988 resultados para Soil in cane
Land use in the river catchments of tropical North Queensland appears to have increased the export of sediment and nutrients to the coast. Although evidence of harmful effect of sediment on coastal and riverine ecosystems is limited, there is a growing concern about its possible negative impacts. Sugarcane cultivation on the floodplains of the tropical North Queensland river catchments is thought to be an important source of excess sediment in the river drainage systems. Minimum-tillage, trash blanket harvesting has been shown to reduce erosion from sloping sugarcane fields, but in the strongly modified floodplain landscape other elements (e.g. drains, water furrows and headlands) could still be important sediment sources. The main objectives of this thesis are to quantify the amount of sediment coming from low-lying cane land and identify the important sediment sources in the landscape. The results of this thesis enable sugarcane farmers to take targeted measures for further reduction of the export of sediment and nutrients. Sediment budgets provide a useful approach to identify and quantify potential sediment sources. For this study a sediment budget is calculated for a part of the Ripple Creek catchment, which is a sub-catchment of the Lower Herbert River. The input of sediment from all potential sources in cane land and the storage of sediment within the catchment have been quantified and compared with the output of sediment from the catchment. Input from, and storage on headlands, main drains, minor drains and water furrows, was estimated from erosion pin and surface profile measurements. Input from forested upland, input from fields and the output at the outlet of the catchment was estimated with discharge data from gauged streams and flumes. Data for the sediment budget were collected during two ‘wet’-seasons: 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. The results of the sediment budget indicate that this tropical floodplain area is a net source of sediment. Plant cane fields, which do not have a protective trash cover, were the largest net source of sediment during the 1999-2000 season. Sediment input from water furrows was higher, but there was also considerable storage of sediment in this landscape element. Headlands tend to act as sinks. The source or sink function of drains is less clear, but seems to depend on their shape and vegetation cover. An important problem in this study is the high uncertainty in the estimates of the sediment budget components and is, for example, likely to be the cause of the imbalance in the sediment budget. High uncertainties have particularly affected the results from the 20002001 season. The main source of uncertainty is spatial variation in the erosion and deposition processes. Uncertainty has to be taken into consideration when interpreting the budget results. The observation of a floodplain as sediment source contradicts the general understanding that floodplains are areas of sediment storage within river catchments. A second objective of this thesis was therefore to provide an answer to the question: how can floodplains in the tropical North Queensland catchments can be a source of sediment? In geomorphic literature various factors have been pointed out, that could control floodplain erosion processes. However, their importance is not 'uniquely identified'. Among the most apparent factors are the stream power of the floodwater and the resistance of the floodplain surface both through its sedimentary composition and the vegetation cover. If the cultivated floodplains of the North Queensland catchments are considered in the light of these factors, there is a justified reason to expect them to be a sediment source. Cultivation has lowered the resistance of their surface; increased drainage has increased the drainage velocity and flood control structures have altered flooding patterns. For the Ripple Creek floodplain four qualitative scenarios have been developed that describe erosion and deposition under different flow conditions. Two of these scenarios were experienced during the budget study, involving runoff from local hillslopes and heavy rainfall, which caused floodplain erosion. In the longer term larger flood events, involving floodwater from the Herbert River, may lead to different erosion and deposition processes. The present study has shown that the tropical floodplain of the Herbert River catchment can be a source of sediment under particular flow conditions. It has also shown which elements in the sugarcane landscape are the most important sediment sources under these conditions. This understanding will enable sugarcane farmers to further reduce sediment export from cane land and prevent the negative impact this may have on the North Queensland coastal ecosystems.
Loess is the most important collapsible soil; possibly the only engineering soil in which real collapse occurs. A real collapse involves a diminution in volume - it would be an open metastable packing being reduced to a more closely packed, more stable structure. Metastability is at the heart of the collapsible soils problem. To envisage and to model the collapse process in a metastable medium, knowledge is required about the nature and shape of the particles, the types of packings they assume (real and ideal), and the nature of the collapse process - a packing transition upon a change to the effective stress in a media of double porosity. Particle packing science has made little progress in geoscience discipline - since the initial packing paradigms set by Graton and Fraser (1935) - nevertheless is relatively well-established in the soft matter physics discipline. The collapse process can be represented by mathematical modelling of packing – including the Monte Carlo simulations - but relating representation to process remains difficult. This paper revisits the problem of sudden packing transition from a micro-physico-mechanical viewpoint (i.e. collapse imetan terms of structure-based effective stress). This cross-disciplinary approach helps in generalization on collapsible soils to be made that suggests loess is the only truly collapsible soil, because it is only loess which is so totally influenced by the packing essence of the formation process.
