916 resultados para Real-estate and financial oligarchy


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During the period of 1990-2002 US households experienced a dramatic wealth cycle, induced by a 369% appreciation in the value of real per capita liquid stock market assets followed by a 55% decline. However, consumer spending in real terms continued to rise throughout this period. Using data from 1990-2005, traditional life-cycle approaches to estimating macroeconomic wealth effects confront two puzzles: (i) econometric evidence of a stable cointegrating relationship among consumption, income, and wealth is weak at best; and (ii) life-cycle models that rely on aggregate measures of wealth cannot explain why consumption did not collapse when the value of stock market assets declined so dramatically. We address both puzzles by decomposing wealth according to the liquidity of household assets. We find that the significant appreciation in the value of real estate assets that occurred after the peak of the wealth cycle helped sustain consumer spending from 2001 to 2005.


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Despite the large size of the Brazilian debt market, as well the large diversity of its bonds, the picture that emerges is of a market that has not yet completed its transition from the role it performed during the megainflation years, namely that of providing a liquid asset that provided positive real returns. This unfinished transition is currently placing the market under severe stress, as fears of a possible default from the next administration grow larger. This paper analyzes several aspects pertaining to the management of the domestic public debt. The causes for the extremely large and fast growth ofthe domestic public debt during the seven-year period that President Cardoso are discussed in Section 2. Section 3 computes Value at Risk and Cash Flow at Risk measures for the domestic public debt. The rollover risk is introduced in a mean-variance framework in Section 4. Section 5 discusses a few issues pertaining to the overlap between debt management and monetary policy. Finally, Section 6 wraps up with policy discussion and policy recommendations.


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"Psychological Real Estate: Fractured Female Identity in the Victorian Novel" examines the use of domestic space in three Victorian novels, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre (1847), Mary Elizabeth Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret (1862), and George Eliot's Middlemarch (1871-2). Because Victorian gender identity was conceived of in spatial terms, this thesis explores how the three female authors use complicated domestic environments to engage the problem of conventional Victorian femininity. In the Victorian mindset, a woman's place is confined to the home, or private sphere; however, even the private sphere is intruded upon by public spaces. Expected to conform to the Victorian formulation of femininity in public spaces within the home, women had only their private spaces to cultivate the unique, individualistic aspects of their selves. This thesis explores the ways in which the female protagonists negotiate these gender encoded spaces to argue that because Victorian women had to maintain separate and often disparate identities within domestic space, their identities became problematically fractured. Additionally, in each of these texts, the authors use the failure or loss of the estate, the structure which rigidly upholds the gendered binaries, to expose the harm such fracturing identity formulation caused for Victorian society as a whole. This thesis concludes by examining the final residences of the female characters and arguing that the authors use these final private spaces to assert more feminist re-envisionings of their society's construction of femininity.


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Potential home buyers may initiate contact with a real estate agent by asking to see a particular advertised house. This paper asks whether an agent's response to such a request depends on the race of the potential buyer or on whether the house is located in an integrated neighborhood. We build on previous research about the causes of discrimination in housing by using data from fair housing audits, a matched-pair technique for comparing the treatment of equllay qualified black and white home buyers. However, we shift the focus from differences in the treatment of paired buyers to agent decisions concerning an individual housing unit using a sample of all houses seen during he 1989 Housing Discrimination study. We estimate a random effect, multinomial logit model to explain a real estate agent's joint decisions concerning whether to show each unit to a black auditor and to a white auditor. We find evidence that agents withhold houses in suburban, integrated neighborhoods from all customers (redlining), that agents' decisions to show houses in integrated neighborhoods are not the same for black and white customers (steering), and that the houses agents show are more likely to deviate from the initial request when the customeris black than when the customer is white. These deviations are consistent with the possibility that agents act upon the belief that some types of transactions are relatively unlikely for black customers (statistical discrimination).


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O presente trabalho tem como foco o estudo e análise das alianças estratégicas realizadas entre empresas do setor do real estate, no período entre 2006 e 2010, enfatizando as alianças realizadas entre empresas atuantes predominantemente nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro com empresas atuantes nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, cujo objetivo por parte das empresas paulistas foi o espalhamento geográfico. Considerando o volume representativo de alianças estratégicas verificado no setor no período em questão e a geração de resultados dos empreendimentos objetos de tais parcerias inferiores às expectativas estabelecidas, o objetivo do trabalho é a apresentação de um conjunto de diretrizes que possa contribuir para o planejamento, realização e condução de futuras parcerias entre empresas do setor, visando a mitigar dificuldades e a explorar da melhor forma possível os benefícios que as alianças estratégicas podem proporcionar. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos abrangendo o estudo de empresas de capital aberto que atuavam predominantemente nas capitais do eixo Rio-São Paulo, empresas atuantes em nível regional no Norte e Nordeste brasileiro que realizaram parcerias com as empresas do Sudeste, além de empresas de consultoria que estiveram envolvidas nas parcerias por meio de prestação de serviços. Tal pesquisa permitiu identificar as principais dificuldades, vantagens e desvantagens decorrentes das parcerias em questão, cujos dados foram analisados e discutidos à luz da revisão bibliográfica, embasando assim o conjunto de diretrizes proposto. As diretrizes apresentadas visam a contribuir com todo o processo que envolve a realização de uma parceria, contemplando desde aspectos de planejamento, gestão até aspectos operacionais e são complementadas por recomendações que somadas às diretrizes podem elevar a probabilidade de êxito das parcerias.


