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Open-cell metal foams show promise as an emerging novel material for heat exchanger applications. The high surface-area-to-volume ratio suggests increased compactness and decrease in weight of heat exchanger designs. However, the metal foam structure appears conducive to condensate retention, which would degenerate heat transfer performance. This research investigates the condensate retention behavior of aluminum open-cell metal foams through the use of static dip tests and geometrical classification via X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography. Aluminum open-cell metal foam samples of 5, 10, 20, and 40 pores per inch (PPI), all having a void fraction greater than 90%, were included in this investigation. In order to model the condensate retention behavior of metal foams, a clearer understanding of the geometry was required. After exploring the ideal geometries presented in the open literature, X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography was employed to classify the actual geometry of the metal foam samples. The images obtained were analyzed using specialized software from which geometric information including strut length and pore shapes were extracted. The results discerned a high variability in ligament length, as well as features supporting the ideal geometry known as the Weaire-Phelan unit cell. The static dip tests consisted of submerging the metal foam samples in a liquid, then allowing gravity-induced drainage until steady-state was reached and the liquid remaining in the metal foam sample was measured. Three different liquids, water, ethylene glycol, and 91% isopropyl alcohol, were employed. The behaviors of untreated samples were compared to samples subjected to a Beomite surface treatment process, and no significant differences in retention behavior were discovered. The dip test results revealed two distinct regions of condensate retention, each holding approximately half of the total liquid retained by the sample. As expected, condensate retention increased as the pores sizes decreased. A model based on surface tension was developed to predict the condensate retention in the metal foam samples and verified using a regular mesh. Applying the model to both the ideal and actual metal foam geometries showed good agreement with the dip test results in this study.


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Liquid-solid interactions become important as dimensions approach mciro/nano-scale. This dissertation focuses on liquid-solid interactions in two distinct applications: capillary driven self-assembly of thin foils into 3D structures, and droplet wetting of hydrophobic micropatterned surfaces. The phenomenon of self-assembly of complex structures is common in biological systems. Examples include self-assembly of proteins into macromolecular structures and self-assembly of lipid bilayer membranes. The principles governing this phenomenon have been applied to induce self-assembly of millimeter scale Si thin films into spherical and other 3D structures, which are then integrated into light-trapping photovoltaic (PV) devices. Motivated by this application, we present a generalized analytical study of the self-folding of thin plates into deterministic 3D shapes, through fluid-solid interactions, to be used as PV devices. This study consists of developing a model using beam theory, which incorporates the two competing components — a capillary force that promotes folding and the bending rigidity of the foil that resists folding into a 3D structure. Through an equivalence argument of thin foils of different geometry, an effective folding parameter, which uniquely characterizes the driving force for folding, has been identified. A criterion for spontaneous folding of an arbitrarily shaped 2D foil, based on the effective folding parameter, is thus established. Measurements from experiments using different materials and predictions from the model match well, validating the assumptions used in the analysis. As an alternative to the mechanics model approach, the minimization of the total free energy is employed to investigate the interactions between a fluid droplet and a flexible thin film. A 2D energy functional is proposed, comprising the surface energy of the fluid, bending energy of the thin film and gravitational energy of the fluid. Through simulations with Surface Evolver, the shapes of the droplet and the thin film at equilibrium are obtained. A critical thin film length necessary for complete enclosure of the fluid droplet, and hence successful self-assembly into a PV device, is determined and compared with the experimental results and mechanics model predictions. The results from the modeling and energy approaches and the experiments are all consistent. Superhydrophobic surfaces, which have unique properties including self-cleaning and water repelling are desired in many applications. One excellent example in nature is the lotus leaf. To fabricate these surfaces, well designed micro/nano- surface structures are often employed. In this research, we fabricate superhydrophobic micropatterned Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces composed of micropillars of various sizes and arrangements by means of soft lithography. Both anisotropic surfaces, consisting of parallel grooves and cylindrical pillars in rectangular lattices, and isotropic surfaces, consisting of cylindrical pillars in square and hexagonal lattices, are considered. A novel technique is proposed to image the contact line (CL) of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface. This technique provides a new approach to distinguish between partial and complete wetting. The contact area between droplet and microtextured surface is then measured for a droplet in the Cassie state, which is a state of partial wetting. The results show that although the droplet is in the Cassie state, the contact area does not necessarily follow Cassie model predictions. Moreover, the CL is not circular, and is affected by the micropatterns, in both isotropic and anisotropic cases. Thus, it is suggested that along with the contact angle — the typical parameter reported in literature quantifying wetting, the size and shape of the contact area should also be presented. This technique is employed to investigate the evolution of the CL on a hydrophobic micropatterned surface in the cases of: a single droplet impacting the micropatterned surface, two droplets coalescing on micropillars, and a receding droplet resting on the micropatterned surface. Another parameter which quantifies hydrophobicity is the contact angle hysteresis (CAH), which indicates the resistance of the surface to the sliding of a droplet with a given volume. The conventional methods of using advancing and receding angles or tilting stage to measure the resistance of the micropatterned surface are indirect, without mentioning the inaccuracy due to the discrete and stepwise motion of the CL on micropillars. A micronewton force sensor is utilized to directly measure the resisting force by dragging a droplet on a microtextured surface. Together with the proposed imaging technique, the evolution of the CL during sliding is also explored. It is found that, at the onset of sliding, the CL behaves as a linear elastic solid with a constant stiffness. Afterwards, the force first increases and then decreases and reaches a steady state, accompanied with periodic oscillations due to regular pinning and depinning of the CL. Both the maximum and steady state forces are primarily dependent on area fractions of the micropatterned surfaces in our experiment. The resisting force is found to be proportional to the number of pillars which pin the CL at the trailing edge, validating the assumption that the resistance mainly arises from the CL pinning at the trailing edge. In each pinning-and-depinning cycle during the steady state, the CL also shows linear elastic behavior but with a lower stiffness. The force variation and energy dissipation involved can also be determined. This novel method of measuring the resistance of the micropatterned surface elucidates the dependence on CL pinning and provides more insight into the mechanisms of CAH.


