946 resultados para Shields, Edmund
12 p.
The superconducting properties and the microstructure of the Ag100-xPbx alloys, 1 ≤ x ≤ 5, prepared by rapid quenching from the liquid state with and without subsequent heat treatments, have been studied. The x-ray diffraction measurements show that supersaturated solid solutions of Pb in Ag can be obtained up to 3.2 at.% Pb as compared to less than 0.1 at.% Pb at equilibrium. It was found that by suitable heat treatment it is possible to vary the size and distribution of the Pb precipitates in the Ag matrix and reproducible superconducting properties in the alloy can be observed. The superconducting transition temperature of these samples can be qualitatively explained by the Silvert and Singh's theoretical calculation. The theory developed for the case of layer structure can be extended to three dimensions to explain the critical current versus temperature behavior. The critical current versus field behavior of these alloys can be explained by the modification of the Josephson effect. Combining these results together with the critical magnetic field measurements and the microstructure studies of the alloys, it can be concluded that the three-dimensional proximity effect is the main mechanism for the superconductivity in the Ag-Pb alloys. Based on the Hilsch empirical formula which was based on experimental results obtained on layer structures, the experimental data in this investigation show that the electron-phonon-electron interaction in silver is attractive. The interaction parameter NV obtained is approximately 0.06, which would lead to a value of 10-5 °K for the superconducting transition temperature of Ag. These values are in agreement with other determinations which were done on vapor-deposited metallic film sandwiches. Hence, the Hilsch empirical relation valid for layer structures is also valid in the three-dimensional case. Because the transition temperature and the critical current can be varied in a wide range by controlling the heat treatments, the Ag-Pb superconductors might have some useful applications.
This study investigates lateral mixing of tracer fluids in turbulent open-channel flows when the tracer and ambient fluids have different densities. Longitudinal dispersion in flows with longitudinal density gradients is investigated also.
Lateral mixing was studied in a laboratory flume by introducing fluid tracers at the ambient flow velocity continuously and uniformly across a fraction of the flume width and over the entire depth of the ambient flow. Fluid samples were taken to obtain concentration distributions in cross-sections at various distances, x, downstream from the tracer source. The data were used to calculate variances of the lateral distributions of the depth-averaged concentration. When there was a difference in density between the tracer and the ambient fluids, lateral mixing close to the source was enhanced by density-induced secondary flows; however, far downstream where the density gradients were small, lateral mixing rates were independent of the initial density difference. A dimensional analysis of the problem and the data show that the normalized variance is a function of only three dimensionless numbers, which represent: (1) the x-coordinate, (2) the source width, and (3) the buoyancy flux from the source.
A simplified set of equations of motion for a fluid with a horizontal density gradient was integrated to give an expression for the density-induced velocity distribution. The dispersion coefficient due to this velocity distribution was also obtained. Using this dispersion coefficient in an analysis for predicting lateral mixing rates in the experiments of this investigation gave only qualitative agreement with the data. However, predicted longitudinal salinity distributions in an idealized laboratory estuary agree well with published data.
This report presents data from the juvenile salmonid fish stock assessment which is part of the routine Environment Agency riverine monitoring programme. A total of 110 sites was electrofished throughout the Lune catchment between 15th July 1997 and 14th October 1997. These sites included 84 that had been previously sampled in the last comprehensive survey of the catchment, in 1991. The aim of this survey was to assess the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon and trout in the River Lune catchment and to compare results with those of previous surveys.
This paper deals with the development and use of biological reference points for salmon conservation on the River Lune, England. The Lune supports recreational and net fisheries with annual catches in the region of 1,000 and 1356 salmon respectively. Using models transported from other river systems, biological reference points exclusive to the Lune were developed; specifically the number of eggs deposited and carrying capacity estimates for age 0+ and 1+ parr. The conservation limit was estimated at 11.9 million eggs and between 1989 and 1998 was exceeded in two years. Comparison of juvenile salmon densities in 1991 and 1997 with estimates of carrying capacity indicated that 0+ and 1+ parr densities were at around 60 % of carrying capacity and may relate to the number of eggs deposited in 1990 and 1996 being approximately 70% of the target value. The paper discusses the management actions taken in order to ensure that the management target of the conservation limit being met four years out of five is delivered. It also discusses the balance between conservation and exploitation and the socio-economic decisions made in order to ensure parity of impacts on the rod and net fisheries. The regulations have been enforced since 1999 and the paper concludes with an assessment of the actions taken to deliver the management targets, over the last five years.
