996 resultados para Sedimentació fluvial
This paper describes petrologic and morphologic characteristics of fossil beaches submerged in the sector of the Costa Brava located between the Pals Beach and Blanes (Girona). These submerged beaches are composed of large-grain sandstone andconglomerate platforms, situated at a depth between 0.5 and 2.5 meters. These platforms are slightly inclinated towards the open sea. These deposits have been formed very recently, and date from Holocene, as noted by the presence of fragments of roman ceramics inside sandstone
Fish passage at artificial barriers is necessary for the conservation of healthy fish stocks. The first barrier that migratory fish encounter when ascending the Ebro River is the Xerta Weir, where a pool-type fishway was constructed in 2008. From 2007 to 2010, boat electrofishing surveys were conducted in the Ebro River downstream of the Xerta Weir to assess the potential pool of species that could use the fishway. Nine native and 12 exotic species were captured, the latter comprising 62 % of the relative abundance and 70 % of the biomass. A combination of video recording, electrofishing and trapping was used to assess the effectiveness of the fishway in facilitating the passage of fish. Eight species were detected using the fishway, of which five were native (Liza ramada, Anguilla anguilla, Barbus graellsii, Gobio lozanoi and Salaria fluviatilis) and three exotic (Alburnus alburnus, Cyprinus carpio and Rutilus rutilus). Only L. ramada used the fishway in substantial numbers. The rate of fish passage was the highest from June to August and decreased afterwards. The effectiveness of the fishway might be lowered by areas of turbulence within the fishway and by distraction flows from a nearby hydropower station
En el marc dels cabals ambientals o “ecològics”, el coneixement de la regulació del règim de cabals mínims o baixos per part de les infraestructures hidràuliques pren especial importància. En aquest treball, es contrasta la hipòtesi de que la regulació del règim fluvial per part dels embassaments de regadiu i per part dels embassaments destinats a la producció d’energia hidroelèctrica produeix una alteració diferent en el règim de cabals mínims. Per fer-ho, es realitza l’anàlisi comparatiu del grau d’assoliment històric dels cabals mínims ecològics, determinats en el nou Pla de Conca de l’Ebre 2010-15, en 30 trams fluvials representatius de l’efecte d’aquests tipus d’embassaments. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la tipologia d’ús dels embassaments és determinant en la regulació dels cabals mínims. Els embassaments de reg produeixen una major alteració del règim de cabals mínims i presenten una diferent distribució i una major variabilitat intraanual en aquesta alteració que els embassaments hidroelèctrics.
The overarching goal of the proposed research was to provide a predictive tool for knickpoint propagation within the HCA (Hungry Canyon Alliance) territory. Knickpoints threaten the stability of bridge structures in Western Iowa. The study involved detailed field investigations over two years in order to monitor the upstream migration of a knickpoint on Mud Creek in Mills County, IA and identify the key mechanisms triggering knickpoint propagation. A state-of-the-art laser level system mounted on a movable truss provided continuous measurements of the knickpoint front for different flow conditions. A pressure transducer found in proximity of the truss provided simultaneous measurements of the flow depth. The laser and pressure transducer measurements led to the identification of the conditions at which the knickpoint migration commences. It was suggested that negative pressures developed by the reverse roller flow near the toe of the knickpoint face triggered undercutting of the knickpoint at this location. The pressure differential between the negative pressure and the atmospheric pressure also draws the impinging jet closer to the knickpoint face producing scour. In addition, the pressure differential may induce suction of sediment from the face. Other contributing factors include slump failure, seepage effects, and local fluvial erosion due to the exerted fluid shear. The prevailing flow conditions and soil information along with the channel cross-sectional geometry and gradient were used as inputs to a transcritical, one dimensional, hydraulic/geomorphic numerical model, which was used to map the flow characteristics and shear stress conditions near the knickpoint. Such detailed flow calculations do not exist in the published literature. The coupling of field and modeling work resulted in the development of a blueprint methodology, which can be adopted in different parts of the country for evaluating knickpoint evolution. This information will assist local government agencies in better understanding the principal factors that cause knickpoint propagation and help estimate the needed response time to control the propagation of a knickpoint after one has been identified.
