496 resultados para Represa do Castanhão
This program resumes the history of the political-pedagogic actions on the Serviço de Assistência Rural SAR, of Natal archdiocese, and analyses the contributions of this actions on the process of rural workers organization in the social movements on the countryside. The educative actions of the RAS are happening in a permanent tension between the pedagogic project of a church in change and, a pedagogy of the groups, communities and social movements, that is centered in the cultural action, in the culture lived from its condition of citizens. This research reveals that this entity fulfilled a strategic attribution for the Natal s church on the formation of the community leaderships, at a first moment and leaderships for social movements. Before the military dictatorship, the work methodology of this entity had as priority, begin from the reality leaved by the rural workers in the expectation that these became to qualify themselves for a more citizen participation in the call development. During the military regime, the entity goes measuring theirs activities in the new context, until the moment that redefines the work line. Goes then defining regions and thematic of operation supporting the fights for land, salary campaigns, women agricultural workers organizations. The pedagogy of work has as one of its supporters the Paulo Freire s pedagogy, privileging the dialog as a source of production of knowledge from the reality leaved in a permanent transformation. The actions of this entity, with the groups and social movements, produces the necessary knowledge for the organization of the rural workers while individual and social subjects of a changing world. The process of action-reflection of the activities intended, by a creative form, a permanent production of strategies of fight of the workers. Research ever, not to make accommodate itself to the new knowledge acquired in the action-reflection it is part of the pedagogical idea of this Institution. One searched in this process of formation of the man and the woman to question the reality, to create actionreflection-action spaces on the fights for a possible transition of an ingenuous conscience for a critical conscience, in view of the transformation of the structures that oppresses them
O monitoramento da vegetação aquática permite avaliar a evolução das comunidades e determinar o potencial de danos associados a essas populações. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar as plantas aquáticas e os níveis de infestação de cada espécie, presentes no reservatório de Bariri. Foram avaliados todos os focos de vegetação aquática presente na represa (194 pontos), e os pontos foram demarcados com um aparelho de GPS. As plantas foram identificadas e realizou-se uma estimativa visual do valor geográfico do ponto (tamanho da área) e a distribuição proporcional das plantas no foco de infestação. Foram encontradas 15 espécies de plantas aquáticas vegetando na represa de Bariri. Considerando que as principais espécies ocorreram com níveis de infestação acima de 10%, as mais importantes foram: Brachiaria mutica (27,0% da área e 97,4% de freqüência), B. subquadripara (22,7% da área e 96,9% de freqüência), Eichhornia crassipes (13,8% da área e 85,6% de freqüência) e Typha angustifolia (16,7% da área e 72,7% de freqüência). Outra espécie que pode ser destacada e que apresentou um bom potencial de infestação foi Enidra sessilis, que ocorreu em 8,9% de ocupação na área vegetada e com 76,3% de freqüência.
A Egeria najas é uma espécie aquática submersa nativa da bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraná. Com o represamento das águas do rio para geração de energia elétrica a espécie tem mudado seu comportamento de colonização dos leitos dos rios e ocorrido em grandes maciços dentro da represa de Jupiá e rios afluentes. Essa planta tem causado problemas por obstruir a passagem de água para as turbinas de geração de energia elétrica. Coletas de material vegetativo foram realizadas na represa e afluentes do rio Paraná para análise da variabilidade isoenzimática e de DNA. A análise isoenzimática mostrou haver somente quatro classes de diferentes biotipos. No entanto, utilizando-se os procedimentos de RAPD, observou-se que a espécie possui grande variabilidade genética. O represamento das águas também está permitindo o acumulo de variabilidade no local e promovendo um aumento de variabilidade por meio de possíveis cruzamentos entre genótipos diferentes. Os resultados também possibilitaram inferir sobre as possíveis rotas de migração de material genético para colonização da represa e rios afluentes.
No ecossistema aquático há uma faixa de umidade gradiente no solo que interfere diretamente na ocupação das espécies à margem da lâmina de água. Essa zonação ecológica reflete os graus de adaptação que as plantas apresentam para tolerar o alagamento ou a dessecação. O presente trabalho visou apresentar a análise morfoanatômica de cinco espécies de Cyperaceae encontradas em diferentes zonas no entorno da represa Alagados, em Ponta Grossa-PR, Brasil: Cyperus giganteus, Rhynchospora corymbosa var. aspérula, Cyperus densicaespitosus, Cyperus rigens e Eleocharis sp. Estruturas caulinares e foliares das cinco espécies de Cyperaceae foram analisadas a partir de cortes histológicos. Concluiu-se que, das cinco plantas analisadas, somente três caracterizam-se como plantas aquáticas, sendo duas classificadas como plantas emergentes e uma como submersa fixa devido às características adaptativas que apresentam para obter sucesso nesse ambiente.
