962 resultados para Stars: early-type


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Spectroscopic analyses of 7 SMC B-type supergiants and 1 giant have been undertaken using high resolution optical data obtained on the VLT with UVES. FASTWIND, a non-LTE, spherical, line-blanketed model atmosphere code was used to derive atmospheric and wind parameters of these stars as well as their absolute abundances. Mass-loss rates, derived from H-alpha profiles, are in poor agreement with metallicity dependent theoretical predictions. Indeed the wind-momenta of the SMC stars appear to be in good agreement with the wind-momentum luminosity relationship (WLR) of Galactic B-type stars, a puzzling result given that line-driven wind theory predicts a metallicity dependence. However the galactic stars were analysed using unblanketed model atmospheres which may mask any dependence on metallicity. A mean nitrogen enhancement of a factor of 14 is observed in the supergiants whilst only an enrichment of a factor of 4 is present in the giant, AV216. Similar excesses in nitrogen are observed in O-type dwarfs and supergiants in the same mass range, suggesting that the additional nitrogen is produced while the stars are still on the main-sequence. These nitrogen enrichments can be reproduced by current stellar evolution models, which include rotationally induced mixing, only if large initial rotational velocities of 300 kin s(-1) are invoked. Such large rotational velocities appear to be inconsistent with observed v sin i distributions for O-type stars and B-type supergiants. Hence it is suggested that the currently available stellar evolution models require more efficient mixing for lower rotational velocities.


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We present an analysis of high resolution VLT-FLAMES spectra of 61 B-type stars with relatively narrow-lined spectra located in 4 fields centered on the Milky Way clusters; NGC 3293 and NGC 4755 and the Large and Small Magellanic cloud clusters; NGC 2004 and NGC 330. For each object a quantitative analysis was carried out using the non-LTE model atmosphere code TLUSTY; resulting in the determination of their atmospheric parameters and photospheric abundances of the dominant metal species (C, N, O, Mg, Si, Fe). The results are discussed in relation to our earlier work on 3 younger clusters in these galaxies; NGC 6611, N11 and NGC 346 paying particular attention to the nitrogen abundances which are an important probe of the role of rotation in the evolution of stars. This work along with that of the younger clusters provides a consistent dataset of abundances and atmospheric parameters for over 100 B-type stars in the three galaxies. We provide effective temperature scales for B-type dwarfs in all three galaxies and for giants and supergiants in the SMC and LMC. In each galaxy a dependence on luminosity is found between the three classes with the unevolved dwarf objects having significantly higher effective temperatures. A metallicity dependence is present between the SMC and Galactic dwarf objects, and whilst the LMC stars are only slightly cooler than the SMC stars, they are significantly hotter than their Galactic counterparts.


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Hippocampus displayed progressively gender-associated damage in Alzheimer's disease. However, gender effects have been largely neglected in studies of amnestic type mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patients who were believed to represent an early stage of this disease. The goal of this study was to use in vivo neuroimaging techniques to determine whether there were any evidences of gender differences in hippocampal atrophy in aMCI. A region of interest-based magnetic resonance imaging approach was used to compare hippocampal volume between aMCI patients (22 male, 17 female) and normal aging controls (12 male, 11 female). Independent of group, male hippocampal volumes were larger than female volumes and right hippocampal volumes were typically smaller than left volumes. Hippocampal volumes were significantly reduced in the clinical group but no gender differences were noted in terms of degree of atrophy present. However, female patients showed more impaired cognitive function than male patients despite this apparent equivalence in atrophy. The absence of a gender difference suggested that early neuropathological progression might be independent of gender. However, the data also suggested female aMCI patients had an increased vulnerability to cognitive impairment earlier in the illness course.


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It is well known that magnetic activity in late-type stars increases with increasing rotation rate. Using inversion techniques akin to medical imaging, the rotationally broadened profiles from such stars can be used to reconstruct `Doppler images' of the distribution of cool, dark starspots on their stellar surfaces. Interacting binaries, however, contain some of the most rapidly rotating late-type stars known and thus provide important tests of stellar dynamo models. Furthermore, magnetic activity is thought to play a key role in their evolution, behaviour and accretion dynamics. Despite this, we know comparatively little about the magnetic activity and its influence on such binaries. In this review we summarise the concepts behind indirect imaging of these systems, and present movies of the starspot distributions on the cool stars in some interacting binaries. We conclude with a look at the future opportunities that such studies may provide.


