321 resultados para Sesquiterpene lactone


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(E)-α-Bisabolene synthase is one of two wound-inducible sesquiterpene synthases of grand fir (Abies grandis), and the olefin product of this cyclization reaction is considered to be the precursor in Abies species of todomatuic acid, juvabione, and related insect juvenile hormone mimics. A cDNA encoding (E)-α-bisabolene synthase was isolated from a wound-induced grand fir stem library by a PCR-based strategy and was functionally expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to produce (E)-α-bisabolene as the sole product from farnesyl diphosphate. The expressed synthase has a deduced size of 93.8 kDa and a pI of 5.03, exhibits other properties typical of sesquiterpene synthases, and resembles in sequence other terpenoid synthases with the exception of a large amino-terminal insertion corresponding to Pro81–Val296. Biosynthetically prepared (E)-α-[3H]bisabolene was converted to todomatuic acid in induced grand fir cells, and the time course of appearance of bisabolene synthase mRNA was shown by Northern hybridization to lag behind that of mRNAs responsible for production of induced oleoresin monoterpenes. These results suggest that induced (E)-α-bisabolene biosynthesis constitutes part of a defense response targeted to insect herbivores, and possibly fungal pathogens, that is distinct from induced oleoresin monoterpene production.


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Classical quorum-sensing (autoinduction) regulation, as exemplified by the lux system of Vibrio fischeri, requires N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) signals to stimulate cognate transcriptional activators for the cell density-dependent expression of specific target gene systems. For Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii, a bacterial pathogen of sweet corn and maize, the extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) stewartan is a major virulence factor, and its production is controlled by quorum sensing in a population density-dependent manner. Two genes, esaI and esaR, encode essential regulatory proteins for quorum sensing. EsaI is the AHL signal synthase, and EsaR is the cognate gene regulator. esaI, ΔesaR, and ΔesaI-esaR mutations were constructed to establish the regulatory role of EsaR. We report here that strains containing an esaR mutation produce high levels of EPS independently of cell density and in the absence of the AHL signal. Our data indicate that quorum-sensing regulation in P. s. subsp. stewartii, in contrast to most other described systems, uses EsaR to repress EPS synthesis at low cell density, and that derepression requires micromolar amounts of AHL. In addition, derepressed esaR strains, which synthesize EPS constitutively at low cell densities, were significantly less virulent than the wild-type parent. This finding suggests that quorum sensing in P. s. subsp. stewartii may be a mechanism to delay the expression of EPS during the early stages of infection so that it does not interfere with other mechanisms of pathogenesis.


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The ability of Nicotiana tabacum cell cultures to utilize farnesol (F-OH) for sterol and sesquiterpene biosynthesis was investigated. [3H]F-OH was readily incorporated into sterols by rapidly growing cell cultures. However, the incorporation rate into sterols was reduced by greater than 70% in elicitor-treated cell cultures whereas a substantial proportion of the radioactivity was redirected into capsidiol, an extracellular sesquiterpene phytoalexin. The incorporation of [3H]F-OH into sterols was inhibited by squalestatin 1, suggesting that [3H]F-OH was incorporated via farnesyl pyrophosphate (F-P-P). Consistent with this possibility, N. tabacum proteins were metabolically labeled with [3H]F-OH or [3H]geranylgeraniol ([3H]GG-OH). Kinase activities converting F-OH to farnesyl monophosphate (F-P) and, subsequently, F-P-P were demonstrated directly by in vitro enzymatic studies. [3H]F-P and [3H]F-P-P were synthesized when exogenous [3H]F-OH was incubated with microsomal fractions and CTP. The kinetics of formation suggested a precursor–product relationship between [3H]F-P and [3H]F-P-P. In agreement with this kinetic pattern of labeling, [32P]F-P and [32P]F-P-P were synthesized when microsomal fractions were incubated with F-OH and F-P, respectively, with [γ-32P]CTP serving as the phosphoryl donor. Under similar conditions, the microsomal fractions catalyzed the enzymatic conversion of [3H]GG-OH to [3H]geranylgeranyl monophosphate and [3H]geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate ([3H]GG-P-P) in CTP-dependent reactions. A novel biosynthetic mechanism involving two successive monophosphorylation reactions was supported by the observation that [3H]CTP was formed when microsomes were incubated with [3H]CDP and either F-P-P or GG-P-P, but not F-P. These results document the presence of at least two CTP-mediated kinases that provide a mechanism for the utilization of F-OH and GG-OH for the biosynthesis of isoprenoid lipids and protein isoprenylation.


