767 resultados para Stamp collectors


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Resumen: La laicidad de las instituciones de ayuda social durante el peronismo, pretende ser revisada, a partir de las características de los hogares de tránsito de la Fundación Eva Perón. Se ha hecho hincapié en la entrega o facilitación de bienes materiales pero poco o nada se ha dicho, de la labor netamente religiosa que se llevó adelante en ellos y de la impronta moral que tuvieron estas instituciones. Este trabajo propone repensar algunos aspectos y capturar algunos matices de la relación entre el peronismo y la Iglesia Católica. También, describir y analizar la manera en que se impartió la actividad religiosa en la institución benefactora por excelencia del gobierno, la FEP.


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Resumen: Entre el sueño y la muerte hay “sólo una distancia”. El dormir encierra un misterio que se aviva con los sueños y, al parecer, habrían prefigurado al mismo método científico moderno. Descartes pensó que en sus sueños se transmitía el espíritu de la verdad. El alma soñadora e inmortal adquirió notoriedad en su dualismo, al tiempo que dejó de asociársela con la muerte. Tres siglos después, la medicina permitió identificar individuos que estaban muertos, aunque pareciesen dormidos (coma dépassé). Así reapareció la asociación sueño-muerte, pero ahora con médicos provistos del “diagnóstico anátomo-clínico” que, por su herencia cartesiana, demandará evidencias. La duda metódica integrada al pensamiento científico, aportaría incertidumbre a las formulaciones cerebrales de la muerte. Este trabajo repasa el valor de los sueños para el pensamiento occidental, busca al “hombre-máquina” dentro de los criterios neurológicos del fallecido y, con la ayuda de la Filosofía, intenta comprender algunas objeciones en torno a la licitud del diagnóstico de “muerte encefálica”. Se propone una revisión sucinta de la obra del filósofo francés y su reflejo en aspectos del debate ofrecido por la literatura médica.


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Resumen: En el trabajo se aborda la vexata quaestio de la cientificidad de la ciencia jurídica, a la que se le impugna la pretensión de ser científica y, a la vez, práctica. Se estudian las impugnaciones realizadas en ese sentido por Claude Lévi-Strauss y Hans Albert, así como los intentos de algunos filósofos del derecho analíticos de superarla a través del análisis lógico del lenguaje jurídico. Se analizan después los cuestionamientos efectuados por algunos representantes de la filosofía hermenéutica, que critican los ensayos analíticos y proponen una concepción interpretativa de la ciencia jurídica. Luego de esta exposición, el A. evalúa las aportaciones analíticas y hermenéuticas, poniendo de relieve sus fortalezas y sus falencias a la hora de establecer el estatuto científico de la ciencia jurídica, para pasar finalmente a proponer una concepción de la ciencia del derecho heredera de la tradición de la filosofía práctica de cuño aristotélico. En este punto, el A. desarrolla —con base en el pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino— una concepción analógica del conocimiento científico y explica de qué modo es posible aplicarla a un saber acerca del derecho que resulte, a la vez, científico y práctico. Finalmente, desenvuelve la necesidad epistémica de una apertura del conocimiento de la ciencia jurídica a los primeros principios prácticos, que la vincula constitutivamente a la doctrina de la ley natural, así como al nivel máximamente determinado de la prudencia jurídica.


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Estudo de caso que analisa a aprovação da emenda de plenário nº 387 de 2010, chamada de emenda Ibsen Pinheiro/Humberto Souto, que pretendeu redistribuir as riquezas advindas dos royalties do petróleo, a partir do estabelecimento de critérios de maior equalização como o da distribuição via Fundo de Participação de Estados e Municípios (FPE/FPM). A partir do entendimento segundo o qual tal aprovação se deu por causa da fragmentação (derrocada) do pacto federativo, dado a centralização histórica do processo de arrecadação tributária nas mãos da União, posição alcançada e motivada, diga-se de passagem, pela abdicação de Estados e Municípios do papel de principal arrecadador, se tornando atores secundários. O estudo argumenta que a principal dificuldade enfrentada pelos entes subnacionais é de ordem econômica e os desenhos constitucionais desde a promulgação da Constituição republicana de 1891, não foi capaz de dirimir tal situação. E mesmo com a promulgação da Constituição de 1988, chamada de a mais descentralizadora, uma melhor distribuição de recursos falhou em suas tentativas.