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Women and Performance in Corporate America The glass ceiling has been shattered. Women like Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo.; Angela Braly, the CEO of Wellpoint; and Patricia Woertz, the CEO of Archer Daniels Midland, are proof that women can achieve top leadership positions in corporate America. However, the scarcity of female leaders occupying the top ranks of corporate America, and the significant wage gap between men and women, suggest that there are significant complications along the path toward success for women in the corporate world.The data show that a disproportionately small number of women are making it to top leadership positions in corporate America. According to the US Department of Labor, in 2007 women accounted for 46% of the total work force, and 51 % of all workers in management, professional, and related occupations. Women outnumbered men in occupations including financial managers, human resource managers, education administrators, medical and health service managers, accountants and auditors, budget analysts, and property, real estate, and social and community association managers (US Department of Labor, 2007). However, women hold only 15.2% of board director positions, 15.7% of corporate officer positions, and 6.2% of top earner positions (Catalyst, 2009b). Additionally, according to a 2008 Corporate Library survey, only 2.6% of Fortune 500 companies currently have female CEOs (as cited in Jones, 2009).The data also show that women earn less than men in the work force. The US Department of Labor found that women working full time in 2007 made only 80% of the salaries of men (US Department of Labor, 2008). Studies designed to control for factors other than gender have not been able to account for the wage gap between men and women (Eagly & Carli, 2007, US Government Accountability Office, 2003). Even among CEO's of fortune 500 companies, female CEO's make only 85% of the salaries of male CEO's (Jones, 2009).


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The crisis in Russia’s financial market, which started in mid-December 2014, has exposed the real scale of the economic problems that have been growing in Russia for several years. Over the course of the last year, Russia’s basic macroeconomic indicators deteriorated considerably, the confidence of its citizens in the state and in institutions in charge of economic stability declined, the government and business elites became increasingly dissatisfied with the policy direction adopted by the Kremlin, and fighting started over the shrinking resources. According to forecasts obtained from both governmental and expert communities, Russia will fall into recession in 2015. The present situation is the result of the simultaneous occurrence of three unfavourable trends: the fact that the Russian economy’s resource-based development model has reached the limits of its potential due to structural weaknesses, the dramatic decline in oil prices in the second half of 2014, and the impact of Western economic sanctions. Given the inefficiency of existing systemic mechanisms, in the coming years the Russian leadership will likely resort to ad hoc solutions such as switching to a more interventionist “manual override” mode in governing the state. In the short term, this will allow them to neutralise the most urgent problems, although an effective development policy will be impossible without a fundamental change of the political and economic system in Russia.


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Analisamos os determinantes de precificação de Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (CRIs) com relação ao ativo objeto e níveis de garantias, controlando por variáveis de tamanho, prazo e rating. Verifica-se um prêmio médio adicional em CRIs de 1,0 p.p. quando comparados com debêntures de prazos semelhantes e de mesmo rating. A justificativa desse prêmio é analisada em duas frentes: (a) apesar de CRI seguir relativa padronização, encontramos que o papel pode representar diferentes níveis de risco e ativos-objeto; e (b) essa falta de padronização leva a níveis de precificação diferenciados por suas características específicas de riscos. Os diferentes níveis de risco são percebidos pelas diversas garantias utilizadas sendo que 41% das emissões possuem garantias pessoais de originadores (aval ou fiança). Conclui-se que existe, em geral, uma diferença de retornos positiva (o spread médio na emissão dos CRIs indexados à inflação foi de 321 bps superior à curva de juros de mercado), sendo mais preponderante a depender do segmento (prêmio para os segmentos residencial e loteamentos) e mitigado pelo nível de garantias oferecido. É possível verificar um prêmio médio de 1,4 p.p. para os segmentos residencial e de loteamentos. Algumas características das emissões foram analisadas como controle (tamanho, prazo e, por fim, das notas e origem da agência avaliadora de rating). Os CRIs de maior volume e maior prazo apresentam spreads menores. Quanto ao rating, os CRIs apresentam efeitos diversos a depender do segmento. Para CRIs residenciais, o efeito é positivo (redução de spread) caso a emissão seja avaliada por alguma agência de rating, enquanto que para os CRIs comerciais, o efeito é negativo. O efeito pode ser positivo para os CRIs comerciais (redução de spread) em caso de avaliação por agência de rating internacional ou possuir notas de rating superiores à nota ‘A’.