933 resultados para Serum amyloid A protein


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Transthyretin is an essential protein responsible for the transport of thyroid hormones and retinol in human serum and is also implicated in the amyloid diseases familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and senile systemic amyloidosis. Its folding properties and stabilization by ligands are of current interest due to their importance in understanding and combating these diseases, Here we report the solid phase synthesis of the monomeric unit of a transthyretin analog (equivalent to 127 amino acids) using t-Boc chemistry and peptide ligation and its folding to form a functional 54-kDa tetramer, The monomeric unit of the protein was chemically synthesized in three parts (positions 1-51, 54-99, and 102-127) and ligated using a chemoselective thioether ligation chemistry. The synthetic protein was folded and assembled to a tetrameric structure in the presence of transthyretin's native ligand, thyroxine, as shown by gel filtration chromatography, native gel electrophoresis, transthyretin antibody recognition, and thyroid hormone binding. Other folding products included a high molecular weight aggregate as well as a transient dimeric species. This represents one of the largest macromolecules chemically synthesized to date and demonstrates the potential of protein chemical synthesis for investigations of protein-ligand interactions.


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Transthyretin (TTR) is a 55 kDa protein responsible for the transport of thyroid hormones and retinol in human serum. Misfolded forms of the protein are implicated in the amyloid diseases familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and senile systemic amyloidosis. Its folding properties and stabilization by ligands are of current interest due to their importance in understanding and combating these diseases. To assist in such studies we developed a method for the solid phase synthesis of the monomeric unit of a TTR analogue and its folding to form a functional 55 kDa tetramer. The monomeric unit of the protein was chemically synthesized in three parts, comprising amino acid residues 151, 5499 and 102127, and ligated using chemoselective thioether ligation chemistry. The synthetic protein was folded and assembled to a tetrameric structure in the presence of the TTRs native ligand, thyroxine, as shown by gel filtration chromatography, native gel electrophoresis, TTR antibody recognition and thyroid hormone binding. In the current study the solution structure of the first of these fragment peptides, TTR(151) is examined to determine its intrinsic propensity to form beta-sheet structure, potentially involved in amyloid fibril formation by TTR. Despite the presence of extensive beta-structure in the native form of the protein, the Nterminal fragment adopts an essentially random coil conformation in solution.


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Body, liver and spleen weights; histopathology of the liver, spleen and intestines; hepatic and serum soluble proteins changes were the parameters studied in undernourished Swiss albino mice experimentally infected with S. mansoni. Non-infected deficient animab had lower liver/body weight and spleen/body weight ratios as compared to the controls (22.60% casein group). Infected mice showed higher values regardless the type of diet. Undernourished infected subgroup showed a persistent exudative periovular reaction in the liver. Soluble hepatic proteins content and serum protein fractions appeared to be lower in the deficient infected mice. A significant difference was detected in the gammaglobulin fraction between infected and non-infected animals fed the control diet with higher values for the former. Our data suggest that the effects of malnutrition, per se, are sometimes more detrimental to the host than those due to Manson 's schistosomiasis.


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Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by a combined biochemical and double-labeling immunocytochemical study for the developmental expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and glutamine synthetase (GS). It was found that these two astroglial markers are co-expressed at different developmental stages in vitro. During the phase of cellular maturation (i.e. between days 14 and 34), GFAP levels and GS activity increase rapidly and in parallel. At the same time, the number of immunoreactive cells increase while the long and thick processes staining in early cultures gradually disappear. The present results demonstrate that in this particular cell culture system only one type of astrocytes develops which expresses both GFAP and GS and which attains a relatively high degree of maturation.