O monitoramento de macrófitas da represa Alagados um reservatório artificial de água que abastece parcialmente a população do município de Ponta Grossa-PR se faz necessário, uma vez que resíduos urbanos, bem como dejetos de áreas rurais, são descartados direta ou indiretamente nesse ambiente. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar o inventário de plantas aquáticas coletadas entre agosto de 2007 e julho de 2008 no entorno do lago, como medida de monitoramento da área; indicar a frequência das espécies e apresentar um diagnóstico sobre o crescimento populacional destas; e identificar áreas onde a colonização por macrófitas é intensa, podendo tornar-se problema ambiental. Para realizar esse inventário, foram efetuadas 10 coletas em 48 pontos de amostragem ao longo das margens do lago da represa. Exsicatas foram depositadas no Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (HUPG). Foram amostradas 54 espécies, distribuídas em 16 famílias de angiospermas, 8 monocotiledôneas e 8 dicotiledôneas, e outras duas famílias de pteridófitas.
This dissertation presents the investigation and possible interference in the current teaching of physics, specially of optics, in the eighth grade/ ninth year / fourth cycle of junior high school. The context of the current science teaching is also presented. Besides, the following aspects are discussed: the preparation of the eighth grade teachers, their professional needs, the pedagogical practices and the theoreticmethodological difficulties faced by them. Another important issue in Science Teaching, which is also discussed in this dissertation, is the need for an efficient scientific literacy so that the citizen may express value judgment about Science and Technology issues. The data about the context were gathered from questionaires answered by the teachers. In value of this information, lesson plans were elaborated and implemented. The goal was to point out alternatives for the development of a teaching-learning evaluation which would be both pleasant for the teachers in relation to the implemented methodology, end meaningful for the students by adding elements such as: interdisciplinary approach, contextualization and preparation by competences. Furthermore it was carried out a deeper analysis of the Brazilian curriculum references (LDB, DCN, PCN, RCB) and content aspects (concepts, procedures e attitudes) to be executed by that branch of human knowledge, aiming at a really Contextualized Science Teaching, qualified and pleasant for the eighth grade level. It is also presented in this paper the profile or the Professional which teach this level at state public schools in Russas, state of Ceará, Vale do Jaguaribe Region. The efficacy of the lesson plans were also analysed by using evaluation procedures with the eighth grade students of the following schools: CAIC Senador Carlos Jereissati and EEF Manuel Matoso Filho, from which the concepts acquired during the implementation of the classes became evident in the students
A susceptibilidade de ninfas de 3º estádio de Rhodnius neglectus, R. robustus e Triatoma infestans às cepas Y e AMJM de Trypanosoma cruzi foi verificada utilizando xenodiagnóstico artificial. Para a leitura do xenodiagnóstico, as fezes dos triatomíneos foram examinadas a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º até o 31º dia pós infecção, pela técnica de compressão abdominal. Os resultados mostraram diferenças na susceptibilidade dos triatomíneos para as duas cepas estudadas e o período ótimo de leitura variou do 11º ao 19º dias para a cepa Y e do 11º ao 15º dias para a cepa AMJM. Também, pôde-se concluir que para a cepa Y, as três espécies de triatomíneos demonstraram boa susceptibilidade, enquanto para a cepa AMJM, a melhor susceptibilidade foi observada com R. neglectus, seguida pelo T. infestans e R. robustus.
Estudou-se o comportamento biológico e histopatológico de uma cepa genuínamente mariliense de Trypanosoma cruzi, isolada em 1997 através de xenodiagnóstico artificial. Vinte e cinco camundongos swiss foram infectados intraperitonealmente, sendo 11 utilizados para a realização da curva parasitêmica e observação da morfologia dos tripomastigotas e 14 foram sacrificados após o 17, 23, 30, 60 e 180 dias pós-infecção e coletados coração, esôfago, fígado, cólon, e músculo esquelético (fragmento da coxa direita) para análise histopatológica. Cultura em meio LIT foi realizada para análise de DNA. Os resultados mostraram predomínio de formas largas, baixa parasitemia com picos médios de 860 tripomastigotas/5mil de sangue ao redor do 20º dia de infecção. Nenhum camundongo morreu na fase aguda da infecção. Exame histopatológico mostrou poucos ninhos de amastigotas em coração, raros em músculo esquelético e cólon com discreto processo inflamatório. Comparada com a cepa Y, que foi isolada de uma paciente da mesma região, notamos diferentes características biológicas e comportamentais, porém a análise de DNA as coloca no mesmo grupo, demonstrando a proximidade dessas cepas.
