835 resultados para Success in business.


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This paper examines empirical studies on accountability, quality, and student success in online education. It advances that accountability and quality are critical components for student success in online education. It concludes that there is a lack of empirical studies that examine the effects of these measures on student success.


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This dissertation relates job desires and outcomes to the Dark Personality (Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Low Agreeableness, Low Honesty-Humility) in the United States Army. It purports that individuals high on the Dark Personality desire more power, money, and status, and that they obtain jobs that afford them these luxuries by using manipulation at work. Two pilot studies used samples of United States Army members to create and test index variables: Dark Personality, Total Manipulation in the workplace, Desire for Job Success, and Total Job Success in the Army. Individual personality traits, manipulation tactics, and job desires were examined in secondary analyses. Using a sample of 468 United States Army Members, central analyses indicated that Army members high on the Dark Personality desired Job Success. Likewise, army members higher on the Dark Personality used more Manipulation tactics at work, including the egregious tactics. Yet, using more Manipulation tactics at work predicted lower levels of Job Success in the Army. Most manipulation tactics had a negative impact on Job Success, with the exception of soft tactics like Reason and Responsibility Invocation. Together, these results indicate that selective use of soft manipulation predicted Job Success, but use of more manipulation tactics predicted less Job Success in the Army. Curvilinear results indicated that being either very low or very high on the Dark Personality predicted more Job Success in the Army, whereas having intermediate levels of the Dark Personality predicted less Job Success. Finally, possessing the Dark Personality and using more Manipulation tactics at work, together, predicted less Job Success in the Army. Collectively, the results indicate that army members with intermediate levels of the Dark Personality want more powerful and high paying jobs, yet their strategy of manipulating their coworkers to move up the job ladder does not result in higher ranking, higher paying Army positions. However, Army members highest on the Dark Personality achieved job success, defying the maladaptive influence that antisocial personality traits and manipulative behaviour had on job success for most Army members. Therefore, this dissertation indicates that successful corporate scoundrels exist in the Army, but there are few of them.


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Bij de provincie Gelderland is per 01-01-2009 een reorganisatie doorgevoerd waarbij o.a. de ondersteunende disciplines zoals Financiën zijn samengevoegd binnen één centrale afdeling. Binnen de afdeling Financiën is een team ‘Business control’ gevormd waarin de Financieel adviseurs zijn ondergebracht. Daarbij is vanaf 2009, in verschillende termen en bewoordingen, steeds de ambitie uitgesproken om van de “Financieel expert” naar “Partner in business te groeien. De ervaring tot dusver laat zien dat deze ambitie in de praktijk moeizaam te realiseren is. Dit onderzoek richt zich op verschillende facetten die samenhangen met bovengenoemde ambitie. Daarbij richt het onderzoek zich vooral op de vraag wat de invloed daarbij is van de persoonskenmerken van de medewerkers. De onderzoeksvraag is: Hoe beïnvloeden de persoonskenmerken de ontwikkeling naar “Partner in Business bij het team Business control binnen de afdeling Financiën bij de provincie Gelderland? Uit het literatuuronderzoek blijkt dat New Public Management (NPM) een belangrijke externe ontwikkelingen is voor de publieke sector. NPM heeft als doel om publieke organisaties meer resultaatgericht, meer gecoördineerd en efficiënter te laten werken. Bij NPM gaat het o.a. om begrippen als resultaatgerichtheid, output en efficiency. Aangezien de controller het management adviseert bij het efficiënt realiseren van de organisatiedoelstellingen is NPM van invloed op de (rol van) de controller. Een verandering in de rol van de controller is ook het gevolg van de veranderingen in de financiële functie. Uit diverse onderzoeken blijkt dat de controllersfunctie zich ontwikkelt van een administratieve, ten behoeve van het top-management controlerende functie, naar een beslissingsondersteunende functie voor alle geledingen van het management. Conijn et al. (2005) beschrijven de ontwikkeling in de financiële functie aan de hand van een denkmodel met daarin vier fasen met de bijbehorende archetypes Scorekeeper, Financial controller, Managementcontroller en Businesspartner. Naast deze ontwikkelingen zijn ook persoonsgerelateerde factoren van invloed op de rol van een controller binnen een organisatie. Vanuit de organisatiepsychologie worden de persoonlijke eigenschappen van mensen dikwijls in vijf verschillende dimensies gevat, ook wel ‘the big five’ genoemd. Het big five factor model gaat ervan uit dat elk persoon in meer of mindere mate de volgende vijf persoonlijke dimensies heeft: Extraversie, Meegaandheid, Zorgvuldigheid, Openheid en Emotionele stabiliteit. De situatie bij de provincie Gelderland is onderzocht aan de hand van een enquête. De enquête is uitgezet bij de 28 Financieel adviseurs met 17 representatieve respondenten. Hieruit blijkt dat de Financieel adviseurs bij de provincie Gelderland voornamelijk activiteiten verrichten die horen bij de rol van Financial controller en in mindere mate die van respectievelijk Managementcontroller, Businesspartner en Scorekeeper. Daarbij beschikken de Managementcontrollers en de Businesspartners meer over de persoonskenmerken Extraversie, Openheid en Emotionele stabiliteit dan de Scorekeepers en Financial controllers. De Scorekeepers beschikken juist het minst over deze drie persoonskenmerken ten opzichte van de andere drie typen controllers. Voor wat betreft de persoonskenmerken Zorgvuldigheid en Meegaandheid laten de resultaten van de enquête geen eenduidig beeld zien in de relatie tot de typen controllers die de Financieel adviseurs vervullen. Op basis van dit onderzoek en met inachtneming van het aantal van 17 respondenten bij de enquête, lijkt er een relatie te zijn tussen de persoonskenmerken van controllers en de rol die zij als controller vervullen. De rol van Businesspartner vraagt blijkbaar om een hoge mate van Extraversie, Openheid en Emotionele stabiliteit. Voor de provincie Gelderland betekent dit concreet dat bij de gewenste ontwikkeling van Financieel expert naar Partner in business rekening gehouden moet worden met de persoonskenmerken van de Financieel adviseurs. Hierdoor kan er een goede aansluiting tot stand worden gebracht tussen de controller als persoon en zijn/haar controllersrol binnen de organisatie. Kortom; de juiste persoon op de juiste plaats.


