957 resultados para Spatial Structure
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MW and RVD have been supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via the Young Investigators Group CoSy-CC2 (grant no. 01LN1306A). JFD thanks the Stordalen Foundation and BMBF (project GLUES) for financial support. JK acknowledges the IRTG 1740 funded by DFG and FAPESP. MT Gastner is acknowledged for providing his data on the airline, interstate, and Internet network. P Menck thankfully provided his data on the Scandinavian power grid. We thank S Willner on behalf of the entire zeean team for providing the data on the world trade network. All computations have been performed using the Python package pyunicorn [41] that is available at https://github.com/pik-copan/pyunicorn.
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) in natural tree populations is largely a result of restricted pollen and seed dispersal. Understanding the link between limitations to dispersal in gene vectors and SGS is of key interest to biologists and the availability of highly variable molecular markers has facilitated fine-scale analysis of populations. However, estimation of SGS may depend strongly on the type of genetic marker and sampling strategy (of both loci and individuals). To explore sampling limits, we created a model population with simulated distributions of dominant and codominant alleles, resulting from natural regeneration with restricted gene flow. SGS estimates from subsamples (simulating collection and analysis with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers) were correlated with the 'real' estimate (from the full model population). For both marker types, sampling ranges were evident, with lower limits below which estimation was poorly correlated and upper limits above which sampling became inefficient. Lower limits (correlation of 0.9) were 100 individuals, 10 loci for microsatellites and 150 individuals, 100 loci for AFLPs. Upper limits were 200 individuals, five loci for microsatellites and 200 individuals, 100 loci for AFLPs. The limits indicated by simulation were compared with data sets from real species. Instances where sampling effort had been either insufficient or inefficient were identified. The model results should form practical boundaries for studies aiming to detect SGS. However, greater sample sizes will be required in cases where SGS is weaker than for our simulated population, for example, in species with effective pollen/seed dispersal mechanisms.
The scale at which algal biodiversity is partitioned across the landscape, and the biophysical processes and biotic interactions which shape these communities in dryland river refugia was studied on two occasions from 30 sites in two Australian dryland rivers. Despite the waterholes studied having characteristically high levels of abiogenic turbidity, a total of 186 planktonic microalgae, 253 benthic diatom and 62 macroalgal species were recorded. The phytoplankton communities were dominated by flagellated cryptophytes, euglenophytes and chlorophytes, the diatom communities by cosmopolitan taxa known to tolerate wide environmental conditions, and the macroalgal communities by filamentous cyanobacteria. All algal communities showed significant differences between catchments and sampling times, with a suite of between 5 and 12 taxa responsible for similar to 50% of the observed change. In general, algal assemblage patterns were poorly correlated with the measured environmental variables. Phytoplankton and diatom assemblage patterns were weakly correlated with several waterhole geomorphic measures, whereas macroalgal assemblage patterns showed some association with variability in ionic concentration.
The paper is a contribution to the theory of branching processes with discrete time and a general phase space in the sense of [2]. We characterize the class of regular, i.e. in a sense sufficiently random, branching processes (Φk) k∈Z by almost sure properties of their realizations without making any assumptions about stationarity or existence of moments. This enables us to classify the clans of (Φk) into the regular part and the completely non-regular part. It turns out that the completely non-regular branching processes are built up from single-line processes, whereas the regular ones are mixtures of left-tail trivial processes with a Poisson family structure.
Acknowledgments This study was financed by FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade— COMPETE, and National funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT, within the scope of the projects PERSIST (PTDC/BIA-BEC/105110/2008), NETPERSIST (PTDC/ AAG-MAA/3227/2012), and MateFrag (PTDC/BIA-BIC/6582/2014). RP was supported by the FCT grant SFRH/BPD/73478/2010 and SFRH/BPD/109235/2015. PB was supported by EDP Biodiversity Chair. We thank Rita Brito and Marta Duarte for help during field work. We thank Chris Sutherland, Douglas Morris, William Morgan, and Richard Hassall for critical reviews of early versions of the paper. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments to improve the paper.
Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. En portada: Institut de Ciènces del Mar. Instituto Español de Oceanografía. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Soil is a complex heterogeneous system comprising of highly variable and dynamic micro-habitats that have significant impacts on the growth and activity of resident microbiota. A question addressed in this research is how soil structure affects the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of bacteria. Using repacked microcosms, the effect of bulk-density, aggregate sizes and water content on growth and distribution of introduced Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis bacteria was determined. Soil bulk-density and aggregate sizes were altered to manipulate the characteristics of the pore volume where bacteria reside and through which distribution of solutes and nutrients is controlled. X-ray CT was used to characterise the pore geometry of repacked soil microcosms. Soil porosity, connectivity and soil-pore interface area declined with increasing bulk-density. In samples that differ in pore geometry, its effect on growth and extent of spread of introduced bacteria was investigated. The growth rate of bacteria reduced with increasing bulk-density, consistent with a significant difference in pore geometry. To measure the ability of bacteria to spread thorough soil, placement experiments were developed. Bacteria were capable of spreading several cm’s through soil. The extent of spread of bacteria was faster and further in soil with larger and better connected pore volumes. To study the spatial distribution in detail, a methodology was developed where a combination of X-ray microtopography, to characterize the soil structure, and fluorescence microscopy, to visualize and quantify bacteria in soil sections was used. The influence of pore characteristics on distribution of bacteria was analysed at macro- and microscales. Soil porosity, connectivity and soil-pore interface influenced bacterial distribution only at the macroscale. The method developed was applied to investigate the effect of soil pore characteristics on the extent of spread of bacteria introduced locally towards a C source in soil. Soil-pore interface influenced spread of bacteria and colonization, therefore higher bacterial densities were found in soil with higher pore volumes. Therefore the results in this showed that pore geometry affects the growth and spread of bacteria in soil. The method developed showed showed how thin sectioning technique can be combined with 3D X-ray CT to visualize bacterial colonization of a 3D pore volume. This novel combination of methods is a significant step towards a full mechanistic understanding of microbial dynamics in structured soils.
According to ecological theory, the coexistence of competitors in patchy environments may be facilitated by hierarchical spatial segregation along axes of environmental variation, but empirical evidence is limited. Cabrera and water voles show a metapopulation-like structure in Mediterranean farmland, where they are known to segregate along space, habitat, and time axes within habitat patches. Here, we assess whether segregation also occurs among and within landscapes, and how this is influenced by patch-network and matrix composition. We surveyed 75 landscapes, each covering 78 ha, where we mapped all habitat patches potentially suitable for Cabrera and water voles, and the area effectively occupied by each species (extent of occupancy). The relatively large water vole tended to be the sole occupant of landscapes with high habitat amount but relatively low patch density (i.e., with a few large patches), and with a predominantly agricultural matrix, whereas landscapes with high patch density (i.e.,many small patches) and low agricultural cover, tended to be occupied exclusively by the small Cabrera vole. The two species tended to co-occur in landscapes with intermediate patch-network and matrix characteristics, though their extents of occurrence were negatively correlated after controlling for environmental effects. In combination with our previous studies on the Cabrera-water vole system, these findings illustrated empirically the occurrence of hierarchical spatial segregation, ranging from withinpatches to among-landscapes. Overall, our study suggests that recognizing the hierarchical nature of spatial segregation patterns and their major environmental drivers should enhance our understanding of species coexistence in patchy environments.
