903 resultados para South Dakota Bar Association.
A travel story about South Dakota. "Time travel is much easier in life than in the movies. Driving out of Rapid City in South Dakota, you cover 500,000 years in the first hour. That journey brings you to the Badlands, a vast natural excavation site that has been created by water and wind. At the same time, you’re deposited into the deep past..."--publisher website
This is the report from the Central Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 30th March, 1983. The report contains sections on Fyke nets and otters, Whirling disease, the decline of Salmon and Sea Trout Catches in Furness and South Cumbria Fisheries Association, spawning tributaries, Langcliffe hatchery, and fisheries activities. The section on Fisheries Activities is reported by the area fisheries officer and includes river conditions and fishing, migratory fish movement, Hatcheries (Middleton hatchery, salmon cages in Dalton and Furness, salmon and sea trout), stocking, fish disease, poaching, management work and prosecutions. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
High salinity estuaries in the southeastern U.S. have experienced increased inputs of contaminants from nonpoint source (NPS) urban runoff and decreases in habitat due to filling of wetlands and dock/bulkhead construction. Urbanization may pose significant risks to estuarine fauna, particularly crustaceans. The grass shrimp of the genus Palaemonetes, is one of the dominant species found in estuarine tidal creeks, accounting for greater than 50% of all macropelagic fauna on an annual basis. Spatial analytical and geographic information system techniques were used to determine which factors influenced the Palaemonetes population structures in a South Carolina bar-built estuary surrounded by urban development. Impacts from land use practices were investigated using concentric circular buffers around study sites. Factors investigated included sediment-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentration, land use classification, percent impervious surfaces, and other selected urban factors. Geographic information system and statistical modeling showed quantitative relationships between land use class and impacts on Palaemonetes density. The study suggests that habitat loss is a major factor influencing grass shrimp densities. Multiple regression modeling suggests a significant relationship between habitat alterations and Palaemonetes densities.
The aim of this dissertation is the analysis of the rules on advertising in advocacy. Presently this is a controversial issue that is far from being consensual. As we will demonstrate through the text, the arguments presented are, one the one hand, a safeguard of the deontological values of the profession that govern this professional class and, on the other hand, the interests of the legal service providers, in the current context. Opinions differ substantially among professionals who exercise the profession in individual practice, that defend balanced and fair rules to assert the true brightness of the professional lawyer, and those who work in an organized structure, such as the law firms, who defend more flexible rules in advertising and promoting the offices. Currently the rules of advertising for lawyers are provided by article 89º of the Statue of the Portuguese Bar Association. However, these rules will soon suffer adjustments that will take into consideration the Law no. 2/2013 of january 10, which will extend the scope of advertising for public associations, in order to increase the competition among these, at national or European level. Following this logic, arguments such as unequal access to available means of advertising for financial reasons or that the better publicized service is not always the most advantageous to the costumer will be analyzed and criticized.
Dans un rapport publié au dernier trimestre 2009, le comité sur le gouvernement d’entreprise de l’American Bar Association présente les transformations qui affectent les entreprises américaines depuis quelques années et se montre favorable à une adaptation des principes de bonne gouvernance. A l’instar des prises de position à l’échelon international ou européen, l’American Bar Association propose une redéfinition des responsabilités du conseil d’administration et des actionnaires. Ainsi, si le conseil d’administration se voit renforcer dans son rôle d’organe élu devant inscrire son action dans une démarche de long-terme, les actionnaires sont encouragés à adopter un comportement proactif en donnant à leur droit de vote toute l’importance qu’il mérite. Ce document de l’ABA constitue une précieuse réflexion sur l’avenir du corporate governance, tant la transformation des pouvoirs économiques que constate l’American Bar Association ne se cantonne pas aux frontières états-uniennes.
En este trabajo se estudian las generalidades del contrato de seguro, las cláusulas abusivas en el contrato de adhesión y particularmente el Amparo de Infidelidad de la Póliza Global Bancaria con el objeto de establecer la posibilidad de que en dicho amparo se presenten conductas abusivas.
Social organization is an important component of the population biology of a species that influences gene flow, the spatial pattern and scale of movements, and the effects of predation or exploitation by humans. An important element of social structure in mammals is group fidelity, which can be quantified through association indices. To describe the social organization of marine tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) found in the Cananeia estuary, southeastern Brazil, association indices were applied to photo-identification data to characterize the temporal stability of relationships among members of this population. Eighty-seven days of fieldwork were conducted from May 2000 to July 2003, resulting in direct observations of 374 distinct groups. A total of 138 dolphins were identified on 1-38 distinct field days. Lone dolphins were rarely seen, whereas groups were composed of up to 60 individuals (mean +/- 1 SD = 12.4 +/- 11.4 individuals per group). A total of 29,327 photographs were analyzed, of which 6,312 (21.5%) were considered useful for identifying individuals. Half-weight and simple ratio indices were used to investigate associations among S. guianensis as revealed by the entire data set, data from the core study site, and data from groups composed of <= 10 individuals. Monte Carlo methods indicated that only 3 (9.3%) of 32 association matrices differed significantly from expectations based on random association. Thus, our study suggests that stable associations are not characteristic of S. guianensis in the Cananeia estuary.
A tese apresenta três ensaios empíricos sobre os padrões decisórios de magistrados no Brasil, elaborados à partir de bases de dados inéditas e de larga escala, que contém detalhes de dezenas de milhares de processos judiciais na primeira e na segunda instância. As bases de dados são coletadas pelo próprio autor através de programas-robô de coleta em massa de informações, aplicados aos "links" de acompanhamento processual de tribunais estaduais no Brasil (Paraná, Minas Gerais e Santa Catarina). O primeiro artigo avalia - com base em modelo estatístico - a importância de fatores extra-legais sobre os resultados de ações judiciais, na Justiça Estadual do Paraná. Isto é, se os juízes favorecem sistematicamente a parte hipossuficiente (beneficiária de Assistência Judiciária Gratuita). No segundo artigo, estuda-se a relação entre a duração de ações cíveis no primeiro grau e a probabilidade de reforma da sentença, utilizando-se dados da Justiça Estadual de Minas Gerais. O objetivo é avaliar se existe um dilema entre a duração e a qualidade das sentenças. Dito de outra forma, se existe um dilema entre a observância do direito ao devido processo legal e a celeridade processual. O último artigo teste a hipótese - no âmbito de apelações criminais e incidentes recursais no Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina - de que as origens profissionais dos desembargadores influenciam seus padrões decisórios. Isto é, testa-se a hipótese de que desembargadores/relatores oriundos da carreira da advocacia são mais "garantistas" ( e desembargadores oriundos da carreira do Ministério Público são menos "garantistas") relativamente aos seus pares oriundos da carreira da magistratura. Testam-se as hipóteses com base em um modelo estatístico que explica a probabilidade de uma decisão recursal favorável ao réu, em função da origem de carreira do relator do recurso, além de um conjunto de características do processo e do órgão julgador.