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Sociodrama is a learning process focused on solutions for human relationship problems. It offers the opportunity for groups to clarify values and review behaviors, practicing new spontaneous and creative attitudes. The objective of this work is to analyze and discuss how sociodrama can be used as a methodological strategy for cooperative education in business administration. More specifically, to show how sociodramatic sessions can be used in different organizational contexts and to discuss how sociodramatic interventions foster creativity and change in the learning process between the main facilitator and other actors involved. To reach those objectives, three experiences are presented in the paper. The situations here presented show that the same technique, used with different groups, is a creative way to intervene and work with groups. It can serve critical thinking and group bonding, can foster motivation or help a group clarify values and define priorities.


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[EN] The relative number of developing eggs is directly affected by fertilization rate, and unfertile eggs may indirectly negatively affect development of viable eggs within the nest. Thus, the number of viable eggs at laying should influence hatching success. We have studied both parameters in a nesting population of loggerhead turtles from Boavista Island (Republic of Cabo Verde). Fertility was estimated based on eggs excavated from nests within the first 96 hours after deposition. Our results confirm a high egg fertilization rate for the species, which exceeded an average of 94% fertility (95% confidence limits: 91.9 and 96.2%, N=43 nests).


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Computer-based simulation games (CSG) are a form of innovation in learning and teaching. CGS are used more pervasively in various ways such as a class activity (formative exercises) and as part of summative assessments (Leemkuil and De Jong, 2012; Zantow et al., 2005). This study investigates the current and potential use of CGS in Worcester Business School’s (WBS) Business Management undergraduate programmes. The initial survey of off-the-shelf simulation reveals that there are various categories of simulations, with each offering varying levels of complexity and learning opportunities depending on the field of study. The findings suggest that whilst there is marginal adoption of the use CSG in learning and teaching, there is significant opportunity to increase the use of CSG in enhancing learning and learner achievement, especially in Level 5 modules. The use of CSG is situational and its adoption should be undertaken on a case-by-case basis. WBS can play a major role by creating an environment that encourages and supports the use of CSG as well as other forms of innovative learning and teaching methods. Thus the key recommendation involves providing module teams further support in embedding and integrating CSG into their modules.