A importância das florestas na mitigação do clima é reconhecida e a necessidade da conservação e restauração se tornou mais evidente. Diversas técnicas tem sido estudadas para facilitar a restauração. Nesse sentido, a semeadura direta se apresenta como uma alternativa de baixo custo para a restauração, entretanto o sucesso dessa técnica depende da criação de condições favoráveis para a germinação e estabelecimento de plântulas. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de técnicas que podem ser associadas à semeadura direta, aumentando a chance de sucesso. Dois diferentes tipos de protetores (gaiolas metálicas e bambus) foram utilizadas para avaliar a germinação e estabelecimento de Euterpe edulis Mart., uma espécie de sementes recalcitrante. Além disso, outros fatores foram considerados, como o tamanho da semente, presença dos envoltórios do fruto e posição de semeadura. A porcentagem de persistência de sementes ou frutos, germinação (%), emergência de plântulas (%), altura e diâmetro do colo das plântulas e recrutamento foram avaliados no primeiro experimento e germinação (%), emergência de plântulas (%), altura e recrutamento foram avaliados no segundo experimento. A exclusão da redação nãofoi o fator mais importante no sucesso do uso da semente, mas sim a mudança microclimática provocada pela proteção de tubos de bambu. Para a outra espécie estudada, Simira cf. glaziovii (Standl) Steyerm, uma espécie de sementes não recalcitrantes, técnicas de condicionamento foram utilizadas para avaliar a viabilidade e manutenção da qualidade fisiológica após três meses de armazenamento. Os tratamentos consistiram em hidrocondicionamento e osmocondicionamento e estes, seguidos por secagem e armazenamento. O controle também foi armazenado para comparação entre os tratamentos. Os resultados foram favoráveis tanto para condicionamento quanto para o armazenamento após condicionamento. Este estudo mostrou que a semeadura direta pode ser uma alternativa para ambas espécies quando associadas a práticas que favorecem a germinação e estabelecimento. O sucesso no uso das sementes recalcitrantes depende da criação de condições climáticas favoráveis, que podem ser conseguidas com o uso de protetores de tubos de bambu. Para espécies não recalcitrantes, a manutenção da viabilidade das sementes durante o armazenamento permite o uso em períodos mais favoráveis à germinação.
O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em analisar o sublime, um conceito estético que vem sendo estudado desde os primeiros séculos. Tomamos como base a definição do sublime como algo paradoxal que cria o prazer e o medo ao mesmo tempo. Porém, o sublime apresenta especificidades que variam de acordo com o filósofo analisado. Neste trabalho, três críticos foram estudados: Longinus, Edmund Burke e Immanuel Kant. Assim, o sublime pode ser representado através da imensidão da natureza, do poder de uma criatura sobrenatural ou, até mesmo, através da sexualidade feminina. E, com o intuito de exemplificar essas diferentes perspectivas do sublime, buscamos obras da Literatura Gótica. Sendo esta uma vertente literária que buscava a oposição ao racionalismo trazido pelo movimento iluminista, as características sublimes foram essenciais para enfatizar a emoção. Para tal exemplificação, utilizamos trechos de dois romances góticos dos séculos XVIII e XIX, respectivamente: The Monk escrito por Matthew Lewis e Dracula escrito por Bram Stoker
A novel device for detection of single photons based on a GaAs/AlGaAs modulation doped field effect transistor (MODFET) which does not rely on avalanche processes is proposed. The optimal channel electron densities and quantum dot parameters for detection of single photons are discussed.
Early growth response-1 (Egr-1) is expressed in human airways and found to modulate tumor necrosis factor, immunoglobulin E (IgE), airway responsiveness, and interleukin-13-induced inflammation in mice. We investigated the effects of Chinese-tagging singl
We demonstrate high count rate single photon detection at telecom wavelengths using a thermoelectrically-cooled semiconductor diode. Our device consists of a single InGaAs avalanche photodiode driven by a 2 GHz gating frequency signal and coupled to a tuneable self-differencing circuit for enhanced detection sensitivity. We find the count rate is linear with the photon flux in the single photon detection regime over approximately four orders of magnitude, and saturates at 1 gigacount/s at high photon fluxes. This result highlights promising potential for APDs in high bit rate quantum information applications.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) uniquely allows distribution of cryptographic keys with security verified by quantum mechanical limits. Both protocol execution and subsequent applications require the assistance of classical data communication channels. While using separate fibers is one option, it is economically more viable if data and quantum signals are simultaneously transmitted through a single fiber. However, noise-photon contamination arising from the intense data signal has severely restricted both the QKD distances and secure key rates. Here, we exploit a novel temporal-filtering effect for noise-photon rejection. This allows high-bit-rate QKD over fibers up to 90 km in length and populated with error-free bidirectional Gb/s data communications. With high-bit rate and range sufficient for important information infrastructures, such as smart cities and 10 Gbit Ethernet, QKD is a significant step closer towards wide-scale deployment in fiber networks.