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Bacteria communicate with each other to coordinate expression of specific genes in a cell density-dependent fashion, a phenomenon called quorum sensing and response. Although we know that quorum sensing via acyl-homoserine lactone (HSL) signals controls expression of several virulence genes in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the number and types of genes controlled by quorum sensing have not been studied systematically. We have constructed a library of random insertions in the chromosome of a P. aeruginosa acyl-HSL synthesis mutant by using a transposon containing a promoterless lacZ. This library was screened for acyl-HSL induction of lacZ. Thirty-nine quorum sensing-regulated genes were identified. The genes were organized into classes depending on the pattern of regulation. About half of the genes appear to be in seven operons, some seem organized in large patches on the genome. Many of the quorum sensing-regulated genes code for putative virulence factors or production of secondary metabolites. Many of the genes identified showed a high level of induction by acyl-HSL signaling.


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To determine whether proteasome activity is required for tracheary element (TE) differentiation, the proteasome inhibitors clasto-lactacystin β-lactone and carbobenzoxy-leucinyl-leucinyl-leucinal (LLL) were used in a zinnia (Zinnia elegans) mesophyll cell culture system. The addition of proteasome inhibitors at the time of culture initiation prevented differentiation otherwise detectable at 96 h. Inhibition of the proteasome at 48 h, after cellular commitment to differentiation, did not alter the final percentage of TEs compared with controls. However, proteasome inhibition at 48 h delayed the differentiation process by approximately 24 h, as indicated by examination of both morphological markers and the expression of putative autolytic proteases. These results indicate that proteasome function is required both for induction of TE differentiation and for progression of the TE program in committed cells. Treatment at 48 h with LLL but not clasto-lactacystin β-lactone resulted in partial uncoupling of autolysis from differentiation. Results from gel analysis of protease activity suggested that the observed incomplete autolysis was due to the ability of LLL to inhibit TE cysteine proteases.


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cDNA corresponding to the GA4 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh.) was expressed in Escherichia coli, from which cell lysates converted [14C]gibberellin (GA)9 and [14C]GA20 to radiolabeled GA4 and GA1, respectively, thereby confirming that GA4 encodes a GA 3β-hydroxylase. GA9 was the preferred substrate, with a Michaelis value of 1 μm compared with 15 μm for GA20. Hydroxylation of these GAs was regiospecific, with no indication of 2β-hydroxylation or 2,3-desaturation. The capacity of the recombinant enzyme to hydroxylate a range of other GA substrates was investigated. In general, the preferred substrates contained a polar bridge between C-4 and C-10, and 13-deoxy GAs were preferred to their 13-hydroxylated analogs. Therefore, no activity was detected using GA12-aldehyde, GA12, GA19, GA25, GA53, or GA44 as the open lactone (20-hydroxy-GA53), whereas GA15, GA24, and GA44 were hydroxylated to GA37, GA36, and GA38, respectively. The open lactone of GA15 (20-hydroxy-GA12) was hydroxylated but less efficiently than GA15. In contrast to the free acid, GA25 19,20-anhydride was 3β-hydroxylated to give GA13. 2,3-Didehydro-GA9 and GA5 were converted by recombinant GA4 to the corresponding epoxides 2,3-oxido-GA9 and GA6.