Quantifying the spatial configuration of hydraulic conductivity (K) in heterogeneous geological environments is essential for accurate predictions of contaminant transport, but is difficult because of the inherent limitations in resolution and coverage associated with traditional hydrological measurements. To address this issue, we consider crosshole and surface-based electrical resistivity geophysical measurements, collected in time during a saline tracer experiment. We use a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo (McMC) methodology to jointly invert the dynamic resistivity data, together with borehole tracer concentration data, to generate multiple posterior realizations of K that are consistent with all available information. We do this within a coupled inversion framework, whereby the geophysical and hydrological forward models are linked through an uncertain relationship between electrical resistivity and concentration. To minimize computational expense, a facies-based subsurface parameterization is developed. The Bayesian-McMC methodology allows us to explore the potential benefits of including the geophysical data into the inverse problem by examining their effect on our ability to identify fast flowpaths in the subsurface, and their impact on hydrological prediction uncertainty. Using a complex, geostatistically generated, two-dimensional numerical example representative of a fluvial environment, we demonstrate that flow model calibration is improved and prediction error is decreased when the electrical resistivity data are included. The worth of the geophysical data is found to be greatest for long spatial correlation lengths of subsurface heterogeneity with respect to wellbore separation, where flow and transport are largely controlled by highly connected flowpaths.
El trasvase del Ter ha sido fundamental para el abastecimiento de parte del área metropolitana de Barcelona. Sin embargo, un aspecto determinante para su ejecución ha pasado desapercibido: la existencia de unos ríos menores como la Muga y el Fluviá, vecinos del Ter, que facilitaron la toma de esa controvertida decisión. El artículo analiza su influencia y aporta una novedad en la temática que es la del enfoque territorial del trasvase, no tanto desde la óptica del entorno metropolitano o del conjunto de Cataluña, sino desde la perspectiva interna de los propios ríos gerundenses
Sabkha and deep burial set tings are the most com mon sites where diagenetic anhydrite forms. In a sabkha setting, displacive facies (iso lated nodules, bed ded nodules, enterolithic levels) of early diagenetic or primary anhydrite are generated (Shearman, 1966; Hardie, 1967). These anhydrite facies are commonly foundat the top of shoal ing cycles representing the evolution from subaqueous depositional conditions at the base (carbonates, lutites) to exposure conditions at the top where in ter stitially-grown gypsum/anhydrite de velops ( sabkha cy cles). In a deep burial setting, gypsum transforms to tally to anhydrite with in creas ing temperature and lithostatic pressure (Murray, 1964). Al though this mineral transformation usually preserves the depositional gypsum facies, a significant textural change is in volved in other cases, resulting in replacive anhydrite with a nodular-mosaic or"chicken-wire" fabric (Warren, 2006). In the two settings, how ever, the size of the individual anhydrite nodules is relatively small, rarely reaching some tens of centimetres across. More over, bedding is preserved or little disturbed, al though minor de formation is caused by the displacive sabkha nodules.
Descripció del projecte. S'han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l'avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l'adreça web si s'ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte.Passarel.la per a vianants sobre el riu Segre.Memòria.La passera vol ser simplement el vincle entre les dues ribes del Segre. Entesa més com a itinerari quecom a lloc d'estada, pretén no esborrar mai la percepció d'estar suspès a una cota alta sobre el llit delriu. Tot això ha dut a dimensionar-la ajustadament per a fer compatible el pas de vianants i bicicletes, ipermetre el trànsit eventual de vehicles de servei.Participa de la mateixa idea l'esforç en atravessar tot el llit del riu amb dos únics pilars i sense cap altreelement que alteri l'essència del pont, entès com a itinerari.L'arribada a la ciutat és molt diferent a cada un dels dos marges. Al marge dret, sobre el passeigconsolidat, el recolzament de la passera pretén no alterar substancialment l'entorn, sent la mateixavorera la que s'aixeca per absorbir una petita diferència de cota provocada per la preservació de lasecció hidràulica. Pel contrari, al marge esquerra, l'espai buit entre els Camps Elisis i el nou mur deribera permet ordenar una major embocadura del pont que es perllonga, i sense solució de continuitat,es transforma en la pròpia passera. Es aquesta part del pont, eixamplat en forma de vano, la que estransforma en espai d'estada per a la contemplació de la vista sobre la ciutat vella i la Seu. Al mateixtemps, ofereix un racó d'ombra sobre el parc fluvial. Contràriament al marge dret, aquí es pretén esborrarels límits entre passera i ciutat. La perllongació dels elements urbans -paviments, bancs umbracles...