Agricultural land has been identified as a potential source of greenhouse gas emissions offsets through biosequestration in vegetation and soil. In the extensive grazing land of Australia, landholders may participate in the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund and create offsets by reducing woody vegetation clearing and allowing native woody plant regrowth to grow. This study used bioeconomic modelling to evaluate the trade-offs between an existing central Queensland grazing operation, which has been using repeated tree clearing to maintain pasture growth, and an alternative carbon and grazing enterprise in which tree clearing is reduced and the additional carbon sequestered in trees is sold. The results showed that ceasing clearing in favour of producing offsets produces a higher net present value over 20 years than the existing cattle enterprise at carbon prices, which are close to current (2015) market levels (~$13 t–1 CO2-e). However, by modifying key variables, relative profitability did change. Sensitivity analysis evaluated key variables, which determine the relative profitability of carbon and cattle. In order of importance these were: the carbon price, the gross margin of cattle production, the severity of the tree–grass relationship, the area of regrowth retained, the age of regrowth at the start of the project, and to a lesser extent the cost of carbon project administration, compliance and monitoring. Based on the analysis, retaining regrowth to generate carbon income may be worthwhile for cattle producers in Australia, but careful consideration needs to be given to the opportunity cost of reduced cattle income.
The phytoextraction process implies the use of plants to promote the elimination of metal contaminants in the soil. In fact, metal-accumulating plants are planted or transplanted in metal-contaminated soil and cultivated in accordance with established agricultural practices. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the productivity and Cd phytoextraction capacity of white lupine ( Lupinus albus L.) and narrow-leafed lupine ( Lupinus angustifolius L.), as well as the effect on residual Cd concentration in the soil. Both species of lupines were grown at three CdCl2 rates (0, 1, and 2 mg kg-1), under three agroclimatic conditions in Chile in 2013. In the arid zone (Pan de Azúcar, 73 mm precipitation), narrow-leafed lupine production was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than white lupine (4.55 vs. 3.26 Mg DM ha-1, respectively). In locations with higher precipitation (Santa Rosa, 670 mm; Carillanca, 880 mm), narrow-leafed lupine DM production was slightly higher than in Pan de Azúcar, but white lupine was approximately three times higher. Total plant Cd concentrations in white and narrow-leafed lupine increased as Cd rates increased in the three environments, but they were much higher in narrow-leafed lupine than white lupine; 150%, 58%, and 344% higher in Pan de Azúcar, Santa Rosa, and Carillanca, respectively. Cadmium uptake (g Cd ha-1) and apparent recovery were also higher (P < 0.05) in narrow-leafed lupine in two environments (Pan de Azúcar and Carillanca). These results suggest that narrow-leafed lupine present higher potential as phytoremediation species than white lupine.
O sistema automatizado Bioscreen C foi utilizado para o crescimento de quatro linhagens de Mucor hiemalis, isoladas do solo da Estação Ecológica de Juréia-Itatins (EEJI), estado de São Paulo, em meios líquidos com uma única fonte de carbono (2%) ou de nitrogênio (1%), pH 5,0, a 25ºC, e agitação de 150rpm por 5 dias. O meio com somente uma única fonte de nitrogênio foi adicionado com 2% de glicose. As leituras de densidade óptica foram realizadas a 540nm, em intervalos de 2h, por cinco dias. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente com o Teste de Friedman (alfa = 5%). Os melhores crescimentos foram obtidos com as linhagens M1, M2 e M3, que atingiram o início da fase log em 60 horas de cultivo. As melhores fontes de carbono variaram de acordo com a linhagem estudada, e extrato de levedura provou ser a melhor fonte de nitrogênio para todas as linhagens. Acetato de sódio inibiu o crescimento das quatro linhagens, sendo a M3 a mais afetada. O uso do sistema automatizado foi muito conveniente para as culturas em meio liquido, sendo rápido e automático, constituindo em uma boa técnica para a determinação das condições ambientais ótimas para crescimento de fungos filamentosos.
In the rural areas of Brazil, a farmer runs his agricultural empire with a fierce hand: he exploits his workers and the land to their limits. Lack of sustainable land management leads to the pollution of rivers, changes in rain patterns, and exhaustion of the soil.
