja vertaillaan niitä. Purkausten säteilyhydrodynamiikka käydään läpi, ja myÃs ennusteet purkausten valokäyrille johdetaan. Johdannossa esitellään myÃs Julkaisussa III johdettu prekursoripurkausten malli, ja osoitetaan sen sopivan yhteen OJ287:n binäärimallin kanssa. Johdanto esittelee myÃs relativististen suihkujen fysiikkaa sekä OJ287- systeemiin liittyen että aktiivisten galaksiydinten kontekstissa yleisesti. Relativististen suihkujen perusfysiikka esitellään, kuten myÃs malleja kierteisistä suihkuista. Julkaisujen II, IV ja V OJ287-systeemin suihkuja koskevat tulokset esitellään binäärimallin kontekstissa. Kokonaisuutena johdanto palvelee suppeana oppaana, joka esittelee tarvittavan fysiikan ja tarpeelliset numeeriset menetelmät mustien aukkojen binäärijärjestelmän ymmärtämiseen ja simulointiin. Tätä tarkoitusta varten johdanto yhdistää sekä perustuloksia että joitakin syvällisempiä tuloksia laajoilta fysiikan osa-alueilta kuten suhteellisuusteoriasta ja säteilyhydrodynamiikasta. Johdannon sisältämän materiaalin avulla väitÃskirjan julkaisut, ja niiden esittämät tulokset, ovat hyvin ymmärrettävissä. VäitÃskirjan julkaisuista ensimmäinen esittelee uusia OJ287-systeemistä saatuja havaintopisteitä, jotka on paikallistettu Harvardin yliopiston observatorion arkiston valokuvauslevyiltä. OJ287:n vuonna 1900 tapahtunut purkaus nähdään ensimmäistä kertaa näissä havaintopisteissä. Uudet havaintopisteet mahdollistivat myÃs vuoden 1913 purkauksen alun ajoittamisen tarkemmin kuin aiemmin oli mahdollista. Havaitut purkaukset mallinnettiin onnistuneesti simuloimalla OJ287-järjestelmän mustien aukkojen paria ja kertymäkiekkoa. Julkaisussa II käsitellään mekanismeja OJ287:n sekundäärisen mustan aukon spinin kasvamiseen vuorovaikutuksessa primäärin kertymäkiekon ja systeemin magneettikenttien kanssa. Julkaisussa arvioidaan maksimispinin saavuttamisen ja spinin suunnan vakiintumisen aikaskaalat kummallakin mekanismilla. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan sekundäärin spinin olevan todennäkÃisesti suuri. Julkaisu III esittelee OJ287-systeemissä maaliskuussa 2013 tapahtuneen purkauksen. Purkauksen havaittiin muistuttavan vuosina 1993 ja 2004 tapahtuneita purkauksia, joita kutsutaan yhteisnimityksellä prekursoripurkaus (precursor outburst). Julkaisussa esitellään purkauksen synnylle mekanismi, jossa OJ287-systeemin sekundäärinen musta aukko osuu primäärisen mustan aukon kertymäkiekon koronassa olevaan kaasupilveen. Mekanismin avulla johdetaan arviot prekursoripurkausten kirkkaudelle ja aikaskaalalle. Julkaisussa johdetaan myÃs ennuste seuraavan prekursoripurkauksen ajankohdalle. Julkaisussa IV käytetään vuosina 2004â2006 kerättyjä havaintoja OJ287- systeemistä lyhyiden jaksollisuuksien etsintään. Julkaisussa varmennetaan systeemissä esiintyvä n. 50 päivän kvasiperiodisuus. Lisäksi tilastollisesti merkittävät 250 päivän ja 3,5 päivän jaksollisuudet havaitaan. Julkaisussa esitetään malli, jossa primäärisen mustan aukon kertymäkiekossa oleva spiraalitiheysaalto aiheuttaa 50 päivän jaksollisuuden. Mallista tehty numeerinen simulaatio tukee tulosta. Systeemin relativistisen suihkun emittoima aikadilatoitunut säteily esitetään aiheuttajaksi 3,5 päivän jaksollisuusaikaskaalalle. Julkaisussa V sovitetaan kierresuihkumalli OJ287-systeemistä tehtyihin optisiin havaintoihin ja millimetri- sekä senttimetriaallonpituuden radiohavaintoihin. Suihkun rakenteen havaitaan olevan kaksijakoinen ja koostuvan ytimestä ja kuoresta. Suihkun kuorella on merkittävästi pienempi Lorentzin gamma-tekijä kuin suihkun ytimellä. Kuoren avautumiskulma ja Lorentztekijä sekä suihkun kierteen aallonpituus raportoidaan julkaisussa ensimmäistä kertaa.


