992 resultados para Spectral distribution
The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia pipientis infects a wide range of arthropods, in which it induces a variety of reproductive phenotypes, including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), parthenogenesis, male killing, and reversal of genetic sex determination. The recent sequencing and annotation of the first Wolbachia genome revealed an unusually high number of genes encoding ankyrin domain (ANK) repeats. These ANK genes are likely to be important in mediating the Wolbachia-host interaction. In this work we determined the distribution and expression of the different ANK genes found in the sequenced Wolbachia wMel genome in nine Wolbachia strains that induce different phenotypic effects in their hosts. A comparison of the ANK genes of wMel and the non-CI-inducing wAu Wolbachia strain revealed significant differences between the strains. This was reflected in sequence variability in shared genes that could result in alterations in the encoded proteins, such as motif deletions, amino acid insertions, and in some cases disruptions due to insertion of transposable elements and premature stops. In addition, one wMel ANK gene, which is part of an operon, was absent in the wAu genome. These variations are likely to affect the affinity, function, and cellular location of the predicted proteins encoded by these genes.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility is known to occur between strains of both Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster. Incompatibility is associated with the infection of Drosophila with microorganismal endosymbionts. This paper reports survey work conducted on strains of D. simulans and D. melanogaster from diverse geographical locations finding that infected populations are relatively rare and scattered in their distribution. The distribution of infected populations of D. simulans appears to be at odds with deterministic models predicting the rapid spread of the infection through uninfected populations. Examination of isofemale lines from four localities in California where populations appear to be polymorphic for the infection failed to find evidence for consistent assortative mating preferences between infected and uninfected populations that may explain the basis for the observed polymorphism.
We sequenced cDNAs coding for chicken cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP). Two slightly different variations of the open reading frame were found, each of which translates into a protein with seven zinc finger domains. The longest transcript contains an in-frame insert of 3 bp. The sequence conservation between chick CNBP cDNAs with human, rat and mouse CNBP cDNAs is extreme, especially in the coding region, where the deduced amino acid sequence identity with human, rat and mouse CNBP is 99%. CNBP-like transcripts were also found in various tissues from insect, shrimp, fish and lizard. Regions with remarkable nucleotide conservation were also found in the 3' untranslated region, indicating important functions for these regions. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) indicated that in the chick, CNBP is present in all tissues examined in approximately equal ratios to total RNA. RT-PCR of total RNA isolated from different phyla indicate CNBP-like proteins art widespread throughout the animal kingdom. The extraordinary level of conservation suggests an important physiological role for CNBP. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.
Background & Aims: An elevated transferrin saturation is the earliest phenotypic abnormality in hereditary hemochromatosis. Determination of transferrin saturation remains the most useful noninvasive screening test for affected individuals, but there is debate as to the appropriate screening level. The aims of this study were to estimate the mean transferrin saturation in hemochromatosis heterozygotes and normal individuals and to evaluate potential transferrin saturation screening levels. Methods: Statistical mixture modeling was applied to data from a survey of asymptomatic Australians to estimate the mean transferrin saturation in hemochromatosis heterozygotes and normal individuals. To evaluate potential transferrin saturation screening levels, modeling results were compared with data from identified hemochromatosis heterozygotes and homozygotes. Results: After removal of hemochromatosis homozygotes, two populations of transferrin saturation were identified in asymptomatic Australians (P < 0.01). In men, 88.2% of the truncated sample had a lower mean transferrin saturation of 24.1%, whereas 11.8% had an increased mean transferrin saturation of 37.3%. Similar results were found in women, A transferrin saturation threshold of 45% identified 98% of homozygotes without misidentifying any normal individuals. Conclusions: The results confirm that hemochromatosis heterozygotes form a distinct transferrin saturation subpopulation and support the use of transferrin saturation as an inexpensive screening test for hemochromatosis. In practice, a fasting transferrin saturation of greater than or equal to 45% identifies virtually all affected homozygous subjects without necessitating further investigation of unaffected normal individuals.
