737 resultados para SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS


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Context: Population-based screening has been advocated for subclinical thyroid dysfunction in the elderly because the disorder is perceived to be common, and health benefits may be accrued by detection and treatment. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction and unidentified overt thyroid dysfunction in an elderly population. Design, Setting, and Participants: A cross-sectional survey of a community sample of participants aged 65 yr and older registered with 20 family practices in the United Kingdom. Exclusions: Exclusions included current therapy for thyroid disease, thyroid surgery, or treatment within 12 months. Outcome Measure: Tests of thyroid function (TSH concentration and free T 4 concentration in all, with measurement of free T3 in those with low TSH) were conducted. Explanatory Variables: These included all current medical diagnoses and drug therapies, age, gender, and socioeconomic deprivation (Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2004) Analysis: Standardized prevalence rates were analyzed. Logistic regression modeling was used to determine factors associated with the presence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction Results: A total of 5960 attended for screening. Using biochemical definitions, 94.2% [95% confidence interval (CI) 93.8-94.6%] were euthyroid. Unidentified overt hyper- and hypothyroidism were uncommon (0.3, 0.4%, respectively). Subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism were identified with similar frequency (2.1%, 95% CI 1.8-2.3%; 2.9%, 95% CI 2.6-3.1%, respectively). Subclinical thyroid dysfunction was more common in females (P < 0.001) and with increasing age (P < 0.001). After allowing for comorbidities, concurrent drug therapies, age, and gender, an association between subclinical hyperthyroidism and a composite measure of socioeconomic deprivation remained. Conclusions: Undiagnosed overt thyroid dysfunction is uncommon. The prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction is 5%. We have, for the first time, identified an independent association between the prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction and deprivation that cannot be explained solely by the greater burden of chronic disease and/or consequent drug therapies in the deprived population. Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society.


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Background: Widespread use of automated sensitive assays for thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) has increased identification of mild thyroid dysfunction, especially in elderly patients. The clinical significance of this dysfunction, however, remains uncertain, and associations with cognitive impairment, depression, and anxiety are unconfirmed. Objective: To determine the association between mild thyroid dysfunction and cognition, depression, and anxiety in elderly persons. Design: Cross-sectional study. Associations were explored through mixed-model analyses. Setting: Primary care practices in central England. Patients: 5865 patients 65 years of age or older with no known thyroid disease who were recruited from primary care registers. Measurements: Serum TSH and free thyroxine (T4) were measured. Depression and anxiety were assessed by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and cognitive functioning was established by using the Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State and the Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination. Comorbid conditions, medication use, and sociodemographic profiles were recorded. Results: 295 patients met the criteria for subclinical thyroid dysfunction (127 were hyperthyroid, and 168 were hypothyroid). After confounding variables were controlled for, statistically significant associations were seen between anxiety (HADS score) and TSH level (P = 0.013) and between cognition and both TSH and free T4 levels. The magnitude of these associations lacked clinical relevance: A 50-mIU/L increase in the TSH level was associated with a 1-point reduction in the HADS anxiety score, and a 1-point increase in the Mini-Mental State Examination score was associated with an increase of 50 mIU/L in the TSH level or 25 pmol/L in the free T4 level. Limitations: Because of the low participation rate, low prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction, and other unidentified recruitment biases, participants may not be representative of the elderly population. Conclusions: After the confounding effects of comorbid conditions and use of medication were controlled for, subclinical thyroid dysfunction was not associated with depression, anxiety, or cognition. © 2006 American College of Physicians.