- enterra ferma ve acompanyada també per l'aparició dels arbres del llit del riu a través dels mateixos foratsque deixen passar llum cap a la zona inferior del pont.L'estructura de la passera és conseqüent amb aquestes intencions i ofereix una plataforma lliured'obstacles visuals on els perfils de la ciutat i el propi riu es converteixin en el protagonistes. Duesbigues-calaix solidaritzades per bigues transversals,també d'acer, i una llosa col.laborant de formigó,permeten entendre el tauler com un conjunt estructural en forma de Z i ajuden a reduir el cantell total, enel repte d'atravessar els 83 metres de llum. La llosa vola 1,15 metres sobre la biga inferior i redueixl'efecte visual dels 2 metres de cantell.Aquesta secció en forma de Z ofereix dos alçats diversos i dues maneres de relacionar-se amb l’entorn.A la banda sud, la llosa vola per sobre la biga inferior i queda rematada per una barana de vidre,recolzant les visuals cap a la Seu i la ciutat vella. A l’altre costat, la biga superior actua com a baranaopaca i constitueix l’alçat del pont. Pere Joan Ravetllat/Carme Ribas/Nicolás Markuerkiaga/Javier Rui Wamba
Descripció del projecte. S'han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l'avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l'adreça web si s'ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.Passarel.la per a vianants sobre el riu Segre.Memòria.La passera vol ser simplement el vincle entre les dues ribes del Segre. Entesa més com a itinerari quecom a lloc d'estada, pretén no esborrar mai la percepció d'estar suspès a una cota alta sobre el llit delriu. Tot això ha dut a dimensionar-la ajustadament per a fer compatible el pas de vianants i bicicletes, ipermetre el trànsit eventual de vehicles de servei.Participa de la mateixa idea l'esforç en atravessar tot el llit del riu amb dos únics pilars i sense cap altreelement que alteri l'essència del pont, entès com a itinerari.L'arribada a la ciutat és molt diferent a cada un dels dos marges. Al marge dret, sobre el passeigconsolidat, el recolzament de la passera pretén no alterar substancialment l'entorn, sent la mateixavorera la que s'aixeca per absorbir una petita diferència de cota provocada per la preservació de lasecció hidràulica. Pel contrari, al marge esquerra, l'espai buit entre els Camps Elisis i el nou mur deribera permet ordenar una major embocadura del pont que es perllonga, i sense solució de continuitat,es transforma en la pròpia passera. Es aquesta part del pont, eixamplat en forma de vano, la que estransforma en espai d'estada per a la contemplació de la vista sobre la ciutat vella i la Seu. Al mateixtemps, ofereix un racó d'ombra sobre el parc fluvial. Contràriament al marge dret, aquí es pretén esborrarels límits entre passera i ciutat. La perllongació dels elements urbans -paviments, bancs umbracles...- enterra ferma ve acompanyada també per l'aparició dels arbres del llit del riu a través dels mateixos foratsque deixen passar llum cap a la zona inferior del pont.L'estructura de la passera és conseqüent amb aquestes intencions i ofereix una plataforma lliured'obstacles visuals on els perfils de la ciutat i el propi riu es converteixin en el protagonistes. Duesbigues-calaix solidaritzades per bigues transversals,també d'acer, i una llosa col.laborant de formigó,permeten entendre el tauler com un conjunt estructural en forma de Z i ajuden a reduir el cantell total, enel repte d'atravessar els 83 metres de llum. La llosa vola 1,15 metres sobre la biga inferior i redueixl'efecte visual dels 2 metres de cantell.Aquesta secció en forma de Z ofereix dos alçats diversos i dues maneres de relacionar-se amb l’entorn.A la banda sud, la llosa vola per sobre la biga inferior i queda rematada per una barana de vidre,recolzant les visuals cap a la Seu i la ciutat vella. A l’altre costat, la biga superior actua com a baranaopaca i constitueix l’alçat del pont.Pere Joan Ravetllat/Carme Ribas/Nicolás Markuerkiaga/Javier Rui Wamba
Aquest estudi pretén donar a conèixer les espècies de peixos que poblen les aigües del riu Segre i afluents, la distribució de les mateixes dins la conca i les poblacions que presenten cada una, en base al mostreig realitzat durant l’any 2008. Es caracteritza l’hàbitat fluvial i la qualitat físico-química de l’aigua, i s’estableixen relacions entre l’estat de conservació de la ictiofauna i l’estat de conservació de l’hàbitat. Finalment, s’analitza l’evolució de l’estat ecològic, basat en els peixos mitjançant l’índex biòtic IBICAT, que han sofert els rius a la conca del Segre entre els anys 2003 i 2008.
Estudi de la viabilitat de restitució del sistema fluvial de la manera més natural possible al seu pas per la partida de Santa Maria de les Franqueses (Balaguer), a fi i efecte de mantenir els processos i interaccions ecològiques i hidrogeomorfològiques del sistema per tal d’aconseguir que millori la dinàmica fluvial, la capacitat d’acollida de les espècies de fauna i faciliti els seus moviments a través del corredor fluvial.
