925 resultados para Right of succession


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Els canvis socials, i, en particular, les noves formes d¿organització familiar, han dut a una modificació del Dret de successions a Alemanya, especialment, pel que fa la regulació de la llegítima. La reforma segueix les pautes marcades en la Sentencia del BVerfG de 19 d'abril de 2005, que considera que la llegítima dels descendents és un dret constitucionalment protegit i, per tant, per regla general el testador no la pot excloure, ni fer-la dependre de la situació de necessitat del legitimari. Altres modificacions afecten a la prescripció de les pretensions familiars i successòries.


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Comentaris a les Resolucions de la Direcció General de Dret i Entitats Jurídiques de 30 de març 2006, de 18 d'abril 2006, de 10 de maig 2006, de 12 de maig 2006, de 19 de maig 2006, de 22 de maig 2006, de 23 de maig 2006 i de 7 de juliol 2006.


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Los cambios sociales, y, en particular, las nuevas formas de organización familiar, han dado lugar a una modificación del Derecho de sucesiones en Alemania, sobre todo, en la regulación de la legítima. La reforma sigue las pautas marcadas en la Sentencia del BVerfG de 19 de abril de 2005, que considera la legítima de los descendientes como un derecho constitucionalmente protegido y, por tanto, por regla general el testador no puede excluirla ni hacer depender de una situación de necesidad del legitimario. Otras modificaciones afectan a la prescripción de las pretensiones familiares y sucesorias.


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En la línia del que havia apuntat la majoria de la doctrina, la STS de 14.9.2009 considera que des de l¿entrada en vigor de la Constitució espanyola (1978) havia d'entendre's derogada la regla de propagació a l¿esposa del veïnatge civil del marit prevista a l¿art. 14.4 Codi civil espanyol [redacció de 1974]; això suposa que des d¿aleshores la dona casada podia canviar autònomament de veïnatge civil. Partint d'això, en el cas judicat, la dona va canviar de veïnatge civil per residència continuada a Catalunya durant més de deu anys sense declaració en contra (art. 14.3.2n CCe [1974] i 14.5.2n CCe [1990]), veïnatge civil català que mantenia en el moment de la seva mort, malgrat haver realitzat diferents manifestacions -que resulten ineficaces- en el sentit de tenir o de voler conservar el veïnatge civil navarrès.


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La insolvència de l'herència o del causant ha estat afrontada amb tècniques diverses en tots els ordenaments jurídics. La Llei concursal (Llei 22/2003, de 9 de juliol, a partir d'ara, LCon) es refereix en alguns articles al que s'ha anomenat concurs de l'herència, la qual cosa no vol dir que solucioni, ni de bon tros, els problemes que sorgeixen de la insolvència. En aquest treball només intento identificar alguns dels problemes que la Llei concursal deixa sense resoldre i el que succeeix quan es posen en relació les normes concursals amb el Codi de successions i molt especialment, amb la institució del benefici d¿inventari, així com les regles de la LEC, ja complexes per elles mateixes. Aquest treball, per tant, s¿ha de considerar un working paper en sentit estricte: sempre resulta molt difícil iniciar una matèria en la qual la bibliografia és pràcticament inexistent.


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Decomposing crop residues in no-tillage system can alter soil chemical properties, which may consequently influence the productivity of succession crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil chemical properties and soybean, maize and rice yield, grown in the summer, after winter crops in a no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil (21 ° 15 ' 22 '' S; 48 ° 18 ' 58 '' W) on a Red Latosol (Oxisol), in a completely randomized block design, in strip plots with three replications. The treatments consisted of four summer crop sequences (maize monocrop, soybean monocrop, soybean/maize rotation and rice/bean/cotton rotation) combined with seven winter crops (maize, sunflower, oilseed radish, pearl millet, pigeon pea, grain sorghum and sunn hemp). The experiment began in September 2002. After the winter crops in the 2005/2006 growing season and before the sowing of summer crops in the 2006/2007 season, soil samples were collected in the layers 0-2.5; 2.5-5.0; 5-10; 10-20; and 20-30 cm. Organic matter, pH, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and H + Al were determined in each soil sample. In the summer soybean/maize rotation and in maize the organic matter contents and P levels were lower, in the layers 0-10 cm and 0-20 cm, respectively. Summer rice/bean/cotton rotation increased soil K levels at 0-10 cm depth when sunn hemp and oilseed radish had previously been grown in the winter, and in the 0-2.5 cm layer for millet. Sunn hemp, millet, oilseed radish and sorghum grown in the winter increased organic matter contents in the soil down to 30 cm. Higher P levels were found at the depths 0-2.5 cm and 0-5 cm, respectively, when sunn hemp and oilseed radish were grown in the winter. Highest grain yields for soybean in monoculture were obtained in succession to winter oilseed radish and sunn hemp and in rotation with maize, after oilseed radish, sunn hemp and millet. Maize yields were highest in succession to winter oilseed radish, millet and pigeon pea. Rice yields were lowest when grown after sorghum.