Investigating stock identity of marine species in a multidisciplinary holistic approach can reveal patterns of complex spatial population structure and signatures of potential local adaptation. The population structure of common sole (Solea solea) in the Mediterranean Sea was delineated using genomic and otolith data, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers and otolith data. SNPs were correlated with environmental and spatial variables to evaluate the impact of these features on the actual genetic population structure. Integrated holistic approach was applied to combine the tracers with different spatio-temporal scales. SNPs data was also used to illustrate the population structure of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) within the Alboran Sea, extending into the neighboring Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The aim was to identify patterns of neutral and potential adaptive genetic variation by applying seascape genomic framework. Results from both genetic and otolith data suggested significant divergence among putative populations of common sole, confirming a clear separation between Western, Adriatic Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Evidence of fine-scale population structure in the Western Mediterranean Sea was observed at outlier loci level and in the Adriatic. Our study not only indicates that separation among Mediterranean sole population is led primarily by neutral processes, but it also suggests the presence of local adaptation influenced by environmental and spatial factors. The holistic approach by considering the spatio-temporal scales of variation confirmed that the same pattern of separation between these geographical sites is currently occurring and has occurred for many generations. Results showed the occurrence of population structure in Merluccius merluccius by detecting westward–eastward differentiation among populations and distinct subgroups at a fine geographical scale using outlier SNPs. These results enhance the knowledge of the population structure of commercially relevant species to support the application of spatial stock assessment models, including a redefinition of fishery management units.
Geographic Data Warehouses (GDW) are one of the main technologies used in decision-making processes and spatial analysis, and the literature proposes several conceptual and logical data models for GDW. However, little effort has been focused on studying how spatial data redundancy affects SOLAP (Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing) query performance over GDW. In this paper, we investigate this issue. Firstly, we compare redundant and non-redundant GDW schemas and conclude that redundancy is related to high performance losses. We also analyze the issue of indexing, aiming at improving SOLAP query performance on a redundant GDW. Comparisons of the SB-index approach, the star-join aided by R-tree and the star-join aided by GiST indicate that the SB-index significantly improves the elapsed time in query processing from 25% up to 99% with regard to SOLAP queries defined over the spatial predicates of intersection, enclosure and containment and applied to roll-up and drill-down operations. We also investigate the impact of the increase in data volume on the performance. The increase did not impair the performance of the SB-index, which highly improved the elapsed time in query processing. Performance tests also show that the SB-index is far more compact than the star-join, requiring only a small fraction of at most 0.20% of the volume. Moreover, we propose a specific enhancement of the SB-index to deal with spatial data redundancy. This enhancement improved performance from 80 to 91% for redundant GDW schemas.
Light absorption of alpha-glycine crystals grown by slow evaporation at room temperature was measured, indicating a 5.11 +/- 0.02 eV energy band gap. Structural, electronic, and optical absorption properties of alpha-glycine crystals were obtained by first-principles quantum mechanical calculations using density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation in order to understand this result. To take into account the contribution of core electrons, ultrasoft and norm-conserving pseudopotentials, as well as an all electron approach were considered to compute the electronic density of states and band structure of alpha-glycine crystals. They exhibit three indirect energy band gaps and one direct Gamma-Gamma energy gap around 4.95 eV. The optical absorption related to transitions between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band involves O 2p valence states and C, O 2p conduction states, with the carboxyl group contributing significantly to the origin of the energy band gap. The calculated optical absorption is highly dependent on the polarization of the incident radiation due to the spatial arrangement of the dipolar glycine molecules; in the case of a polycrystalline sample, the first-principles calculated optical absorption is in good agreement with the measurement when a rigid energy shift is applied.
