999 resultados para Redes complexas. Caminhos Ótimos. Fraturas em caminhos ótimos
O presente artigo discute aspectos que interferem na garantia do direito à saúde e sua relação com o princípio da integralidade. Para tanto, são descritas questões históricas e culturais que contextualizam esta realidade. Também são apontados os limites e as possibilidades para garantia da integralidade como parte do direito à saúde, com foco no SUS. A abrangência do conteúdo do direito à saúde e a limitação daquilo que é efetivamente alcançado demonstram a dificuldade para sua garantia plena, aspecto igualmente observado em outros países. O direito compartimentado vivenciado na prática do SUS é antagônico ao princípio da integralidade em seus diferentes sentidos. Apesar dos desafios para efetivação da integralidade, diversas iniciativas foram identificadas e têm sido utilizadas na perspectiva de superar as dificuldades e alcançar o direito à saúde em sua plenitude.
[POR] Descoberto entre 1460 e 1462, o Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, situado no Oceano Atlântico, constituiu ao longo de vários séculos, escala obrigatória dos navios que faziam as ligações atlânticas entre os portos das Américas, da Europa e da África Graças a sua situação privilegiada, o espaço cabo-verdiano não foi um mero ponto de reabastecimento, mas também um importante ponto de cruzamento de culturas e de raças. Pretende-se, neste texto, abordar o papel que Cabo Verde teve no Atlântico incidindo, particularmente, na dimensão cultural resultante do contacto entre povos e culturas provenientes de diferentes paragens que se fixaram no arquipélago ou que por aqui passaram. Procurar-se-á evidenciar não só a importância que Cabo Verde teve enquanto ponto de passagem obrigatória mas, sobretudo, as contribuições que mais marcadamente se denunciaram, isto é, os apports culturais que mais se acentuaram em Cabo Verde, como processos recebidos dos estrangeiros que por estas ilhas se cruzaram.
Edipo en Colono presenta, por un lado, una pólis que evoca el tiempo mítico junto a la persecución del destino humano; por el otro, una Atenas que se funda sobre la ley de la justicia. El llega a las fronteras de Atenas acompañado por Antígona, la única de los hijos consciente de la inocencia del padre. Edipo se declara átimos, sufre de atimía, situación límite e ignominia para los griegos, condición jurídica y moral de aquellos que han sido excluidos de la comunidad. Sobre su cuerpo, vivo o muerto, se juega la soberanía de Tebas: aquél que será capaz de gobernar lo ingobernable, de conducir la múltiple naturaleza humana a la unidad. Edipo representa la alteridad, está entre la díke mítica y la ley de la pólis, emergentes del agón con los otros personajes y el coro. Sobre su competencia y cooperación para amonestar dicha pólis trata este trabajo
The research in professional football within the human and social sciences, despite increased, still faced limitations and restrictions imposed by the clubs, hindering its realization. As part of my master's thesis, this article aims to portray the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group and to detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers. Furthermore, the relationship between the researcher and the football club was analyzed and described, as well as the limitations and obstacles encountered during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having social psychology as a theoretical background (Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivière), this research resulted from the analysis of a professional football club (players, staff and executives of a club with national and international importance) during 5 days of daily contact with the group in games, practice, concentration and meals. The difficulties in analyzing the group's leadership and cohesion were vast, among which stand out the difficulty or impossibility of access to the places-situations suggested as methodology, their refusals to interviews and rejection of the administration of a free choice test. The bond created and the roles taken harmed attempts for further analysis. Therefore, due to the characteristics of contemporary football, especially the financial and political interests the difficulties likely to arise range according to the characteristics of the institution
The research in professional football within the human and social sciences, despite increased, still faced limitations and restrictions imposed by the clubs, hindering its realization. As part of my master's thesis, this article aims to portray the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group and to detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers. Furthermore, the relationship between the researcher and the football club was analyzed and described, as well as the limitations and obstacles encountered during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having social psychology as a theoretical background (Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivière), this research resulted from the analysis of a professional football club (players, staff and executives of a club with national and international importance) during 5 days of daily contact with the group in games, practice, concentration and meals. The difficulties in analyzing the group's leadership and cohesion were vast, among which stand out the difficulty or impossibility of access to the places-situations suggested as methodology, their refusals to interviews and rejection of the administration of a free choice test. The bond created and the roles taken harmed attempts for further analysis. Therefore, due to the characteristics of contemporary football, especially the financial and political interests the difficulties likely to arise range according to the characteristics of the institution
Edipo en Colono presenta, por un lado, una pólis que evoca el tiempo mítico junto a la persecución del destino humano; por el otro, una Atenas que se funda sobre la ley de la justicia. El llega a las fronteras de Atenas acompañado por Antígona, la única de los hijos consciente de la inocencia del padre. Edipo se declara átimos, sufre de atimía, situación límite e ignominia para los griegos, condición jurídica y moral de aquellos que han sido excluidos de la comunidad. Sobre su cuerpo, vivo o muerto, se juega la soberanía de Tebas: aquél que será capaz de gobernar lo ingobernable, de conducir la múltiple naturaleza humana a la unidad. Edipo representa la alteridad, está entre la díke mítica y la ley de la pólis, emergentes del agón con los otros personajes y el coro. Sobre su competencia y cooperación para amonestar dicha pólis trata este trabajo
The research in professional football within the human and social sciences, despite increased, still faced limitations and restrictions imposed by the clubs, hindering its realization. As part of my master's thesis, this article aims to portray the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group and to detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers. Furthermore, the relationship between the researcher and the football club was analyzed and described, as well as the limitations and obstacles encountered during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having social psychology as a theoretical background (Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivière), this research resulted from the analysis of a professional football club (players, staff and executives of a club with national and international importance) during 5 days of daily contact with the group in games, practice, concentration and meals. The difficulties in analyzing the group's leadership and cohesion were vast, among which stand out the difficulty or impossibility of access to the places-situations suggested as methodology, their refusals to interviews and rejection of the administration of a free choice test. The bond created and the roles taken harmed attempts for further analysis. Therefore, due to the characteristics of contemporary football, especially the financial and political interests the difficulties likely to arise range according to the characteristics of the institution
Edipo en Colono presenta, por un lado, una pólis que evoca el tiempo mítico junto a la persecución del destino humano; por el otro, una Atenas que se funda sobre la ley de la justicia. El llega a las fronteras de Atenas acompañado por Antígona, la única de los hijos consciente de la inocencia del padre. Edipo se declara átimos, sufre de atimía, situación límite e ignominia para los griegos, condición jurídica y moral de aquellos que han sido excluidos de la comunidad. Sobre su cuerpo, vivo o muerto, se juega la soberanía de Tebas: aquél que será capaz de gobernar lo ingobernable, de conducir la múltiple naturaleza humana a la unidad. Edipo representa la alteridad, está entre la díke mítica y la ley de la pólis, emergentes del agón con los otros personajes y el coro. Sobre su competencia y cooperación para amonestar dicha pólis trata este trabajo