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The opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces a variety of virulence factors, including exotoxin A, elastase, alkaline protease, alginate, phospholipases, and extracellular rhamnolipids. The previously characterized rhlABR gene cluster encodes a regulatory protein (RhlR) and a rhamnosyltransferase (RhlAB), both of which are required for rhamnolipid synthesis. Another gene, rhII, has now been identified downstream of the rhlABR gene cluster. The putative RhlI protein shares significant sequence similarity with bacterial autoinducer synthetases of the LuxI type. A P. aeruginosa rhlI mutant strain carrying a disrupted rhlI gene was unable to produce rhamnolipids and lacked rhamnosyltransferase activity. Rhamnolipid synthesis was restored by introducing a wild-type rhlI gene into such strains or, alternatively, by adding either the cell-free spent supernatant from a P. aeruginosa wild-type strain or synthetic N-acylhomoserine lactones. Half-maximal induction of rhamnolipid synthesis in the rhlI mutant strain required 0.5 microM N-butyrylhomoserine lactone or 10 microM N-(3-oxohexanoyl)homoserine lactone. The P. aeruginosa rhlA promoter was active in the heterologous host Pseudomonas putida when both the rhlR and rhlI genes were present or when the rhlR gene alone was supplied together with synthetic N-acylhomoserine lactones. The RhlR-RhlI regulatory system was found to be essential for the production of elastase as well, and cross-communication between the RhlR-RhlI rhamnolipid regulatory system and the LasR-LasI elastase regulatory system was demonstrated.


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Neste trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de hidróxi-calcogenetos (Se e Te) frente a biotransformações, empregando enzimas isoladas em meio orgânico ou aquoso e empregando microorganismos (fungos). Estudos comparativos sobre a influência de diversas variáveis, como solvente, temperatura, imobilização enzimática e estrutura do hidróxi-calcogeneto, foram realizados. Inicialmente os compostos foram sintetizados utilizando métodos descritos na literatura, em seguida foi estudada a resolução de hidróxiselenetos em meio orgânico empregando lipases isoladas (Esquema 1), (ver arquivo), incluindo um estudo de imobilização da PSL em diversos suportes, além do estudo da influência da variação do solvente, da temperatura, da lipase, etc. Na resolução em meio aquoso empregando enzimas isoladas, primeiramente os hidróxi-selenetos foram acetilados quimicamente e depois realizado uma triagem (com dez enzimas de diferentes fontes) empregando indicador de pH colori métrico. Posteriormente os acetatos dos hidróxi-selenetos (Esquema 2) (ver arquivo) foram submetidos à resolução enzimática em meio aquoso empregando as enzimas que foram selecionadas na triagem enzimática. As biotransformações utilizando fungos foram realizadas empregando células inteiras de algumas linhagens de Aspergillus terreus. Na seqüência foi realizada a resolução de hidróxi-teluretos em meio orgânico utilizando lipases isoladas (Esquema 3)(ver arquivo). Nessas resoluções também foi estudada a influência da variação do solvente, da lipase, do tempo, etc. De forma a demonstrar a importância dos compostos resolvidos, um hidróxi-seleneto quiral e dois hidróxi-teluretos quirais foram usados para preparar compostos pertencentes a classes de unidades estruturais de vasta ocorrência em produtos naturais: um álcool alílico e duas lactonas (Esquema 4)(ver arquivo).


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Dung roller beetles of the genus Canthon (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) emit an odorous secretion from a pair of pygidial glands. To investigate the chemical composition of these secretions, we used stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) for analysis of extracts of pygidial gland secretions secreted by the dung roller beetles Canthon femoralis femoralis and Canthon cyanellus cyanellus. Chemical analyses of volatiles collected from pygidial gland secretions comprise a great diversity of the functional groups. Chemical profile comparisons showed high intra- and interspecific variability. The pygidial gland secretion of Canthon f. femoralis was dominated by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, whereas the profile of Canthon c. cyanellus was dominated by carboxylic acids. The different pygidial secretions have a high diversity of chemical compounds suggesting a multifunctional nature involving some key functions in the biology. We discuss the biological potential of these compounds found in the pygidial glands of each species with respect to their ecological and behavioral relevance.