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The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. This document reflects Iowa’s multimodal transportation system by the inclusion of investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of this program is the highway section that documents programmed investments on the primary highway system for the next five years. A large part of funding available for highway programming comes from the federal government. Accurately estimating future federal funding levels is dependent on having a current enacted multi-year federal transportation authorization. The most recent authorization, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), expired September 30, 2009, and to date it has been extended seven times because a new authorization has not yet been enacted. The current extension will expire September 30, 2011. This leads to significant uncertainty in federal funding; however, it is becoming evident that, in Federal Fiscal Year 2012 and beyond, federal funding revenue will likely be reduced by 25 percent from current levels in order to match revenue that flows into the Highway Trust Fund. This Program reflects this anticipated reduction in federal funding. While Iowa law does not require the adoption of a Program when federal transportation funding is being reauthorized, the Commission believes it is important to adopt a Program in order to continue on-going planning and project development efforts so that Iowa will be well positioned when a new authorization is adopted. However, it is important to recognize that, absent a federal authorization bill, there is significant uncertainty in the forecast of federal revenues. The Commission and the Iowa DOT will continue to monitor federal revenues and will adjust future investments as needed to maintain a fiscally responsible Program. For 2012-2016, approximately $2.3 billion is forecast to be available for highway right of way and construction. In developing the highway section of the Program, the Commission’s primary investment objective remains stewardship (i.e. safety, maintenance and preservation) of Iowa’s existing highway system. Over $1.3 billion is programmed in FY2012 through FY2016 for preservation of Iowa’s existing highway system and for enhanced highway safety features. The highway section also includes significant interstate investments on I-29 in Sioux City, I-29/80/480 in Council Bluffs, and I-74 in Bettendorf/Davenport. The FY2016 programming for construction on I-74 in Bettendorf/Davenport is the first of several years of significant investments that will be monitored for available funding. Approximately $200 million of the investments on these three major urban interstate projects address preservation needs. In total, approximately $1.5 billion is programmed for highway preservation activities for 2012- 2016. Another highway programming objective is maintaining the scheduled completion of capacity and economic development projects. Projects that were previously scheduled to be completed within the previous Program continue on their current schedule. However, due to the reduction of projected federal revenues, the Commission has delayed by one year the initiation of construction of all multi-year non-Interstate capacity and economic development projects that cannot be completed within this Program. These projects are U.S. 20 in Woodbury County, U.S. 30 in Benton County, U.S. 61 in Louisa County, and Iowa 100 in Linn County. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public’s involvement in the state’s transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter or through participation in the Commission’s regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year, are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa’s transportation system. It should be noted that this document is a planning guide. It does not represent a binding commitment or obligation of the Commission or Iowa DOT, and is subject to change.


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For most people, highway engineering, design and right of way acquisition are not of immediate concern. However, when you own or rent property that will be affected by highway construction, you begin to consider road building from a different and personal viewpoint. Right of way is the land on which highways are built. The amount of land needed depends on the engineering standards that must be met for the type of highway that will be built or improved. This booklet will acquaint property owners, tenants and the public with the procedures the Iowa Department of Transportation follows in acquiring right of way for a highway. It is not a source of technical definitions or legal advice. Further, it is not intended to establish a legal standard.