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This study uses longitudinal data of undergraduate students from five public land-grant universities to better understand undergraduate students’ persistence in and switching of majors, with particular attention given to women’s participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Specifically, the study examines patterns of behavior of women and minorities in relation to initial choice of college major and major field persistence, as well as what majors students switched to upon changing majors. Factors that impact major field persistence are also examined, as well as how switching majors affects students’ time-to-degree. Using a broad definition of STEM, data from nearly 17,000 undergraduate students was analyzed with descriptive statistics, cross tabulations, and binary logistic regressions. The results highlight women’s high levels of participation and success in the sciences, challenging common notions of underrepresentation in the STEM fields. The study calls for researchers to use a comprehensive definition of STEM and broad measurements of persistence when investigating students’ participation in the STEM fields.


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Black women cultural entrepreneurs are a group of entrepreneurs that merit further inquiry. Using qualitative interview and participant observation data, this dissertation investigates the ways in which black women cultural entrepreneurs define success. My findings reveal that black women cultural entrepreneurs are a particular interpretive community with values, perspectives and experiences, which are not wholly idiosyncratic, but shaped by collective experiences and larger social forces. Black women are not a monolith, but they are neither disconnected individuals completely devoid of group identity. The meaning they give to their businesses, professional experiences and understandings of success are influenced by their shared social position and identity as black women. For black women cultural entrepreneurs, the New Bottom Line goes beyond financial gain. This group, while not uniform in their understandings of success, largely understand the most meaningful accomplishments they can realize as social impact in the form of cultural intervention, black community uplift and professional/creative agency. These particular considerations represent a new paramount concern, and alternative understanding of what is typically understood as the bottom line. The structural, social and personal challenges that black women cultural entrepreneurs encounter have shaped their particular perspectives on success. I also explore the ways research participants articulated an oppositional consciousness to create an alternative means of defining and achieving success. I argue that this consciousness empowers them with resources, connections and meaning not readily conferred in traditional entrepreneurial settings. In this sense, the personal, social and structural challenges have been foundational to the formation of an alternative economy, which I refer to as The Connected Economy. Leading and participating in The Connected Economy, black women cultural entrepreneurs represent a black feminist and womanist critique of dominant understandings of success.


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The purpose of the study was to determine the degree of relationships among GRE scores, undergraduate GPA (UGPA), and success in graduate school, as measured by first year graduate GPA (FGPA), cumulative graduate GPA, and degree attainment status. A second aim of the study was to determine whether the relationships between the composite predictor (GRE scores and UGPA) and the three success measures differed by race/ethnicity and sex. A total of 7,367 graduate student records (masters, 5,990; doctoral: 1,377) from 2000 to 2010 were used to evaluate the relationships among GRE scores, UGPA and the three success measures. Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear and logistic regression, and hierarchical multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to answer the research questions. The results of the correlational analyses differed by degree level. For master’s students, the ETS proposed prediction that GRE scores are valid predictors of first year graduate GPA was supported by the findings from the present study; however, for doctoral students, the proposed prediction was only partially supported. Regression and correlational analyses indicated that UGPA was the variable that consistently predicted all three success measures for both degree levels. The hierarchical multiple linear and logistic regression analyses indicated that at master’s degree level, White students with higher GRE Quantitative Reasoning Test scores were more likely to attain a degree than Asian Americans, while International students with higher UGPA were more likely to attain a degree than White students. The relationships between the three predictors and the three success measures were not significantly different between men and women for either degree level. Findings have implications both for practice and research. They will provide graduate school administrators with institution-specific validity data for UGPA and the GRE scores, which can be referenced in making admission decisions, while they will provide empirical and professionally defensible evidence to support the current practice of using UGPA and GRE scores for admission considerations. In addition, new evidence relating to differential predictions will be useful as a resource reference for future GRE validation researchers.


