391 resultados para Prolifération de thymocyte


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Although porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-associated diseases have been evaluated for known immune evasion strategies, the pathogenicity of these viruses remained concealed for decades. Surprisingly, the same viruses that cause panzootics in livestock are widespread in young, unaffected animals. Recently, evidence has emerged that circovirus-like viruses are also linked to complex diseases in humans, including children. We detected PCV2 genome-carrying cells in fetal pig thymi. To elucidate virus pathogenicity, we developed a new pig infection model by in vivo transfection of recombinant PCV2 and the immunosuppressant cofactor cyclosporine A. Using flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we found evidence that PCV2 dictates positive and negative selection of maturing T cells in the thymus. We show for the first time that PCV2-infected cells reside at the corticomedullary junction of the thymus. In diseased animals, we found polyclonal deletion of single positive cells (SPs) that may result from a loss of major histocompatibility complex class-II expression at the corticomedullary junction. The percentage of PCV2 antigen-presenting cells correlated with the degree of viremia and, in turn, the severity of the defect in thymocyte maturation. Moreover, the reversed T-cell receptor/CD4-coreceptor expression dichotomy on thymocytes at the CD4(+)CD8(interm) and CD4SP cell stage is viremia-dependent, resulting in a specific hypo-responsiveness of T-helper cells. We compare our results with the only other better-studied member of Circoviridae, chicken anemia virus. Our data show that PCV2 infection leads to thymocyte selection dysregulation, adding a valuable dimension to our understanding of virus pathogenicity.


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The serine and threonine kinase MST1 is the mammalian homolog of Hippo. MST1 is a critical mediator of the migration, adhesion, and survival of T cells; however, these functions of MST1 are independent of signaling by its typical effectors, the kinase LATS and the transcriptional coactivator YAP. The kinase NDR1, a member of the same family of kinases as LATS, functions as a tumor suppressor by preventing T cell lymphomagenesis, which suggests that it may play a role in T cell homeostasis. We generated and characterized mice with a T cell-specific double knockout of Ndr1 and Ndr2 (Ndr DKO). Compared with control mice, Ndr DKO mice exhibited a substantial reduction in the number of naïve T cells in their secondary lymphoid organs. Mature single-positive thymocytes accumulated in the thymus in Ndr DKO mice. We also found that NDRs acted downstream of MST1 to mediate the egress of mature thymocytes from the thymus, as well as the interstitial migration of naïve T cells within popliteal lymph nodes. Together, our findings indicate that the kinases NDR1 and NDR2 function as downstream effectors of MST1 to mediate thymocyte egress and T cell migration.


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T-cell lymphomas from AKR mice were studied to determine their potential as a model of T-cell differentiation. Homogeneous tumor cell lines have been used as model to study normal lymphocyte subpopulations, including differentiation lineages, functional properties, and the inducibility to maturation. The underlying concept is that each lymphoid tumor represents a monoclonal neoplastic proliferation of a discrete lymphoid subpopulation arrested at a particular differentiation stage.^ Individual tumors were analyzed to determine the extent of intertumor heterogeneity, and to determine whether lymphomas represented different thymocyte subsets, by determining the cell-surface antigenic phenotype, PNA-binding capacity, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) activity. Splenic and thymic tumor cells were compared to determine if the particular lymphoid microenvironment influenced T-cell marker expression. Several of the lymphomas were passaged in syngeneic hosts to verify the original tumor phenotype and to assess the stability of the cell surface and TdT phenotype after transplantation.^ Lymphomas were adapted to in vitro culture to determine whether the T-cell phenotype was maintained in the absence of the host microenvironment. Clonal progeny were analyzed and compared with each other and with parent cell lines to determine the extent of intratumor heterogeneity in this lymphoma system. Parent and cloned cell lines were passaged in vivo to determine whether alterations in surface phenotype occurred after transplantation.^ Our investigation has verified that most spontaneous AKR lymphomas phenotypically resemble known T-cell subsets, including both immature and mature thymic subpopulations. The in vitro lines, however, expressed a highly unstable phenotype in culture that included loss of Ly-1 and Ly-2 antigen expression. After transplantation in vivo, the in vitro lines exhibited alterations in phenotype, including re-expression of Ly antigen on some lymphomas. The inducibility of T-cell antigen markers on tumor cell lines passaged in vivo suggests that the in vitro lines may serve as a possible model system to study the molecular events involved in gene expression in the T-cell system. ^