Live aboveground biomass (AGB) is an important source of uncertainty in the carbon balance from the tropical regions in part due scarcity of reliable estimates of live AGB and its variation across landscapes and forest types. Studies of forest structure and biomass stocks of Neotropical forests are biased toward Amazonian and Central American sites. In particular, standardized estimates of aboveground biomass stocks for the Brazilian Atlantic forest are rarely available. Notwithstanding the role of environmental variables that control the distribution and abundance of biomass in tropical lowland forests has been the subject of considerable research, the effect of short, steep elevational gradients on tropical forest structure and carbon dynamics is not well known. In order to evaluate forest structure and live AGB variation along an elevational gradient (0-1100 m a.s.l.) of coastal Atlantic Forest in SE Brazil, we carried out a standard census of woody stems >= 4.8 cm dbh in 13 1-ha permanent plots established on four different sites in 2006-2007. Live AGB ranged from 166.3 Mg ha(-1) (bootstrapped 95% CI: 1444,187.0) to 283.2 Mg ha(-1) (bootstrapped 95% CI: 253.0,325.2) and increased with elevation. We found that local-scale topographic variation associated with elevation influences the distribution of trees >50 cm dbh and total live AGB. Across all elevations, we found more stems (64-75%) with limited crown illumination but the largest proportion of the live AGB (68-85%) was stored in stems with highly illuminated or fully exposed crowns. Topography, disturbance and associated changes in light and nutrient supply probably control biomass distribution along this short but representative elevational gradient. Our findings also showed that intact Atlantic forest sites stored substantial amounts of carbon aboveground. The live tree AGB of the stands was found to be lower than Central Amazonian forests, but within the range of Neotropical forests, in particular when compared to Central American forests. Our comparative data suggests that differences in live tree AGB among Neotropical forests are probably related to the heterogeneous distribution of large and medium-sized diameter trees within forests and how the live biomass is partitioned among those size classes, in accordance with general trends found by previous studies. In addition, the elevational variation in live AGB stocks suggests a large spatial variability over coastal Atlantic forests in Brazil, clearly indicating that it is important to consider regional differences in biomass stocks for evaluating the role of this threatened tropical biome in the global carbon cycle. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Amazon forests are potentially globally significant sources or sinks for atmospheric carbon dioxide. In this study, we characterize the spatial trends in carbon storage and fluxes in both live and dead biomass (necromass) in two Amazonian forests, the Biological Dynamic of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), near Manaus, Amazonas, and the Tapajos National Forest (TNF) near Santarem, Para. We assessed coarse woody debris (CWD) stocks, tree growth, mortality, and recruitment in ground-based plots distributed across the terra firme forest at both sites. Carbon dynamics were similar within each site, but differed significantly between the sites. The BDFFP and the TNF held comparable live biomass (167 +/- 7.6 MgC.ha(-1) versus 149 +/- 6.0 MgC.ha(-1), respectively), but stocks of CWD were 2.5 times larger at TNF (16.2 +/- 1.5 MgC.ha(-1) at BDFFP, versus 40.1 +/- 3.9 MgC.ha(-1) at TNF). A model of current forest dynamics suggests that the BDFFP was close to carbon balance, and its size class structure approximated a steady state. The TNF, by contrast, showed rapid carbon accrual to live biomass (3.24 +/- 0.22 MgC.ha(-1).a(-1) in TNF, 2.59 +/- 0.16 MgC.ha(-1).a(-1) in BDFFP), which was more than offset by losses from large stocks of CWD, as well as ongoing shifts of biomass among size classes. This pattern in the TNF suggests recovery from a significant disturbance. The net loss of carbon from the TNF will likely last 10 - 15 years after the initial disturbance (controlled by the rate of decay of coarse woody debris), followed by uptake of carbon as the forest size class structure and composition continue to shift. The frequency and longevity of forests showing such disequilibruim dynamics within the larger matrix of the Amazon remains an essential question to understanding Amazonian carbon balance.
By allowing the estimation of forest structural and biophysical characteristics at different temporal and spatial scales, remote sensing may contribute to our understanding and monitoring of planted forests. Here, we studied 9-year time-series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on a network of 16 stands in fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. We aimed to examine the relationships between NDVI time-series spanning entire rotations and stand structural characteristics (volume, dominant height, mean annual increment) in these simple forest ecosystems. Our second objective was to examine spatial and temporal variations of light use efficiency for wood production, by comparing time-series of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (APAR) with inventory data. Relationships were calibrated between the NDVI and the fractions of intercepted diffuse and direct radiation, using hemispherical photographs taken on the studied stands at two seasons. APAR was calculated from the NDVI time-series using these relationships. Stem volume and dominant height were strongly correlated with summed NDVI values between planting date and inventory date. Stand productivity was correlated with mean NDVI values. APAR during the first 2 years of growth was variable between stands and was well correlated with stem wood production (r(2) = 0.78). In contrast, APAR during the following years was less variable and not significantly correlated with stem biomass increments. Production of wood per unit of absorbed light varied with stand age and with site index. In our study, a better site index was accompanied both by increased APAR during the first 2 years of growth and by higher light use efficiency for stem wood production during the whole rotation. Implications for simple process-based modelling are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.