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There is scientific evidence demonstrating the benefits of mushrooms ingestion due to their richness in bioactive compounds such as mycosterols, in particular ergosterol [I]. Agaricus bisporus L. is the most consumed mushroom worldwide presenting 90% of ergosterol in its sterol fraction [2]. Thus, it is an interesting matrix to obtain ergosterol, a molecule with a high commercial value. According to literature, ergosterol concentration can vary between 3 to 9 mg per g of dried mushroom. Nowadays, traditional methods such as maceration and Soxhlet extraction are being replaced by emerging methodologies such as ultrasound (UAE) and microwave assisted extraction (MAE) in order to decrease the used solvent amount, extraction time and, of course, increasing the extraction yield [2]. In the present work, A. bisporus was extracted varying several parameters relevant to UAE and MAE: UAE: solvent type (hexane and ethanol), ultrasound amplitude (50 - 100 %) and sonication time (5 min-15 min); MAE: solvent was fixed as ethanol, time (0-20 min), temperature (60-210 •c) and solid-liquid ratio (1-20 g!L). Moreover, in order to decrease the process complexity, the pertinence to apply a saponification step was evaluated. Response surface methodology was applied to generate mathematical models which allow maximizing and optimizing the response variables that influence the extraction of ergosterol. Concerning the UAE, ethanol proved to be the best solvent to achieve higher levels of ergosterol (671.5 ± 0.5 mg/100 g dw, at 75% amplitude for 15 min), once hexane was only able to extract 152.2 ± 0.2 mg/100 g dw, in the same conditions. Nevertheless, the hexane extract showed higher purity (11%) when compared with the ethanol counterpart ( 4% ). Furthermore, in the case of the ethanolic extract, the saponification step increased its purity to 21%, while for the hexane extract the purity was similar; in fact, hexane presents higher selectivity for the lipophilic compounds comparatively with ethanol. Regarding the MAE technique, the results showed that the optimal conditions (19 ± 3 min, 133 ± 12 •c and 1.6 ± 0.5 g!L) allowed higher ergosterol extraction levels (556 ± 26 mg/100 g dw). The values obtained with MAE are close to the ones obtained with conventional Soxhlet extraction (676 ± 3 mg/100 g dw) and UAE. Overall, UAE and MAE proved to he efficient technologies to maximize ergosterol extraction yields.