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Deficiency of the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) results in severe lymphopenia in humans. Mice with an inactivating mutation in the ADA gene also exhibit profound lymphopenia, as well as pulmonary insufficiency and ribcage abnormalities. In fact, the mouse model has a phenotype that is remarkably similar to that of the human disease, making the mice valuable tools for unraveling the mechanism of lymphocyte destruction in absence of this housekeeping gene. T cell deficiency in ADA deficiency has been extensively studied by others, revealing a block in early thymocyte development. In contrast, our studies revealed that early B cell development in the bone marrow is normal. ADA-deficient mice, however, exhibit profound defects in germinal center formation, preventing antigen-dependent B cell maturation in the spleen. ADA-deficient spleen B cells display significant defects in proliferation and activation signaling, and produce more IgM than their normal counterparts, suggesting that extrafollicular plasmablasts are overrepresented. B cells from ADA-deficient mouse spleens undergo apoptosis more readily than those from normal mouse spleens. Levels of ADA's substrates, adenosine and 2′-deoxyadenosine, are elevated in both bone marrow and spleen in ADA-deficient mice. S ′-adenosyihomoeysteine hydrolase (SAH hydrolase) activity is significantly inhibited in both locales, as well. dATP levels, though, are only elevated in spleen, where B cell development is impaired, and not in bone marrow, where B cell ontogeny is normal. This finding points to dATP as the causative agent of lymphocyte death in ADA deficiency. ADA deficiency results in inhibition of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase, thereby depleting nucleoside pools needed for DNA repair. Another mouse model that lacks a functional gene encoding a protein involved in DNA repair and/or cell cycle checkpoint regulation, p53-binding protein 1, exhibits blocks in T and B cell development that are similar to those seen in ADA-deficient mice. Unraveling the mechanisms of lymphocyte destruction in ADA deficiency may further understanding of lymphocyte biology, facilitate better chemotherapeutic treatment for lymphoproliferative diseases, and improve gene and enzyme therapy regimens attempted for ADA deficiency. ^


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T cell development is a multistage process of differentiation that depends on proper thymocyte-thymic epithelial cell (TEC) interactions. Epithelial cells in the thymus are organized in a three-dimensional network that provides support and signals for thymocyte maturation. Concurrently, proper TEC differentiation in the adult thymus relies on thymocyte-derived signals. TECs produce interleukin-7 (IL-7), a non-redundant cytokine that promotes the survival, differentiation, and proliferation of thymocytes. We have identified IL-7 expressing TECs throughout ontogeny and in the adult thymus by in situ hybridization analysis. IL-7 expression is initiated in the thymic fated domain of the thymic primordium by embryonic day 11.5, in a Foxn1 independent pathway. Marked changes occur in the localization and regulation of IL-7 expressing TECs during development. Whereas IL-7 expressing TECs are present throughout the early thymic rudiment, the majority of IL-7 producing TECs are concentrated in the adult thymic medulla. By analyzing mouse strains that sustain blocks at different stages of thymocyte development, we show that IL-7 expression is initiated independently of hematopoietic-derived signals during thymic organogenesis. However, thymocyte-derived signals play an essential role in regulating IL-7 expression in the adult TEC compartment. Furthermore, distinct thymocyte subsets regulate the expression of IL-7 and keratin 5 in adult cortical epithelium. Intraperitoneal injection of Recombination Activating Gene deficient mice (RAG-2−/−) with anti-CD3ϵ monoclonal antibody (mAb) induces CD4− 8− double negative thymocytes to undergo β-selection and differentiate into CD4+8+ cells. Analysis of the thymic stromal compartment reveals that progression through β-selection renders thymocytes competent to alter the pattern of IL-7 expression in the cortical TEC compartment. RAG-2−/− mice do not generate mature T cells and therefore the RAG-2−/− thymus is devoid of organized medullary regions. Histological examination of RAG-2−/− thymus following anti-CD3ϵ stimulation reveals the emergence of mature thymic medullary regions, as assessed by H & E staining and expression of thymic stromal medullary markers. Stromal medullary reorganization occurs in the absence of T cell receptor αβ expression, suggesting that activation of RAG-2−/− thymocytes by CD3ϵ ligation generates thymocyte-derived signals that induce thymic epithelial reorganization, generating a mature medullary compartment. This model provides a tool to assess the mechanisms underlying thymic medullary development. ^