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Many disorders are associated with altered serum protein concentrations, including malnutrition, cancer, and cardiovascular, kidney, and inflammatory diseases. Although these protein concentrations are highly heritable, relatively little is known about their underlying genetic determinants. Through transethnic meta-analysis of European-ancestry and Japanese genome-wide association studies, we identified six loci at genome-wide significance (p < 5 × 10(-8)) for serum albumin (HPN-SCN1B, GCKR-FNDC4, SERPINF2-WDR81, TNFRSF11A-ZCCHC2, FRMD5-WDR76, and RPS11-FCGRT, in up to 53,190 European-ancestry and 9,380 Japanese individuals) and three loci for total protein (TNFRS13B, 6q21.3, and ELL2, in up to 25,539 European-ancestry and 10,168 Japanese individuals). We observed little evidence of heterogeneity in allelic effects at these loci between groups of European and Japanese ancestry but obtained substantial improvements in the resolution of fine mapping of potential causal variants by leveraging transethnic differences in the distribution of linkage disequilibrium. We demonstrated a functional role for the most strongly associated serum albumin locus, HPN, for which Hpn knockout mice manifest low plasma albumin concentrations. Other loci associated with serum albumin harbor genes related to ribosome function, protein translation, and proteasomal degradation, whereas those associated with serum total protein include genes related to immune function. Our results highlight the advantages of transethnic meta-analysis for the discovery and fine mapping of complex trait loci and have provided initial insights into the underlying genetic architecture of serum protein concentrations and their association with human disease.


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Rapport de synthèseObjectifsLe retard de croissance intrautérin (RCIU) est un problème affectant 10% des grossesses et est associé à une morbidité périnatale importante. Dans environ 80% des cas, une étiologie ou un facteur de risque majeur peuvent être identifiés. Mais près de 20% des cas sont considérés comme inexpliqués. La heat shock protéine 60kDa (HSP60) est une protéine fortement immunogène dont la synthèse est considérablement augmentée lors de conditions non- physiologiques. Les HSP60 humaines et bactériennes partagent un haut degré d'homologie de séquence ce qui peut engendrer une maladie auto-immune à la suite d'une infection bactérienne. Nous avons supposé que les RCIU inexpliqués pourraient être la conséquence d'une sensibilisation à l'HSP60 humaine.MéthodesLes RCIU inexpliqués ont été identifiés par mesure échographique avec un doppler normal, sans anomalies décelables chez la mère ou le foetus. Les sera foetaux ont été obtenus par cordocentèse, effectuée lors d'analyse du caryotype en cas de RCIU inexpliqué (groupe d'étude) ou pour le dépistage d'une incompatibilité Rhésus (groupe témoin). Ils ont été testés pour l'antigène HSP60 et les IgG et IgM anti-HSP60 par ELISA ainsi que pour d'autres paramètres immunitaires et hématologiques.RésultatsLes paramètres maternels sont similaires entre les 12 cas du groupe d'étude et les 23 cas du groupe contrôle. L'âge gestationnel moyen lors de la cordocentèse est de 29 semaines. Les IgM anti-HSP60 sont détectés dans 12 cas d'étude (100%) mais dans aucun cas contrôle (p <0,00017), les IgG anti-HSP60 dans 7 cas d'étude (58%) et un seul dans le groupe contrôle (p <0,001). Trois des quatre cas avec les taux d'IgM les plus élevés sont décédés. Il n'y a pas de différences entre les deux groupes quant aux taux d'antigène HSP60 ou d'autres marqueurs immunologiques ou hématologiques.ConclusionLes foetus avec un RCIU inexpliqué expriment un taux élevé d'anticorps IgM et IgG contre l'HSP60 humaine et le taux d'IgM est un facteur prédictif de la mortalité foetale. La détection de ces anticorps indique qu'une perturbation placentaire et une réaction auto-immune foetale liée à l'HSP60 sont associées à ce retard de développement chez le foetus.


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Mutations in kerato-epithelin are responsible for a group of hereditary cornea-specific deposition diseases, 5q31-linked corneal dystrophies. These conditions are characterized by progressive accumulation of protein deposits of different ultrastructure. Herein, we studied the corneas with mutations at kerato-epithelin residue Arg-124 resulting in amyloid (R124C), non-amyloid (R124L), and a mixed pattern of deposition (R124H). We found that aggregated kerato-epithelin comprised all types of pathological deposits. Each mutation was associated with characteristic changes of protein turnover in corneal tissue. Amyloidogenesis in R124C corneas was accompanied by the accumulation of N-terminal kerato-epithelin fragments, whereby species of 44 kDa were the major constituents of amyloid fibrils. R124H corneas with prevailing non-amyloid inclusions showed accumulation of a new 66-kDa species altogether with the full-size 68-kDa form. Finally, in R124L cornea with non amyloid deposits, we found only the accumulation of the 68-kDa form. Two-dimensional gels revealed mutation-specific changes in the processing of the full-size protein in all affected corneas. It appears that substitutions at the same residue (Arg-124) result in cornea-specific deposition of kerato-epithelin via distinct aggregation pathways each involving altered turnover of the protein in corneal tissue.


