868 resultados para Rock salt
Turtle Mountain in Alberta, Canada has become an important field laboratory for testing different techniques related to the characterization and monitoring of large slope mass movements as the stability of large portions of the eastern face of the mountain is still questionable. In order to better quantify the volumes potentially unstable and the most probable failure mechanisms and potential consequences, structural analysis and runout modeling were preformed. The structural features of the eastern face were investigated using a high resolution digital elevation model (HRDEM). According to displacement datasets and structural observations, potential failure mechanisms affecting different portions of the mountain have been assessed. The volumes of the different potentially unstable blocks have been calculated using the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL) method. Based on the volume estimation, two and three dimensional dynamic runout analyses have been performed. Calibration of this analysis is based on the experience from the adjacent Frank Slide and other similar rock avalanches. The results will be used to improve the contingency plans within the hazard area.
Species richness and geographical phenotypic variation in East African lacustrine cichlids are often correlated with ecological specializations and limited dispersal. This study compares mitochondrial and microsatellite genetic diversity and structure among three sympatric rock-dwelling cichlids of Lake Tanganyika, Eretmodus cyanostictus, Tropheus moorii, and Ophthalmotilapia ventralis. The species represent three endemic, phylogenetically distinct tribes (Eretmodini, Tropheini, and Ectodini), and display divergent ecomorphological and behavioral specialization. Sample locations span both continuous, rocky shoreline and a potential dispersal barrier in the form of a muddy bay. High genetic diversity and population differentiation were detected in T. moorii and E. cyanostictus, whereas much lower variation and structure were found in O. ventralis. In particular, while a 7-km-wide muddy bay curtails dispersal in all three species to a similar extent, gene flow along mostly continuous habitat appeared to be controlled by distance in E. cyanostictus, further restricted by site philopatry and/or minor habitat discontinuities in T. moorii, and unrestrained in O. ventralis. In contrast to the general pattern of high gene flow along continuous shorelines in rock-dwelling cichlids of Lake Malawi, our study identifies differences in population structure among stenotopic Lake Tanganyika species. The amount of genetic differentiation among populations was not related to the degree of geographical variation of body color, especially since more phenotypic variation is observed in O. ventralis than in the genetically highly structured E. cyanostictus.
Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) plays a major role in several biological processes. It is therefore of fundamental interest to understand how the elastic response and the formation of secondary structures are modulated by the interplay between base pairing and electrostatic interactions. Here we measure force-extension curves (FECs) of ssDNA molecules in optical tweezers set up over two orders of magnitude of monovalent and divalent salt conditions, and obtain its elastic parameters by fitting the FECs to semiflexible models of polymers. For both monovalent and divalent salts, we find that the electrostatic contribution to the persistence length is proportional to the Debye screening length, varying as the inverse of the square root of cation concentration. The intrinsic persistence length is equal to 0.7 nm for both types of salts, and the effectivity of divalent cations in screening electrostatic interactions appears to be 100-fold as compared with monovalent salt, in line with what has been recently reported for single-stranded RNA. Finally, we propose an analysis of the FECs using a model that accounts for the effective thickness of the filament at low salt condition and a simple phenomenological description that quantifies the formation of non-specific secondary structure at low forces.
The Iowa DOT has been using rapid freezing in air and thawing in water to evaluate coarse aggregate durability in concrete since 1962. Earlier research had shown that the aggregate pore system was a major factor in susceptibility to D-cracking rapid deterioration. There are cases were service records show rapid deterioration of concrete containing certain aggregates on heavily salted primary roads and relatively good performance with the same aggregate in secondary pavements with limited use of deicing salt. A five-cycle salt treatment of the coarse aggregate prior to durability testing has yielded durability factors that correlate with aggregate service records on heavily salted primary pavements. X-ray fluorescence analyses have shown that sulfur contents correlate well with aggregate durabilities with higher sulfur contents producing poor durability. Trial additives that affect the salt treatment durabilities would indicate that one factor in the rapid deterioration mechanism is an adverse chemical reaction. The objective· of the current research is to develop a simple method of determining aggregate susceptibility to salt related deterioration. This method of evaluation includes analyses of both the pore system and chemical composition.
This case study deals with a rock face monitoring in urban areas using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The pilot study area is an almost vertical, fifty meter high cliff, on top of which the village of Castellfollit de la Roca is located. Rockfall activity is currently causing a retreat of the rock face, which may endanger the houses located at its edge. TLS datasets consist of high density 3-D point clouds acquired from five stations, nine times in a time span of 22 months (from March 2006 to January 2008). The change detection, i.e. rockfalls, was performed through a sequential comparison of datasets. Two types of mass movement were detected in the monitoring period: (a) detachment of single basaltic columns, with magnitudes below 1.5 m3 and (b) detachment of groups of columns, with magnitudes of 1.5 to 150 m3. Furthermore, the historical record revealed (c) the occurrence of slab failures with magnitudes higher than 150 m3. Displacements of a likely slab failure were measured, suggesting an apparent stationary stage. Even failures are clearly episodic, our results, together with the study of the historical record, enabled us to estimate a mean detachment of material from 46 to 91.5 m3 year¿1. The application of TLS considerably improved our understanding of rockfall phenomena in the study area.