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The contribution of recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) to the peripheral naïve T cell population is necessary to maintain diversity of the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire and produce immune responses against newly encountered antigens. The thymus involutes with age, after irradiation or chemotherapy, and due to severe viral infections. Thymus involution results in decreased thymopoiesis and RTE output leading to a reduced diversity of peripheral T cells. This increases susceptibility to disease and impairs immune responsiveness to vaccines. Therefore, studies aimed at maintaining or regenerating thymic function are integral for maintaining and restoring peripheral TCR diversity. Mice that express a K5.CyclinD1 transgene expression have a severely hyperplastic thymus that fails to undergo involution. Both thymocyte and TEC development appear normal in these mice. We have used the K5.CyclinD1 transgenic model to test the hypothesis that preventing thymus involution will sustain RTE output and incorporation into the peripheral T cell pool to prevent naïve T cell depletion with age. The K5.CyclinD1 transgene was crossed to the RAG2p-GFP transgenic model so that RTEs could be tracked by the intensity of the GFP signal. The frequency and number of RTEs in naïve CD4 splenic T cells was analyzed at monthly intervals to 5 months of age. Using this double transgenic approach, we determined that preventing thymus involution does maintain or enhance the number of RTEs in the peripheral T cell pool before and after thymus involution.


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During αβ thymocyte development, clonotype-independent CD3 complexes are expressed at the cell surface before the pre-T cell receptor (TCR). Signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes is required for expression of rearranged TCRβ genes. On expression of a TCRβ polypeptide chain, the pre-TCR is assembled, and TCRβ locus allelic exclusion is established. We investigated the putative contribution of clonotype-independent CD3 complex signaling to TCRβ locus allelic exclusion in mice single-deficient or double-deficient for CD3ζ/η and/or p56lck. These mice display defects in the expression of endogenous TCRβ genes in immature thymocytes, proportional to the severity of CD3 complex malfunction. Exclusion of endogenous TCRβ VDJ (variable, diversity, joining) rearrangements by a functional TCRβ transgene was severely compromised in the single-deficient and double-deficient mutant mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the CD25+ double-negative (DN) thymocytes of the mutant mice failed to express the TCRβ transgene, suggesting defective expression of the TCRβ transgene similar to endogenous TCRβ genes. In the mutant mice, a proportion of CD25+ DN thymocytes that failed to express the transgene expressed endogenous TCRβ polypeptide chains. Many double-positive cells of the mutant mice coexpressed endogenous and transgenic TCRβ chains or more than one endogenous TCRβ chain. The data suggest that signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes may contribute to allelic exclusion of the TCRβ locus by inducing the expression of rearranged TCRβ genes in CD25+ DN thymocytes.