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Betacyanins are betalain pigments that display a red-violet colour which have been reported to be three times stronger than the red-violet dye produced by anthocyanins [1]. The applications of betacyanins cover a wide range of matrices, mainly as additives or ingredients in the food industry, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and livestock feed. Although, being less commonly used than anthocyanins and carotenoids, betacyanins are stable between pH 3 to 7 and suitable for colouring in low acid matrices. In addition, betacyanins have been reported to display interesting medicinal character as powerful antioxidant and chemopreventive compounds either in vitro or in vivo models [2]. Betacyanins are obtained mainly from the red beet of Beta vulgaris plant (between I 0 to 20 mg per I 00 g pulp) but alternative primary sources are needed [3]. In addition, independently of the source used, the effect of the variables that affect the extraction of betacyanins have not been properly described and quantified. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identifY and optimize the conditions that maximize betacyanins extraction using the tepals of Gomphrena globosa L. flowers as an alternative source. Assisted by the statistical technique of response surface methodology, an experimental design was developed for testing the significant explanatory variables of the extraction (time, temperature, solid-liquid ratio and ethanolwater ratio). The identification was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a photodiode array detector and mass spectrometry with electron spray ionization (HPLC-PDAMS/ ESI) and the response was measured by the quantification of these compounds using HPLC-PDA. Afterwards, a response surface analysis was performed to evaluate the results. The major betacyanin compounds identified were gomphrenin 11 and Ill and isogomphrenin IJ and Ill. The highest total betacyanins content was obtained by using the following conditions: 45 min of extraction. time, 35•c, 35 g/L of solid-liquid ratio and 25% of ethanol. These values would not be found without optimizing the conditions of the betacyanins extraction, which moreover showed contrary trends to what it has been described in the scientific bibliography. More specifically, concerning the time and temperature variables, an increase of both values (from the common ones used in the bibliography) showed a considerable improvement on the betacyanins extraction yield without displaying any type of degradation patterns.


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Tomato is the second most important vegetable crop worldwide and a rich source of industrially interesting antioxidants. Hence, the microwave-assisted extraction of hydrophilic (H) and lipophilic (L) antioxidants from a surplus tomato crop was optimized using response surface methodology. The relevant independent variables were temperature (T), extraction time (t), ethanol concentration (Et) and solid/liquid ratio (S/L). The concentration-time response methods of crocin and β-carotene bleaching were applied, since they are suitable in vitro assays to evaluate the antioxidant activity of H and L matrices, respectively. The optimum operating conditions that maximized the extraction were as follows: t, 2.25 min; T, 149.2 ºC; Et, 99.1 %; and S/L, 45.0 g/L for H antioxidants; and t, 15.4 min; T, 60.0 ºC; Et, 33.0 %; and S/L, 15.0 g/L for L antioxidants. This industrial approach indicated that surplus tomatoes possess a high content of antioxidants, offering an alternative source for obtaining natural value-added compounds. Additionally, by testing the relationship between the polarity of the extraction solvent and the antioxidant activity of the extracts in H and L media (polarity-activity relationship), useful information for the study of complex natural extracts containing components with variable degrees of polarity was obtained.


