384 resultados para Shrubs.


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The current study presents quantitative reconstructions of tree cover, annual precipitation and mean July temperature derived from the pollen record from Lake Billyakh (65°17'N, 126°47'E, 340 m above sea level) spanning the last ca. 50 kyr. The reconstruction of tree cover suggests presence of woody plants through the entire analyzed time interval, although trees played only a minor role in the vegetation around Lake Billyakh prior to 14 kyr BP (<5%). This result corroborates low percentages of tree pollen and low scores of the cold deciduous forest biome in the PG1755 record from Lake Billyakh. The reconstructed values of the mean temperature of the warmest month ~8-10 °C do not support larch forest or woodland around Lake Billyakh during the coldest phase of the last glacial between ~32 and ~15 kyr BP. However, modern cases from northern Siberia, ca. 750 km north of Lake Billyakh, demonstrate that individual larch plants can grow within shrub and grass tundra landscape in very low mean July temperatures of about 8 °C. This makes plausible our hypothesis that the western and southern foreland of the Verkhoyansk Mountains could provide enough moist and warm microhabitats and allow individual larch specimens to survive climatic extremes of the last glacial. Reconstructed mean values of precipitation are about 270 mm/yr during the last glacial interval. This value is almost 100 mm higher than modern averages reported for the extreme-continental north-eastern Siberia east of Lake Billyakh, where larch-dominated cold deciduous forest grows at present. This suggests that last glacial environments around Lake Billyakh were never too dry for larch to grow and that the summer warmth was the main factor, which limited tree growth during the last glacial interval. The n-alkane analysis of the Siberian plants presented in this study demonstrates rather complex alkane distribution patterns, which challenge the interpretation of the fossil records. In particular, extremely low n-alkane concentrations in the leaves of local coniferous trees and shrubs suggest that their contribution to the litter and therefore to the fossil lake sediments might be not high enough for tracing the Quaternary history of the needleleaved taxa using the n-alkane biomarker method.


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Question: How do tree species identity, microhabitat and water availability affect inter- and intra-specific interactions between juvenile and adult woody plants? Location: Continental Mediterranean forests in Alto Tajo Natural Park, Guadalajara, Spain. Methods: A total of 2066 juveniles and adults of four co-occurring tree species were mapped in 17 plots. The frequency of juveniles at different microhabitats and water availability levels was analysed using log-linear models. We used nearest-neighbour contingency table analysis of spatial segregation and J-functions to describe the spatial patterns. Results: We found a complex spatial pattern that varied according to species identity and microhabitat. Recruitment was more frequent in gaps for Quercus ilex, while the other three species recruited preferentially under shrubs or trees depending on the water availability level. Juveniles were not spatially associated to conspecific adults, experiencing segregation from them inmany cases. Spatial associations, both positive and negative, were more common at higher water availability levels. Conclusions: Our results do not agree with expectations from the stressgradient hypothesis, suggesting that positive interactions do not increase in importance with increasing aridity in the study ecosystem. Regeneration patterns are species-specific and depend on microhabitat characteristics and dispersal strategies. In general, juveniles do not look for conspecific adult protection. This work contributes to the understanding of species co-existence, proving the importance of considering a multispecies approach at several plots to overcome limitations of simple pair-wise comparisons in a limited number of sites.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es generar un modelo Edafogeomorfológico útil en la identificación de necesidades de manejo de suelos, se realizó un estudio en el área de la cuenca Cañada La Gorda Machiques-Colón, estado Zulia, Venezuela, caracterizada por un clima tropical de condición subhúmeda, con duración del periodo de crecimiento (DPC) de 230 días, régimen de humedad Ustic y de temperatura Isohipertémico. Se empleó el enfoque de la ecuación factorial de formación de suelos para el análisis y descripción biofísica de los factores a lo largo de una carena. El relieve caracterizado a partir de fotografías aéreas, imágenes de satélites y de chequeos sistemático mediante transectos en el sentido del flujo del escurrimiento; la vegetación a través del uso de la tierra, la cobertura vegetal, la identificación de las especies dominantes a partir de sus nombres vernáculos y la definición de indicadores de vegetales (Iv). Los suelos fueron descritos y clasificados según la Taxonomía de suelos y valorados mediante el modelo paramétricode Riquier et al. (1970) para determinar el índice de productividad (Ip). Se caracterizaron