Triatomíneos rupestres infectados por Trypanosomatidae, coletados em Quaraí, Rio Grande do Sul, 2003
Foram capturados triatomíneos rupestres em seis localidades do município de Quaraí-RS, com o intuito de verificar o índice de infecção por Trypanosomatidae, bem como o animal reservatório. A captura ocorreu no ambiente silvestre, sendo coletados 453 exemplares, os quais foram identificados e separados por estádio ninfal. Coletaram-se 421 (92,9%) exemplares de Triatoma rubrovaria, 26 (5,7%) de Triatoma circummaculata e 6 (1,3%) de Panstrongylus tupynambai. Dentre as três espécies coletadas, somente Triatoma rubrovaria mostrou-se positivo para Trypanosomatidae, num total de 13 (4,2%) exemplares. Após a inoculação em camundongos e meio de cultura LIT, isolaram-se cinco cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi. Dos triatomíneos infectados com Trypanosomatidae, 4 (30,8%) tiveram a reação de precipitina não reagente para os anti-soros testados, 4 (30,8%) positivos para anti-soro de roedor, 4 (30,8%) para anti-soro de cabra e 1 (7,7%) para anti-soro de porco e humano.
Flowering is a process marked by switch of shoot apical meristem to floral meristem, and it involves a complex regulation by endogenous and environmental factors. Analyses of key flowering genes have been carried out primarily in Arabidopsis thaliana and have provided a foundation for understanding the underlying molecular genetic mechanisms controlling different aspects of floral development. Several homologous have been found in other species, but for crops species such as tomatoes this process is not well known. The aim of this work was to use the genetic natural variation associated to the flowering process and use molecular tools such as subtractive libraries and real time PCR in order to identify and analyze the expression from genes that may be associated to flowering in these two species: L. esculentum cv Micro-Tom and L. pimpinellifolium. Our results showed there were identified many genes related to vegetative and possibly to the flowering process. There were also identified many sequences that were unknown. We ve chosen three genes to analyze the expression by real time PCR. The histone H2A gene gave an expression higher in L. pimpinellifolium, due to this the expression of this gene may be associated to flowering in this specie. It was also analyzed the expression of an unknown gene that might be a key factor of the transition to flowering, also in L. pimpinellifolium. For the elongation factor 1-α expression, the expression results were not informative, so this gene may have a constitutive expression in vegetative and flowering state. The results observed allowed us to identify possible genes that may be related to the flowering process. For further results it will be necessary a better characterization of them.
Bacterial meningitis (BM) is still an important infectious disease causing death and disability. Invasive bacterial infections of the central nervous systems (CNS) generate some of the most powerful inflammatory responses known, which contributes to neuronal damage. The DNA microarray technology showed alterations in the kynurenine (KYN) pathway that is induced in BM and other diseases associated with inflammation, leading to brain injury. Our main aim was to search SNPs previously described in the KYN path enzymes to investigate a putative association of this SNPs with imbalanced in this pathway in patients with BM. The patients included in this study were 33 males and 24 females, with ages varying from 02 months to 68 years. SNPs were located inside of the domain conserved in KYNU, IDO, KATI and KATII. Primers were designed for analysis of SNPs already described by PIRA-PCR followed by RFLP. The analysis of KYNU+715G/A SNP found a heterozygous frequency of 0.033. We did not found the variant allele of SNP KYNU+693G/A, KATI+164T/C, KATII+650C/T and IDO+434T/G. Despite of previews studies showing the importance of KYN pathway we did not found one association of these SNPs analyzed with susceptibility or severity of MB in study population.
The fauna of Brazilian reef fishes comprises approximately 320 species distributed along the coast of the mainland and islands ocean. Little is known about the levels of connectivity between their populations, but has been given the interest in the relations between the offshore and the islands of the Brazil, in a biogeographical perspective. The oceanic islands Brazilian hosting a considerable number of endemic species, which are locally abundant, and divide a substantial portion of its reef fish fauna with the Western Atlantic. Among the richest families of reef fish in species are Pomacentridae. This study analyzed through analysis of sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (D-loop), the standards-breeding population of C. Multilineata in different areas of the NE coast of Brazil, involving both oceanic islands (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and of St. Peter and St. Paul) and continental shelf (RN and BA). To this aim, partial sequences were used in the region HVR1 of mtDNA (312pb). The population structure and parameters for the estimates of genetic variability, molecular variance (AMOVA), estimation of the index for fixing (FST) and number of migrants were determined. The phylogenetic relationships between the populations were estimated using neighbor-joining (NJ) method. A group of Bayesian analysis was used to verify population structure, according to haplotype frequency of each individual. The genetic variability of populations was extremely high. The populations sampled show moderate genetic structure, with a higher degree of genetic divergence being observed for the sample of the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. At smaller geographical scale, the sample of Rio Grande do Norte and the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha do not have genetic differentiation. Three moderately differentiated population groups were identified: a population group (I), formed by the Rio Grande do Norte (I') and the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (I''), and two other different groups formed by the island population of the archipelago of Saint Peter and St. Paul (II) and Bahia (III). The genetic patterns found suggest that the species has suffered a relatively recent radiation favoring the absence of shared haplotypes. C. multilineata seems to constitute a relatively homogenous population along the West Atlantic coast, with evidence of a moderate population genetic structure in relation to the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. These data supports the importance of the dispersal larvae by marine current and the interpopulation similarity this species.
