956 resultados para Romantic Threat
The aim of this study was to further our understanding of the factors that influence the experience of jealousy in romantic relationships. More specifically, the person variables of neuroticism, gender, and attachment style were examined, together with situational determinants such as past infidelity. The research also assessed the interaction between person and situadonal determinants of jealousy, and the relative importance of the various predictors. Questionnaires were completed by 102 undergraduate psychology students and an addidonal five participants from the researcher's social network. Consistent with past research, there was a positive association between neurodcism and chronic, emodonal, and behavioural jealousy. Furthermore, there was a posidve associadon between anxious attachment and jealousy, even when neurodcism was controlled. Past experience of infidelity and attachment dimensions had interacdve effects on jealousy. Interesdngly, the reladve importance of the predictors varied across the dimensions of jealousy. The results extend research in the area of person and situadonal determinants of jealousy, and are discussed in terms of attachment theory.
Various neuroimaging investigations have revealed that perception of emotional pictures is associated with greater visual cortex activity than their neutral counterparts. It has further been proposed that threat-related information is rapidly processed, suggesting that the modulation of visual cortex activity should occur at an early stage. Additional studies have demonstrated that oscillatory activity in the gamma band range (40-100 Hz) is associated with threat processing. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to investigate such activity during perception of task-irrelevant, threat-related versus neutral facial expressions. Our results demonstrated a bilateral reduction in gamma band activity for expressions of threat, specifically anger, compared with neutral faces in extrastriate visual cortex (BA 18) within 50-250 ms of stimulus onset. These results suggest that gamma activity in visual cortex may play a role in affective modulation of visual processing, in particular with the perception of threat cues.
Neurocognitive models propose a specialized neural system for processing threat-related information, in which the amygdala plays a key role in the analysis of threat cues. fMRI research indicates that the amygdala is sensitive to coarse visual threat relevant information—for example, low spatial frequency (LSF) fearful faces. However, fMRI cannot determine the temporal or spectral characteristics of neural responses. Consequently, we used magnetoencephalography to explore spatiotemporal patterns of activity in the amygdala and cortical regions with blurry (LSF) and normal angry, fearful, and neutral faces. Results demonstrated differences in amygdala activity between LSF threat-related and LSF neutral faces (50-250 msec after face onset). These differences were evident in the theta range (4-8 Hz) and were accompanied by power changes within visual and frontal regions. Our results support the view that the amygdala is involved in the early processing of coarse threat related information and that theta is important in integrating activity within emotion-processing networks.