Vegetation has a profound effect on flow and sediment transport processes in natural rivers, by increasing both skin friction and form drag. The increase in drag introduces a drag discontinuity between the in-canopy flow and the flow above, which leads to the development of an inflection point in the velocity profile, resembling a free shear layer. Therefore, drag acts as the primary driver for the entire canopy system. Most current numerical hydraulic models which incorporate vegetation rely either on simple, static plant forms, or canopy-scaled drag terms. However, it is suggested that these are insufficient as vegetation canopies represent complex, dynamic, porous blockages within the flow, which are subject to spatially and temporally dynamic drag forces. Here we present a dynamic drag methodology within a CFD framework. Preliminary results for a benchmark cylinder case highlight the accuracy of the method, and suggest its applicability to more complex cases.
Flow structures above vegetation canopies have received much attention within terrestrial and aquatic literature. This research has led to a good process understanding of mean and turbulent canopy flow structure. However, much of this research has focused on rigid or semi-rigid vegetation with relatively simple morphology. Aquatic macrophytes differ from this form, exhibiting more complex morphologies, predominantly horizontal posture in the flow and a different force balance. While some recent studies have investigated such canopies, there is still the need to examine the relevance and applicability of general canopy layer theory to these types of vegetation. Here, we report on a range of numerical experiments, using both semi-rigid and highly flexible canopies. The results for the semi-rigid canopies support existing canopy layer theory. However, for the highly flexible vegetation, the flow pattern is much more complex and suggests that a new canopy model may be required.
Estimation of the dimensions of fluvial geobodies from core data is a notoriously difficult problem in reservoir modeling. To try and improve such estimates and, hence, reduce uncertainty in geomodels, data on dunes, unit bars, cross-bar channels, and compound bars and their associated deposits are presented herein from the sand-bed braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada. These data are used to test models that relate the scale of the formative bed forms to the dimensions of the preserved deposits and, therefore, provide an insight as to how such deposits may be preserved over geologic time. The preservation of bed-form geometry is quantified by comparing the Alluvial architecture above and below the maximum erosion depth of the modem channel deposits. This comparison shows that there is no significant difference in the mean set thickness of dune cross-strata above and below the basal erosion surface of the contemporary channel, thus suggesting that dimensional relationships between dune deposits and the formative bed-form dimensions are likely to be valid from both recent and older deposits. The data show that estimates of mean bankfull flow depth derived from dune, unit bar, and cross-bar channel deposits are all very similar. Thus, the use of all these metrics together can provide a useful check that all components and scales of the alluvial architecture have been identified correctly when building reservoir models. The data also highlight several practical issues with identifying and applying data relating to cross-strata. For example, the deposits of unit bars were found to be severely truncated in length and width, with only approximately 10% of the mean bar-form length remaining, and thus making identification in section difficult. For similar reasons, the deposits of compound bars were found to be especially difficult to recognize, and hence, estimates of channel depth based on this method may be problematic. Where only core data are available (i.e., no outcrop data exist), formative flow depths are suggested to be best reconstructed using cross-strata formed by dunes. However, theoretical relationships between the distribution of set thicknesses and formative dune height are found to result in slight overestimates of the latter and, hence, mean bankfull flow depths derived from these measurements. This article illustrates that the preservation of fluvial cross-strata and, thus, the paleohydraulic inferences that can be drawn from them, are a function of the ratio of the size and migration rate of bed forms and the time scale of aggradation and channel migration. These factors must thus be considered when deciding on appropriate length:thickness ratios for the purposes of object-based modeling in reservoir characterization.
River flow in Alpine environments is likely to be highly sensitive to climate change because of the effects of warming upon snow and ice, and hence the intra-annual distribution of river runoff. It is also likely to be influenced strongly by human impacts both upon hydrology (e.g. flow abstraction) and river regulation. This paper compares the river flow and sediment flux of two Alpine drainage basins over the last 5 to 7 decades, one that is largely unimpacted by human activities, one strongly impacted by flow abstraction for hydroelectricity. The analysis shows that both river flow and sediment transport capacity are strongly dependent upon the effects of temperature and precipitation availability upon snow accumulation. As the latter tends to increase annual maximum flows, and given the non-linear form of most sediment transport laws, current warming trends may lead to increased sedimentation in Alpine rivers. However, extension to a system impacted upon by flow abstraction reveals the dominant effect that human activity can have upon river sedimentation but also how human response to sediment management has co-evolved with climate forcing to make disentangling the two very difficult.