Laboratory incubation experiments were carried out to estimate the mineralisation of metalaxyl 14C {N-(2-6 dimethyphenyl)-N-(methoxyacetyl) alanine methyl ester} in four Brazilian soils with different physico-chemical properties, at 3 and 30 ?g a.i. g-1. In the Petrolina sandy soil the mineralisation presented higher 14CO2 production rates, at two essayed concentrations, after 70 days. Microbiological studies were done to determine the numbers of bacteria, actinobacteria and fungi (CFU g-1 soil). In relation with other microbial community, bacterial population demonstrated to be a major component of the cultivable heterotrophic community after the application.of the compound. No detectable metabolites were found in this study. The results suggest that soil properties and application history may have a strong influence on the fungicide behavior in these soil samples.
Landfill leachates carry nutrients, especially N and K, which can be recycled in cropping systems. We applied doses of landfill leachate (0 [Control], 32.7, 65.4, 98.1, and 130.8 m3 ha-1 ) three times in 2008 and three times in 2009 on a clay Rhodic Kandiudult soil. In 2009, black oat (Avena strigosa L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) were cropped in succession and assessed for concentration of nutrients in leaves and for shoot biomass and grain yield, respectively. As a positive control, an additional treatment with urea (120 kg ha-1 of N) was studied in corn. Soil was sampled at four depths (down to 60 cm) in three sampling dates to assess chemical and biochemical properties. Concentration of nutrients in leaves, oat biomass (8530?23,240 kg ha-1), and corn grain yield (4703-8807 kg ha-1 ) increased with increasing doses of leachate. There was a transient increase in the concentration of nitrate in soil (3-30 mg kg-1), increasing the risk of N losses by leaching at doses above 120 kg ha-1 N, as revealed by an estimated N balance in the cropping system. Sodium and K in soil also increased with increasing doses of leachate but decreased as rainfall occurred. The activity of dehydrogenase decreased about 30% from the control to the highest dose of leachate and urea, suggesting an inhibitory effect of mineral N on microbial metabolism. Landfill leachate was promising as a source of N and K for crop productivity and caused minor or transient effects on soil properties.
The aim of this research was to study the effect of chemical additives (lime and Portland cement) associated with sodium silicate on soil in order to obtain compressed soil bricks. Mini panels were constructed with such bricks being their physical and mechanical characteristics determined in laboratory conditions and their behavior evaluated through the association of destructive and non-destructive methods. For this purpose a sandy soil and a finely divided one were added to Portland cement and lime in the dosage of 6% and 10% taken in dry weight basis in relation to the dry soil. The sodium silicate dosage of 4% was also taken in dry weight basis in relation to the dry soil-cement or to the dry soil-lime. The compressed soil bricks were cured in a humidity chamber for 7; 28; 56 and 91 days. The bricks were laid on the fourteenth day to form prismatic mini panels each one with four layers of bricks. After 28; 56 and 91 days the mini panels were submitted to both; ultrasonic and compressive tests to determine its elastic properties (dynamic modulus) and the compressive resistance. The best results in terms of compressive strength, water absorption capacity or dynamic elastic modulus, were reached by the sandy soil added to 10% of Portland cement or lime associated with sodium silicate.
A definição das parcelas familiares em projetos de reforma agrária envolve questões técnicas e sociais. Essas questões estão associadas principalmente às diferentes aptidões agrícolas do solo nestes projetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar método para realizar o processo de ordenamento territorial em assentamentos de reforma agrária empregando Algoritmo Genético (AG). O AG foi testado no Projeto de Assentamento Veredas, em Minas Gerais, e implementado com base no sistema de aptidão agrícola das terras.
Gamasiphis paulista n. sp. is described based on specimens representing all postembryonic stages, collected from litter and soil in Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo. This is the first species of Gamasiphis described from Brazil. A key is provided for the separation of species of this genus known from the Neotropical Region.
Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an important technique to obtain series of soil water content measurements in the field. Diode-segmented probes represent an improvement in TDR applicability, allowing measurements of the soil water content profile with a single probe. In this paper we explore an extensive soil water content dataset obtained by tensiometry and TDR from internal drainage experiments in two consecutive years in a tropical soil in Brazil. Comparisons between the variation patterns of the water content estimated by both methods exhibited evidences of deterioration of the TDR system during this two year period at field conditions. The results showed consistency in the variation pattern for the tensiometry data, whereas TDR estimates were inconsistent, with sensitivity decreasing over time. This suggests that difficulties may arise for the long-term use of this TDR system under tropical field conditions. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study reports for the first time the presence of diazotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Achromobacter and Zoogloea associated with wheat plants. These bacterial strains were identified by the analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. The bacterium IAC-AT-8 was identified as Azospirillum brasiliense, whereas isolates IAC-HT-11 and IAC-HT-12 were identified as Achromobacter insolitus and Zoogloea ramigera, respectively. A greenhouse experiment involving a non-sterilized soil was carried out with the aim to study the endophytic feature of these strains. After 40 days from inoculation, all the strains were in the inner of roots, but they were not detected in soil. In order to assess the location inside wheat plants, an experiment was conducted under axenic conditions. Fifteen days after inoculation, preparations of inoculated plants were observed by the scanning electron microscope, using the cryofracture technique, and by the transmission electron microscope. It was observed that all isolates were present on the external part of the roots and in the inner part at the elongation region, in cortex cells, but not in the endodermis or in the vascular bundle region. No colonizing bacterial cells were observed in wheat leaves.
A utilização do solo no Brasil foi realizada de forma exploratória, com a conversão de sistemas naturais em sistemas agrícolas extrativistas. Grande parte das áreas de sistemas naturais deu lugar às áreas de cultivo, posteriormente sucedidas por pastagens, encontrando-se boa parte em elevado estágio de degradação. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a sensibilidade de alguns atributos físicos, químicos, compartimentos da matéria orgânica e determinações de campo como indicadores de qualidade do solo estabelecendo relações entre os mesmos. O estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Governador Valadares-MG, para tal foram escolhidos níveis de pastagens progressivamente degradadas observadas visualmente (pastagem 1, pastagem 2, pastagem 3 e pastagem 4), duas áreas de capoeira em estágios de regeneração natural (capoeira 1 e capoeira 2) e mata (referência). O solo em estudo foi um Argissolo Vermelho, textura argilosa. As determinações dos indicadores físicos, químicos e compartimentos da matéria orgânica foram realizadas em quatro profundidades (0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm). Foram realizadas também determinações de campo, todos os atributos foram determinados no terço médio de uma pedoforma convexa, em dois períodos, chuvoso e seco. Através dos atributos do solo utilizados como indicadores do solo, foi possível separar dois níveis de pastagens degradadas, baixa degradação (pastagem 1 e pastagem 2) e elevada degradação (pastagem 3 e pastagem 4). A melhor qualidade do solo foi observada na área de mata. Entre os atributos do solo utilizados como indicadores de qualidade do solo os mais sensíveis aos níveis de pastagens degradadas são os atributos químicos pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, H+Al, saturação por bases (V), saturação por alumínio (m), seguidos pelos atributos físicos macroporosidade e porosidade total. Os compartimentos da matéria orgânica do solo, matéria orgânica particulada (MOP), matéria orgânica leve (MOL) e carbono solúvel em água (CSA) utilizados como indicadores de qualidade do solo são eficientes em diferenciar a qualidade do solo nas conversões de sistema, mata/pastagens e pastagens/capoeiras, não sendo sensível aos níveis de pastagens degradadas, o que sugere estudos futuros utilizado compartimentos mais sensíveis a pequenas variações. As determinações de campo espessura do horizonte “A”, profundidade do sistema radicular e taxa de cobertura do solo são sensíveis aos níveis de pastagens degradadas, e apresentam uma boa correlação com os indicadores de laboratório macroporosidade (Ma), matéria orgânica particulada (MOP), saturação por bases (V), saturação por alumínio (m) sugerindo assim a utilização dessas determinações como indicadores de qualidade do solo em pastagens degradadas, para o solo e a região estudados.
Humic substances isolated from soil organic matter had been used as stimulators of plant metabolism. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. with only five chromosomes, short cycle and size, is an important model to evaluate the physiological effects of these substances, which are qualitatively and quantitatively influenced by morphogenesis, mineralogy and chemistry of soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ambience effects on bioactivity of humic acids. A and B horizons of four typical soils of the North Fluminense were sampled. After isolation and purification, humic acids were applied to plants in increasing concentrations. The number and length of lateral roots and main root length were evaluated and, subsequently, the concentrations of maximum stimulation were determined by dose-response curves and regression equations. The results showed that more stable humic acids isolated from soil in less advanced stages of weathering, high activity clay and high base saturation resulted in better physiological stimulants for Arabidopsis.