993 resultados para Proverbs, Jewish.


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Jews, like everyone else, have multiple identities and Israel is only one aspect of Jewish identity that has to compete and coexist with many other Jewish and non-Jewish factors. This book explores what it is about Israel that resonates or not with Diaspora Jews, leading them to place Israel above, alongside or below competing or complementary considerations in their identity.


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From the outset of Zionism, the Diaspora has had a distinct role to play with developing the homeland, raising funds, mobilizing political activity, and providing immigrants. Today, particularly since 1948, Israel continues to play an unequivocally essential role in Diaspora Jewish identity. This centrality is expressed through many areas of Jewish life, such as education, community, philanthropy, and political activism. These deepseated attachments to Israel are also evident through growing rates of aliyah, participation in Israel programs, and visits to the Jewish state. 

Since 1967, a time when the Jewish world was gripped by the realization that the State of Israel could be destroyed, and people were then caught up in Israel’s jubilation at her survival, Israel has been a central factor in Diaspora Jewish life and identity. Israel is seen as playing a central role in maintaining Jewish identity throughout the Diaspora. The existence of Israel is important to world Jewry, as is illustrated by the following data: 87 percent of Canadian Jewry believes Israel is “important to being a Jew”; more than 80 percent of American Jews in the 2000 National Jewish Population Survey were very or somewhat familiar with social and political events in Israel, and over 80 percent strongly or somewhat agreed that Israel is the spiritual center of the Jewish people; 81 percent of British Jews were, according to a 1997 survey, strongly or moderately attached to Israel; and 86 percent of respondents to a 2002 survey of French Jews said they felt “very close or close” to Israel. The importance of Israel in the identity of world Jewry today is manifested through various means of engagement with the Jewish State.


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Issues pertaining to religion and Australian schools have generated a significant amount of controversy and scholarly attention in recent years, and much of the attention in the religion and schools debate has focused on Muslim and non-religious children’s experiences (Erebus International, 2006; Halafoff, 2013). This article, by contrast, explores the manifestations of antisemitism as experienced by Jewish children and youth in Canberra schools. It considers the characteristics of antisemitism; when and why it occurs; its impact on the Jewish children and young people; and also the responses to it by them, the schools and the Jewish community. Based on focus groups with the Jewish students and their parents, the study reveals that antisemitism is common in Canberra schools, as almost all Jewish children and youth in this study have experienced it. The findings from this study suggest that there is a need for more anti-racism education. Specifically there is an urgent need for educational intervention about antisemitism, alongside education about religions and beliefs in general, to counter antisemitism more effectively and religious discrimination more broadly in Australian schools.


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The Interior of Our Memories describes the development of the Centre within global Holocaust memorial activity, both during the Holocaust and in the following decades when many survivors made new lives for themselves in Melbourne. The story begins, not in March 1984 when it first opened its doors, but during the Holocaust, when survivors began gathering documents. The book provides a history of the Centre’s early days and examines its transformation from a collection of photos, documents and material objects into the modern, educationally focused organisation it is today. The book situates the Jewish Holocaust Centre within a broader context, exploring issues of memory, testimony, the role of the museum within contemporary society, and what we can learn from one of the worst tragedies in human history.


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Canavan disease, an inherited leukodystrophy, is caused by mutations in the aspartoacylase (ASPA) gene. It is most common among children of Ashkenazi Jewish descent but has been diagnosed in many diverse ethnic groups. Two mutations comprise the majority of mutant alleles in Jewish patients, while mutations in the ASPA gene among non-Jewish patients are different and more diverse. In the present study, the ASPA gene was analysed in 22 unrelated non-Jewish patients with Canavan disease, and 24 different mutations were found. of these,14 are novel, including five missense mutations (E24G, D68A, D249V, C152W, H244R), two nonsense mutations (Q184X, E214X), three deletions (923delT, 33del13, 244delA), one insertion mutation (698insC), two sequence variations in one allele ([10T>G; 11insG]), an elimination of the stop codon (941A>G, TAG-->TGG, X314W), and one splice acceptor site mutation (IVS1 - 2A>T). The E24G mutation resulted in substitution of an invariable amino acid residue (Glu) in the first esterase catalytic domain consensus sequence. The IVS1 - 2A>T mutation caused the retention of 40 nucleotides of intron 1 upstream of exon 2. The results of transient expression of the mutant ASPA cDNA containing these mutations in COS-7 cells and assays for ASPA activity of patient fibroblasts indicated that these mutations were responsible for the enzyme deficiency. In addition, patients with the novel D249V mutation manifested clinically at birth and died early. Also, patients with certain other novel mutations, including C152W, E214X, X314W, and frameshift mutations in both alleles, developed clinical manifestations at an earlier age than in classical Canavan disease.


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This chapter explores the characteristics of 114 American teenagers' Jewish identities using data from the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR). The NSYR includes a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of 3,290 adolescents aged 13 to 17. Jewish teenagers were over-sampled, resulting in a total of 3,370 teenage participants. Of the NSYR teens surveyed, 141 have at least one Jewish parent and 114 of them identify as Jewish. The NSYR also includes in-depth face-to-face interviews with a total of 267 U.S. teens: 23 who have at least one Jewish parent and 18 who identify as Jewish. The following analysis draws upon quantitative data from the 114 teens who identified themselves as Jewish in the face-to-face interviews.


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Smooth Words is a well-researched and entertaining, if somewhat uneven, book on women in the Wisdom tradition in ancient Israel. Fontaine, a faculty member at a small Protestant seminary in Newton, MA, writes with her students constantly in mind, her interactions with them informing her scholarship throughout the book. She is also in dialogue with other scholars in the fields of Wisdom literature and feminist scholarship, a dialogue that gives the book academic rigor and depth.