998 resultados para Retórica judicial


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As with the litigation involving its predecessor Napster, cases involving the Australian based P2P service Kazaa and its US licensees Grokster and Morpheus required from the courts to balance the legitimate interests of the computer industry and the public in new and advanced technologies on the one hand and of so-called "content providers " of the media and entertainment industry on the other hand. The article examines, how US and Australian courts have approached this task and, in spite of differences in the legal frameworks of the two countries, have reached similar conclusions.


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In 1965, alongside the abolition of capital punishment, a mandatory life sentence for murder was implemented in England and Wales. The mandatory life sentence served as a signal to the public that the criminal justice system would still implement the most severe sanction of life imprisonment in cases of murder. Nearly 50 years later, this article examines whether the imposition of a mandatory life sentence for murder is still in the best interests of justice or whether English homicide law would be better served by a discretionary sentencing system. In doing so, the article considers debates surrounding the political and public need for a mandatory life sentence for murder by drawing upon interviews conducted with 29 members of the English criminal justice system. This research concludes that a discretionary sentencing framework is required to adequately respond to the many contexts within which the crime of murder is committed.


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The true economic functions of the criminal courts are, first, to deter potential prospective offenders from committing offences, and in so doing reduce the total social costs of crime in the future; and secondly, to force the convicted offender to bear some of the costs, which the crime has externalised onto the victim(s) and wider society through retributive justice. These objectives are achieved through the sentencing function. Critics have lamented that too many extraneous factors are taken into account when setting penalties but the authors argue in this article that nevertheless these sentences are optimal because of the judges' comparative advantage. What is of great interest, and the focus of this article, are the implicit valuations of the social costs of crime that these sentences imply. Using the South Australia higher criminal courts as a case study, the authors estimate and utilise these judicial valuations to suggest a methodology for measuring the true economic value of the criminal courts. The analysis helps put into perspective the courts' very valuable contribution to social welfare.


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To date, there has been limited examination of variables that influence sentencing in child sexual abuse cases. This study examines the extent to which offence characteristics (such as the number of offences, number and age of victims), the behaviour and perceived credibility of the victim impact upon both sentence length and the setting of earliest parole dates. Analyses conducted using data from 66 adjudicated cases of child sexual assault from the County Court of Victoria, Australia revealed that longer sentences were handed down to offenders who had perpetrated multiple offences, or who had committed offences against younger children. Lower levels of victim credibility were associated with shorter sentences and earlier parole dates for offenders, which were also associated with the presence of more harmful behavioural indicators of abuse. The findings are discussed regarding the importance of presenting evidence about the behaviour of victims following sexual abuse in criminal trials. © 2013 Copyright National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers.


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In October 2010, the UK Parliament brought into effect law that replaced the partial defence to murder of provocation with a new partial defence of ‘loss of control,’ applicable to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Although it retained some key features of its controversial predecessor, the new partial defence was in part designed better to address the gendered contexts within which a large number of homicides are committed. In examining the impact of the reforms, we will focus on long-held concerns about the treatment of sexual infidelity as a trigger for loss of control in murder cases. The article undertakes an analysis of English case law to evaluate the way in which sexual infidelity-related evidence has influenced perceptions of a homicide defendant’s culpability, for the purposes of sentencing, both before and after the implementation of reform. The analysis reveals that, in sentencing offenders post reform, the higher courts have failed to follow the spirit of the reforms respecting the substantive law by effecting a corresponding change in sentencing practice.


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In order to strengthen the constitutional process of appointment of judges in Superior Courts, Bangladesh established a Supreme Judicial Commission in 2008 by promulgating an Ordinance. This Ordinance was neither promulgated in pursuance of any provisions of the Constitution nor by introducing any amendment to the provisions of the Constitution. The recommendations of the Commission were not given binding force on the executive. The power of the executive to accept or reject the candidates recommended by the Supreme Judicial Commission at his pleasure defeated the very objective of establishing the Commission for appointing the most competent and suitable persons as judges of the superior courts in Bangladesh. However, following the general elections held on 29 December 2008, the newly elected Government of Bangladesh Awami League dispensed with the Supreme Judicial Commission by not placing the Supreme Judicial Commission Ordinance before the parliament for its approval. This resulted in restoring the previous system of appointing judges on the satisfaction of the executive, which has resulted in patronage appointments. Thus, the establishment of an independent judicial commission in Bangladesh is an imperative necessity for strengthening the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.


