314 resultados para Sinkkonen, Sirkka


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Inkeri Vikainen (o.s. Laurinen, 1914-1994) oli Suomen ensimmäinen kasvatustieteen naisprofessori.


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The importance of industrial maintenance has been emphasized during the last decades; it is no longer a mere cost item, but one of the mainstays of business. Market conditions have worsened lately, investments in production assets have decreased, and at the same time competition has changed from taking place between companies to competition between networks. Companies have focused on their core functions and outsourced support services, like maintenance, above all to decrease costs. This new phenomenon has led to increasing formation of business networks. As a result, a growing need for new kinds of tools for managing these networks effectively has arisen. Maintenance costs are usually a notable part of the life-cycle costs of an item, and it is important to be able to plan the future maintenance operations for the strategic period of the company or for the whole life-cycle period of the item. This thesis introduces an itemlevel life-cycle model (LCM) for industrial maintenance networks. The term item is used as a common definition for a part, a component, a piece of equipment etc. The constructed LCM is a working tool for a maintenance network (consisting of customer companies that buy maintenance services and various supplier companies). Each network member is able to input their own cost and profit data related to the maintenance services of one item. As a result, the model calculates the net present values of maintenance costs and profits and presents them from the points of view of all the network members. The thesis indicates that previous LCMs for calculating maintenance costs have often been very case-specific, suitable only for the item in question, and they have also been constructed for the needs of a single company, without the network perspective. The developed LCM is a proper tool for the decision making of maintenance services in the network environment; it enables analysing the past and making scenarios for the future, and offers choices between alternative maintenance operations. The LCM is also suitable for small companies in building active networks to offer outsourcing services for large companies. The research introduces also a five-step constructing process for designing a life-cycle costing model in the network environment. This five-step designing process defines model components and structure throughout the iteration and exploitation of user feedback. The same method can be followed to develop other models. The thesis contributes to the literature of value and value elements of maintenance services. It examines the value of maintenance services from the perspective of different maintenance network members and presents established value element lists for the customer and the service provider. These value element lists enable making value visible in the maintenance operations of a networked business. The LCM added with value thinking promotes the notion of maintenance from a “cost maker” towards a “value creator”.


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Automaattisilla mittausjärjestelmillä voidaan saada luotettavaa ja reaaliaikaista tietoa veden laadusta. Oppaassa keskitytään optisiin antureihin. Jatkuvatoimisista mittareista on todettu olevan hyötyä etenkin tilanteissa, joissa veden laadussa on suurta ja nopeaakin vaihtelua ja johon perinteisellä vesinäytteenotolla ei ole mahdollista päästä kiinni. Nykyaikaiset laitteistot koostuvat erilaisista antureista, tietoa keräävistä antureista sekä tiedonsiirto- ja hallintalaitteista. Mittareiden tuottaman aineiston avulla on tarkennettu jokien ravinnekuormituslaskelmia (Valkama ym. 2008, Vartiainen ym. 2014, Koskiaho ym. 2015a) sekä arvioitu vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden tehokkuutta (Ekholm ym. 2012, Valkama & Salminen 2014, Koskiaho ym. 2015b). Jatkuvatoimisia vedenlaatumittareita on käytetty menestyksekkäästi myös virtavesien vedenlaadun seuraamisessa esimerkiksi kaivostoiminnan ja ruoppausten yhteydessä. Tietoa on saatu myös poikkeuksellisista päästöistä kuten jätevesi, teollisuus, rakentamisen vaikutukset, sekä osana yhteistarkkailua. Mittari valitaan aina käyttötarkoituksen ja kohteen olosuhteiden mukaan. Tämän oppaan tavoitteena on auttaa uutta käyttäjää laitteen hankintaan, käyttöön ja aineiston käsittelyyn liittyvissä käytännön kysymyksissä.