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[ES]El presente artículo analiza la evolución del premio de la plata durante el siglo XVII en Guipúzcoa, donde aparecen dos modelos de comportamiento, siempre en relación con la abundancia y movimiento de la plata, que es el principal factor que explica las variaciones del premio. Se constata, no obstante, que en cada localidad los premios son diferentes, lo que demuestra cierta autonomía de las economías locales de Antiguo Régimen. Así mismo, hay que decir que las mayores repercusiones de este fenómeno se dejaron sentir en los mercados y en las transacciones locales, afectando principalmente a los consumidores. De todas formas, se demuestra la necesidad de seguir realizando investigaciones en los diferentes territorios que formaban la Corona, y desterrar definitivamente la generalización de datos como los de Hamilton.


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Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world; much of its population live in rural areas and many live below the local poverty line. The management of common property aquatic resources is of over-riding importance to food security and sustainable rural development in Cambodia. The key groups of poor people who use aquatic resources as part of their diverse livelihoods portfolios are subsistence fishers, small-scale aquaculture practitioners and aquatic resources collectors. Subsistence fishers access mainly the rivers, lakes and inundated forests in Tonle Sap provinces, the lower Mekong and Bassac regions and the upper part of the Mekong. Small-scale aquaculture and/or the collection of aquatic resources are most important in provinces that are not rich in fisheries resources including Kompong Speu, Ratnakiri, Mondulkiri, Preah Vihear and Ortdar Meanchey. Freshwater capture fisheries probably contribute more to national food security and the national economy in Cambodia than in any other country in the world. (19 p.)


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This report describes and summarizes the results from a state-wide survey of Florida resident saltwater anglers. The survey was designed to provide estimates of the economic value anglers place on marginal changes in management of selected near-shore marine species. The Contingent valuation method was used to elicit angler willingness to pay for changes in management for redfish, seatrout , mullet, sheepshead, pompano. and king mackerel. Contingent valuation is a process in which respondents are presented with a detailed scenario that describes an opportunity to express their willingness to pay for a proposed change in current conditions. The process consists of three parts. First. the change in current conditions, or the "good" to be valued is described. Second, the payment method is described. The payment method is usually closely related to typical methods of buying goods similar to the one to be valued. Finally. the respondent is asked how much they would pay for the good described in the scenario. A special saltwater fishing license stamp that would allow the holder to take advantage of the described management change was used as a payment mechanism. (PDF contains 147 pages.)


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The development of longline cultures for blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) at the German North Sea coast has been under way since 2001. It has turned out to be a successful and innovative method for the rearing of seeding mussels. The comparison of different tested longline types has proved that single longtubes carrying net collectors are the most stable system given the dynamic conditions in the Jade. Artificial collectors were settled by a large number of mussel larvae. Important settling took place between May and July, with 11 000 to 64 000 individuals per meter collector. The shell length of suspended mussels increased in their first summer at an average of 1.2 mm per week. Between the end of August until the end of September a mean of 2 to 9 kg mussels per meter equalling 4500 to 20 300 individuals per meter were harvested. Relayed on bottom cul-tures the mussel seed continued to grow and could be marketed as consumption mussels after their second summer.


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ICEM 2010


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The paper assessed qualitatively the threat status of nigerian freshwater fishes that are presently being exported and those that have potential in aquarium trade using such criteria as rarity, size at maturity, mode of reproduction, human population density, habitat degradation, pollution and range of each species among others. For their conservation captive breeding of these fishes were proffered with information that can assist collectors, exporter and aquaculturists that wants to breed polypterids, Butterfly fish, Knife fish, Elephantfish, Pollymyrus isidori, Arnordichthys spilopterus, Nannaethiops unitaeniatus, Killifishes, Polycentropsis abbreviatta, Cichlids, Ctenpomas, Mastacembelids and Tetraodon lineatus


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Collector-type experiments have been conducted to investigate two different aspects of sputtering induced by keV ions. The first study looked for possible ejection mechanisms related to the primary charge state of the projectile. Targets of CsI and LiNbO_3 were bombarded with 48 keV Ar^(q+), and a Au target was bombarded with 60 keV Ar^(q+), for q = 4, 8, and 11. The collectors were analyzed using heavy-ion Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy to determine the differential angular sputtering yields; these and the corresponding total yields were examined for variations as a function of projectile charge state. For the Au target, no significant changes were seen, but for the insulating targets slight (~10%) enhancements were observed in the total yields as the projectile charge state was increased from 4+ to 11+.

