968 resultados para Quantificar


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O uso inadequado da tecnologia de aplicação de agrotóxicos, relacionados ao uso de pontas de pulverização e adição de adjuvantes, resulta diretamente em um maior risco de deriva. Objetivou-se como trabalho quantificar a deriva gerada por pontas de pulverização com e sem indução de ar, em aplicações de glyphosate e adjuvantes. O experimento foi realizado em túnel de vento, com o herbicida glyphosate isolado ou em mistura com ureia ou adjuvante redutor de deriva (LI700). As coletas foram realizadas, com fios de polietileno, nas distâncias de 5,0; 10,0 e 15,0 m em relação à barra e nas alturas de 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 e 1,0 m em relação ao piso do túnel, a deriva foi aferida por meio do processo de condutividade elétrica. Os resultados apresentaram maior deriva nas menores alturas, tendo igual comportamento para todas as caldas e em todas as distâncias. A ponta de jato plano com indução de ar (AVI 110-015) proporcionou menor deriva em relação à ponta jato plano padrão (AXI 110-015), para todas as caldas avaliadas. Para a ponta de jato plano padrão o acréscimo de adjuvante reduziu a deriva para as três distâncias avaliadas em relação à calda contendo somente o herbicida. Já para a ponta de jato plano com indução de ar a ureia elevou a deriva para todas as distâncias em relação às outras caldas. A ureia pode ser utilizada em aplicações com o modelo de ponta jato plano padrão, por diminuir os riscos de deriva.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Neste trabalho, ajustou-se um modelo matemático para quantificar o efeito do rendimento do motor elétrico sobre os custos de um sistema de bombeamento para irrigação na estrutura tarifária de energia elétrica convencional e horo-sazonal verde, bem como calcular o tempo de recuperação do capital investido no equipamento de maior rendimento. em seguida, o mesmo foi aplicado a um sistema de irrigação tipo pivô central em duas opções de rendimento do motor elétrico: 92,6% (linha padrão) e 94,3% (linha alto rendimento), sendo que o custo de aquisição do primeiro correspondeu a 70% do segundo. A potência do motor elétrico era de 100 cv. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo permitiu avaliar se um motor de alto rendimento era viável economicamente em relação ao motor-padrão em cada estrutura tarifária. Nas duas estruturas tarifárias, o motor de alto rendimento não foi viável. Na tarifa horo-sazonal verde, somente seria viável se seu rendimento fosse 4,46% superior ao do motor-padrão. Na tarifa convencional, somente seria viável se o ganho de rendimento superasse 2,71%.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e quantificar o uso da terra em dez microbacias ocorrentes na bacia do Rio Capivara, município de Botucatu - SP, a partir da estruturação de um banco de dados utilizando o Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) - IDRISI. Os resultados mostram que as classes de uso da terra, uso agrícola e pastagem, foram as mais significativas, pois ocuparam mais da metade da área das microbacias. O alto índice de uso da terra por pastagens, capoeiras, reflorestamento e matas reflete a predominância de solos arenosos com baixa fertilidade. As imagens obtidas do satélite LANDSAT 5 permitiram o mapeamento do uso da terra de maneira rápida, além de fornecer um excelente banco de dados para futuro planejamento e gerenciamento das atividades agropecuárias regionais. O SIG-IDRISI permitiu identificar, por meio de seus diferentes módulos para georreferenciamento, classificação digital e modelo matemático, as classes de uso da terra com rapidez.