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The generation of identical droplets of controllable size in the micrometer range is a problem of much interest owing to the numerous technological applications of such droplets. This work reports an investigation of the regime of periodic emission of droplets from an electrified oscillating meniscus of a liquid of low viscosity and high electrical conductivity attached to the end of a capillary tube, which may be used to produce droplets more than ten times smaller than the diameter of the tube. To attain this periodic microdripping regime, termed axial spray mode II by Juraschek and Röllgen [R. Juraschek and F. W. Röllgen, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 177, 1 (1998)], liquid is continuously supplied through the tube at a given constant flow rate, while a dc voltage is applied between the tube and a nearby counter electrode. The resulting electric field induces a stress at the surface of the liquid that stretches the meniscus until, in certain ranges of voltage and flow rate, it develops a ligament that eventually detaches, forming a single droplet, in a process that repeats itself periodically. While it is being stretched, the ligament develops a conical tip that emits ultrafine droplets, but the total mass emitted is practically contained in the main droplet. In the parametrical domain studied, we find that the process depends on two main dimensionless parameters, the flow rate nondimensionalized with the diameter of the tube and the capillary time, q, and the electric Bond number BE, which is a nondimensional measure of the square of the applied voltage. The meniscus oscillation frequency made nondimensional with the capillary time, f, is of order unity for very small flow rates and tends to decrease as the inverse of the square root of q for larger values of this parameter. The product of the meniscus mean volume times the oscillation frequency is nearly constant. The characteristic length and width of the liquid ligament immediately before its detachment approximately scale as powers of the flow rate and depend only weakly on the applied voltage. The diameter of the main droplets nondimensionalized with the diameter of the tube satisfies dd≈(6/π)1/3(q/f)1/3, from mass conservation, while the electric charge of these droplets is about 1/4 of the Rayleigh charge. At the minimum flow rate compatible with the periodic regimen, the dimensionless diameter of the droplets is smaller than one-tenth, which presents a way to use electrohydrodynamic atomization to generate droplets of highly conducting liquids in the micron-size range, in marked contrast with the cone-jet electrospray whose typical droplet size is in the nanometric regime for these liquids. In contrast with other microdripping regimes where the mass is emitted upon the periodic formation of a narrow capillary jet, the present regime gives one single droplet per oscillation, except for the almost massless fine aerosol emitted in the form of an electrospray.


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The direct CO2 electrochemical reduction on model platinum single crystal electrodes Pt(hkl) is studied in [C2mim+][NTf2−], a suitable room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) medium due to its moderate viscosity, high CO2 solubility and conductivity. Single crystal electrodes represent the most convenient type of surface structured electrodes for studying the impact of RTIL ion adsorption on relevant electrocatalytic reactions, such as surface sensitive electrochemical CO2 reduction. We propose here based on cyclic voltammetry and in situ electrolysis measurements, for the first time, the formation of a stable adduct [C2mimH–CO2−] by a radical–radical coupling after the simultaneous reduction of CO2 and [C2mim+]. It means between the CO2 radical anion and the radical formed from the reduction of the cation [C2mim+] before forming the corresponding electrogenerated carbene. This is confirmed by the voltammetric study of a model imidazolium-2-carboxylate compound formed following the carbene pathway. The formation of that stable adduct [C2mimH–CO2−] blocks CO2 reduction after a single electron transfer and inhibits CO2 and imidazolium dimerization reactions. However, the electrochemical reduction of CO2 under those conditions provokes the electrochemical cathodic degradation of the imidazolium based RTIL. This important limitation in CO2 recycling by direct electrochemical reduction is overcome by adding a strong acid, [H+][NTf2−], into solution. Then, protons become preferentially adsorbed on the electrode surface by displacing the imidazolium cations and inhibiting their electrochemical reduction. This fact allows the surface sensitive electro-synthesis of HCOOH from CO2 reduction in [C2mim+][NTf2−], with Pt(110) being the most active electrode studied.


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Activated carbon was prepared from date pits via chemical activation with H3PO4. The effects of activating agent concentration and activation temperature on the yield and surface area were studied. The optimal activated carbon was prepared at 450 °C using 55 % H3PO4. The prepared activated carbon was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis, and Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) surface area. The prepared date pit-based activated carbon (DAC) was used for the removal of bromate (BrO3 −). The concentration of BrO3 − was determined by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass tandem spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The experimental equilibrium data for BrO3 − adsorption onto DAC was well fitted to the Langmuir isotherm model and showed maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of 25.64 mg g−1. The adsorption kinetics of BrO3 − adsorption was very well represented by the pseudo-first-order equation. The analytical application of DAC for the analysis of real water samples was studied with very promising results.