In the second investigation, artificial ^(92)Mo/^(100)Mo targets were bombarded with 5 and 10 keV beams of Ar^+ and Xe^+ to study the isotopic fractionation of sputtered neutrals as a function of emission angle and projectile fluence. Using secondary ion mass spectroscopy to measure the isotope ratio on the collectors, material ejected into normal directions at low bombarding fluences (~ 10^(15) ions cm^(-2)) was found to be enriched in the light isotope by as much as ~70‰ compared to steady state. Similar results were found for secondary Mo ions sputtered by 14.5 keV O^-. For low-fluence 5 keV Xe^+ bombardment, the light-isotope enrichment at oblique angles was ~20‰ less than the corresponding enrichment in the normal direction. No angular dependence could be resolved for 5 keV Ar^+ projectiles at the lowest fluence. The above fractionation decreased to steady-state values after bombarding fluences of a few times 10^(16) ions cm^(-2) , with the angular dependence becoming more pronounced. The fractionation and total sputtering yield were found to be strongly correlated, indicating that the above effects may have been related to the presence of a modified target surface layer. The observed effects are consistent with other secondary ion measurements and multiple-interaction computer simulations, and are considerably larger than predicted by existing analytic theory.


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[EU]Gaur egun, 2010/31/UE legearen arabera eraikinen ziurtagiri energetikoa derrigorrezkoa da izatea eraiki, alokatu eta saldu nahi diren etxebizitzentzako. Ziurtagiriarekin, etxebizitzak ingurugiroa zenbat kutsatzen duen adierazten du letren arabera, hau da, zenbat CO2 igortzen duen. Lan honetan, CE3X programa erabili da kalifikazio energetikoa lortzeko horretarako, etxebizitzaren datuak, inguratzaile termikoaren datuak, instalazioen karakteristikak eta kolektore termikoen datuak sartu dira. Honekin, E letra lortu da baina, fatxadan isolamendua kanpotik jarriz eta kondentsazio galdara bat jarriz kalifikazioa C letraraino hobetu egin da. Ondorioz, aplikatutako neurriak onak dira letra asko hobetu baita eta eraikina efizienteagoa bihurtu baita.


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Isotopic fractionation due to sputtering has been investigated via a collector type experiment in which targets of known isotopic composition have been bombarded with several keV Ar+ and Xe+ ions with fluences down to 3.0x1014 ions/cm2 , believed to be the lowest fluences for which such detailed measurements have ever been made. The isotopes were sputtered onto carbon collectors and analyzed with Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS.) There is clear indication of preferential effects several times that predicted by the dominant analytical theory. Results also show a fairly strong angular variation in the fractionation. The maximum effect is usually seen in the near normal direction, measured from the target surface, falling continuously, by a few percent in some cases, to a minimum in the oblique direction. Measurements have been made using Mo isotopes: 100Mo and 92Mo and a liquid metal system of In:Ga eutectic. The light isotope of Mo is found to suffer a 53 ± 5‰ (note: 1.0‰ ≡ 0.1%) enrichment in the sputtered flux in the near normal direction, compared to the steady state near normal sputtered composition, under 5.0 keV Xe+ bombardment of 3.0 x 1014 ions/cm2. In the liquid metal study only the angular dependence of the fractionation could be measured due to the lack of a well defined reference and the nature of the liquid surface, which is able to 'repair' itself during the course of a bombardment. The results show that 113In is preferentially sputtered over 115In in the near normal direction by about 8.7 ± 2.7‰ compared to the oblique direction. 69Ga, on the other hand, is sputtered preferentially over 71Ga in the oblique direction by about 13 ± 4.4‰ with respect to the near normal direction.