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Lappeenranta University of Technology School of Technology Technical Physics Evgenii Zhukov MAGNETIZATION STUDIES OF POLYSTYRENE/MULTIWALL CARBON NANOTUBE COMPOSITE FILMS Masterâs thesis 2015 55 pages, 41 pictures, 9 Tables. Examiners: Professor Erkki Lähderanta D.Sc. Ivan Zakharchuk Keywords: polystyrene, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, MWCNT, composite, magnetization, SQUID. In this thesis magnetic properties of polystyrene/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites are investigated with Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer (MPMS XL). The surface of the composite films is studied via BRUKER Multimode 8 Atomic Force Microscope, as well. The polystyrene/MWCNT composites have been prepared by the group of professor Okotrub (Physics Chemistry of Nanomaterials laboratory, Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Russia). The composite films have been prepared by solution processing and stretching method. The approximate length and inner diameter of the MWCNTs used in fabrication are 260 μm and 10 nm, respectively. The content of MWCNTs is 1 and 2.5 contents percent (wt%) for studied samples. The stretching of the samples is 30% for samples with 1 and 2.5 wt% content, and one sample with 1 wt% loading of MWCNTs is 100% stretched. MWCNTs aligned perpendicular to a silicon substrate are used as a reference sample. The magnetization field dependencies of the samples exhibit hysteresis behavior. The values of saturation magnetization of composite films are much less compared to that of the reference sample. The saturation magnetization coercitivity field value drops with decrease of MWCNT content. At high magnetic fields strong presence of diamagnetism is observed. Measurements in magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the composite plate display anisotropy with respect to the direction of stretching. Temperature dependences of magnetization for all samples display difference between zero-field cooled and field-cooled curves of magnetization. This divergence confirms the presence of magnetic interactions in the material. The atomic force microscopy study of the compositesâ surfaces revealed that they are relatively smooth and the nanotubes are aligned with the axis of stretching to some extent.âƒ


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Traditional methods for studying the magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloys Ni-Mn-Ga include subjecting the entire sample to a uniform magnetic field or completely actuating the sample mechanically. These methods have produced significant results in characterizing the MSM effect, the properties of Ni-Mn-Ga and have pioneered the development of applications from this material. Twin boundaries and their configuration within a Ni-Mn-Ga sample are a key component in the magnetic shape memory effect. Applications that are developed require an understanding of twin boundary characteristics and, more importantly, the ability to predictably control them. Twins have such a critical role that the twinning stress of a Ni-Mn-Ga crystal is the defining characteristic that indicates its quality and significant research has been conducted to minimize this property. This dissertation reports a decrease in the twinning stress, predictably controlling the twin configuration and characterizing the dynamics of twin boundaries. A reduction of the twinning stress is demonstrated by the discovery of Type II twins within Ni-Mn-Ga which have as little as 10% of the twinning stress of traditional Type I twins. Furthermore, new methods of actuating a Ni-Mn-Ga element using localized unidirectional or bidirectional magnetic fields were developed that can predictably control the twin configuration in a localized area of a Ni-Mn-Ga element. This method of controlling the local twin configuration was used in the characterization of twin boundary dynamics. Using a localized magnetic pulse, the velocity and acceleration of a single twin boundary were measured to be 82.5 m/s and 2.9 à 107 m/s2, and the time needed for the twin boundary to nucleate and begin moving was less than 2.8 μs. Using a bidirectional magnetic field from a diametrically magnetized cylindrical magnet, a highly reproducible and controllable local twin configuration was created in a Ni-Mn-Ga element which is the fundamental pumping mechanism in the MSM micropump that has been co-invented and extensively characterized by the author.


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The present Masterâs thesis presents theoretical description of the extraodinary behavior of the confined Indium nanoparticles. Superconducting properties of nanoparticles and nanocomposites are extensively reviewed. Special attention has been paid to phase fluctuation, shell and disordered effects. The experimental data has been obtained and provided by Dmitry Shamshur from Ioffe Physical Technical Institute. The investigated material represents a highly ordered system of silicate spheres filled with indium metal, where the In nanoparticles are interconnected between each other. Bulk indium is a superconductor with crititcal superconducting temperature Tc0 = 3:41 K. But indium nanoparticles exhibit different behavior, the critical temperature rise by approximately 20% up to 4.15 K. As well as transition of the indium particles to type-II superconductivity with high critical magnetic fields. Such diversity is explained by finite size effects which originate from nanosize of the samples.