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This thesis presents investigations of chemical reactions occurring at the liquid/vapor interface studied using novel sampling methodologies coupled with detection by mass spectrometry. Chapters 2 and 3 utilize the recently developed technique of field-induced droplet ionization mass spectrometry (FIDI-MS), in which the application of a strong electric field to a pendant microliter droplet results in the ejection of highly charged progeny droplets from the liquid surface. In Chapter 2, this method is employed to study the base-catalyzed dissociation of a surfactant molecule at the liquid/vapor interface upon uptake of ammonia from the gas phase. This process is observed to occur without significant modulation of the bulk solution pH, suggesting a transient increase in surface pH following the uptake of gaseous ammonia. Chapter 3 presents real-time studies of the oxidation of the model tropospheric organic compound glycolaldehyde by photodissociation of iron (III) oxalate complexes. The oxidation products of glycolaldehyde formed in this process are identified, and experiments in a deoxygenated environment identify the role of oxygen in the oxidation pathway and in the regeneration of iron (III) following photo-initiated reduction. Chapter 4 explores alternative methods for the study of heterogeneous reaction processes by mass spectrometric sampling from liquid surfaces. Bursting bubble ionization (BBI) and interfacial sampling with an acoustic transducer (ISAT) generate nanoliter droplets from a liquid surface that can be sampled via the atmospheric pressure interface of a mass spectrometer. Experiments on the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone using ISAT are also presented. Chapters 5 and 6 detail mechanistic studies and applications of free-radical-initiated peptide sequencing (FRIPS), a technique employing gas-phase free radical chemistry to the sequencing of peptides and proteins by mass spectrometry. Chapter 5 presents experimental and theoretical studies on the anomalous mechanism of dissociation observed in the presence of serine and threonine residues in peptides. Chapter 6 demonstrates the combination of FRIPS with ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) for the separation of isomeric peptides.


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A comprehensive method for the analysis of 11 target pharmaceuticals representing multiple therapeutic classes was developed for biological tissues (fish) and water. Water samples were extracted using solid phase extraction (SPE), while fish tissue homogenates were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) followed by mixed-mode cation exchange SPE cleanup and analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Among the 11 target pharmaceuticals analyzed, trimethoprim, caffeine, sulfamethoxazole, diphenhydramine, diltiazem, carbamazepine, erythromycin and fluoxetine were consistently detected in reclaimed water. On the other hand, caffeine, diphenhydramine and carbamazepine were consistently detected in fish and surface water samples. In order to understand the uptake and depuration of pharmaceuticals as well as bioconcentration factors (BCFs) under the worst-case conditions, mosquito fish were exposed to reclaimed water under static-renewal for 7 days, followed by a 14-day depuration phase in clean water. Characterization of the exposure media revealed the presence of 26 pharmaceuticals while 5 pharmaceuticals including caffeine, diphenhydramine, diltiazem, carbamazepine, and ibuprofen were present in the organisms as early as 5 h from the start of the exposure. Liquid chromatography ultra-high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry was explored as a tool to identify and quantify phase II pharmaceutical metabolites in reclaimed water. The resulting data confirmed the presence of acetyl-sulfamethoxazole and sulfamethoxazole glucuronide in reclaimed water. To my knowledge, this is the first known report of sulfamethoxazole glucuronide surviving intact through wastewater treatment plants and occurring in environmental water samples. Finally, five bioaccumulative pharmaceuticals including caffeine, carbamazepine, diltiazem, diphenhydramine and ibuprofen detected in reclaimed water were investigated regarding the acute and chronic risks to aquatic organisms. The results indicated a low potential risk of carbamazepine even under the worst case exposure scenario. Given the dilution factors that affect environmental releases, the risk of exposure to carbamazepine will be even more reduced.