The total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth has been estimated at 4 to 6x1030 and only about 1% of microorganisms present in the environment can be cultivated by standard techniques of cultivation and plating. Therefore, it is a huge biological and genetic pool that can be exploited, for the identification and characterization of genes with biotechnological potential. Within this perspective, the metagenomics approach was applied in this work. Functional screening methods were performed aiming to identify new genes related to DNA repair and / or oxidative stress resistance, hydrocarbon degradation and hydrolytic activities (lipase, amylase and protease). Metagenomic libraries were built utilizing DNA extracted from soil samples collected in João Câmara RN. The libraries were analyzed functionally using specific substrate containing solid medium (hydrolytic activity), supplemented with H2O2 (DNA repair and / or resistance to oxidative stress) and liquid medium supplemented with light Arabian oil (activity, degradation of hydrocarbons). After confirmation of activity and exclusion of false-positive results, 49 clones were obtained, being 2 positive for amylase activity, 22 resistant to oxidative stress generated by H2O2 and 25 clones active for hydrocarbons degradation. Analysis of the sequences showed hypothetical proteins, dienelactona hydrolase, DNA polymerase, acetyltransferase, phosphotransferase, methyltransferase, endonucleases, among other proteins. The sequence data obtained matched with the functions tested, highlighting the success of metagenomics approaches combined with functional screening methods, leading to very promising results
Sugarcane is one of the most important products of the world and Brazil is responsible for 25 % of the world production. One problem of this culture at northeast of Brazil is the early flowering. In our laboratory, it has been made before four subtractive libraries using early and late flowering genotypes in order to identify messages related to the flowering process. In this work, two cDNAs were chosen to make in silico analysis and overexpression constructs. Another approach to understand the flowering process in sugarcane was to use proteomic tools. First, the protocol for protein extraction using apical meristem was set up. After that, these proteins were separated on two bidimensional gels. It was possible to observe some difference for some regions of these gels as well as some proteins that can be found in all conditions. The next step, spots will be isolated and sequence on MS spectrometry in order to understand this physiological process in sugarcane
The germination of cotton seeds and the seedlings emergency are generally delayed and reduced by the salinity. Although the cotton is considered a tolerant culture, it can suffer substantial reductions in regarding its growth and production when exposed to salinity condition. The aims of this study went evaluate the effect of the saline stress in the germination phase to four cotton genotypes (BRS Rubi, BRS Safira, BRS 201 and CNPA 187 8H), using different osmotic potentials generated with increment of sodium chloride (NaCl). The saline stress was simulated using NaCl aqueous solutions in the potentials: 0.0 (Control); -0.2; -0.4; -0.6; -0.8 and -1.0 MPa. The treatments were monitored by means of tests for analysis of seeds, germination, first counting, speed germination index, length of shoot, radicle length, dry weigth of embrionic axis and shoot/radicle ratio. The tests for germination, first counting and index of germination speed were accomplished using 50 seeds for repetition and for the study of length of shoot, radicle length, dry weigth of embrionic axis and shoot/radicle ratio were used 20 seeds by repetition. For both tests four repetitions were accomplished by genotype for each one of the potentials. The seeds of each repetition were involved in papers Germitest humidified with NaCl solution corresponding to the potential. The repetitions of both tests were maintained in a germinator with saturated humidity. The analysis were initiate four days after the induction of the saline stress. The evaluations of the first three variables analyzed were accomplished daily; the seeds were remove and counted when its germinated. For the length tests just the repetitions corresponding to the potential of NaCl 0,0 MPa were analysis 4 days after the beginning of the induction of the saline stress. The analysis of the repetitions of the potentials -0,2 and -0,4 and of the potentials -0,6, -0,8 and -1,0 MPa they were accomplished with 12 and 20 days, respectively. For accomplishment of the analisis of this test the shoot of the 20 plantules of each repetition was separate from the radicle and both parts were measured. The statistical analyses were performed using the GENMOD and GLM procedures of the SAS. For the variable germination, the cultivates CNPA 187 8H and BRS Safira stood out for the potential -0.8 MPa, with averages of 89% and 81%, respectively. The test of speed germination index to cultivate BRS Safira presented the largest averages for the two higher saline potentials. It was observed that the increase of the saline potential reduces the germination percentage and speed germination index. For each day of evaluation it was verified that the increase of the saline potential causes a reduction of the length both of the shoot and of the radicle. The radicle tends to grow more than the shoot until the potential -0,4 MPa