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We report the discovery of WASP-10b, a new transiting extrasolar planet (ESP) discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets ( WASP) Consortium and confirmed using Nordic Optical Telescope FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph and SOPHIE radial velocity data. A 3.09-d period, 29 mmag transit depth and 2.36 h duration are derived for WASP-10b using WASP and high-precision photometric observations. Simultaneous fitting to the photometric and radial velocity data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure leads to a planet radius of 1.28R(J), a mass of 2.96M(J) and eccentricity of approximate to 0.06. WASP-10b is one of the more massive transiting ESPs, and we compare its characteristics to the current sample of transiting ESP, where there is currently little information for masses greater than approximate to 2M(J) and non-zero eccentricities. WASP-10's host star, GSC 2752-00114 (USNO-B1.0 1214-0586164) is among the fainter stars in the WASP sample, with V = 12.7 and a spectral type of K5. This result shows promise for future late-type dwarf star surveys.


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Introduction In acute lung injury, repair of the damaged alveolar-capillary barrier is an essential part of recovery. Endostatin is a 20 to 28 kDa proteolytic fragment of the basement membrane collagen XVIII, which has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis via action on endothelial cells. We hypothesised that endostatin may have a role in inhibiting lung repair in patients with lung injury. The aims of the study were to determine if endostatin is elevated in the plasma/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with acute lung injury and ascertain whether the levels reflect the severity of injury and alveolar inflammation, and to assess if endostatin changes occur early after the injurious lung stimuli of one lung ventilation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge.


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The sediment sequence from Hasseldala port in southeastern Sweden provides a unique Lateglacial/early Holocene record that contains five different tephra layers. Three of these have been geochemically identified as the Borrobol Tephra, the Hasseldalen Tephra and the 10-ka Askja Tephra. Twenty-eight high-resolution C-14 measurements have been obtained and three different age models based on Bayesian statistics are employed to provide age estimates for the five different tephra layers. The chrono- and pollen stratigraphic framework supports the stratigraphic position of the Borrobol Tephra as found in Sweden at the very end of the Older Dryas pollen zone and provides the first age estimates for the Askja and Hasseldalen tephras. Our results, however, highlight the limitations that arise in attempting to establish a robust, chronologically independent lacustrine sequence that can be correlated in great detail to ice core or marine records. Radiocarbon samples are prone to error and sedimentation rates in lake basins may vary considerably due to a number of factors. Any type of valid and 'realistic' age model, therefore, has to take these limitations into account and needs to include this information in its prior assumptions. As a result, the age ranges for the specific horizons at Hasseldala port are large and calendar year estimates differ according to the assumptions of the age-model. Not only do these results provide a cautionary note for overdependence on one age-model for the derivation of age estimates for specific horizons, but they also demonstrate that precise correlations to other palaeoarchives to detect leads or lags is problematic. Given the uncertainties associated with establishing age-depth models for sedimentary sequences spanning the Lateglacial period, however, this exercise employing Bayesian probability methods represents the best possible approach and provides the most statistically significant age estimates for the pollen zone boundaries and tephra horizons. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Cholecystokinin receptor-2 (CCK2R) is a G protein receptor that regulates a number of physiological functions. Activation of CCK2R and/or expression of a constitutively active CCK2R variant may contribute to human diseases, including digestive cancers. Search for antagonists of the CCK2R has been an important challenge during the last few years, leading to discovery of a set of chemically distinct compounds. However, several early-discovered antagonists turned out to be partial agonists. In this context, we carried out pharmacological characterization of six CCK2R antagonists using COS-7 cells expressing the human CCK2R or a CCK2R mutant having a robust constitutive activity on inositol phosphates production, and we investigated the molecular mechanisms which, at a CCK2R binding site, account for these features. Results indicated that three compounds, 3R(+)-N-(2,3-dihydro-1-methyl-2-oxo-5-phenyl-1H-1,4-benzodiazepin-3- yl)-N'-(3-methylphenyl)urea (L365,260), 4-{[2-[[3-(lH-indol-3-yl)-2- methyl-1-oxo-2-[[[1.7.7-trimethyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)-oxy]carbonyl]amino] propyl]amino]-1-phenylethyl]amino-4-oxo-[lS-la.2[S*(S*)]4a]} -butanoate N-methyl-D-glucamine (PD135, 158), and (R)-1-naphthalenepropanoic acid, b-[2-[[2-(8-azaspiro-[4.5]dec-8-ylcarbonyl)-4,6-dimethylphenyl]amino]-2- oxoethyl] (CR2945), were partial agonists; one molecule, 1-[(R)-2,3-dihydro-1- (2,3-dihydro-1-(2-methylphenacyl)-2-oxo-5-phenyl-1H-1,4-benzodiazepin-3-yl] -3-(3-methylphenyl)urea (YM022), was a neutral antagonist; and two compounds, N-(+)-[1-(adamant-1-ylmethyl)-2,4-dioxo-5-phenyl2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-1, 5-benzodiazepin-3-yl]-N'-phenylurea (GV150,013X) and ([(N-[methoxy-3 phenyl] N-[N-methyl N-phenyl carbamoylmethyl], carbomoylmethyl)-3 ureido]-3-phenyl)2-propionic acid (RPR101,048), were inverse agonists. Furthermore, target- and pharmacophore-based docking of ligands followed by molecular dynamic simulation experiments resulted in consistent motion of aromatic residues belonging to a network presumably important for activation, thus providing the first structural explanations for the different pharmacological profiles of tested compounds. This study confirms that several referenced so-called antagonists are in fact partial agonists, and because of this undesired activity, we suggest that newly generated molecules should be preferred to efficiently block CCK2R-related physiological effects. Furthermore, data on the structural basis for the different pharmacological features of CCK2R ligands will serve to further clarify CCK2R mechanism of activation. Copyright © 2006 The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.