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Context: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and cognitive dysfunction are both common in the elderly and have been linked. It is important to determine whether T4 replacement therapy in SCH confers cognitive benefit. Objective: Our objective was to determine whether administration of T4 replacement to achieve biochemical euthyroidism in subjects with SCH improves cognitive function. Design and Setting: We conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial in the context of United Kingdom primary care. Patients: Ninety-four subjects aged 65 yr and over (57 females, 37 males) with SCH were recruited from a population of 147 identified by screening. Intervention: T4 or placebo was given at an initial dosage of one tablet of either placebo or 25 µg T4 per day for 12 months. Thyroid function tests were performed at 8-weekly intervals with dosage adjusted in one-tablet increments to achieve TSH within the reference range for subjects in treatment arm. Fifty-two subjects received T4 (31 females, 21 males; mean age 73.5 yr, range 65–94 yr); 42 subjects received placebo (26 females, 16 males; mean age 74.2 yr, 66–84 yr). Main Outcome Measures: Mini-Mental State Examination, Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State (covering orientation, learning, memory, numeracy, perception, attention, and language skills), and Trail-Making A and B were administered. Results: Eighty-two percent and 84% in the T4 group achieved euthyroidism at 6- and 12-month intervals, respectively. Cognitive function scores at baseline and 6 and 12 months were as follows: Mini-Mental State Examination T4 group, 28.26, 28.9, and 28.28, and placebo group, 28.17, 27.82, and 28.25 [not significant (NS)]; Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State T4 group, 11.72, 11.67, and 11.78, and placebo group, 11.21, 11.47, and 11.44 (NS); Trail-Making A T4 group, 45.72, 47.65, and 44.52, and placebo group, 50.29, 49.00, and 46.97 (NS); and Trail-Making B T4 group, 110.57, 106.61, and 96.67, and placebo group, 131.46, 119.13, and 108.38 (NS). Linear mixed-model analysis demonstrated no significant changes in any of the measures of cognitive function over time and no between-group difference in cognitive scores at 6 and 12 months. Conclusions: This RCT provides no evidence for treating elderly subjects with SCH with T4 replacement therapy to improve cognitive function.


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Background - Inhibition of return (IOR) is thought to reflect inhibition of previously attended but irrelevant stimuli. Deficient IOR would increase the likelihood of revisiting previously searched locations or objects, thus leading to unproductive perseverations. Method - Therefore, using a novel IOR task, we investigated whether high scoring checkers attentional biases to threat would result in dysfunctional inhibitory functioning compared to low checkers. In two tasks, we compared 53 subclinical high and 49 low checkers regarding IOR effects for stimuli that were concordant with the concerns of high but not of low checkers (electrical kitchen appliances: e.g., toaster, kettle). The difference between the two tasks was the cueing procedure. In one task, an appliance was switched “ON” and “OFF” as an unpredictive cue, drawing attention to the functionality of the stimulus. Results - In this task, IOR was specifically attenuated in high checkers. In the other task, however, the cue was more abstract in form of a yellow outline that appeared around one of two appliances. Although the appliance was either “ON” or “OFF,” this did not seem to matter and high checkers revealed a typical IOR pattern similar to low checkers. Conclusions - We conclude that IOR mechanisms might not be generally deficient in high checkers; rather only when attention is drawn to the threatening aspects of ecologically valid stimuli, then disengagement of attention is deficient in high checkers. We make suggestions on how our task-specific findings may inform cognitive interventions that target attentional control in the treatment of checking/obsessive–compulsive disorder.


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We previously showed that working memory (WM) performance of subclinical checkers can be affected if they are presented with irrelevant but misleading information during the retention period (Harkin and Kessler, 2009, 2011). The present study differed from our previous research in the three crucial aspects. Firstly, we employed ecologically valid stimuli in form of electrical kitchen appliances on a kitchen countertop in order to address previous criticism of our research with letters in locations as these may not have tapped into the primary concerns of checkers. Secondly, we tested whether these ecological stimuli would allow us to employ a simpler (un-blocked) design while obtaining similarly robust results. Thirdly, in Experiment 2 we improved the measure of confidence as a metacognitive variable by using a quantitative scale (0–100), which indeed revealed more robust effects that were quantitatively related to accuracy of performance. The task in the present study was to memorize four appliances, including their states (on/off), and their locations on the kitchen countertop. Memory accuracy was tested for the states of appliances in Experiment 1, and for their locations in Experiment 2. Intermediate probes were identical in both experiments and were administered during retention on 66.7% of the trials with 50% resolvable and 50% irresolvable/misleading probes. Experiment 1 revealed the efficacy of the employed stimuli by revealing a general impairment of high- compared to low checkers, which confirmed the ecological validity of our stimuli. In Experiment 2 we observed the expected, more differentiated pattern: High checkers were not generally affected in their WM performance (i.e., no general capacity issue); instead they showed a particular impairment in the misleading distractor-probe condition. Also, high checkers’ confidence ratings were indicative of a general impairment in metacognitive functioning. We discuss how specific executive dysfunction and general metacognitive impairment may affect memory traces in the short- and in the long-term.