dos paisajes gemorfológicos: Colinar (C) y Valle (V), seis posiciones geomorfológicas entre ambos paisajes definidas por la sucesión de relieves en el sentido de la pendiente: Tope de colina-loma (TC), mesa conservada (MC), vertientes de mesa alta (VA), media (VM), baja (VB) y valle intracolinar (VI); e igual número de perfiles de suelos representativos, los cuales mostraron edafogénesis muy avanzada con Ip inferiores a 8% en todas las posiciones, exceptuando la VB, con una productividad de 13%. El uso de la tierra es a base de pastoreo semi-intensivo de plantas forrajeras introducidas. Las formaciones vegetales predominante fueron los matorrales y arbustales dispersos, acompañados con restos de una selva tropófila fuertemente afectada por la extracción forestal y la conversión en áreas de pastoreo. Se identificaron 8 Iv, asociados fuertemente con condiciones de físicas e hidrológicas del suelo. El alto impacto de las actividades humanas sobre el suelo y vegetación, expresado a través de los procesos de erosión activa, la ausencia de áreas boscosas y la baja productividad de los sistemas de ganadería reportada para la zona, señalan la necesidad de reorientación del uso actual de la tierra, para lo cual se plantean alternativas como la incorporación de bosques protectores y sistemas agrosilvopastoriles In order to generate an Edaphogeomorphological model to be used for the identification of management requirements of soils, a study was carried out in the area of the Cañada La Gorda watershed, Machiques Colon, Zulia State with a tropical climate, subsumid conditions with a growing period of 230 days, an Ustic soil moisture and Isohypertermic regimes. The soils factorial equation approach was used for the analisis and description of the factors of soil formation throughout a soil catena. Relief was characterized through aerial photographs, satellite images and systematic checks of transects drawn in the sense of surface runoff and also taking into account geomorphological features. Vegetation cover and land use were described and vegetation components were indified by its local names to defined vegetations indicators (VI) for the local conditions. Soils were described and classified according to soil taxonomy and valued by means of a parametric model proposed by Riquier et al, (1970) for determining the productivity index (PI). Two geomorphological landscapes were defined: Hilly and Valley with six positions within the landscapes: hilltop (round or elongated), preserved tableland summit, slopes of high, medium and low tableland and valleys between hills. Representative soils of each position were studied showing a highly advanced degree of edaphogenesis with PI values below 8% in all positions except the valleys with a PI of 13%. Land use type is based on semi intensive pasturing of introduced forage species, with a vegetation of brushwood and scattered shrubs, with some trees relicts of woods affected by timber extraction and turn to grassland Eight VI were identified, highly associated to local physical and hidrological soil conditions. The enormous impact of human activity on soils and vegetation as shown by active erosion processes and absence of wooded areas and the low productivity of livestock systems reported for the area, indicates the necessity of a reorientation of the present land use introducing alternatives like the incorporation of protective woods and agrosilvopastoral management systems.


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Water development accompanying mankind development has turned rivers into endangered ecosystems. Improving the understanding of ecological responses to river management actions is a key issue for assuring sustainable water management. However, few studies have been published where ecological metrics have been quantified in response to various degrees of flow alteration. In this work, changes in natural distribution of trees and shrubs within the riparian corridor (as indicator of the ecological status of the fluvial ecosystem) were quantified at multiple sites along a flow alteration gradient (as indicator of impact) along two regulated river reaches, one Boreal and the other Mediterranean, each downstream of a dam. Based on the obtained relationships we evaluated differences in response trends related to local physico-climatic factors of the two biomes and regarding to differing life-forms. Woody vegetation establishment patterns represented objective indicators of ecological responses to flow alteration. We found different responses between life-forms. Both trees and shrubs migrated downwards to the channel after dam closure, but shrubs were most impacted under higher degrees of flow alteration in terms of lateral movement. In addition, our results show clear longitudinal recovery trends of natural patterns of tree and shrub distribution corresponding to a decrease in intensity of hydrologic alteration in the Boreal river. However, vegetation encroachment persisted along the entire Mediterranean study reach. This may result from a relatively low gradient of decrease of hydrologic alteration with distance from the dam, coupled with other overlapping pressures and the mediating effect of physico-climatic characteristics on vegetation responses.