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Pectobacterium wasabiae (previously known as Erwinia carotovora) is an important plant pathogen that regulates the production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes through an N-acyl homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing system and through the GacS/GacA two-component system (also known as ExpS/ExpA). At high cell density, activation of GacS/GacA induces the expression of RsmB, a noncoding RNA that is essential for the activation of virulence in this bacterium. A genetic screen to identify regulators of RsmB revealed that mutants defective in components of a putative Trk potassium transporter (trkH and trkA) had decreased rsmB expression. Further analysis of these mutants showed that changes in potassium concentration influenced rsmB expression and consequent tissue damage in potato tubers and that this regulation required an intact Trk system. Regulation of rsmB expression by potassium via the Trk system occurred even in the absence of the GacS/GacA system, demonstrating that these systems act independently and are both required for full activation of RsmB and for the downstream induction of virulence in potato infection assays. Overall, our results identified potassium as an essential environmental factor regulating the Rsm system, and the consequent induction of virulence, in the plant pathogen P. wasabiae.


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The las and rhl quorum sensing (QS) systems regulate the expression of several genes in response to cell density changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Many of these genes encode surface-associated or secreted virulence factors. Proteins from stationary phase culture supernatants were collected from wild-type and P. aeruginosa PAO1 mutants deficient in one or more of the lasRI, rhIRI and vfr genes and analysed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. All mutants released significantly lower amounts of protein than the wild-type. Protein spot patterns from each strain were compared using image analysis and visible spot differences were identified using mass spectrometry. Several previously unknown OS-regulated proteins were characterized, including an aminopeptidase (PA2939), an endoproteinase (PrpL) and a unique 'hypothetical' protein (PA0572), which could not be detected in the culture supernatants of Delta/as mutants, although they were unaffected in Deltarhl mutants. Chitin-binding protein (CbpD) and a hypothetical protein (PA4944) with similarity to host factor I (HF-1) could not be detected when any of the lasRI or rhIRI genes were disrupted. Fourteen proteins were present at significantly greater levels in the culture supernatants of OS mutants, suggesting that QS may also negatively control the expression of some genes. Increased levels of two-partner secretion exoproteins (PA0041 and PA4625) were observed and may be linked to increased stability of their cognate transporters in a CS-defective background. Known QS-regulated extracellular proteins, including elastase (lasB), LasA protease (lasA) and alkaline metalloproteinase (aprA) were also detected.


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The aim of this review is to analyse critically the recent literature on the clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tacrolimus in solid organ transplant recipients. Dosage and target concentration recommendations for tacrolimus vary from centre to centre, and large pharmacokinetic variability makes it difficult to predict what concentration will be achieved with a particular dose or dosage change. Therapeutic ranges have not been based on statistical approaches. The majority of pharmacokinetic studies have involved intense blood sampling in small homogeneous groups in the immediate post-transplant period. Most have used nonspecific immunoassays and provide little information on pharmacokinetic variability. Demographic investigations seeking correlations between pharmacokinetic parameters and patient factors have generally looked at one covariate at a time and have involved small patient numbers. Factors reported to influence the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus include the patient group studied, hepatic dysfunction, hepatitis C status, time after transplantation, patient age, donor liver characteristics, recipient race, haematocrit and albumin concentrations, diurnal rhythm, food administration, corticosteroid dosage, diarrhoea and cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzyme and P-glycoprotein expression. Population analyses are adding to our understanding of the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus, but such investigations are still in their infancy. A significant proportion of model variability remains unexplained. Population modelling and Bayesian forecasting may be improved if CYP isoenzymes and/or P-glycoprotein expression could be considered as covariates. Reports have been conflicting as to whether low tacrolimus trough concentrations are related to rejection. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between high trough concentrations and toxicity, particularly nephrotoxicity. The best predictor of pharmacological effect may be drug concentrations in the transplanted organ itself. Researchers have started to question current reliance on trough measurement during therapeutic drug monitoring, with instances of toxicity and rejection occurring when trough concentrations are within 'acceptable' ranges. The correlation between blood concentration and drug exposure can be improved by use of non-trough timepoints. However, controversy exists as to whether this will provide any great benefit, given the added complexity in monitoring. Investigators are now attempting to quantify the pharmacological effects of tacrolimus on immune cells through assays that measure in vivo calcineurin inhibition and markers of immuno suppression such as cytokine concentration. To date, no studies have correlated pharmacodynamic marker assay results with immunosuppressive efficacy, as determined by allograft outcome, or investigated the relationship between calcineurin inhibition and drug adverse effects. Little is known about the magnitude of the pharmacodynamic variability of tacrolimus.


