996 resultados para Pufendorf, Samuel
In their sparse and isolated spaces, Samuel Beckett's figures imagine the touch of a lost love or dream of the comfort and care that the hands of a dear one might bring. Applying philosophical writings that feature sensation, particularly touch, this study examines how Beckett's later work for stage and screen dramatizes moments of contact between self and self, self and world, and self and other. With implications for how gender and ethics can be approached within Beckett's aesthetic, this study explores the employment of haptic imagery as an alternative to certain dominant codes of visual representation.
From 1991, when the Dublin Gate Theatre launched their Samuel Beckett Festival featuring nineteen of Beckett’s stage plays, to more recent years, the Gate dominated Irish productions of Beckett’s theater. The Gate Beckett Festival was remounted in 1996 at the Lincoln Center, New York, and at the Barbican Centre, London, in 1999, and individual or grouped productions have toured regularly since then in Ireland and internationally. However, since the Irish premiere of Waiting of Godot at the Pike Theatre in 1955, in addition to several Beckett plays mounted by the National Theatre, many independent Irish theater companies, such as Focus Theatre, Druid Theatre, and more recently Pan Pan Theatre, Blue Raincoat Theatre, The Corn Exchange, and Company SJ (under director Sarah Jane Scaife), have produced Beckett’s drama. While acknowledging earlier Irish productions, this essay will consider the role of the Dublin Gate Beckett Festival and the Beckett Centenary celebrations in Dublin in 2006 in greatly enhancing the marketability of Beckett’s work, and will discuss the proliferation of productions of Beckett’s stage plays (as opposed to stage adaptations of the prose work, which is a topic for another essay) in the independent theater sector in the Republic of Ireland since 2006. In addition to giving an overview of these recent productions, the essay will consider some issues at stake in creating or constructing performance histories
A digital reconstruction of Samuel Beckett's personal library, based on the volumes preserved at his apartment in Paris, in archives (Beckett International Foundation) and private collections (James and Elizabeth Knowlson Collection, Anne Atik, Noga Arikha, Terrence Killeen,...).
Much has been written about Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, but as far as I am aware no one has compared the two characters of Vladimir and Estragon in order to analyse what makes Vladimir more willing to wait than Estragon. This essay claims that Vladimir is more willing to wait because he cannot deal with the fact that they might be waiting in vain and he involves himself more in his surrounding than Estragon. It is Vladimir who waits for Godot, not Estragon, and Vladimir believes that Godot will have all the answers. This will be explored by examining four topics, all of which will be dealt with from a psychoanalytical point of view and in relation to waiting. Consciousness in relation to the decision to wait; Uncertainty in relation to the unknown outcome of waiting; Coping mechanisms in relation to ways of dealing with waiting; Ways of waiting in relation to waiting-time and two kinds of waiting-characters.
Minha dissertação consiste em desenvolver a relação estabelecida entre o texto e o leitor no processo de leitura literária como produtividade, considerada como um conjunto, compreendendo o produtor do texto e seu leitor. A leitura vista como ‘‘jogo", em que o retorno do diferente não desdenha a tradição da leitura, conduz o leitor à produzir um texto múltiplo, plural. O texto é o mesmo e um outro ao mesmo tempo. Este estudo compreende três textos singulares da obra de Samuel Beckett: Malone meurt, L’Innommable e En attendant Godot. Tudo o que é assimilado, assim como refutado por Beckett, é convidado a entrar em cena no decorrer deste trabalho. Como via de acesso para a composisão da escritura becketiana, foi necessário seguir os passos da memória de leitura do autor para chegar a uma conclusão, segundo minha própria leitura, a partir da leitura dos três textos escolhidos. Por isso, reencontrei em Proust, a idéia do leitor ‘‘livre’’ e ‘‘independente’’ mantido por Beckett. Seguindo os traços da tradição, foi possível desenvolver uma memória de leitura como uma repetição, conduzindo a um resultado imprevisto. Balzac é a primeira referência da leitura beketiana. O autor é trabalhado como fonte principal da leitura becketiana. Assim, a composição da memória em Beckett não pode ser recuperada senão na articulação dos estudos textuais como ‘‘produção’’ e, cujas imagens repetitivas fornecidas pelos três textos de Samuel Beckett asseguram a continuidade, a produtividade de leitura, em que, esta memória, torna-se inevitavelmente, memória do texto.
Resumo não disponível.
Considering that the Jesuitical tradition which Father Samuel Fritz belonged, has a clear political and institutional dimension that reveals itself in the missionary initiative placed since the Trento Council, his journal is a experience story as missionary at Maynás region during the period from 1686 until 1725. In his narrative, a series of data related to the conquer of Amazonia, conflicts among the Iberic Kingdoms and french, dutches and british, transformation of culture and space close the period of the Madrid Deal. I´ll explore the men and space relationship, in this case, the missionary in his special practice, therefore an effective and geometrical politic for border control was only applied at 1750 with reformist governments and that Amazônia was, until now, an object of autonomous initiatives, not being until now a priority focused state politics action like the ones in the central regions (silver mines) and that the missionary action of Samuel Fritz represented ant that moment represented the most important border advance to the Spanish Kingdom, coinciding with the end of the borders previously set in Madrid and Santo Idelfonso, I´ll put the question of how and with which politics the experience of Fritz in Maynás could represent an advance about Amazônia space. Then I´ll approach the problem about three aspects that are chapters: The first one was focused to the Iberic Kingdoms atlantic politics and the internal geopolitical relationships they created as the centre and the border emerging a new order; in the second chapter I studied the special transformation cause by the encounter and conflicts between the Indian and European order generating a new organization; in the third chapter I´ll examined the political border of the state and the emergency of the missionary body as an institution, with the tradition and missionary action as support, or not, to the exploration of the east border of Spanish America influencing the delimitation process of the border between Portugal and Spain
A la informacion sobre la distribucion por edades en las muertes registradas a partir de la edad de 5 anos en Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama y Peru, se aplican los dos metodos propuestos para evaluar la cabalidad de los registros de defunciones. Los resultados obtenidos de aplicar estos metodos se presentan en graficos y cuadros, con aplicaciones hechas en los 5 paises
Este estudio pretende medir la cabalidad de los censos y registros de muertes, utilizando el metodo Preston II con informacion referente a Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama y Peru. Se presenta, en lineas generales, el desarrollo teorico del metodo y una forma de determinacion de los valores B1 (cobertura de los censos) y B2 (cobertura del segundo censo y los registros). Se incluyen tabulaciones que contienen los datos utilizados en la aplicacion y los resultados obtenidos para cada pais
Documento de trabajo para el Panel de América Latina, Santiago, 16-20 julio 1979