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Com o objetivo de quantificar a quantidade e a uniformidade dos depósitos da calda de pulverização em duas cultivares de soja ('CD 208' e 'CD 216'), no estádio R1, por meio de diferentes pontas e volumes de pulverização, foram conduzidos dois experimentos na área, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas UNESP- Botucatu, São Paulo (SP). Os tratamentos avaliados foram: pontas de jato plano (AI 110015 a 150L ha-1, AI 11002 a 200 e 250L ha-1); pontas de jato plano duplo (TJ 60 11002 a 150, 200 e 250L ha-1); pontas de jato cônico (TX-6 a 150, TX-8 a 200 e TX-10 a 250L ha-1) e pontas de jato plano duplo e baixa deriva (DGTJ 11002 a 200L ha-1). O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Para a avaliação da deposição, foi utilizado na pulverização o corante Azul Brilhante FDC- 1 (500mg L-1). Foram coletadas 25 plantas em cada repetição, divididas em região basal e apical. A determinação do conteúdo depositado foi realizada com a leitura de absorbância no comprimento de onda de 630nm, e os dados transformados em depósitos por grama de matéria seca foram ajustados às curvas de regressão, por meio do modelo de Gompertz. Os maiores depósitos avaliados nas cultivares 'CD 208' e 'CD 216' corresponderam aos tratamentos AI 11002 250L ha-1 e TJ 60 11002 250L ha-1, respectivamente. Os resultados da uniformidade da distribuição da calda de pulverização foram contraditórios aos da quantidade de depósitos. em todas as avaliações, o tratamento de maiores depósitos apresentou menor uniformidade na distribuição.


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The present work consists in the analysis of tribologycal properties of basic and multifunctional knitted fabrics. This knowledge has fundamental importance for the textile industry since it can quantify, in an objective way, the tactil. The fabrics used were characterized by friction and mechanical tests for determining the viscoelastic region, wear resistance and friction coefficient of the fabrics used. The stress-strain curve was obtained by the method Kawabata, KES-FB1. Wear tests performed with the aid of equipment Martindale. The measurement of friction coefficient, two methods were used and analyzed comparatively. The first was a method already established worldwide known as KES-FB4 and the second was an innovative method called FRICTORQ, developed by the University of Minho. These two methods were compared taking into account the relative motion between the tribologycal pairs are different from each method. While the first motion is translational, the second is rotational. It was formal that the knitted had a multifunctional fabrics tribologycal performance which was better than the basic knitted fabrics, as the viscoelastic region, was laager highlighting a multifunctional structure, with greater wear resistance mainly on the back side of the knitted fabrics and lower friction coefficient. Performing a comparative analysis between two methods used to measure the friction coefficient, it was formal that both methods were consistent in terms of results. In operational terms, the FRICTORQ showed ease of operation and increased reproducibility of results


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We developed an assay methodology that considered the temperature variation and the scanning electron microscopy as a method to quantify and characterize respectively the consumption evolution in three 46 LA machines, with internal combustion and two-stroke engines, 7.64 cm3 cylinder capacity, 23.0 millimeters diameter and 18.4 millimeters course, RPM service from 2.000 to 16.000 rpm, 1.2 HP power, and 272 grams weight. The investigated engines components were: (1) head of the engine (Al-Si alloy), (2) piston (Al-Si alloy) and (3) piston pin (AISI 52100 steel). The assays were carried out on a desktop; engines 1 and 2 were assayed with no load, whereas in two assays of engine 3 we added a fan with wind speed that varied from 8.10 m/s to 11.92 m/s, in order to identify and compare the engine dynamic behavior as related to the engines assayed with no load. The temperatures of the engine s surface and surroundings were measured by two type K thermopairs connected to the assay device and registered in a microcomputer with data recording and parameters control and monitoring software, throughout the assays. The consumed surface of the components was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis-EDS. The study was complemented with shape deformation and mass measurement assays. The temperature variation was associated with the oxides morphology and the consumption mechanisms were discussed based on the relation between the thermal mechanical effects and the responses of the materials characterization