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The ability to introduce DNA and express custom DNA sequences in bacteria opened the door for improvements in a large number of fields including agriculture, pharmacology, medicine, nutrition, etc. The ability to introduce foreign DNA sequences into mammalian cells in an efficient manner would have a large impact on therapeutic applications especially gene therapy. The methods in use today suffer from low efficiencies and sometimes toxicity. In this work a number of factors were evaluated for their effect onONA uptake efficiency. The factors studied included exposure to sublethal concentration of hydrogen peroxide which have been show to lead to destabilisation ofthe lysosomes. These exposures have proven to be very toxic to cells when combined with either the calcium phosphate or the lipofectAMINE® transfection methods. Another factor evaluated was exposure to Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF). This was fuelled by the fact that EMF have been shown to mediate a number of effects on cell structure and/or physiology. EMF exposure by itself was not sufficient to induce the cells to pick up the DNA, therefore its effect on calcium phosphate and lipofectAMINE® was tested. Although some positive results were obtained, the variability of these results exceeded by far any observed enhancements which discouraged any further work on EMF. Also tested was the possible effect the presence of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) sequence might have on DNA uptake (based on previous results in this lab). It was found that the presence ofCMV in the DNA sequence does not enhance uptake or slow down degradation of the internalised DNA. The final factor tested was the effect of basic amino acids on transfection efficiency. It was found that arginine can enhance DNA uptake by about 170% v/ith calcium phosphate and about 200% with LipofectAMINE®. A model was proposed to explain the effect of arginine as well as the lack of effect from other amino acids.


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Order parameter profiles extracted from the NMR spectra of model membranes are a valuable source of information about their structure and molecular motions. To al1alyze powder spectra the de-Pake-ing (numerical deconvolution) ~echnique can be used, but it assumes a random (spherical) dist.ribution of orientations in the sample. Multilamellar vesicles are known to deform and orient in the strong magnetic fields of NMR magnets, producing non-spherical orientation distributions. A recently developed technique for simultaneously extracting the anisotropies of the system as well as the orientation distributions is applied to the analysis of partially magnetically oriented 31p NMR spectra of phospholipids. A mixture of synthetic lipids, POPE and POPG, is analyzed to measure distortion of multilamellar vesicles in a magnetic field. In the analysis three models describing the shape of the distorted vesicles are examined. Ellipsoids of rotation with a semiaxis ratio of about 1.14 are found to provide a good approximation of the shape of the distorted vesicles. This is in reasonable agreement with published experimental work. All three models yield clearly non-spherical orientational distributions, as well as a precise measure of the anisotropy of the chemical shift. Noise in the experimental data prevented the analysis from concluding which of the three models is the best approximation. A discretization scheme for finding stability in the algorithm is outlined


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Associée à d'autres techniques observationnelles, la polarimétrie dans le visible ou dans le proche infrarouge permet d'étudier la morphologie des champs magnétiques à la périphérie de nombreuses régions de formation stellaire. A l'intérieur des nuages molécualires la morphologie des champs est connue par polarimétrie submillimétrique, mais rarement pour les mêmes régions. Habituellement, il manque une échelle spatiale intermédiaire pour pouvoir comparer correctement la morphologie du champ magnétique galactique avec celle située à l'intérieur des nuages moléculaires. -- Cette thèse propose les moyens nécessaires pour réaliser ce type d'analyse multi-échelle afin de mieux comprendre le rôle que peuvent jouer les champs magnétiques dans les processus de formation stellaire. La première analyse traite de la région GF 9. Vient ensuite une étude de la morphologie du champ magnétique dans les filaments OMC-2 et OMC-3 suivie d'une analyse multi-échelle dans le complexe de nuages moléculaires Orion A dont OMC-2 et OMC-3 font partie. -- La synthèse des résultats couvrant GF 9 et Orion A est la suivante. Les approches statistiques employées montrent qu'aux grandes échelles spatiales la morphologie des champs magnétiques est poloïdale dans la région GF 9, et probablement hélicoïdale dans la région Orion A. A l'échelle spatiale des enveloppes des nuages moléculaires, les champs magnétiques apparaissent alignés avec les champs situés à leur périphérie. A l'échelle spatiale des coeurs, le champ magnétique poloïdal environnant la région GF 9 est apparemment entraîné par le coeur en rotation, et la diffusion ambipolaire n'y semble pas effective actuellement. Dans Orion A, la morphologie des champs est difficilement détectable dans les sites actifs de formation d'OMC-2, ou bien très fortement contrainte par les effets de la gravité dans OMC-1. Des effets probables de la turbulence ne seont détectés dans aucune des régions observées. -- Les analyses multi-échelles suggèrent donc qu'indépendamment du stade évolutif et de la gamme de masse des régions de formation stellaires, le champ magnétique galactique subit des modifications de sa morphologie aux échelles spatiales comparables à celles des coeurs protostellaires, de la même façon que les propriétés structurelles des nuages moléculaires suivent des lois d'autosimilarité jusqu'à des échelles comparables à celles des coeurs.