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High-resolution optical spectra of 57 Galactic B-type supergiant stars have been analysed to determine their rotational and macroturbulent velocities. In addition, their atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity and microturbulent velocity) and surface nitrogen abundances have been estimated using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium grid of model atmospheres. Comparisons of the projected rotational velocities have been made with the predictions of stellar evolutionary models and in general good agreement was found. However, for a small number of targets, their observed rotational velocities were significantly larger than predicted, although their nitrogen abundances were consistent with the rest of the sample. We conclude that binarity may have played a role in generating their large rotational velocities. No correlation was found between nitrogen abundances and the current projected rotational velocities. However, a correlation was found with the inferred projected rotational velocities of the main-sequence precursors of our supergiant sample. This correlation is again in agreement with the predictions of single star evolutionary models that incorporate rotational mixing. The origin of the macroturbulence and microturbulent velocity fields is discussed and our results support previous theoretical studies that link the former to subphotospheric convection and the latter to non-radial gravity mode oscillations. In addition, we have attempted to identify differential rotation in our most rapidly rotating targets.


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We present photometric and spectroscopic observations at optical and near-infrared wavelengths of the nearby type Ic supernova 2007gr. These represent the most extensive data-set to date of any supernova of this sub-type, with frequent coverage from shortly after discovery to more than one year post-explosion. We deduce a rise time to B-band maximum of 11.5 +/- 2.7 d. We find a peak B-band magnitude of M-B = -16.8, and light curves which are remarkably similar to the so-called "hypernova" SN 2002ap. In contrast, the spectra of SNe 2007gr and 2002ap show marked differences, not least in their respective expansion velocities. We attribute these differences primarily to the density profiles of their progenitor stars at the time of explosion i.e. a more compact star for SN 2007gr compared to SN 2002ap. From the quasi-bolometric light curve of SN 2007gr, we estimate that 0.076 +/- 0.010 M-circle dot of Ni-56 was produced in the explosion. Our near-infrared (IR) spectra clearly show the onset and disappearance of the first overtone of carbon monoxide (CO) between similar to 70 to 175 d relative to B-band maximum. The detection of the CO molecule implies that ionised He was not microscopically mixed within the carbon/oxygen layers. From the optical spectra, near-IR light curves, and colour evolution, we find no evidence for dust condensation in the ejecta out to about +400 d. Given the combination of unprecedented temporal coverage, and high signal-to-noise data, we suggest that SN 2007gr could be used as a template object for supernovae of this sub-class.