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Developmental commitment involves activation of lineage-specific genes, stabilization of a lineage-specific gene expression program, and permanent inhibition of inappropriate characteristics. To determine how these processes are coordinated in early T cell development, the expression of T and B lineage-specific genes was assessed in staged subsets of immature thymocytes. T lineage characteristics are acquired sequentially, with germ-line T cell antigen receptor-β transcripts detected very early, followed by CD3ɛ and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, then pTα, and finally RAG1. Only RAG1 expression coincides with commitment. Thus, much T lineage gene expression precedes commitment and does not depend on it. Early in the course of commitment to the T lineage, thymocytes lose the ability to develop into B cells. To understand how this occurs, we also examined expression of well defined B lineage-specific genes. Although λ5 and Ig-α are not expressed, the μ0 and Iμ transcripts from the unrearranged IgH locus are expressed early, in distinct patterns, then repressed just before RAG1 expression. By contrast, RNA encoding the B cell receptor component Ig-β was found to be transcribed in all immature thymocyte subpopulations and throughout most thymocyte differentiation. Ig-β expression is down-regulated only during positive selection of CD4+CD8– cells. Thus several key participants in the B cell developmental program are expressed in non-B lineage-committed cells, and one is maintained even through commitment to an alternative lineage, and repressed only after extensive T lineage differentiation. The results show that transcriptional activation of “lymphocyte-specific” genes can occur in uncommitted precursors, and that T lineage commitment is a composite of distinct positive and negative regulatory events.


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An early stage in thymocyte development, after rearrangement of the β chain genes of the T cell receptor (TCR), involves expression of the pre-TCR complex and accompanying differentiation of CD4−CD8− double negative (DN) cells to CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) cells. The ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases each contain two N-terminal SH2 domains that bind phosphorylated motifs in antigen receptor subunits and are implicated in pre-T receptor signaling. However, mice deficient in either ZAP-70 or Syk have no defect in the formation of DP thymocytes. Here we show that, in mice lacking both Syk and ZAP-70, DN thymocytes undergo β chain gene rearrangement but fail to initiate clonal expansion and are incapable of differentiating into DP cells after expression of the pre-TCR. These data suggest that the ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases have crucial but overlapping functions in signaling from the pre-TCR and hence in early thymocyte development.


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T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and pre-TCR complexes are composed of clonotypic heterodimers in association with dimers of signal transducing invariant subunits (CD3γ, -δ, -ɛ, and ζ). The role of individual invariant subunits in T cell development has been investigated by generating gene-specific mutations in mice. Mutation of CD3γ, -δ, or ζ results in an incomplete block in development, characterized by reduced numbers of mature T cells that express low levels of TCR. In contrast, mature T cells are absent from CD3ɛ−/− mice, and thymocyte development is arrested at the early CD4−CD8− stage. Although these results suggest that CD3ɛ is essential for pre-TCR and TCR expression/function, their interpretation is complicated by the fact that expression of the CD3γ and CD3δ genes also is reduced in CD3ɛ−/− mice. Thus, it is unclear whether the phenotype of CD3ɛ−/− mice reflects the collective effects of CD3γ, -δ, and -ɛ deficiency. By removing the selectable marker (PGK-NEO) from the targeted CD3ɛ gene via Cre/loxP-mediated recombination, we generated mice that lack CD3ɛ yet retain normal expression of the closely linked CD3γ and CD3δ genes. These (CD3ɛΔ/Δ) mice exhibited an early arrest in T cell development, similar to that of CD3ɛ−/− mice. Moreover, the developmental defect could be rescued by expression of a CD3ɛ transgene. These results identify an essential role for CD3ɛ in T cell development not shared by the CD3γ, CD3δ, or ζ-family proteins and provide further evidence that PGK-NEO can influence the expression of genes in its proximity.


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The vitronectin receptor is a member of the integrin family of adhesion protein receptors and binds a broad spectrum of ligands, including fibronectin and fibrinogen in addition to vitronectin. We have generated four mAbs that recognize the murine αvβ3 vitronectin receptor. Biochemical and expression analyses showed that two of the mAbs are specific for the αv chain, and two are specific for the β3 chain. The mAbs are effective blocking reagents and inhibited cell adhesion to vitronectin, fibrinogen, and fibronectin. Staining analysis revealed expression of αv and β3 on certain populations of murine thymocytes, splenocytes, and bone marrow cells. The expression of αv and β3 appeared to be modulated at specific stages of thymocyte development, suggesting a possible function for the αvβ3 vitronectin receptor in T cell development.