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Background A subgroup has emerged within the obese that do not display the typical metabolic disorders associated with obesity and are hypothesized to have lower risk of complications. The purpose of this review was to analyze the literature which has examined the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause mortality in the metabolically healthy obese (MHO) population. Methods Pubmed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science were searched from their inception until December 2012. Studies were included which clearly defined the MHO group (using either insulin sensitivity and/or components of metabolic syndrome AND obesity) and its association with either all cause mortality, CVD mortality, incident CVD, and/or subclinical CVD. Results A total of 20 studies were identified; 15 cohort and 5 cross-sectional. Eight studies used the NCEP Adult Treatment Panel III definition of metabolic syndrome to define “metabolically healthy”, while another nine used insulin resistance. Seven studies assessed all-cause mortality, seven assessed CVD mortality, and nine assessed incident CVD. MHO was found to be significantly associated with all-cause mortality in two studies (30%), CVD mortality in one study (14%), and incident CVD in three studies (33%). Of the six studies which examined subclinical disease, four (67%) showed significantly higher mean common carotid artery intima media thickness (CCA-IMT), coronary artery calcium (CAC), or other subclinical CVD markers in the MHO as compared to their MHNW counterparts. Conclusions MHO is an important, emerging phenotype with a CVD risk between healthy, normal weight and unhealthy, obese individuals. Successful work towards a universally accepted definition of MHO would improve (and simplify) future studies and aid inter-study comparisons. Usefulness of a definition inclusive of insulin sensitivity and stricter criteria for metabolic syndrome components as well as the potential addition of markers of fatty liver and inflammation should be explored. Clinicians should be hesitant to reassure patients that the metabolically benign phenotype is safe, as increased risk cardiovascular disease and death have been shown.


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La mastitis infecciosa es una patología común durante la lactancia y constituye una de las primeras causas de destete precoz. Por tanto, debería ser considerada un problema de Salud Pública relevante, ya que priva a la pareja madre-hijo de los incuestionables beneficios que la lactancia proporciona. No obstante, la mastitis humana ha sido hasta la fecha una enfermedad subestimada e infradiagnosticada, ya que habitualmente sólo se consideran mastitis los casos agudos que cursan con una sintomatología evidente y su diagnóstico microbiológico no se realiza de forma rutinaria. La etiopatogenia de la mastitis se ha relacionado con un proceso de disbiosis en la glándula mamaria, que da lugar al sobrecrecimiento de ciertas especies presentes en la leche humana. Sin embargo, la ausencia de un diagnóstico microbiológico rutinario de la leche humana hace que los estudios microbiológicos sobre esta patología sean muy escasos y que se desconozca el papel que juegan muchos agentes etiológicos. En este trabajo, el análisis microbiológico de 1.849 muestras de leche materna procedentes de mujeres con mastitis ha revelado que el género Staphylococcus constituye el primer grupo microbiano implicado en esta patología, siendo Staphylococcus epidermidis la especie aislada con mayor frecuencia (91,56% de las muestras). La especie Staphylococcus aureus se detectó en el 29,74% de los casos. Los géneros Streptocococcus y Corynebacterium constituyeron, respectivamente, el segundo (70,20%) y tercer (16,60%) grupo microbiano con mayor prevalencia en este estudio. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que los estafilococos coagulasa-negativos, los estreptococos del grupo viridans y las corinebacterias, habitualmente considerados microorganismos comensales y subestimados como causa de mastitis humanas, tienen un papel relevante como agentes etiológicos de esta patología. Este hecho avala que el análisis microbiológico de la leche, identificando los agentes causales a nivel de especie, es el único medio posible para obtener un diagnóstico etiológico preciso y establecer un tratamiento eficaz para la mastitis...