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An automated on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS method was developed for the quantitation of multiple classes of antibiotics in environmental waters. High sensitivity in the low ng/L range was accomplished by using large volume injections with 10-mL of sample. Positive confirmation of analytes was achieved using two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per antibiotic and quantitation was performed using an internal standard approach. Samples were extracted using online solid phase extraction, then using column switching technique; extracted samples were immediately passed through liquid chromatography and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. The total run time per each sample was 20 min. The statistically calculated method detection limits for various environmental samples were between 1.2 and 63 ng/L. Furthermore, the method was validated in terms of precision, accuracy and linearity. The developed analytical methodology was used to measure the occurrence of antibiotics in reclaimed waters (n=56), surface waters (n=53), ground waters (n=8) and drinking waters (n=54) collected from different parts of South Florida. In reclaimed waters, the most frequently detected antibiotics were nalidixic acid, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and ofloxacin (19.3-604.9 ng/L). Detection of antibiotics in reclaimed waters indicates that they can’t be completely removed by conventional wastewater treatment process. Furthermore, the average mass loads of antibiotics released into the local environment through reclaimed water were estimated as 0.248 Kg/day. Among the surface waters samples, Miami River (reaching up to 580 ng/L) and Black Creek canal (up to 124 ng/L) showed highest concentrations of antibiotics. No traces of antibiotics were found in ground waters. On the other hand, erythromycin (monitored as anhydro erythromycin) was detected in 82% of the drinking water samples (n.d-66 ng/L). The developed approach is suitable for both research and monitoring applications. Major metabolites of antibiotics in reclaimed wates were identified and quantified using high resolution benchtop Q-Exactive orbitrap mass spectrometer. A phase I metabolite of erythromycin was tentatively identified in full scan based on accurate mass measurement. Using extracted ion chromatogram (XIC), high resolution data-dependent MS/MS spectra and metabolic profiling software the metabolite was identified as desmethyl anhydro erythromycin with molecular formula C36H63NO12 and m/z 702.4423. The molar concentration of the metabolite to erythromycin was in the order of 13 %. To my knowledge, this is the first known report on this metabolite in reclaimed water. Another compound acetyl-sulfamethoxazole, a phase II metabolite of sulfamethoxazole was also identified in reclaimed water and mole fraction of the metabolite represent 36 %, of the cumulative sulfamethoxazole concentration. The results were illustrating the importance to include metabolites also in the routine analysis to obtain a mass balance for better understanding of the occurrence, fate and distribution of antibiotics in the environment. Finally, all the antibiotics detected in reclaimed and surface waters were investigated to assess the potential risk to the aquatic organisms. The surface water antibiotic concentrations that represented the real time exposure conditions revealed that the macrolide antibiotics, erythromycin, clarithromycin and tylosin along with quinolone antibiotic, ciprofloxacin were suspected to induce high toxicity to aquatic biota. Preliminary results showing that, among the antibiotic groups tested, macrolides posed the highest ecological threat, and therefore, they may need to be further evaluated with, long-term exposure studies considering bioaccumulation factors and more number of species selected. Overall, the occurrence of antibiotics in aquatic environment is posing an ecological health concern.


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Le sujet de cette thèse est la caractérisation dynamique d’une surface générée par plusieurs actionneurs d’un miroir ferrofluidique intégré dans un montage d’optique adaptative. Elle conclut un projet de doctorat au sein du groupe Borra s’étant échelonné sur 4 années. Un bref portrait général de l’optique adaptative est d’abord présenté, suivi d’une section sur la théorie du contrôle. Les types de contrôleurs y sont abordés, soit PID et surcharge. L’effet de la viscosité sur la réponse dynamique du système, ainsi que les analyseurs de front d’onde utilisés sont ensuite expliqués. La section résultats est subdivisée en plusieurs sous-sections ordonnées de façon chronologique. Dans un premier temps, il est question des résultats obtenus dans le cadre d’une caractérisation d’un nouveau miroir de 91 actionneurs fabriqué au sein du groupe. Il est ensuite question des résultats obtenus avec diverses techniques telles le PSD et l’imagerie déclenchée. Il y aura toute une section sur les résultats en vitesse, en fonction de la viscosité du liquide, suivie d’une section sur les simulations réalisées avec Simulink afin de bien cibler les limites du système. Les résultats portant sur la technique de surcharge des actionneurs seront ensuite présentés avec des projections futures. La dernière partie de cette thèse portera sur une innovation apportée par un autre membre du groupe. Nous parlerons de la déposition d’une membrane élastomère réfléchissante et de ses effets sur la dynamique du système.