S-RNases are the stylar products of the self-incompatibility (S)-locus in solanaceous plants (including Nicotiana alata), and as such, are involved in the prevention of self-pollination. All cDNA sequences of S-RNase products of functional S-alleles contain potential N-glycosylation sites, with one site being conserved in all cases, suggesting that N-glycosylation is important in self-incompatibility. In this study, we report on the structure and localization of the N-glycans on the S-7-allele RNase of N, alata, A total of nine N-glycans, belonging to the high-mannose- and xylosylated hybrid-classes, were identified and characterized by a combination of electrospray-ionization mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS), H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and methylation analyses. The glycosylation pattern of individual glycosylation sites was determined by ESI-MS of the glycans released from isolated chymotryptic glycopeptides, All three N-glycosylation sites showed microheterogeneity and each had a unique complement of N-glycans, The N-glycosylation pattern of the S-7-RNase is significantly different to those of the S-1- and S-2-RNases.
A theoretical analysis is carried out to investigate the pore-fluid pressure gradient and effective vertical-stress gradient distribution in fluid saturated porous rock masses in layered hydrodynamic systems. Three important concepts, namely the critical porosity of a porous medium, the intrinsic Fore-fluid pressure and the intrinsic effective vertical stress of the solid matrix, are presented and discussed. Using some basic scientific principles, we derive analytical solutions and explore the conditions under which either the intrinsic pore-fluid pressure gradient or the intrinsic effective vertical-stress gradient can be maintained at the value of the lithostatic pressure gradient. Even though the intrinsic pore-fluid pressure gradient can be maintained at the value of the lithostatic pressure gradient in a single layer, it is impossible to maintain it at this value in all layers in a layered hydrodynamic system, unless all layers have the same permeability and porosity simultaneously. However, the intrinsic effective vertical-stress gradient of the solid matrix can be maintained at a value close to the lithostatic pressure gradient in all layers in any layered hydrodynamic system within the scope of this study.
Background/Aims: Liver clearance models are based on information (or assumptions) on solute distribution kinetics within the microvasculatory system, The aim was to study albumin distribution kinetics in regenerated livers and in livers of normal adult rats, Methods: A novel mathematical model was used to evaluate the distribution space and the transit time dispersion of albumin in livers following regeneration after a two-thirds hepatectomy compared to livers of normal adult rats. Outflow curves of albumin measured after bolus injection in single-pass perfused rat livers were analyzed by correcting for the influence of catheters and fitting a long-tailed function to the data. Results: The curves were well described by the proposed model. The distribution volume and the transit time dispersion of albumin observed in the partial hepatectomy group were not significantly different from livers of normal adult rats. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the distribution space and the transit time dispersion of albumin (CV2) is relatively constant irrespective of the presence of rapid and extensive repair. This invariance of CV2 implies, as a first approximation, a similar degree of intrasinusoidal mixing, The finding that a sum of two (instead of one) inverse Gaussian densities is an appropriate empirical function to describe the outflow curve of vascular indicators has consequences for an improved prediction of hepatic solute extraction.
The resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a coherent laser field and damped by a finite bandwidth squeezed vacuum is analysed. We extend the Yeoman and Barnett technique to a non-zero detuning of the driving field from the atomic resonance and discuss the role of squeezing bandwidth and the detuning in the level shifts, widths and intensities of the spectral lines. The approach is valid for arbitrary values of the Rabi frequency and detuning but for the squeezing bandwidths larger than the natural linewidth in order to satisfy the Markoff approximation. The narrowing of the spectral lines is interpreted in terms of the quadrature-noise spectrum. We find that, depending on the Rabi frequency, detuning and the squeezing phase, different factors contribute to the line narrowing. For a strong resonant driving field there is no squeezing in the emitted field and the fluorescence spectrum exactly reveals the noise spectrum. In this case the narrowing of the spectral lines arises from the noise reduction in the input squeezed vacuum. For a weak or detuned driving field the fluorescence exhibits a large squeezing and, as a consequence, the spectral lines have narrowed linewidths. Moreover, the fluorescence spectrum can be asymmetric about the central frequency despite the symmetrical distribution of the noise. The asymmetry arises from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum which reduces the spontaneous emission. For an appropriate choice of the detuning some of the spectral lines can vanish despite that there is no population trapping. Again this process can be interpreted as arising from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum. When the absorption is large it may compensate the spontaneous emission resulting in the vanishing of the fluorescence lines.