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A Pd(II)-mediated hydroxycyclisation-carbonylation-lactonisation sequence has operated efficiently with racemic enediol (8) to furnish (four) separable diastereomers of the bicyclic lactone system assigned to the sponge-derived, bioactive plakortone E. All four are cis ring-fused, and one is identical, on the basis of H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopic comparisons, with plakortone E, thus confirming its constitution and relative stereochemistry about the bicyclic lactone core. This synthetic approach, when applied to stereoisomer (13), will establish the absolute stereochemistry of plakortone E, likely to be that shown for (14).


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The biosynthetic origins of the isocyanide and isothiocyanate functional groups in the marine sponge metabolites diisocyanoadociane (1), 9-isocyanopupukeanane (10) and 9- isothiocyanatopupukeanane (11) are probed by the use of [C-14]-labelled precursor experiments. Incubation of the sponge Amphimedon terpenensis with [C-14]-labelled thiocyanate resulted in radioactive diisocyanoadociane ( 1) in which the radiolabel is specifically associated with the isocyanide carbons. As expected, cyanide and thiocyanate were confirmed as precursors to the pupukeananes 10 and 11 in the sponge Axinyssa n. sp.; additionally these precursors labelled 2-thiocyanatoneopupukeanane ( 12) in this sponge. To probe whether isocyanide-isothiocyanate interconversions take place at the secondary metabolite level, the advanced precursor bisisothiocyanate 17 was supplied to A. terpenensis, but did not result in significant labelling in the natural product isocyanide 1. In contrast, in the sponge Axinyssa n. sp., feeding of [C-14]-9-isocyanopupukeanane (10) resulted in isolation of radiolabelled 9- isothiocyanatopupukeanane 11, while the feeding of [C-14]-11 resulted in labelled isocyanide 10. These results show conclusively that isocyanides and isothiocyanates are interconverted in the sponge Axinyssa n. sp., and confirm the central role that thiocyanate occupies in the terpene metabolism of this sponge.


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Three new alkaloids, the two pyrrolidine type alkaloids (1 and 2) and 6E-pandanamine (3), together with five known alkaloids (4-8), were isolated from the leaves of Pandanus amaryllifolius collected in West Java, Indonesia. All the new alkaloids have two alpha-methyl alpha,beta-unsaturated gamma-lactone moieties, while compound 2 also has an additional seven-membered ring, which has not been encountered before in Pandanus alkaloids. Two different extraction methods, namely, a solvent partitioning extraction and acid-base treatment, were tested, giving secondary and tertiary amines, respectively. Spectroscopic and chemical studies showed that the tertiary amines isolated from the acid-base treatment were artifacts formed during the extraction process. This finding suggests that the use of conventional acid-base treatment in isolating Pandanus alkaloids should be reviewed since it can introduce artifacts.