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Supernatants from cell cultures (also called conditioned media, CMs) are commonly analyzed to study the pool of secreted proteins (secretome). To reduce the exogenous protein background, serum-free media are often used to obtain CMs. Serum deprivation, however, can severely affect cell viability and phenotype, including protein secretion. We present a strategy to analyze the proteins secreted by cells in fetal bovine serum-containing CMs, which combines the advantage of metabolic labeling and protein concentration linearization techniques. Incubation of CMs with a hexapeptide ligand library was used to reduce the dynamic range of the samples and led to the identification of 3 times more proteins than in untreated CM samples. Labeling with a deuterated amino acid was used to distinguish between cellular proteins and homologous bovine proteins contained in the medium. Application of the strategy to two breast cancer cell lines led to the identification of proteins secreted in different amounts and which could correlate with their varying degree of aggressiveness. Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-based quantitation of three proteins of interest in the crude samples yielded data in good agreement with the results from concentration-equalized samples.


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Introduction: Small for gestational age (SGA) is an important problem affecting 10% of pregnancies and is associated with significant perinatal morbidity. In about 80% of cases, a probable etiology or a major risk factor can be identified. But almost 20% of SGA cases are considered unexplained. The 60-kDa heat shock protein (HSP60) is a highly immunogenic protein whose synthesis is greatly upregulated under nonphysiological conditions. Bacterial and human HSP60 share a high degree of sequence homology, and immunity to conserved epitopes may result in development of autoimmunity following a bacterial infection. We hypothesized that unexplained SGA could be the consequence of immune sensitization to human HSP60. Methods: Unexplained SGA fetuses were identified by ultrasound biometry with normal Doppler velocimetry and with no detectable maternal or fetal abnormalities. Fetal sera were obtained by cordocentesis performed for a karyotype analysis in cases of unexplained SGA (study group) or for screening of Rhesus incompatibility (control group). Fetal sera were tested for HSP60 antigen and for IgG and IgM anti-HSP60 by ELISA as well as for other immune and hematological parameters. Results: Maternal parameters were similar between the 12 study cases and the 23 control cases. The mean gestational age at cordocentesis was 29 weeks. IgM anti-HSP60 was detected in 12 cases (100%) and in no controls (p < 0.00017), while IgG anti-HSP60 was detected in 7 cases (58%) and only 1 control (p < 0.001). Three of the 4 cases with the highest IgM antibody levels died. There were no differences in fetal serum levels of HSP60 antigen or other immune and hematological markers between the two groups. Conclusion: Fetuses with unexplained SGA are positive for IgM and IgG antibody to human HSP60 and the specific IgM antibody level is predictive of fetal mortality. Detection of these antibodies indicates that a placental perturbation and a fetal autoimmune reaction to HSP60 are associated with this developmental delay.


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Growth arrest-specific 6 (Gas6) is widely expressed in leukocytes, platelets, endothelial cells, and monocytes. It regulates various processes including granulocyte adhesion to the endothelium, cell migration, thrombus stabilization, and cytokine release. In humans, increased plasma Gas6 levels have been described in patients with sepsis and septic shock. In this study, Gas6 concentrations were measured in postmortem serum from femoral blood in a series of sepsis-related fatalities and control cases. The aims were twofold: first, to determine whether Gas6 can be reliably determined in postmortem serum; and second, to assess its diagnostic potential in identifying sepsis-related deaths. Two study groups were prospectively formed, a sepsis-related fatalities group (24 cases) and a control group (24 cases) including cases of deep vein thrombosis and fatal pulmonary embolism, cases of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in severe trauma, cases of end-stage renal failure, and cases of hanging (non-septic, non-SIRS, non-end stage renal failure cases). The preliminary results of this study seem to indicate that Gas6 can be effectively measured in postmortem serum. However, Gas6 levels in sepsis-related fatalities do not appear to be clearly distinguishable from concentrations in pulmonary embolism, severe trauma, and end-stage renal failure cases. These findings tend to support previous reports that indicated that Gas6 behaves as an acute phase reactant and can be considered a general marker of inflammation rather than a specific biomarker of sepsis.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate serum protein concentrations in calves experimentally inoculated with Salmonella Dublin. Twelve healthy 10 to 15-day-old Holstein calves were randomly allotted into two groups, control and infected with 10(8) CFU of Salmonella Dublin orally. The calves were subjected to physical evaluation and blood samples were collected shortly before administration of the bacteria and also 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 168 hours post-infection. The concentration of serum proteins was determined through sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Thirty serum proteins ranging from molecular weight of 24,000 Da to molecular weight of 236,000 Da were detected. Serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin (125,000 Da), haptoglobin (45,000 Da), acid glycoprotein (40,000 Da) and a 34,000 Da protein were significantly increased in the experimentally infected calves, when compared with their concentrations in the control animals. Therefore, this study showed that S. Dublin infection could lead to the increase of certain serum proteins in calves.


