966 resultados para Rural development -- Catalonia -- Folgueroles
Las formas de inserción 'modernizante' de la agricultura científica aliada al agribusiness global eran un tema discutido en ámbitos acotados hasta que, a principios de 2008, se suscitó la discusión pública y mediática sobre los derechos de exportación de cereales y oleaginosas. Frente a este panorama, el presente artículo pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas que se sustenten en una adecuada comprensión de la dinámica de acumulación presente en el sector agrario nacional. Pues, sin una apreciación del conjunto de actores involucrados en el agro, es imposible avanzar en la construcción de escenarios a futuro. el documento que se presenta tiene como objetivos particulares: I) discutir el heterogéneo perfil que asume contemporáneamente la estructura productiva y social del agro argentino; y II) describir lineamientos estratégicos de políticas de tierra, de crédito, fiscal, de precios, ambiental y tecnológica que deberían considerarse en las políticas públicas
En este artículo se interroga la noción de elite en tanto herramienta conceptual para analizar las relaciones de poder tal como éstas se construyen en el mundo agrorural contemporáneo argentino. Con este objetivo estudiamos un grupo específico, los empresarios innovadores inscriptos en el modelo agribusiness, congregados en torno de la Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa (AAPRESID). A través del material etnográfico generado en el marco de un trabajo de campo antropológico (2003-2007), se analizará el modo en que movilizan la identidad de elite como factor de legitimación de la posición material y simbólica ocupada en el escenario rural
Fil: Ringuelet, Roberto Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina.
En los últimos años, el turismo rural comunitario se ha presentado como un instrumento adecuado para aumentar la renta de la población campesina y diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Pero se trata de una actividad económica que no está exenta de riesgos. A partir de un caso específico (la isla peruana de Amantaní, en el Lago Titicaca) el artículo estudia uno de ellos: el impacto del turismo en la cohesión socioeconómica comunitaria
En este artículo se ponen en relación los resultados del estudio sobre los incentivos materiales del accionar cooperativo con las tendencias de la economía agraria y familiar, en Córdoba, desde la década de 1940 a 1960.Los nuevos mecanismos de comercialización colectiva, en donde participaba la entidad de segundo grado FACA (Federación Argentina de Cooperativas Argentinas) y a la cual estaban asociadas las cooperativas primarias adheridas a la Federación Agraria Argentina y, el Estado - a través del Instituto Argentino de Promoción al Intercambio- aumentaban el poder de negociación de los productores rurales. Por otro lado, las políticas crediticias provinciales fueron -ya desde el inicio del período considerado- favorables al sector agrario y cooperativo. Ambos factores -planteamos- actuaron como incentivos materiales al fortalecimiento de la economía familiar. Para analizar la economía agraria de los productores familiares trabajamos con datos censales a nivel micro-regional (departamento Tercero Arriba) y contextualizamos este estudio con resultados de otras investigaciones sobre las regiones pampeanas cordobesa y nacional. Trabajamos también las prácticas cooperativas con memorias, balances y actas de las entidades de la micro-región y, realizamos una primera aproximación a las políticas crediticias provinciales a las cooperativas, a través de fuentes producidas y existentes en el Banco Provincia de Córdoba.
During the past two decades in Thailand, non-governmental actors, such as NGOs, intellectuals, and people's organizations, have found widening opportunities to participate in policy formation and in the implementation of local development. The government has facilitated the formation of civil society forums, in the expectation of influencing local-level governance. The last two national five-year development plans were formulated after taking into account the voices of people in the provinces. Even though they may seem petty, some state funds are now transmitted through non-governmental institutions for policy implementation at the grassroots level. These changes have their origin in a reformation of rural development administration in early 1980s. This reformation in due course led to policies that have allowed the participation of non-governmental actors. Meanwhile, rural people have proved their ability to engage in participatory development by forming various local organizations, while NGOs have grown to be proficient facilitators of local development. This paper describes the process whereby three leading actors, namely the government, local people, and the NGOs, have interacted to bring about a more participatory system of local development administration.