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The perceptions about school play a central role in behavior, performance and learning outcomes. There is evidence that an improvement in emotional skills is associated with a higher school success. The aim of this paper is to know the relationship between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, emotional skills and academic success of students of the 3rd cycle of basic education. In order to promote students social and emotional skills, a pilot study in a School Grouping of the central region (Portugal) was carried out. It was made a diagnosis of disruptive behavior (ASEBA) and identified 6 children aged between 12 and 14 years old and followed by 3 focus groups with students, parents, and teachers, respectively. Six students mostly male were identified, with the predominance of externalizing behaviors and academic failure. They don’t like school and have no motivation for learning. The relationship between parents and teachers is conflictive. All parents have the utmost concern academic success and teachers perceived good practices, but without success. This program is seen in a perspective of empowerment of the educational agents to manage various environments and relationships. The results point to the importance of the systemic intervention program on the improvement of the social and emotional competences and academic achievement.


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Problem Statement: The perceptions about school, play a central role in behavior, performance and results. There is evidence that an improvement in emotional skills is associated with a higher success. Research Questions: What is the relationship between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, emotional skills and academic success in the 3rd cycle of basic education? Purpose of Study: To promote social and emotional skills of students, in the 3rd cycle of basic education. Research Methods: A pilot study with groups of 7th year at a school central Portugal. Made diagnosis of disruptive behavior (ASEBA) was identified 6 children aged 12 0s and 14 and followed by 3 focus groups with students, parents, and teachers respectively. Findings: 6 students mostly male were identified (70 %), with the predominance of externalizing behaviors and academic failure. Not like school (80%) and have no motivation for learning. The relationship between parents and teachers is conflituoso. 100 % of parents have the utmost concern academic success and teachers perceptional good practices, but without success. Conclusions: This program is seen in a perspective of empowerment of the various educational agents to manage various environments and relationships. The results point to the importance of the focus group in the awareness of relational problems in schools. Less adjusted change behaviors imply the involvement of all educators.


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This study looked at the reasons why Vanier College students in computer programming are encountering difficulties in their learning process, Factors such as prior academic background, prior computer experience, mother tongue, and learning styles were examined to see how they play a role in students' success in programming courses. The initial research hypotheses were the following : Computer science students using understanding and integrating succeed better than students using following coding, or problem solving. Students using problem solving succeed better than those who use participating and enculturation. Students who use coding perform better than those who prefer participating ans enculturation. In addition, this study hoped to examine whether there is a gender difference in how students learn programming.||Résumé :||La présente étude a examiné les raisons pour lesquelles les étudiants en informatique du Collège Vanier rencontrent des difficultés dans leurs études en programmation. Les facteurs tel que le niveau des études précédentes, l'expérience en informatique, la langue maternelle e les méthodes d'apprentissage ont été considérés pour voir quel rôle ces facteurs jouent pour promouvoir la réussite dans les cours de programmation.Les hypothèses initiales de recherche ont été formulées comme suit : 1. Les étudiants en informatique utilisant la compréhension et l'intégration réussissent mieux que ceux utilisant «suivre», le codage ou la résolution des problèmes. 2, Les étudiants utilisant la résolution des problèmes réussissent mieux que ceux qui utilisent la participation dans la culture informatique. 3, Les étudiants utilisant le codage réussissent mieux que ceux qui utilisent la participation dans la culture informatique.


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The objective of this research was to determine the student’s attitudes towards Mathematics at the beginning of their graduate studies in Business Administration. The study used an exploratory, non-experimental, cross-sectional design. The instrument used was a questionnaire based on willingness, confidence, utility, motivation and anxiety with Likert questions. The study concluded that students have a negative attitude towards Mathematics; it is considered as a useful but difficult discipline and, for that reason, students show anxiety and lack of confidence when applying mathematical procedures.


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Students perceive online courses differently than traditional courses. Negative perceptions can lead to unfavourable learning outcomes including decreased motivation and persistence. Throughout this review, a broad range of factors that affect performance and satisfaction within the online learning environment for adult learners will be examined including learning outcomes, instructional design and learner characteristics, followed by suggestions for further research, and concluding with implications for online learning pertinent to administrators, instructors, course designers and students. Online learning may not be appropriate for every student. Identifying particular characteristics that contribute to online success versus failure may aid in predicting possible learning outcomes and save students from enrolling in online courses if this type of learning environment is not appropriate for them. Furthermore, knowing these learner attributes may assist faculty in designing quality online courses to meet students’ needs. Adequate instructional methods, support, course structure and design can facilitate student performance and satisfaction.