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C-reactive protein (CRP) was measured by ELISA in the sera of 165 healthy blood donors and 125 normal children 1 to 14 years old. The serum levels of blood donors ranged from 0.05 to 57.6 mg/l with median and mean values of 1.8 mg/l and 4.86 mg/l, respectively. CRP levels ranged from 0.02 to 14.4 mg/l in the children's sera, the median being 0.45 mg/l and the mean 1.65 mg/l. No individual lacking CRP was detected. The high CRP levels observed in the present study suggest that the population of the State of São Paulo may usually be exposed to subacute infections and/or inflammation without presenting clinical symptoms


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During pregnancy and protein restriction, changes in serum insulin and leptin levels, food intake and several metabolic parameters normally result in enhanced adiposity. We evaluated serum leptin and insulin levels and their correlations with some predictive obesity variables in Wistar rats (90 days), up to the 14th day of pregnancy: control non-pregnant (N = 5) and pregnant (N = 7) groups (control diet: 17% protein), and low-protein non-pregnant (N = 5) and pregnant (N = 6) groups (low-protein diet: 6%). Independent of the protein content of the diet, pregnancy increased total (F1,19 = 22.28, P < 0.001) and relative (F1,19 = 5.57, P < 0.03) food intake, the variation of weight (F1,19 = 49.79, P < 0.000) and final body weight (F1,19 = 19.52, P < 0.001), but glycemia (F1,19 = 9.02, P = 0.01) and the relative weight of gonadal adipose tissue (F1,19 = 17.11, P < 0.001) were decreased. Pregnancy (F1,19 = 18.13, P < 0.001) and low-protein diet (F1,19 = 20.35, P < 0.001) increased the absolute weight of brown adipose tissue. However, the relative weight of this tissue was increased only by protein restriction (F1,19 = 15.20, P < 0.001) and the relative lipid in carcass was decreased in low-protein groups (F1,19 = 4.34, P = 0.05). Serum insulin and leptin levels were similar among groups and did not correlate with food intake. However, there was a positive relationship between serum insulin levels and carcass fat depots in low-protein groups (r = 0.37, P < 0.05), while in pregnancy serum leptin correlated with weight of gonadal (r = 0.39, P < 0.02) and retroperitoneal (r = 0.41, P < 0.01) adipose tissues. Unexpectedly, protein restriction during 14 days of pregnancy did not alter the serum profile of adiposity signals and their effects on food intake and adiposity, probably due to the short term of exposure to low-protein diet.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SCoV) spike (S) protein is the major surface antigen of the virus and is responsible for receptor binding and the generation of neutralizing antibody. To investigate SCoV S protein, full-length and individual domains of S protein were expressed on the surface of insect cells and were characterized for cleavability and reactivity with serum samples obtained from patients during the convalescent phase of SARS. S protein could be cleaved by exogenous trypsin but not by coexpressed furin, suggesting that the protein is not normally processed during infection. Reactivity was evident by both flow cytometry and Western blot assays, but the pattern of reactivity varied according to assay and sequence of the antigen. The antibody response to SCoV S protein involves antibodies to both linear and conformational epitopes, with linear epitopes associated with the carboxyl domain and conformational epitopes associated with the amino terminal domain. Recombinant SCoV S protein appears to be a suitable antigen for the development of an efficient and sensitive diagnostic test for SARS, but our data suggest that assay format and choice of S antigen are important considerations.