979 resultados para Schwede, Alfred Otto
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58752
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 105
Otto Engströmin exlibriksen on piirtänyt Axel Gallen-Kallela. Hänen gynekologiaa ja lääketiedettä käsittävä kirjastonsa on kansalliskirjastossa.
Alfred Schütz original contribution to the social sciences refers to his analysis of the structure of the "life-world". This article aims to invigorate interest in the work of this author, little known in the field of health psychology. Key concepts of Schütz' approach will be presented in relation to their potential interest to the understanding of the experience of illness. In particular, we develop the main characteristics of the everyday life and its cognitive style, that is, its finite province of meaning. We propose to adopt this notion to define the experience of chronic or serious illness when the individual is confronted to the medical world. By articulating this analysis with literature in health psychology, we argue that Schütz's perspective brings useful insight to the field, namely because of its ability to study meaning constructions by overcoming the trap of solipsism by embracing intersubjectivity. The article concludes by outlining both, the limitations and research perspectives brought by this phenomenological analysis of the experiences of health and illness.
Lääketieteen professori Otto Engströmin (1853-1919) kokoelma sisältää noin 6 000 nidettä lääketieteellistä kirjallisuutta. Kokoelma on kattava läpileikkaus gynekologian ja obstetriikan kehityksestä Euroopassa neljän vuosisadan aikana. Kokoelmaan kuuluu useita harvinaiskirjoja. Joukossa on runsaasti ranskalaisia väitöskirjoja. Engströmin kokoelman kirjoissa on kaksi erilaista exlibristä, toisen on suunnitellut Akseli Gallen-Kallela ja toisen Albert Edelfelt. Engströmille kuuluneet inkunaabelit on siirretty inkunaabelikokoelmaan.
1934. Contient : Bulletin de la Société Alfred de Musset, n° 1, janvier 1934.
Périodicité : Trimestriel
The name of Otto Redlich is generally remembered as co-author of one of most used equations of state for the calculation of volumetric and thermodynamic properties of pure substances and their mixtures. Nevertheless, he made also important contributions in different areas of chemistry and chemical engineering. Pursuits of race and religious order forced him and his family to leave his native Austria and emigrate to the United States. His professional career included both academic and industrial research achievements.