The Saemaul Undong of the Republic of Korea has been world-widely recognized as a successful model of rural community development. The Saemaul Undong was a pure Korean way of community development program which was initiated by the political will of the top national leadership in order to escape from poverty. There are several key factors to the success of the Saemaul Undong. First, the national government's guidance and support for the movement played a very important role in the whole period of the movement. Second, there was a wide range of people's participation in the implementation process. Third, the Saemaul Undong could make a big success by nurturing community leadership which was selected by rural residents themselves. Finally, as a movement for the spiritual reform, the Saemaul Undong imbued the people with the spirits of diligence, the self-reliance, and cooperation.
The following paper is based on the author's two-year research and fieldwork in Iran and examines the process of political and social changes since the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the subsequent impact of the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88. This paper focuses on the transition of traditional, small villages into rusta-shahr or small rural cities and the first and second nation-wide elections of shoura or councils which were the first steps toward self-government. The author is guardedly optimistic regarding this democratic process but warns of possible future social unrest if changes are not more "balanced" between cities and rural areas and if the employment needs of the burgeoning younger generation are not met, political and social consequences may be catastrophic.
This paper explores the possibilities of two unique Japanese concepts - the One Village One Product Movement (OVOP) and Michino Eki (or Roadside Stations) - as potential tools for bridging the gap between cities and rural areas through community-driven development. From the viewpoint of spatial economics and endogenous growth theory, this paper considers both OVOP and Michino Eki as rural development strategies of a broader nature based on "brand agriculture." Here, brand agriculture represents a general strategy for community-based rural development that identifies, cultivates and fully utilizes local resources for the development of products or services unique to a certain "village." Selected examples of OVOP and Michino Eki from Japan and developing countries are introduced.
The lack of public-mindedness can cause problems in the social order of people’s daily lives, such as the tragedy of the commons and the problem of free riders. Some scholars such as Habermas assert that communicative rationality is the solution, expecting that individuals will communicate with each other to reach a consensus without being bounded by aspects of social background. Other scholars advocate the revitalization of traditional community culture. These arguments, however, are not based on reality. By using the case of communal land formation in rural Thailand, the author shows that collective action is neither a revival of tradition nor a result of communication free from social constraints. Rather, cooperation emerges because the people rationally respond to their present needs and have built, through daily social interactions, taken-for-granted knowledge about how they should behave for cooperation.
This paper examines the livelihoods of smallholder households in Malawi based on information derived from six villages in various parts of the country. Through detailed analysis of own-farm production and off-farm economic activities, the study explores similarities, diversities, and disparities in rural livelihoods. Liberalization policies and the high risk of crop failure have produced large disparities between those who achieve high income from own-farm production and those who do not. Off-farm income can help to reduce the risk of own-farm production, but is also a source of income disparity and provides little opportunity for upward economic mobility to escape poverty.
This study describes the dynamic processes of electrification. Some electrified villages have experienced de-electrification, mainly due to technical issues. Some villages were re-electrified through various efforts. Our econometric exercise indicates that small villages in remote locations tend to not be prioritized in the electrification process. It also finds that the cumulative number of ever-electrified villages is higher among villages having a higher ratio of socially advanced classes. However, some of these experienced de-electrification, rendering ambiguous the impact of village social characteristics on electrification.
We offer micro-econometric evidence for a positive impact of rural electrification on the nutritional status of children under five as measured by height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) in rural Bangladesh. In most estimates, access to electricity is found to improve HAZ by more than 0.15 points and this positive impact comes from increased wealth and reduced fertility, even though the evidence for the latter is weak. We also analyze the causal channels through the local health facility and exposure to television. We find no evidence for the presence of the former channel and mixed evidence for the latter.
The acquisition of technical, contextual and behavioral competences is a prerequisite for sustainable development and strengthening of rural communities. Territorial display of the status of these skills helps to design the necessary learning, so its inclusion in planning processes is useful for decision making. The article discusses the application of visual representation of competences in a rural development project with Aymara women communities in Peru. The results show an improvement of transparency and dialogue, resulting in a more successful project management and strengthening of social organization.