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The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) develop Iowa’s Five Year Highway Program (Program) to inform you of planned investments in our state’s primary and interstate highway system. This brochure summarizes the FY 2013-2017 Program. $2.6 billion is forecast for highway right of way and construction. The Program is updated and approved in June of each year. A large part of funding available for highway programming comes from the federal government. Accurately estimating future federal funding levels is dependent on having a multiyear federal transportation authorization bill in place. The most recent authorization, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), expired September 30, 2009, and to date it has been extended nine times because a new authorization has not yet been enacted. The current extension will expire June 30, 2012.


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The Iowa Motorcycle Operator Manual states that when a motorcycle and another vehicle collide, more than half of these crashes are caused by drivers entering the rider’s right-of-way. Furthermore, in crashes with motorcyclists, drivers often say they never saw the motorcycle. Therefore, increasing motorcycle conspicuity could help address these issues, resulting in fewer crashes (and injuries and damage).


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There has been a great deal of concern by county engineers and supervisors over constrained budgets, lack of resources and a deteriorating infrastructure, as they affect the secondary road system in Iowa. In addition, public input and/or political pressure have been increasing over the years. This study was initiated to determine the most important issues facing counties and document the way in which various Iowa counties have been addressing those issues. The list of issues was developed through meetings of county engineers and supervisors in each of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) regions around the state. Questionnaires were sent to all engineers and supervisors statewide asking them how the various issues (e.g. snow and ice removal policies, Level "B" roads, and so on) were handled in their respective counties. The responses were then compiled into this document. The subjects selected and used include: county policies, ordinances, resolutions; snow and ice removal policy; dust control; Level "B" roads; vacating roads; rural development; private entrance construction and maintenance; roadside management practices; right of way encroachments and easements; personnel matters, staff and organization; communicating information to citizens; supervisor/ engineer relations; and county leasing/purchasing practices.


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Before the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) was established by legislation in July 1974, there were several state agencies that handled the tasks that are now the responsibility of an integrated, multimodal Iowa DOT. Among those agencies was the Iowa State Highway Commission (IHC). You are invited to read a brief history of the Iowa DOT here:http://www.iowadot.gov/about/organizationalhistory.htm The IHC operated as an independent state agency between 1913 and 1974. In 1968, the IHC created and released This is YOUR Highway Commission, a 24 ½- minute film that showcased the responsibilities and functions of the IHC. The narrator describes the activities of various offices and employees, and explains how those activities benefited Iowa’s citizens and motorists. The film journeys through all areas of IHC responsibility to Iowa’s roadways, including administration, planning, design, bidding, right of way, materials, construction, maintenance and facilities. As part of the Iowa DOT’s effort to preserve and archive its historical resources, the original 16mm film was professionally cleaned, restored and digitized so that it could be made available via this website. The Iowa DOT is currently researching and compiling information necessary to prepare detailed biographies of the IHC employees identified in the film. Included in each biography will be still frames taken from the film, as well as other images from the Iowa DOT’s archives. This more comprehensive description of the film will be available in the future. In the meantime, below is a list of the IHC employees who have been identified. The list is arranged in the order in which each employee first appears in the film. There remain numerous unidentified employees in the film, and the Iowa DOT would greatly appreciate any assistance in identifying them. If you recognize an IHC employee in the film who is not on this list, please contactbeth.collins@dot.iowa.gov with any information you feel would be useful. Identified employees: Joseph Coupal, Jr.—Director of Highways Harry Bradley—Commissioner Derby Thompson—Commissioner John Hansen—Commissioner Koert Voorhees—Commissioner Harold Shiel—Engineer Howard Gunnerson—Chief engineer Martha Groth—Commission Secretary Robert Barry—Commissioner Nancy Groomes—Director’s Secretary Russell Moreland—Planning C.B. Anderson—Planning Gus Anderson—Engineer Carl Schach—Deputy chief engineer Raymond Kassel—Hearings engineer (later director of Transportation) Bob Given—Deputy chief engineer Don McLean—Director of Engineering Howard Thielen—Surveying (using rod) John Huss—Surveying (using leveling transit) John “Harley” McCoy—Surveying (taking notes) Jim Smith—Right of Way Keith Davis—Contracts Sherrill P. Freed—Sign Shop Olav Smedal—Director of Public Information