993 resultados para Remus, Uncle (Fictitious character)


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The Albian/Cenomanian strata in Hole 530A are organically richer than are the post-Cenomanian strata. Organic matter is thermally immature and appears to be of dominantly marine origin with either variable levels of oxidation or variable amounts of terrestrial input. Geochemical data alone cannot establish whether the black shales present in Hole 530A represent deposition within a stagnant basin or within an expanded oxygen-minimum layer


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LECO analysis, pyrolysis assay, and bitumen and elemental analysis were used to characterize the organic matter of 23 black shale samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, Hole 603B, located in the western North Atlantic. The organic matter is dominantly gas-prone and/or refractory. Two cores within the Turonian and Cenomanian, however, contained significant quantities of well-preserved, hydrogen-enriched, organic matter. This material is thermally immature and represents a potential oil-prone source rock. These sediments do not appear to have been deposited within a stagnant, euxinic ocean as would be consistent with an "oceanic anoxic event." Their organic geochemical and sedimentary character is more consistent with deposition by turbidity currents originating on the continental shelf and slope.


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El presente proyecto describe la instalación de audio de un estudio de grabación digital musical. La finalidad de este proyecto es puramente educativa, afianzando conceptos que se han contemplado durante la carrera. La instalación tiene carácter ficticio, por lo que no tiene implementación real. Aun así, se ha intentado desarrollar con carácter profesional. El proyecto se ha dividido en varias fases de trabajo. Primeramente, se procedió a la búsqueda de información relativa a estudios de grabación, atendiendo principalmente a sus configuraciones. Paralelamente, se buscó información sobre los principales equipos dentro de un estudio de grabación y realizando un pequeño estudio de mercado. Posteriormente, se ha procedido a la elección de la configuración del equipamiento del estudio, atendiendo a las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada tipo de configuración. La tercera fase, corresponde a la elección de los equipos. Siguiendo la cadena de audio, se ha ido analizando la necesidad de cada uno de ellos. Seguidamente, se ha realizado una comparación de diferentes equipos que componen cada bloque de elección, y finalmente la selección del más apropiado junto con su justificación. En la última fase se ha realizado la interconexión de todos los equipos atendiendo a la configuración elegida en la segunda fase. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo la implementación de una serie de tablas escritas, donde se especifica cada tipo de conexión. El proyecto ha terminado con una presentación del presupuesto, dividido en varios aparatados, y el desarrollo de las conclusiones. En ellas, se ha analizado tanto los objetivos propuestos al principio del proyecto como una valoración personal del proyecto en general. ABSTRACT. This project describes the audio installation of a digital music recording studio. The purpose of this project is purely educational, strengthening concepts that have been laid during college. The installation is fictitious and has not been implemented in a real situation. Nevertheless, it has been developed with a professional character. This project has been divided in various phases. Firstly, I proceeded to search information related to recording studios, focusing specially on their configurations. Simultaneously, I looked for information about the main digital equipment of a recording studio and performed a brief market research. Secondly, I selected the studio equipment configuration, taking care of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of configuration. The third phase corresponds to the choice of the equipment. Following the audio chain, I analyzed the need for each of them. Then, I compared the different equipment that compose each of the choice blocks and finally opt for the most appropriate with its justification. In the last phase, I interconnected all the equipment according to the chosen configuration of the second phase. For this, I implemented a series of written tables, where I specified each connection type. The Project ends with a presentation of the budget, divided into several sections, followed by the conclusion in which I analyze both the objectives of the project and my personal valuation.


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Ecological studies have demonstrated the role of competition in structuring communities; however, the importance of competition as a vehicle for evolution by natural selection and speciation remains unresolved. Study systems of insular faunas have provided several well known cases where ecological character displacement, coevolution of competitors leading to increased morphological separation, is thought to have occurred (e.g., anoline lizards and geospizine finches). Whiptail lizards (genus Cnemidophorus) from the islands of the Sea of Cortez and the surrounding mainland demonstrate a biogeographic pattern of morphological variation suggestive of character displacement. Two species of Cnemidophorus occur on the Baja peninsula, one relatively large (Cnemidophorus tigris) and one smaller (Cnemidophorus hyperythrus). Oceanic islands in the Sea of Cortez contain only single species, five of six having sizes intermediate to both species found on the Baja peninsula. On mainland Mexico C. hyperythrus is absent, whereas C. tigris is the smaller species in whiptail guilds. Here we construct a phylogeny using nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene to infer the evolutionary history of body size change and historical patterns of colonization in the Cnemidophorus system. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that (i) oceanic islands have been founded at least five times from mainland sources by relatives of either C. tigris or C. hyperythrus, (ii) there have been two separate instances of character relaxation on oceanic islands for C. tigris, and (iii) there has been colonization of the oceanic island Cerralvo with retention of ancestral size for Cnemidophorus ceralbensis, a relative of C. hyperythrus. Finally, the phylogenetic analysis reveals potential cryptic species within mainland populations of C. tigris.


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Rapid divergence in postmating-prezygotic characters suggests that selection may be responsible for generating reproductive barriers between closely related species. Theoretical models indicate that this rapid divergence could be generated by a series of male adaptations and female counteradaptations by means of sexual selection or conflict, but empirical tests of particular mechanisms are generally lacking. Moreover, although a male–female genotypic interaction in mediating sperm competition attests to an active role of females, molecular or morphological evidence of the female's participation in the coevolutionary process is critically needed. Here we show that postmating-prezygotic variation among populations of cactophilic desert Drosophila reflects divergent coevolutionary trajectories between the sexes. We explicitly test the female's role in intersexual interactions by quantifying differences in a specific postmating-prezygotic reproductive character, the insemination reaction mass, in two species, Drosophila mojavensis and Drosophila arizonae. A series of interpopulation crosses confirmed that population divergence was propelled by male–female interactions, a prerequisite if the selective forces derive from sexual conflicts. An association between the reaction mass and remating and oviposition behavior argues that divergence has been propelled by sexually antagonistic coevolution, and potentially has important implications for speciation.