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La mastitis es una enfermedad que causa daño en el tejido parenquimatoso y estructural de la glándula mamaria bovina. Los tratamientos usados actualmente tienen muchos problemas colaterales (resistencia de antibióticos, eliminación de antibióticos en la leche, etc) que podrían complicar posteriores infecciones ya que generalmente no existe una buena respuesta terapéutica por agentes antibacterianos. En la presente investigación se ha utilizado la ozonoterapia como método alternativo para el tratamiento de la mastitis, por tener propiedades bactericidas, fungicidas, viricida, mejorar la micro-circulación sanguínea y optimizar el funcionamiento del sistema inmunológico. El objetivo general de la investigación fue buscar una alternativa para el control de la mastitis con ozonoterapia ya que, con los problemas ambientales y mal uso de los antibióticos, las bacterias causales han adquirido resistencia, consecuentemente animales altamente productivos mueren y problemas de salud pública por la calidad sanitaria y bioquímica de la leche se vuelven constantes, afectando la agroindustria en la calidad de sus derivados. Para la investigación, se aplicó ozonoterapia a través de la administración de solución salina ozonificada y solución gaseosa, se la comparó frente a un tratamiento tradicional (Ceftiofur), y se realizó una evaluación económica y sanitaria en la que se comprobó que la ozonoterapia tiene ventajas en ambos aspectos respecto al tratamiento alopático utilizado. Los resultados dejaron conocer que al ganado que se aplicó gas ozono sanaron un 76.7%, que a aquellas que se les aplicó suero ozonificado fueron curadas un 33.3% y a los que se aplicó Ceftiofur sanaron un 83%.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la utilización de la solución hipertónica (agua de mar) en el tratamiento de la mastitis bovina en la finca “Las Cañas” del Municipio de la Trinidad, departamento de Estelí, ubica a una latitud norte de 14° 30.71", longitud oeste de 58° 51.79" a 517 msnm, temperatura media anual de 25°C, clima tropical seco con poca precipitación pluvial . Se trabajó con 18 hembras bovina con dos y tres meses de lactación, positivas a mastitis sub - clínicas, mediante la pru eba de Mastitis California Test (MCT) . Los tratamientos evaluados fueron Tratamiento 1 A gua de mar 10 ml; T ratamiento dos 2 químico Cloxacilina - Ampicilina ( Masticen Pomada ® ) 10 ml . Durante tod o el muestreo el cuarto más afectado fue el cuarto anterior izquierdo (CAI) con (35.25%). Según el examen bacteriológico realizado a las muestras enviadas al laborator io, los microorganismos identificados de la mastitis en la finca, fueron: Streptococcus spp, Staphilococcus aureus , y Pseudomonas spp, E . coli ). Los dos tratamientos presentaron buenos resultados en el control de la mastitis bovina, donde el tratamiento TI (agua de mar 10ml) alcanzó s u mayor efecto a la quinta semana con un (34.3%) con respecto a mastitis subclínica y con un (11.4%) Con respecto a mastitis clínica - crónica y el Tratamiento TII (Masticen Pomada 10ml) alcanzó su mayor ef ecto a la quinta semana con un (33.3%) con respecto a mastitis sub clínica y con un (8.3%) con respec to a mastitis clínica - crónica


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Background: It is believed that the glycemic index (GI) may be used as a strategy to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases (NCD). Obesity is a multifactorial condition, a risk factor for development of other NCDs. Among the different types, abdominal obesity is highlighted, which is essential for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, and it is related to insulin resistance, dyslipi-demia, hypertension and changes in levels of inflammatory markers. Such indicators are closely related to the development of Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Objectives: Discuss the role of GI as a strategy for the prevention and/or treatment of visceral obesity, subclinical inflammation and chronic diseases. Results and discussion: The intake of low GI diets is associated with glycemic decreases, and lower and more consistent postprandial insulin release, avoiding the occurrence of hypoglycemia. Moreover, consumption of a low GI diet has been indicated as beneficial for reducing body weight, total body fat and visceral fat, levels of proinflammatory markers and the occurrence of dyslipidemia and hypertension. The intake of low GI foods should be encouraged in order to prevent and control non-communicable diseases.


