979 resultados para Quasi possessio iuris
Trägerband: Ms. Barth. 28; Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
Vorbesitzer: Johann Ludwig von Hagen
Vorbesitzer: Henricus Dominicus de Heyden
Trägerband: "Aus ms. 60", vermutlich Ms. Barth. 60; Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
Vorbesitzer: Konrad Humbracht; Johann Maximilian Zum Jungen
Vorbesitzer: Johann Ludwig von Hagen
Vorbesitzer: Familie von Holzhausen;
Vorbesitzer: Heinrich Kellner; Johann Maximilian Zum Jungen
Microinsurance is widely considered an important tool for sustainable poverty reduction, especially in the face of increasing climate risk. Although index-based microinsurance, which should be free from the classical incentive problems, has attracted considerable attention, uptake rates have generally been weak in low-income rural communities. We explore the purchase patterns of index-based livestock insurance in southern Ethiopia, focusing in particular on the role of accurate product comprehension and price, including the prospective impact of temporary discount coupons on subsequent period demand due to price anchoring effects. We find that randomly distributed learning kits contribute to improving subjects' knowledge of the products; however, we do not find strong evidence that the improved knowledge per se induces greater uptake. We also find that reduced price due to randomly distributed discount coupons has an immediate, positive impact on uptake, without dampening subsequent period demand due to reference-dependence associated with price anchoring effects.
Sign.: 2*8, A-Z8, 2A-2R8, 2S4
Sign.: 2*8, A-Z8, 2A-2R8, 2S4
We study a model of nonequilibrium quantum transport of particles and energy in a many-body system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (the so-called meso-reservoirs). We discuss the conservation laws of particles and energy within our setup as well as the transport properties of quasi-periodic and disordered chains.
Marca tip. de la Compagnie des libraires en port. (Baudrier. VI, p. 285-285 bis)
Marca tip. de la Compagnie des libraires en port. (Baudrier. VI, p. 285-285 bis)
Colofón en 3D8r y en L5v de la segunda secuencia