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Los estudios paleoecológicos holocenos basados en macro- y megafósiles encierran un gran valor debido a que su información tiene generalmente carácter local, su origen es conocido, pueden ser datados directamente mediante el método radiocarbónico, y pueden identificarse a un nivel taxonómicamente preciso. Sin embargo son pocas las áreas del Sur de Europa en las que sea conocida una alta densidad de yacimientos con restos leñosos de gran tamaño. En esta tesis, se presentan datos de 53 yacimientos de la sierra de Gredos y de la cordillera Cantábrica (Península Ibérica). Los restos fueron hallados en ambientes variados, como zonas higroturbosas, turberas erosionadas o lagos, y fueron identificadas mediante el estudio de la anatomía de la madera o mediante rasgos morfológicos. En la sierra de Gredos, la evidencia paleobotánica indica la existencia de un panorama relativamente estable a lo largo del Holoceno medio y principio del Holoceno final y sugiere la persistencia, a lo largo de milenios, de un piso de pinares ampliamente distribuído en cotas altas de la sierra. La información obtenida de piñas y frutos mejoran la información taxonómica disponible y revelan la existencia tanto de Pinus sylvestris como de Pinus nigra en estas sierras durante el Holoceno. La datación radiocarbónica, medición de anillos de crecimiento y sincronización preliminar de 26 secciones de troncos de subfósiles demuestran el potencial de este material de las montañas de Iberia central en la obtención de cronologías holocenas de pino. En la cordillera Cantábrica, los datos aportan información espacialmente precisa de distribuciones de ciertas especies arbóreas durante el Holoceno. En las zonas centrales de la cordillera, han sido hallados fundamentalmente restos de pino, mientras que en las zonas más occidentales los pinos estás ausentes y los restos encontrados corresponden a otras especies de caducifolios (Betula, Salix, Quercus) y arbustos (Erica, Fabaceae) Esta información paleobiogeográfica constrasta con la distribución natural actual de Pinus sylvestris y Pinus nigra en el área de estudio. En la sierra de Gredos, la naturalidad de las escasos rodales de pinos que aún persisten ha sido discutida, mientras que en la cordillera Cantábrica, la única especie del grupo que persiste es P. sylvestris y está localizada en unos pocos relictos. El clima pudo haber jugado un papel importante en una primera fase de declive de los pinares durante el Holoceno inicial, mostrado en numerosos registros polínicos de manera casi sincrónica y asociada a una expansión de frondosas. Sin embargo la información histórica disponible y la comparación entre las áreas de distribución de los pinares en el presente, modelizada y en momentos anteriores a la la generalización de la presión antrópica sugiere que durante los últimos dos milenios, la actividad humana ha sido responsable de la desaparición de estas especies como árboles naturales en áreas extensas. ABSTRACTMacro- and megafossil studies provide information of great value in palaeoecology because such evidence is spatially precise, directly radiocarbon dated and usually taxon-specific. However, few areas of southern Europe have a high density of sites with Holocene woody remains. Here, local data from 53 sites in the Gredos Mountains and the Cantabrian Range (Iberian Peninsula) is presented. Woody remains were recovered from mires, eroded peat bogs and lakes and were identified by their wood anatomy or morphological traits. In the Gredos Mountains, palaeobotanical evidence portrays a relatively stable picture of tree distribution over the mid- and beggining of the late-Holocene, and suggests the persistence of a widespread belt of pinewoods. Cones and fruits enlarge the taxonomic information available and reveal that both Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra were present locally during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating, tree ring measurement and preliminary cross-dating of 26 pine sub-fossil logs demonstrate the potential of obtaining a long pine chronology from subfossil wood from the mountains of Central Iberia. In the Cantabrian Range the data provide spatially precise evidence of tree distribution in the region during the Holocene. Pines were mostly identified in the central areas, whereas at the western edge no pine evidence was detected and deciduous trees (Betula, Salix, Quercus) and shrubs (Erica, Fabaceae) were identified. This palaeoecological information contrasts with the current natural distribution ranges of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the study area. In the Gredos Mountains, the naturality of the few pine stands currently growing has been heavily debated. In the Cantabrian Range P. sylvestris is the only pine species that is today present, and its natural presence is now limited to a few enclaves. Climate may have played a key role in the early-Holocene, as pollen archives document a pine demise that is synchronous with the spread of broadleaved taxa. However, available historical data and the comparison of the reconstructed distribution of pinewoods before extensive human forest disturbance with both present and modelled distributions suggests that during the last two millennia, anthropogenic activity may have removed these species as native trees from a large territory.