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Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in most part of the world, although reliable data are still unavailable in several countries. Wide variations exist between the incidence rates of different populations, incidence is lowest in China and Venezuela (0.1 per 100 000 per year) and highest in Finland and Sardinia (37 per 100 000 per year). In most populations girls and boys are equally affected. In general, the incidence increases with age, the incidence peak is at puberty. After the pubertal years, the incidence rate significantly drops in young women, but remains relatively high in young adult males up to the age 29-35 years. Prospective national and large international registries (DIAMOND and EURODIAB) demonstrated an increasing trend in incidence in most regions of the world over the last few decades and increases seem to be the highest in the youngest age group. Analytical epidemiological studies have identified environmental risk factors operating early in life which might have contributed to the increasing trend in incidence. These include enteroviral infections in pregnant women, older maternal age (39-42 years), preeclampsia, cesarean section delivery, increased birthweight, early introduction of cow's milk proteins and an increased rate of postnatal growth (weight and height). Optimal vitamin D supplementation during early life has been shown to be protective. Some of these environmental risk factors such as viruses may initiate autoimmunity toward the beta cell, other exposures may put on overload on the already affected beta cell and thus accelerate the disease process.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To determine if vaccinations and infections are associated with the subsequent risk of Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in childhood. METHOD: Seven centres in Europe with access to population-based registers of children with Type I diabetes diagnosed under 15 years of age participated in a case-control study of environmental risk factors. Control children were chosen at random in each centre either from population registers or from schools and policlinics. Data on maternal and neonatal infections, common childhood infections and vaccinations were obtained for 900 cases and 2302 control children from hospital and clinic records and from parental responses to a questionnaire or interview. RESULTS: Infections early in the child's life noted in the hospital record were found to be associated with an increased risk of diabetes, although the odds ratio of 1.61 (95% confidence limits 1.11, 2.33) was significant only after adjustment for confounding variables. None of the common childhood infectious diseases was found to be associated with diabetes and neither was there evidence that any common childhood vaccination modified the risk of diabetes. Pre-school day-care attendance, a proxy measure for total infectious disease exposure in early childhood, was found, however, to be inversely associated with diabetes, with a pooled odds ratio of 0.59 (95% confidence limits 0.46, 0.76) after adjustment for confounding variables. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: It seems likely that the explanation for these contrasting findings of an increased risk associated with perinatal infections coupled with a protective effect of pre-school day care lies in the age-dependent modifying influence of infections on the developing immune system.


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Background: Nateglinide restores early-phase insulin secretion to feeding and reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. This study evaluated the effects of nateglinide on dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) activity and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) degradation


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SuWt 2 is a planetary nebula (PN) consisting of a bright ionized thin ring seen nearly edge-on, with much fainter bipolar lobes extending perpendicularly to the ring. It has a bright (12th magnitude) central star, too cool to ionize the PN, which we discovered in the early 1990s to be an eclipsing binary. Although it was anticipated that there would also be an optically faint, hot, ionizing star in the system, a spectrum from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) did not reveal a UV source. We present extensive ground-based photometry and spectroscopy of the central binary collected over the ensuing two decades, resulting in the determination that the orbital period of the eclipsing pair is 4.9 days, and that it consists of two nearly identical A1 V stars, each of mass ~2.7 M sun. The physical parameters of the A stars, combined with evolutionary tracks, show that both are in the short-lived "blue-hook" evolutionary phase that occurs between the main sequence and the Hertzsprung gap, and that the age of the system is about 520 Myr. One puzzle is that the stars' rotational velocities are different from each other, and considerably slower than synchronous with the orbital period. It is possible that the center-of-mass velocity of the eclipsing pair is varying with time, suggesting that there is an unseen third orbiting body in the system. We propose a scenario in which the system began as a hierarchical triple, consisting of a ~2.9 M sun star orbiting the close pair of A stars. Upon reaching the asymptotic giant branch stage, the primary engulfed the pair into a common envelope, leading to a rapid contraction of the orbit and catastrophic ejection of the envelope into the orbital plane. In this picture, the exposed core of the initial primary is now a white dwarf of ~0.7 M sun, orbiting the eclipsing pair, which has already cooled below the detectability possible by IUE at our derived distance of 2.3 kpc and a reddening of E(B - V) = 0.40. The SuWt 2 system may be destined to perish as a Type Ia supernova.


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Background: The bioenergetic status of non-small cell lung cancer correlates with tumour aggressiveness. The voltage dependent anion channel type 1 (VDAC1) is a component of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, regulates mitochondrial ATP/ADP exchange suggesting that its over-expression could be associated with energy dependent processes including increased proliferation and invasiveness. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an in vivo gene-expression meta-analysis of surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using 602 individual expression profiles, to examine the impact of VDAC1 on survival.