Deep-sea fish, defined as those living below 200 m, inhabit a most unusual photic environment, being exposed to two sources of visible radiation: very dim downwelling sunlight and bioluminescence, both of which are, in most cases. maximal at wavelengths around 450-500 nm. This paper summarises the reflective properties of the ocular tapeta often found in these animals the pigmentation of their lenses and the absorption characteristics of their visual pigments. Deepsea tapeta usually appear blue to the human observer. reflecting mainly shortwave radiation. However, reflection in other parts of the spectrum is not uncommon and uneven tapetal distribution across the retina is widespread. Perhaps surprisingly, given the fact that they live in a photon limited environment, the lenses of some deep-sea teleosts are bright yellow, absorbing much of the shortwave part of the spectrum. Such lenses contain a variety of biochemically distinct pigments which most likely serve to enhance the visibility of bioluminescent signals. Of the 195 different visual pigments characterised by either detergent extract or microspectrophotometry in the retinae of deep-sea fishes, cn. 87% have peak absorbances within the range 468-494 nm. Modelling shows that this is most likely an adaptation for the detection of bioluminescence. Around 13% of deep-sea fish have retinae containing more than one visual pigment. Of these, we highlight three genera of stomiid dragonfishes, which uniquely produce far red bioluminescence from suborbital photophores. Using a combination of longwave-shifted visual pigments and in one species (Malacosteus niger) a chlorophyll-related photosensitizer. these fish have evolved extreme red sensitivity enabling them to see their own bioluminescence and giving them a private spectral waveband invisible to other inhabitants of the deep-ocean. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the spectral and noise properties of the fluorescence field emitted from a two-level atom driven by a beam of squeezed light. For a weak driving field we derive simple analytical formulae for the fluorescence and quadrature-noise spectra which are valid for an arbitrary bandwidth of the squeezed field. We analyse the spectra in the regime where the squeezing bandwidth is smaller or comparable to the atomic linewidth, the area where non-Markovian effects are important. We emphasize that there is a noticable difference between the fluorescence spectra for the thermal and squeezed field excitations. In both cases the spectrum can be narrower than any bandwidth involved in the process. However, as we point out for the squeezed driving field the linewidth narrowing, being much larger than in the thermal-field case, can be attributed to the squeezing of the fluctuations in the driving held. We also calculate the quadrature-noise spectrum of the emitted fluorescence, and find that for a detuned squeezed field the fluorescence spectrum does not reveal the quadrature-noise spectrum. In contrast to the fluorescence spectrum having two peaks, the quadrature-noise spectrum exhibits three peaks. We explain this difference as arising from the competiting three-photon scattering processes. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Faecal pellets were collected under trees used by free-ranging koalas in south-western, central and southeastern Queensland to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of pellets with respect to the activity of koalas. Deposition of faecal pellets by koalas was analysed according to the time of day at which the tree was occupied. For free-ranging koalas, 47% of daily faecal pellet output was recovered using a collection mat of 8 x 8 m placed under a day-roost tree. The best predictor of pellet production was the presence of a koala in a tree between 1800 hours and midnight. For other periods, there was no relationship between period of tree occupancy and faecal pellet recovery. There was a significant relationship between the average length of tree occupancy and the time of day that a koala entered a tree.
In the present study. MRNA for the cytokines interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-10 tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-beta-1) were investigated in oral lichen planus (OLP) lesions using in situ hybridization with S-35-labelled oligonucleotide probes on frozen tissue sections. In addition, the expression of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-10 and IL-4 mRNAs was analysed in cultured lesional T lymphocytes from oral lichen planus by polymerase chain reaction. Cells expressing mRNA for IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, TNF-alpha and TGF-beta(1) were found in all the biopsies studied. Approximately 1-2% of the total number of infiltrating cells in the lesions were positive for each of the different cytokine mRNAs. Most biopsies contained basement membrane-oriented, mRNA-positive cells. In the cultured T-cell lines, message for IFN-gamma was detected in all the patients, IL-10 in all but one, and IL-4 in just one of the seven patients investigated. The results suggest that mRNA for both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, i.e., mixed T-helper 1 (T(H)1) and T(H)2 cytokine profiles, are generated simultaneously by a limited number of cells in chronic lesions of OLP. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.