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Immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes expressing T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) are selected by TCR-mediated recognition of peptides associated with major histocompatibility complex molecules on thymic stromal cells. Selection ensures reactivity of the mature cells to foreign antigens and tolerance to self. Although much has been learned about the factors that determine whether a thymocyte with a given specificity will be positively or negatively selected, selection as an aspect of the developmental process as a whole is less well-understood. Here we invoke a model in which thymocytes tune their response characteristics individually and dynamically in the course of development. Cellular development and selection are driven by receptor-mediated metabolic perturbations. Perturbation is a measure of the net intracellular change induced by external stimulation. It results from the integration of several signals and countersignals over time and therefore depends on the environment and the maturation stage of the cell. Individual cell adaptation limits the range of perturbations. Such adaptation renders thymocytes less sensitive to the level of stimulation per se, but responsive to environmental changes in that level. This formulation begins to explain the mechanisms that link developmental and selection events to each other.


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In birds and mammals T cells develop along two discrete pathways characterized by expression of either the αβ or the γδ T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs). To gain further insight into the evolutionary significance of the γδ T-cell lineage, the present studies sought to define the chicken TCRγ locus. A splenic cDNA library was screened with two polymerase chain reaction products obtained from genomic DNA using primers for highly conserved regions of TCR and immunoglobulin genes. This strategy yielded cDNA clones with characteristics of mammalian TCR γ chains, including canonical residues considered important for proper folding and stability. Northern blot analysis with the TCRγ cDNA probe revealed 1.9-kb transcripts in the thymus, spleen, and a γδ T-cell line, but not in B or αβ T-cell lines. Three multimember Vγ subfamilies, three Jγ gene segments, and a single constant region Cγ gene were identified in the avian TCRγ locus. Members of each of the three Vγ subfamilies were found to undergo rearrangement in parallel during the first wave of thymocyte development. TCRγ repertoire diversification was initiated on embryonic day 10 by an apparently random pattern of V-Jγ recombination, nuclease activity, and P- and N-nucleotide additions to generate a diverse repertoire of avian TCRγ genes early in ontogeny.


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We recently have shown that mice deficient for the 86-kDa component (Ku80) of the DNA-dependent protein kinase exhibit growth retardation and a profound deficiency in V(D)J (variable, diversity, and joining) recombination. These defects may be related to abnormalities in DNA metabolism that arise from the inability of Ku80 mutant cells to process DNA double-strand breaks. To further characterize the role of Ku80 in DNA double-strand break repair, we have generated embryonic stem cells and pre-B cells and examined their response to ionizing radiation. Ku80−/− embryonic stem cells are more sensitive than controls to γ-irradiation, and pre-B cells derived from Ku80 mutant mice display enhanced spontaneous and γ-ray-induced apoptosis. We then determined the effects of ionizing radiation on the survival, growth, and lymphocyte development in Ku80-deficient mice. Ku80−/− mice display a hypersensitivity to γ-irradiation, characterized by loss of hair pigmentation, severe injury to the gastrointestinal tract, and enhanced mortality. Exposure of newborn Ku80−/− mice to sublethal doses of ionizing radiation enhances their growth retardation and results in the induction of T cell-specific differentiation. However, unlike severe combined immunodeficient mice, radiation-induced T cell development in Ku80−/− mice is not accompanied by extensive thymocyte proliferation. The response of Ku80-deficient cell lines and mice to DNA-damaging agents provides important insights into the role of Ku80 in growth regulation, lymphocyte development, and DNA repair.


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Numerous immature thymocytes undergo apoptosis and are rapidly engulfed by phagocytic thymic macrophages. The macrophage surface receptors involved in apoptotic thymocyte recognition are unknown. We have examined the role of the class A macrophage scavenger receptor (SR-A) in the engulfment of apoptotic thymocytes. Uptake of steroid-treated apoptotic thymocytes by thymic and inflammatory-elicited SR-A positive macrophages is partially inhibited by an anti-SR-A mAb and more completely by a range of scavenger receptor ligands. Thymic macrophages from mice with targeted disruption of the SR-A gene show a 50% reduction in phagocytosis of apoptotic thymocytes in vitro. These data suggest that SR-A may play a role in the clearance of dying cells in the thymus.