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Une première partie de ce mémoire portera sur lâanalyse des états fondamentaux ma- gnétiques de deux composés isolants et magnétiquement frustrés SrDy2O4 et SrHo2O4. Une étude de la chaleur spécifique à basse température sous lâeffet de champs magné- tiques de ces échantillons a été menée afin de détecter la présence de transitions de phases. Lâutilisation dâun composé isotructurel non magnétique, le SrLu2O4, a permis lâisolement de la composante magnétique à la chaleur spécifique. Les comportements observés sont non conformes avec les transitions magnétiques conventionnelles. De plus, le calcul de lâentropie magnétique ne montre quâun recouvrement partiel de lâentropie associée à un système dâions magnétiques. En second lieu, une analyse des oscillations quantiques de Haas-van Alphen a été effectuée dans le LuCoIn5, composé apparenté au supraconducteur à fermions lourds CeCoIn5. Les résultats obtenus montrent une topologie de la surface de Fermi très différente comparativement aux CeCoIn5 et LaCoIn5, ayant un comportement beaucoup plus tridimensionnel sans les cylindres caractéristiques présents chez les autres membres de cette famille. Finalement, le montage dâun système de détection PIXE a permis lâanalyse nucléaire dâéchantillons afin de déterminer la concentration de chacun des éléments les constituant. Lâanalyse a été effectuée sur une série dâéchantillons YbxCe1âˆxCoIn5 dont le changement de concentration a des effets importants sur les propriétés du système.


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L'activité cérébrale, reliée spécifiquement à la rétention d'information en mémoire à court-terme tactile, a été investiguée à l'aide de l'enregistrement des champs magnétiques produits par l'activité neuronale générée durant la période de rétention par une tâche de mémoire tactile. Une, deux, trois ou quatre positions, sur une possibilité de huit sur les phalangines et les phalangettes, de la main gauche ou droite, lors de blocs d'essai différents, ont été stimulées simultanément. Le patron de stimulation tactile devait être retenu pendant 1800 ms avant d'être comparé avec un patron test qui était, soit identique, soit différent par une seule position. Nos analyses se sont concentrées sur les régions du cerveau qui montraient une augmentation monotone du niveau d'activité soutenu durant la période de rétention pour un nombre croissant de positions à retenir dans le patron de stimulation. Ces régions ont plus de chance de participer à la rétention active de l'information à maintenir en mémoire à court-terme tactile. Le gyrus cingulaire (BA32), le gyrus frontal supérieur droit (BA 8), le precuneus gauche (BA 7, 19), le gyrus postcentral gauche (BA 7), le gyrus precentral droit (BA 6), le gyrus frontal supérieur gauche (BA 6) et le lobule pariétal inférieur droit (BA 40) semblent tous impliqués dans un réseau mnésique qui maintient les informations sensorielles tactiles dans un système de mémoire à court-terme spécialisé pour l'information tactile.


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Cette thèse de doctorat présente les résultats d'un relevé spectropolarimétrique visant la détection directe de champs magnétiques dans le vent d'étoiles Wolf-Rayet (WR). Les observations furent entièrement obtenues à partir du spectropolarimètre ESPaDOnS, installé sur le télescope de l'observatoire Canada-France-Hawaii. Ce projet débuta par l'observation d'un étoile très variable de type WN4 appelée EZ CMa = WR6 = HD 50896 et se poursuivit par l'observation de 11 autres étoiles WR de notre galaxie. La méthode analytique utilisée dans cette étude vise à examiner les spectres de polarisation circulaire (Stokes V) et à identifier, au travers des raies d'émission, les signatures spectrales engendrées par la présence de champs magnétiques de type split monopole dans les vents des étoiles observées. Afin de pallier à la présence de polarisation linéaire dans les données de polarisation circulaire, le cross-talk entre les spectres Stokes Q et U et le spectre Stokes V fut modélisé et éliminé avant de procéder à l'analyse magnétique. En somme, aucun champ magnétique n'est détecté de manière significative dans les 12 étoiles observées. Toutefois, une détection marginale est signalée pour les étoiles WR134, WR137 et WR138 puisque quelques-unes de leur raies spectrales semblent indiquer la présence d'une signature magnétique. Pour chacune de ces trois étoiles, la valeur la plus probable du champ magnétique présent dans le vent stellaire est respectivement de B ~ 200, 130 et 80 G. En ce qui concerne les autres étoiles pour lesquelles aucune détection magnétique ne fut obtenue, la limite supérieure moyenne de l'intensité du champ qui pourrait être présent dans les données, sans toutefois être détecté, est évaluée à 500 G. Finalement, les résultats de cette étude ne peuvent confirmer l'origine magnétique des régions d'interaction en co-rotation (CIR) observées chez plusieurs étoiles WR. En effet, aucun champ magnétique n'est détecté de façon convaincante chez les quatre étoiles pour lesquelles la présence de CIR est soupçonnée.