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O milheto (Pennisetum glaucum) é cultivado em épocas com deficiência hídrica, o que pode afetar a absorção de K. Este trabalho visou quantificar a importância de potenciais de água do solo (-0,03; -0,05; -0,10 e -0,50 MPa), associados a doses de potássio (15 e 120 mg dm-3 de K) na morfologia radicular e nos processos de transporte de K às raízes de milheto. O experimento foi realizado em Botucatu (SP), em casa de vegetação. O milheto foi cultivado até 28 dias após a emergência, quando foram avaliados a fitomassa produzida e os teores de K, assim como a morfologia radicular. Foi estimada a contribuição do fluxo de massa e da difusão para o transporte de K no solo. Independentemente da dose de potássio e do teor de água no solo, a difusão foi o principal mecanismo de transporte de K até as raízes do milheto. Houve maior contribuição relativa do fluxo de massa, que correspondeu a 12 % do absorvido, na menor dose de potássio, contra 4 % na maior dose. Não houve efeito da disponibilidade hídrica nos mecanismos de transporte de K até as raízes do milheto.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This dissertation aims the development of an experimental device to determine quantitatively the content of benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX) in the atmosphere. BTX are extremely volatile solvents, and therefore play an important role in atmospheric chemistry, being precursors in the tropospheric ozone formation. In this work a BTX new standard gas was produced in nitrogen for stagnant systems. The aim of this dissertation is to develop a new method, simple and cheaper, to quantify and monitor BTX in air using solid phase microextraction/ gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPME/CG/MS). The features of the calibration method proposed are presented in this dissertation. SPME sampling was carried out under non-equilibrium conditions using a Carboxen/PDMS fiber exposed for 10 min standard gas mixtures. It is observed that the main parameters that affect the extraction process are sampling time and concentration. The results of the BTX multicomponent system studied have shown a linear and a nonlinear range. In the non-linear range, it is remarkable the effect of competition by selective adsorption with the following affinity order p-xylene > toluene > benzene. This behavior represents a limitation of the method, however being in accordance with the literature. Furthermore, this behavior does not prevent the application of the technique out of the non-linear region to quantify the BTX contents in the atmosphere.


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A chemical process optimization and control is strongly correlated with the quantity of information can be obtained from the system. In biotechnological processes, where the transforming agent is a cell, many variables can interfere in the process, leading to changes in the microorganism metabolism and affecting the quantity and quality of final product. Therefore, the continuously monitoring of the variables that interfere in the bioprocess, is crucial to be able to act on certain variables of the system, keeping it under desirable operational conditions and control. In general, during a fermentation process, the analysis of important parameters such as substrate, product and cells concentration, is done off-line, requiring sampling, pretreatment and analytical procedures. Therefore, this steps require a significant run time and the use of high purity chemical reagents to be done. In order to implement a real time monitoring system for a benchtop bioreactor, these study was conducted in two steps: (i) The development of a software that presents a communication interface between bioreactor and computer based on data acquisition and process variables data recording, that are pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, level, foam level, agitation frequency and the input setpoints of the operational parameters of the bioreactor control unit; (ii) The development of an analytical method using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to enable substrate, products and cells concentration monitoring during a fermentation process for ethanol production using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three fermentation runs were conducted (F1, F2 and F3) that were monitored by NIRS and subsequent sampling for analytical characterization. The data obtained were used for calibration and validation, where pre-treatments combined or not with smoothing filters were applied to spectrum data. The most satisfactory results were obtained when the calibration models were constructed from real samples of culture medium removed from the fermentation assays F1, F2 and F3, showing that the analytical method based on NIRS can be used as a fast and effective method to quantify cells, substrate and products concentration what enables the implementation of insitu real time monitoring of fermentation processes