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The Judicial Appointments Commission was established in Malaysia in 2009 to ensure unbiased selection of judicial candidates for the consideration of the Prime Minister, who has the final say regarding the appointment of judges to the superior courts. But the provisions concerning Prime Minister’s power to appoint the majority of the members of the Commission and his unfettered power of removing four of the five appointed members without assigning any reason, have calculatedly been devised for ensuring the selection of judicial candidates having right political patronage in accordance with the covert wishes of the Prime Minister. Furthermore, the Prime Minister’s power of rejecting the Commission’s recommendations of multiple candidates renders the undertaking of a lengthy process of selection unproductive and useless. Thus the Judicial Appointments Commission has become a superfluous body with an ineffective modus operandi to attain the stipulated objectives of improving and complementing the constitutional method of appointing judges to the superior courts. Since the Federal Constitution of Malaysia has not empowered the Parliament to enact a law providing for the establishment of a Judicial Appointments Commission, it also appears that the Judicial Appointments Commission Act 2009 is an invalid piece of legislation.


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The Article argues that courts confronting the effects of multinational enterprise insolvency must undertake a pragmatic incursion into the separate entity doctrine. This argument is premised on gaps in the current Model Law which confers significant discretion on the courts. Our research shows that courts have fashioned innovative solutions to fill the gaps and thatgreater recognition of the legitimacy of these judicial incursions into the separate entity doctrine would facilitate the reduction of transaction costs in the case of multinational group insolvencies. We identify criteriawhereby a court would be able to determine that the inherentseparateness of the corporate structure should be disregarded andthe group regarded as one.


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Dados demográficos confirmam o fenômeno do envelhecimento da população brasileira. Entretanto idosos que têm a ventura de desfrutar mais anos de vida, nem sempre conseguem fazê-lo com saúde. Isso é evidente, quando se analisa a condição de saúde bucal. Por várias razões, muitos idosos são institucionalizados para receberem a atenção e o auxílio de pessoal capacitado. Dentre os diversos serviços fornecidos, tanto hospitalares quanto de hotelaria, o cuidado odontológico não tem sido prioritário, e costumeiramente se observa flagrantes omissões. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as características da provisão de cuidado odontológico proporcionado aos idosos residentes em instituições geriátricas de pequeno porte no município de Porto Alegre/RS, e estabelecer sua relação com as condições de higiene bucal deste grupo. Combinando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos de pesquisa, buscou-se coletar dados sobre a higiene bucal dos idosos institucionalizados e informações sobre cuidado odontológico com seus cuidadores e supervisores nas 12 casas geriátricas integrantes da amostra. A análise dos depoimentos dos supervisores e cuidadores demonstra que o cuidado odontológico não segue qualquer tipo de protocolo, padronização ou normatização, sendo realizado empiricamente e, em última análise, sob a responsabilidade e critério dos cuidadores. O índice de placa médio em dentes encontrado nos idosos resultou 2,24, segundo os parâmetros de Sillnes e Löe. No exame em próteses, segundo o índice de Ambjornsen, o resultado apurado atingiu 7,14. Embora os entrevistados considerem que o cuidado odontológico seja realizado com regularidade, questiona-se a sua eficácia diante dos altos níveis de placa observados. Os dados indicam que as características empíricas dos procedimentos de higiene bucal, desassociados de adequada orientação técnica, especialmente odontogeriátrica, ante o descompromisso organizacional privado, institucional público, e até familiar, implicam um cuidado odontológico bastante insatisfatório, sugerindo que os idosos institucionalizados estão sendo negligenciados permanentemente no âmbito odontológico.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo defender a perspectiva da existência de uma lógica por trás dos discursos retórico-persuasivos – tal como inaugurada por McCloskey (1983) e Arida (1983) dentro da ciência econômica. O objetivo é demonstrar a completa inadequação de se confundir filosoficamente “retoricismo” com “irracionalismo”, pois, de acordo com nossa interpretação, nem McCloskey nem Arida propõem que não se deva utilizar critérios racionais para validação de teorias econômicas. O que eles propõem, a nosso ver, é que não se deva compreender a história do pensamento econômico e a própria teoria econômica atual como resultado de uma evolução apodíctica epistemologicamente mediada por evidências (sejam elas empíricas ou dedutivas). Isto, no entanto não implica numa desconsideração da “razão” por completo – a não ser que se entenda a “razão” por um prisma estritamente epistemológico; o que não nos parece muito razoável. Sendo assim, procuramos desenvolver ao longo do trabalho argumentos filosóficos oriundos das perspectivas hermenêuticas de: Heidegger, Gadamar, Habermas e Ricoeur, além do pragmatismo de Richard Rorty; com o intuito de relaciona-los com as perspectivas retóricas de McCloskey e Arida; buscando, mais especificamente, demonstrar a fundamentação racional da perspectiva retórica em relação à filosofia contemporânea, e contribuir com o debate retórico na economia a partir de uma tentativa de aproximação entre as perspectivas hermenêuticas – mais especificamente de Habermas e Ricoeur – e a perspectiva retórica de Arida; além de procurar uma melhor explicação e relação entre a filosofia hermenêutica-pragmática, e a perspectiva da “racionalidade prática” presente na ‘nova retórica” de Chaïm Perelman.