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi estimar as correlações entre o California Mastitis Test (CMT), a contagem células somáticas (CCS) e a produção de leite. Foram colhidas 544 amostras de leite de 38 búfalas em lactação nos anos de 2002 e 2003. O manejo de ordenha consistiu em uma ordenha diária, em que os tetos das búfalas eram desinfectados com solução de iodo, secos individualmente com papel toalha e submetidas à ordenha mecânica. O CMT foi realizado imediatamente após higienização dos tetos e as amostras de leite foram enviadas ao laboratório do DHVSP da Unesp/Botucatu, para realização da Contagem de Células Somáticas, em aparelho eletrônico Somacount 300. Foram efetuadas correlações entre Contagem de Células Somáticas, CMT, produção de leite, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais, que foram analisadas pelo SAEG (1997). A média de células somáticas foi de 63.380 células/mL, a produção diária de leite, de 4,07 ± 1,3 kg e a produção ajustada para os 270 dias, de 1214,25 ± 293,54 kg. Não foram encontradas correlações entre produção de leite, contagem de células somáticas e CMT. Para CCS e CMT, a correlação foi positiva e significativa (r = 0,53).


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Staphylococcus aureus are among the most common species isolated from bovine mastitis. The pathogenesis of this bacterium is facilitated by a number of virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to abiotic surfaces and/or host tissues often leading to biofilms' formation. From the clinical perspective, the most important feature of Staphytococcus species' biofilms is their high tolerance to the conventional antimicrobial therapy. So, the increasing number of bovine mastitis and the higher levels of Staphylococcus species resistance to traditional antimicrobial agents are considered an important alert for the necessity to focus the future research on identification and development of new strategies to combat S. aureus mastitis. RecenUy, the interest in natural alternatives based on plant extracts has been rising. In add~ion to their health benefits, their antimicrobial potential has been increasingly reported. Taking this into consideration, the evaluation of hydromethanolic extracts of E. globulus against S. aureus biofilms was tested and compared with penicillin, one of the antibiotics most often used in the treatment of cattle infections. All mastitis' isolates tested were good-biofilm producers. As expected penicillin has demonstrated poor activity against S. aureus biofilms (<1 log reduction). However, E. globulus Labill was bactericidal, promoting a biofilm cell reduction of 2-3 log. Therefore, the present work showed the potential antimicrobial activity of E. g/obulus against S. aureus from bovine mastitis, namely in biofilm mode of growth and drew attention to its promising use as an alternative to penicillin.


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El periodo de posparto en vacas lecheras es crítico, caracterizado por presencia de estrés, baja el consumo de alimento y además, los mecanismos de defensa se encuentran comprometidos. El Se es un micronutriente esencial siendo este elemento necesario para el mantenimiento de la salud y reproducción y bajos ciertas condiciones, la suplementación de Se es una práctica habitual en ganado lechero 3 semanas antes del parto. La actividad de Se, expresada a nivel fisiológico con la actividad de Glutation peroxidasa, depende de la fuente de Se (i.e. fuentes orgánicas vs inorgánicas). Sin embargo, no existen datos de comparación directa entre fuentes de Se fácilmente disponibles, en su efecto sobre la producción de vacas durante el periodo fresco (i.e. 3 semanas después del parto). Por ende, el objetivo de este experimento fue evaluar el efecto de la fuente de Se en parámetros productivos, componentes de la leche e incidencia de mastitis en vacas lecheras multíparas en el periodo fresco de la lactancia en condiciones de pastoreo.


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Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014