The objective of this work was to determine if KCl could be a useful nutrient primer for safe seed germination in maize crop under salt stress conditions. Seed priming was done using 50 mmol L‑1 of muriate of potash, and germination and seedling growth were evaluated after salt stress with NaCl up to 50 mmol L‑1. Another set of seeds was tested under the same salt stress conditions without priming. Under salinity stress, germination percentage, germination rate index, germination coefficient, and seedling vigor indexes were higher in primed seeds. In unprimed seeds, mean germination time increased, while the germination rate index and the fresh and dry matter mass decreased more sharply with salinity stress. The Na/K ratio was higher in unprimed seeds.
The U-Pb ages and the trace element content of zircon U-Pb along with major and trace element whole rock data on gabbroic dikes from the Lanzo lherzolitic massif, N-Italy, have been determined to constrain crustal accretion in ocean-continent transition zones. Three Fe-Ti gabbros were dated from the central and the southern part of the massif providing middle Jurassic ages of 161 +/- 2, 158 +/- 2 and 163 +/- 1 Ma, which argue for magmatic activity over few millions of years. Zircon crystals are characterized by high but variable Th/U ratios, rare earth element patterns enriched in heavy rare earths, pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu-anomalies consistent with crystallization after substantial plagioclase fractionation. The zircon trace element composition coupled with whole rock chemistry was used to reconstruct the crystallization history of the gabbros. A number of gabbros crystallized in situ, and zircon precipitated from trapped, intercumulus liquid, while other gabbros represent residual liquids that were extracted from a cumulus pile and crystallized along syn-magmatic shear zones. We propose a model in which the emplacement mechanism of gabbroic rocks in ocean-continent transition zones evolves from in situ crystallization to stratified crystallization with efficient extraction of residual liquid along syn-magmatic shear zones. Such an evolution of the crystallization history is probably related to the thermal evolution of the underlying mantle lithosphere.
Comprend : L'oncle vengé : [comédie en 3 actes] (Moscou, 1854) - Le doute et la croyance : [drame en 1 acte en vers] (Odéon, 19 août 1848) - Le capitaine Rock, ou L'Irlande en 1798 : [étude dramatique en 5 actes en vers avec 1 prologue]
The objective of this work was to assess the regulatory effects of auxin-priming on gas exchange and hormonal homeostasis in spring wheat subjected to saline conditions. Seeds of MH-97 (salt-intolerant) and Inqlab-91 (salt-tolerant) cultivars were subjected to 11 priming treatments (three hormones x three concentrations + two controls) and evaluated under saline (15 dS m-1) and nonsaline (2.84 dS m-1) conditions. The priming treatments consisted of: 5.71, 8.56, and 11.42 × 10-4 mol L-1 indoleacetic acid; 4.92, 7.38, and 9.84 × 10-4 mol L-1 indolebutyric acid; 4.89, 7.34, and 9.79 × 10-4 mol L-1 tryptophan; and a control with hydroprimed seeds. A negative control with nonprimed seeds was also evaluated. All priming agents diminished the effects of salinity on endogenous abscisic acid concentration in the salt-intolerant cultivar. Grain yield was positively correlated with net CO2 assimilation rate and endogenous indoleacetic acid concentration, and it was negatively correlated with abscisic acid and free polyamine concentrations. In general, the priming treatment with tryptophan at 4.89 × 10-4 mol L-1 was the most effective in minimizing yield losses and reductions in net CO2 assimilation rate, under salt stress conditions. Hormonal homeostasis increases net CO2 assimilation rate and confers tolerance to salinity on spring wheat.
Työssä tutkittiin moniarvoisten metalliformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihto-menetelmällä. Kirjallisuustutkimus käsitteleetunnettuja alumiiniformiaatin ja rautaformiaatin valmistusmenetelmiä, kationinvaihtohartsien ominaisuuksia, ioninvaihtohartsien selektiivisyyttä ja alumiinin, raudan, magnesiumin ja sinkin vesikemiaa. Laboratoriokokeiden avulla tutkittiin sinkki-, magnesium-, rauta(II)- ja alumiiniformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihdolla. Kokeet suoritettiin kolonnissa, joka oli pakattu makrohuokoisella tai geelimäisellä vahvalla kationin-vaihtohartsilla. Hartsi vaihdettiin natriummuodosta metallimuotoon metallikloridi- tai metallisulfaattiliuoksella.Metalli eluoitiin hartsista natriumformiaatilla. Formiaattien valmistus onnistui makrohuokoista vahvaa kationinvaihtohartsia käyttämällä. Rauta(II)formiaatin valmistus oli vaikeampaa kuin muiden formiaattien, koska rauta(II) hapettui osittain rauta(III):ksi valmistuksen aikana. Alumiiniformiaattia valmistettiin käyttäen sekä makrohuokoista että geelimäistä hartsia. Makrohuokoisen hartsin havaittiin soveltuvan geelimäistä hartsia paremmin alumiiniformiaatin valmistukseen. Kungeelimäistä hartsia käytettiin, noin 30 % alumiinista jäi kiinni hartsiin eikä siten eluoitunut. Ioninvaihdon selektiivisyyskertoimien saamiseksi suoritettiin tasapainokokeita. Selektiivisyyskertoimia käytettiin ioninvaihtokolonnin dynaamisessa simuloinnissa. Ioninvaihdon simuloiminen dynaamisella kolonnimallilla onnistui hyvin.