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For the activated carbon (AC) production, we used the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely polyethyleneterephthalate (PET), alone or blended with other synthetic polymer such polyacrylonitrile (PAN). By mixing PET, with PAN, an improvement in the yield of the AC production was found and the basic character and some textural and chemical properties were enhanced. The PET–PAN mixture was subjected to carbonisation, with a pyrolysis yield of 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. The AC revealed a high surface area (1400, 1230 and 1117 m2 g−1) and pore volume (0.46, 0.56 and 0.50 cm3 g−1), respectively, for PET, PAN and PET–PAN precursors. Selected ACs were successfully tested for 4- chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and diuron removal from the liquid phase, showing a higher adsorption capacity (1.7 and 1.2 mmol g−1, respectively, for MCPA and diuron) and good fits with the Langmuir (PET) and Freundlich equation (PAN and PET–PAN blend). With MCPA, the controlling factor to the adsorption capacity was the porous volume and the average pore size. Concerning diuron, the adsorption was controlled essentially by the external diffusion. A remarkable result is the use of different synthetic polymers wastes, as precursors for the production of carbon materials, with high potential application on the pesticides removals from the liquid phase.


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A method based on Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) measured reflectance at 0.6 and 3.9 µm is used to retrieve the cloud optical thickness (COT) and cloud effective radius (re) over the Iberian Peninsula. A sensitivity analysis of simulated retrievals to the input parameters demonstrates that the cloud top height is an important factor in satellite retrievals of COT and re with uncertainties around 10% for small values of COT and re; for water clouds these uncertainties can be greater than 10% for small values of re. The uncertainties found related with geometries are around 3%. The COT and re are assessed using well-known satellite cloud products, showing that the method used characterize the cloud field with more than 80% (82%) of the absolute differences between COT (re) mean values of all clouds (water plus ice clouds) centred in the range from ±10 (±10 µm), with absolute bias lower than 2 (2 μm) for COT (re) and root mean square error values lower than 10 (8 μm) for COT (re). The cloud water path (CWP), derived from satellite retrievals, and the shortwave cloud radiative effect at the surface (CRESW) are related for high fractional sky covers (Fsc >0.8), showing that water clouds produce more negative CRESW than ice clouds. The COT retrieved was also related to the cloud modification factor, which exhibits reductions and enhancements of the surface SW radiation of the order of 80% and 30%, respectively, for COT values lower than 10. A selected case study shows, using a ground-based sky camera that some situations classified by the satellite with high Fsc values correspond to situations of broken clouds where the enhancements actually occur. For this case study, a closure between the liquid water path (LWP) obtained from the satellite retrievals and the same cloud quantity obtained from ground-based microwave measurements was performed showing a good agreement between both LWP data set values.


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For 40 years, at the University of Bologna, a group of researchers coordinated by professor Claudio Zannoni has been studying liquid crystals by employing computational techniques. They have developed effective models of these interesting, and still far from being completely understood, systems. They were able to reproduce with simulations important features of some liquid crystal molecules, such as transition temperature. Then they focused their attention on the interactions that these molecules have with different kinds of surface, and how these interactions affect the alignment of liquid crystals. The group studied the behaviour of liquid crystals in contact with different kinds of surfaces, from silica, either amorphous and crystalline, to organic self assembled monolayers (SAMs) and even some common polymers, such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS). Anyway, a library of typical surfaces is still far from being complete, and a lot of work must be done to investigate the cases which have not been analyzed yet. A hole that must be filled is represented by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a polymer on which the interest of industry has enormously grown up in the last years, thanks to its peculiar features, allowing it to be employed in many fields of applications. It has been observed experimentally that PDMS causes 4-cyano-4’-pentylbiphenyl (well known as 5CB), one of the most common liquid crystal molecules, to align homeotropically (i.e. perpendicular) with respect to a surface made of this polymer. Even though some hypothesis have been presented to rationalize the effect, a clear explanation of this phenomenon has not been given yet. This dissertation shows the work I did during my internship in the group of professor Zannoni. The challenge that I had to tackle was to investigate, via Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, the reasons of 5CB homeotropic alignment on a PDMS surface, as the group had previously done for other surfaces.