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The Pirangi beach is located in the eastern coastline of Rio Grande do Norte state, in the municipality of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta. In it flow into Pirangi Watershed (PW), whose water receives large amounts of pollutants, mainly domestic and industrial sewage from districts where pass the rivers that consist it, compromising, thus, the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beach. Bearing in mind the importance of water sanitary quality to ensure an environment that no present risk to the bathers s health, this work had as main objective to assess the influence of the PW s waters in the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches. To that end, were made collections of water in the beaches and in the rivers with the intention of quantify the fecal contamination indicators thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci, to then classify the conditions of bathing water quality according with the CONAMA Resolution number 274 of 2000. For the purposes greater knowledge about the health conditions of the Beaches Pirangi and about the influence the PW s waters exert on it, was done parallely to the study of the water quality, an investigation of the sand sanitary quality. Furthermore, it was made an evaluation of the PW s Water Quality through Water Quality Index (WQI). Starting from the results obtained in the research present was possible to verify, among other aspects, that the entry of the PW s waters in the Pirangi beaches exerts direct influence in the bathing water quality of the same ones, being the North Pirangi beach (point tracking PA-02) the most influenced. There was noticed also a significant reduction in the conditions of bathing water quality of the beaches in the rainy season. However, the precariousness do sewerage system of the Natal metropolitan region and the absence of a right system of treatment an final disposal of domestic sewage and industrial are the main factors responsi le for deterioration of the PW s Water Quality, and as a consequence, compromising the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In semiarid region of northeast Brazil, the majority of reservoirs used for public supply has suffered degradation of water quality affected by diffuse pollution from agricultural and livestock areas of the watershed and by hydrologic regime peculiar to the region, characterized by a rainy season with higher volumes stored in reservoirs and a dry season with a reduction in water level due to high evaporation and increase of eutrophication. The Dourado reservoir, located in Currais Novos city, semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is one example of a water supply reservoir that can have degradation of water quality and impracticability of their use, due to the high external input of nutrients from non-point sources of watershed during the rainy season and increasing of eutrophication due to decrease the stored volume during the dry period. This study aimed to investigate and quantify diffuse pollution and the hydrologic regime of semiarid region in order to establish standards regarding the water quality of Dourado reservoir. The study period was between the months of May 2011 to March 2012. The diffuse pollution was quantified in terms of watershed from the mass balance of phosphorus in the reservoir, as in relation to areas under different types of land use within the riparian zone of the reservoir from the assessment of soil chemical properties and losses of phosphorus in each area. The influence of hydrological regime on water quality of the reservoir was evaluated from the monthly monitoring of the morphometric, meteorological and limnological features throughout the study period. The results showed that the reservoir has received a high load of phosphorus coming from the drainage basin and presents itself as a system able to retain some of that load tributary, giving an upward trend of the eutrophication process. Diffuse pollution by nutrients from areas under different types of land use within the riparian zone of the reservoir was higher in areas under the influence of livestock, being this area considered a potential diffuse source of nutrients to the reservoir. Regarding the water regime during the rainy season the reservoir was characterized by high concentrations of nutrients and small algal biomass, while in the dry season the reduction of volume and increase of the water retention time of the reservoir, contributing to the excessive growth algal biomass, favoring an increase in eutrophication and deterioration of water quality. In synthesis the water quality of Dourado reservoir is directed by diffuse pollution coming from the drainage basin and the hydrological regime of the peculiar semiarid region, where the rainy season is characterized by high input of allochthonous compounds from the tributaries and erosion of the soil in the reservoir riparian zone, and the dry season characterized by reducing the storage volume due to high evaporation, high residence time of water and consequent degradation of water quality due to the increase of eutrophication process


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar/quantificar a produtividade científica dos docentes pertencentes à Universidade de Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus de Marília/SP. Para cada professor, analisamos o número total de artigos na plataforma Lattes, no ISI Web of Science e no SCOPUS. Além disso, verificamos o total de livros publicados, capítulos de livros publicados e orientações em Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG). A análise dos nove departamentos da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) mostrou que o Departamento de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas possui uma média elevada (21,42) de artigos na Plataforma Lattes, quando comparado aos outros departamentos. Entretanto, o Departamento de Fonoaudiologia apresentou médias mais altas em artigos indexados pelo ISI (2,61) e SCOPUS (4,39), bem como o índice-h, nessas plataformas. em relação aos programas de pós-graduação, o Departamento de Administração e Supervisão Escolar foi o que apresentou a maior média de orientações em andamento e/ou concluídas. O desempenho mais baixo, em relação aos artigos publicados pelo ISI e SCOPUS, pelos departamentos na área de Humanas/Humanidades pode estar associado às características do campo da concentração e da cobertura limitada do banco de dados ISI e SCOPUS, indicando que o índice-h é muito sensível ao campo de concentração.