959 resultados para Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Seated on grass Kurt Godshaw; left to right Walter, Freddy, Ursula; seated on ball Hal Godshaw
Studies on serum progesterone levels in Zebu × Holstein heifers during pre- and peripubertal periods
The peripheral serum progesterone levels of six normal Zebu × Holstein heifers (75% Holstein inheritance) during the prepubertal period (−150 days) were low (0.23 ± 0.06 ng/ml). They reached maximal values (0.73 ± 0.06 ng/ml) by −45 days (P<0.05 for progesterone values on −90th vs. −45th days) and thereafter decreased to the base level at the time of puberty. The mean (± SEM) age and body weight at puberty of these six heifers were 720 ± 20.70 days and 260.67 ± 8.82 kg, respectively. The serum progesterone levels remained low (0.38 ± 0.17 ng/ml) during early oestrus (up to 28 h) and gradually increased to 2.3 ± 0.84 ng/ml by the 15th day of the cycle.
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In the apartment on Ruemkorffstrasse that the Gottschalks occupied after being forced to sell their house.
This picture was taken during her last year of high school. The chemistry teacher, Professor Schmigielski was one of Elizabeth's favorite teachers.
This portrait shows Elizabeth with pig tails. In a defiant mood, she cut them off.
Fig. 13 in family portrait
right: Joseph Molling sitting; left: unknown man standing
From left to right: Walter Gottschalk, Therese Gottschalk nee Molling, Freddy Gottschalk, the maid, Kurt Gottschalk, and Elizabeth Gottschalk
From left to right: Ursula, Walter, Hal, Kurt, Fritz, and Elizabeth Gottschalk; the lake is probably the Titisee near the Swiss border in the Black Forest, Germany
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Gottschalk family member names engraved on the memorial to the Jews of Hannover who perished in the Holocaust; Elizabeth Gottschalk nee Steinfeld, Henriette Gottschalk nee Rothschild, Jeanette Gottschalk (relationship unknown), and Karl Gottschalk.
The photograph was taken in the late 19th century or early 20th century before the streetcar tracks were laid and a third floor added to the store. Members of the Meyerhof family lived in the 3rd floor apartment. Note the faces of the seamstresses on the second floor who were producing sheets, etc.
Photograph from Nazi identification card, dated February 24, 193?.